HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 681, June 28, 1921t I Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah --192--Na sell of the roll by the following vote; Yone,Eaton. Tully and Willlame,-3. i Oommlaeioner Eaton offered the following motion; I mow that the Street Improvement Contract and the Oonstrootion Bond between the City of Paduoah and Rey- Aewptanos of can. treat and Construe-" noldo Brothers, for the construction of concrete Sidewalks, aurbe and gutters, and all tion bond of Reynolds Bros. for aide- neoeesary manholes, intakes, drlvemye, seaare and catch bastne on the South aide of wall: construction on Clay St, from Olay Street, from the property line on the float side of Seventeenth Street to the 17th to 19th Sts. Cutter line on the East side of Vineteonth Street, in the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, y dated June 13th, 1901, be received, filed approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of j the roll by the followinp, vote; Yens, Eaton, Tully end Willtnmo,-3, 7 Commissioner. Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Street Iml d, provement Contract and the construct ton bond between the City of Paduoah and Reynol As Aooertanoe of Con- Brothers, for the oonatruotion of concrete aldowalks, curbs and guttere, and all treat And Con- struatlon Bond of n0000sary manholes, intakes, driveways. Wwore and outoh beaine on 3urth Sixteenth Eeynolds Bros. for eidomlk oonstrua- Street, from the North putter line of Jefferson Street to the South gutter line Of tion on 11. 16th St. from Jefferson Trimble :;treat, dated June 13th, 1921, be received, filed, approved and recorded. to Trimble St. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa,Eaton, Tully and Wlllims,.3 C Comissioner Eaton offered the following motion. I move thnt the Street Improvement Contract .and the Construction Bond between the City of yaduooh and Rey. nolds Brothers, for the construction of concrete oidewalks, anrbs and Ruttere, and all Acceptance of Con- eneoeaoary manholes, Intakes, driveways, oamrs and catch basins on both sides of � treat and Con- South !ISnth 3treot, from the South gutter line of Husbands Utroot to the Xorth proper. Struation Ron; of Li'M41a Bros. fix, I, ty line of Rllcnboth Street, if oxtendod, and on the Louth aids of BunbnnAa Street S. 9th St. fr." 6 - lluobunds to 311ea- from the Seat property line of Sevonth Street to the East property line of Ilinth both, and on 7th at. to 9th St, Street, to the City of Iaduaah, Kentucky, dated Jane 13th, 1921, be received, filed, k� epTrovod and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinp vote; Yeae, S Eaton, Tully and Villiame,-3. Commissioner Tully offored the following motion; That the communication from aeynolda Bros, destgnatlna EarnestReynolds Bros, with referanoe to Baraoot lao%:ey, Trusts$, be received and filed. Lackey, Trustor, in re aidurmlk Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Eaton. Tully and Wlllims,- constructlonwork. On motion the Board adjourned to meet Juno 28th, 1921. at 3 o'clock I. Y., upon call of tho roll by 3 yeas, A.P PI' KA 4W Ad.p 41 JULIE 26th. 1921. At an Adj)urnod !'eating of the Board of 00mmiselonere, held in the Comis- etonora' Chamber in the City Ball, Paduoah, rentuoky, on June 26th, 1921, at 3 o'clock. P. L. Upon call of the roll the following ensnera; to their names: Oommtesionere Eaton, Tully nna Wlllime,-3. ISayur lro Tem 'T. V. Katon Presiding, Ooamlenionor Eaton offered the following, motion: I move that the report of the City Engineor of the :iork performed by Yanay & Johnnon, Contraotorn,'on West Broadway, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo :9np vote: Yoae, Eat.n, Tully And Cillinme,-3, Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I movo that the Oomlealoner of Iublio Plnaroe be autborited and inntruoted to loons an Improvement Tarrant to Yanoy & Johnson, Contruators, for work done and performed on West Broadway, under contract dated L!aroh let, 1921, for the sum of �U6,986.13, being 632 of the work performed, as per the report. of the City Engineer filed on this date. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoae, Paton, Tully end W1111ams,.3. Rec.ort City Eng1= near of work done ' by Yanoy & join - eon on lout Broad- way. Isnot' & Johnson inured Iort dfor fur rBro. "'rowar), dons ?n "'oat Broad - my for $13,966.13. KA 4W Ad.p 41 JULIE 26th. 1921. At an Adj)urnod !'eating of the Board of 00mmiselonere, held in the Comis- etonora' Chamber in the City Ball, Paduoah, rentuoky, on June 26th, 1921, at 3 o'clock. P. L. Upon call of the roll the following ensnera; to their names: Oommtesionere Eaton, Tully nna Wlllime,-3. ISayur lro Tem 'T. V. Katon Presiding, Ooamlenionor Eaton offered the following, motion: I move that the report of the City Engineor of the :iork performed by Yanay & Johnnon, Contraotorn,'on West Broadway, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo :9np vote: Yoae, Eat.n, Tully And Cillinme,-3, Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I movo that the Oomlealoner of Iublio Plnaroe be autborited and inntruoted to loons an Improvement Tarrant to Yanoy & Johnson, Contruators, for work done and performed on West Broadway, under contract dated L!aroh let, 1921, for the sum of �U6,986.13, being 632 of the work performed, as per the report. of the City Engineer filed on this date. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoae, Paton, Tully end W1111ams,.3. l ' .. •T.�,..,-....:11�:_-� �.-. �.i•✓d.�u .�+..1.-W-.+.Si-..d..•.e../s.s.++1-..-.r-.-ul...v,.,�1.rJ»vY. w...L.N-+ir..'..w..l�..a.- ls i4 •Na �' � �' . Commissioners. Proceedings, City of .Paducah " : 192__ . s; 'Roport. City Commisetoner Eaton offered the following motion;.I move that the report of the g r y' Enginoor of ror}:.dono by; ' City Engineer of the work performed b Ysno & Johnson Contractors, on't7aehin ton Stree Y Y , ' g aj;l " ?_ Ysno; & John- son on ';laahl.n'g- b -tween rd and Fifth Streote be received a.nd filed.' 'Ado Adopted on call of. the, roll' ThiP P H %r ton St. botn.;' 3rd and 5th Sts.: by the following vote:.Yoae, Eaton, Tully and t71111ame,-3.. ; `i:4`� - its.Inn-Piro Lim- COmmissioner Eaton offered the following motion:.I move that .the Commissioner o! � • Public Finance be'Luthorized and instructed to issue an Improvemolni warrant toYanoy &'. �`` 1;,• '. Improvomont Warrant ionued uJ°hn.^..ott,`Ocntrnotors, for work,done,and performed on Washington Street, between Third yA 1-:eon to Ya=oy & John for 0682.60 and Fifth Streets, under contract datod April 28th, 1921,,for the sum of $682.60, being. g }„ sort: on Vlachs. . ! ington St. bot 66% of the work performed, as per the report of the Cit Engineer'filed on this date. Y •' :? 3rd and 6th' 1 P�: Sts. Innor.-Fire Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Tully and.Williame,3. ,. Limits. Commissioner Eaton'.offored the following motion; I move that the report of the y Rotort City,- Cit'y'Enginoor of the work 'performed by Yancy & Johncon, Contractors.. on Sonth Fourth Enginnor of wor done by Yanoy. StKentuold Avenue nnd.a7aohi'ngton Street, be received and filed.:'Adopte'd•' ,? {? " Johncon on 1r S.4th St.bbtn.. upon call of the roll b the follows P y_' ng vote:.Yea� Eaton - ,Tully and, 171111ame,-3.` 1` 1 Sn ton St0.raah- . B Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner of i; Isiro Limits. Pubilo.Finanoe be autharized and instructed to isouc an Improvomont Warrant, to Yanoy &' 'rl Improvement Johnson, Contractors, for work done .and performed on South Fourth Street,. between L'a' (: 'warrant isouod Yanoy & John- „Kentuotq� Avenuo and 17ashington Street, under. °ontraot dateA Apri1.29th, 1981, for.the r,tit ;t { son for y341.26 ' work on S.4th t sum of X341.26, being 66�, of the, work..performe.di as per the report of the City Gngineor St;17r,otnRton. • end l7r,ohtnRton filed on this data. Adopted upon call of the roll b• the following vote: Yeae. Eaton. P �, {,Sto,Innor-Fire = Limits. , T and Tully a`7llliame,-3. :. ;.. • Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report .of the .J. 8olioitor,'wi,th s Roport City . '., Cit reforonoe to claim of the. Cit of Paducah against 174 Taxi-Cab Y Y Sa �..,,epurdSolidit.to In regard:.to o].aim Company for• damages to'Piro truck, be r000l--od and filed and that he be instructed to 4: of City against-: 174 Tazi-onbt: filo suit ag4inot-tho 174 Taxi-Cab Company for dama,?ec to .the truck. .Adopted upon. call. • ;} dahwaos .to fire truck. of 'tho rolI,by the following. vote: Ysno, Eaton; Tully and 7illiams,-3. Commisoioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner of ti Com'r.Flnanoo'. Public Finance be inotruotod to turn over to C. 17.'Knttorjohn & Son, Contra otors..the inotruotod to turn over to bonds issued. under the Ton Year Payment Ilan for the oonotruotion of the drioeway-on . Joli i.KUon "john &. Jon 8eoond Stroot botwoon'Jefferson &'Mor-oo Streote amountin to ^000:99 as follows. .. . G v . t'- Ton Year Im-' r: \provowont•.Bonds' Bond 1 Series E; duo: July 1-1921...... 60.10 " Y "' r in ro. drive-. 2V60.10 " n' «. r •. way. on C000nd v3 ..« n, 1-1923.:.....G0.10 Utront,.botn.:. 4 n « n n 1-1924...... 6'0:10 i rt rind 1-1026..60.10Jefferson �• ''•"n 1111fi lionroo'8to. 1=192660:10 e: n..�7 ' 1-1927...... G0.10i,. 1-1928...... 60.10 9 ...60.10 « « n n. A .#10 1-1930. ..ire.* 6 ' iF G Adopted upon call of the roll,by-the following onto: Yeas. Eatbn.'Tully and 17iifiams. 3. i;: Oommisoionor Tully offered-the, motion: I move that 'the Commissioner of .•,• �.. Com!r. Finanoo : inst.ruo ted to • ' Public Finance be instructed to Limn ovor.to Yano & Johnoon ctors bonds issued , ', Contra Y . ' g H"b•' �'.Yanby t,:rn over to &Johnson' on Dhe Ton Year for the construction driveway on Fifth Street, botoeen Kontu.oky ,. Ton Year Im .. . +.provemont-Bonds Avenuo and Clark.Stre6t. amounting to 31733.90, no 4ollowo: P ; in ro: drive'-�; nng on U. 6th Bond `1'Series F, dnd Julq 1-1 21......$173:•",9 at.'both. Ky.' " ,2 « n n «. 1-1922...... 7.73.39 ;wo: anA C)ark �3 n n « « 1-1923...... 173.39 St.. «: 4 173.39 n r � S ,. 6 n « n' 1-1925... .. 173.39 " G "" " '" " tit 1-19261. ... 173.39 1-1927.... 173.39 .. S•,.°. '. . 8' 173.39 " «' 173.39 _ 10 « n n 1-1930. .. 173.39 Adopted. upon' cell of tho'roll by, the following,voto: Yoaa,Enton,Tully and 1711libmo,-3.' Cemetery trans- rans for Emma J. lion. for.Emma'J.lion. `i'" -?.-"t Commiscionor`Willlams Offere d,the following mat-ion:: I move that the transfer Nw'tr lby-to Lillie i 4:,!- �/., . G.:.+�'fa•7w- .4t` ' :w'" u.. ... , r.:a.�st.rx� . ti .[,.: .� SJ:.•s r, . . , I. , - _ ��'� - - _-^•+A;�r':,n%KC '�...:.. ^•�':Y Shi ,.•�. rr t �•1,i,'.Y�',i"�,L'('�-r;.'�'e '�`n'rA�.iq�ic • �!r i V ;v' R Nb 1 tr rI 4 • No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah.A92-­,- from 92_ ,from Emma J. Henley to Lot 1j1GE in Section 11, Oak Grove Cemetery, to Lillie Wright. . be ratified. Adopted upon call of t?o roll by the folldwinR'vote: Yoae, Eaton, Tully ' t: and:.171111ams,-3. 3 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. JULY VD, ]921. 101yr' At s Called lloeting'of the Board of Commissioners, hold in.tho Commissioners' Chamber In the City Rall, PnAucah, Yentuoky, on July End, 1921, at '10 o'clock A. V. Upon,call of tho roll the following answered to their Iiamec: Cormiesi.onere'Eaton, Eaker, Tully and 'J171tams,-4. layer Pro Tem •,'.V.Eaton prosidinC. Iayor Pro Tom Eaton stated reasons for call to -wit: For tho purposo of receiving and filing bide for the construction of an addition to Rivoroi.ile Roopital, and such other bueir:oon that mi.Cht oome boforo the' Board. CoimI sslonor Williams offered tho followingmotion; I move that the bids a , ' for the oon3truotion, creation and completion of on.addl.tion and extension to River- Bids for addition" ' to Riverside Los- aide Roapital; submitted by the followinC bidders, to -wit; � + pital cabmlttod by G.uc Lockwood and Gus Lookwood and Coo. 'a. I:attorjohn, Goo.",.battorjohn, �• raoeivod and oeoh bidder.having submtttod with his bid a certified ohook equal to 5,j of his mini-,. i filed. N, mrm bid, be received and filed, and said checks delivered to the Commissioner of PA.. 'fit p lio Finance. Adopted upon call of. the roll by the following vote: Yono, Eaton, Ed) -.or, . 10 Tully and Williama,-4. .r Ooirmisot.onor Tully offored the folloriinC motion: I move't.hat tho aocounte Report Oom'r. of hhh Finance of accounts amounting to 646,80.08. as per the report of the Commloaioner of Piiblio Finanoo filed ' for :rook ending 4 July 2nd, 199 L;.'. hnrowith, be allowed and ordoro,i paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund .to pay same. Adoptod upon call of the roll -by the following veto: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully and 14illiams,-4. Oommlecionor Eaton offored the following motion: W. F. Orion having tondornA Bid of W.F.Owen. ; { for conotruction a bid for tho construction and erection of.tho addition and extension to Rivoroide : of addi::ion to - k' Rivuruido Iloupltal Loopital, for which bids were, advortinod to be received on this date, and having fail - rejected, on ., a000unt.of not ad to.00mply with the requirements of tho specifications,nnd the advertisement, by not }' ". or.c]ooln; oortiilod '.' ohool: with bid. � onolosing certified chock. I movo.tint said.proposod bid he not reoelved as a bid, :t }, but that aai¢paper, purporting to be said bYd, be filed. Adopted upon call of the troll by tho fol.low.inC veto: Yoae, Eaton, Eal:or, Tvl]y and 171321ama,-4. i Commissioner Eaton offered the follovitrG motion: It appoaring from the bide ':}•'':.� Bid of Guo Look- :thin day received for tho erection of the extension and addltion to Rtvornide floepital >" food .for oonatuo- tion of addition that the. bid of Gus Locic:rood, amounting to 610,809.00 to oomp)oto.said additton ..' to Riverside 1100- + pital accepted, according to the amondod Plano, is tho lowest and boat bid, and that the next low and :.:ayor: authortz- , 3' od to enter into bid is that of G. 1%.I:attorjohn L Son, amounttng.to yP.0,600.00,- I move that snid contract rilth. Contraotor. bid of Gua Lockwood.be aocopted,and that the Idayor be instructed and authorirod to •'. enter into contract with ec1A bidder.,in.all respects as require,! bylaw; and in . accordance with the roquiromonts of said bid. Adopted upon call of the roll sy the followinT veto: Yoau, Eaton, hahur, Tully and Jilllams,-4. yOortified,ohook of, `Oommivalonor Caton offered the following motion; ."I move that. oerttftod �;", •: ^4 G..7.::nttor john & , Son,unsu000csful. shook uubmittod by C. Sl. Satterjohn G Son for. yl.025.00, be roturnod to. said un- . bi4dor8 for ilivur- ;? nide i?oal;ltnl add1- eu000ssful bidders. Adoptod.upon oall of. tho. roll by the foIlow Ing veto: Yoos,'Eaton, tion, roiurnod. . c Eaker. Tully, and Williamu,.4, . Cormieoioner tlllliame offored the followin motion; � C I move that.the transfer . .. .. • t _ , 7 -