HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 664, May 30, 1921•�----�-- _ - - :zr�:r•.�e.,ai•�+:��cw. ..cy:u.:v..�::]�-.1...`..,--xykP1:A t:r:••1•t:ek,;# �.-•s..:l':+•. ,.✓�-.:iJ rr •rPrxe�iy - c+'r. -..y , , • i .. �., .>h ( rw; •roc -, ,....ri.,.:, , • i c , it..... , .I •. *.3 fR fcK n -}w ,M R�'?.. _�gara; •,.. ,..y-. ...___, ... .�_... .amu-. ..a-. Y.d:. .. .a.+....,r...:i I-..�.9:-... _.+_,.....c:-.:-,..__.-r.,:-S .ur ."�: ,a•'-.,. 1. . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah 192__ side of Tr I A is' street, and the Construction Bond for the performance of said work, executed and delivered oy Reynolds Brothers with the National Surety Company, as Surety,(•- "'' ' " and the Power-of-Attorasy executed to Albert M. Foreman and Ernest Lackey, be received, • ` t filed, accepted, approved and recorded. Adopted upon can of the roll by the follow. Ing votes Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and gatterjohn,-8. Mayor Eatterjohn offered the following motions I move that the Street Improve- h Ment Contract entered into b and.between the Oit of Paducah and Re Y y Reynolds Brothers, t Street Iamrovs dated May 23rd, 1921, for the construction of concrete sidewalks. curbs and gutters,' �Y"+ Mont Contract bA. ,,,Bond. Power of and all noosssary manholes, intakes. sewers and eatohbasins on both aides of Fourth. 'IAttorney of . dReynolds Bros. Street from .the North property line of Broad Street to the South gutter. line of Blisa- t in res Fourth A Hrond Streets, beth 8tres�, and the Construction Bond for the performance of said work; executed and Sidewalks, sto. :i Accepted. . delivered by Reynolds Brothers with the National Surety Oompany. as Surety,, and thee, to+• Power -of -Attorney executed to Albert U. Foreman and Ernest lackey, be.reoeived, filed, accepted, approved and rsoordnd. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vot6e 1 Yeas, Raton, Baker, Tully. Williams and Nstterjahn,-$. . r On motion the Board adjourned j mon call of the. roll by 8 yeae. Alp 1 �1. ? ,•:.+ I' A a. wv o..6 A OR MAY 28TH, 1921. At a Oalled.Yeating of the Board. of Commissioners, held in the Commi,eslonars' }4 '. Chamber in the City Ball, Paducah, gentuoky, on May 20th.. 1921. at 10 O'clock A. Y. I '•�r;4'rs Upon call ofthe roll the following answered to their names: Oommiseioners Baton, Baker• >.�J �} Tully 'a.Williams,-4. Mayor Pro. Tem W. V. Eaton, presiding, r 1 i' Mayor Pro tem Eaton stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow pay -roll far jS. • ,the weak.ending May 28th, 1921, as follows: New Oonetrnotion.Work and Riverside Hospital. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the pay roll for'Lhe week ending May Eeth, amounting to $214.37,.as follows: .�,.•, 4, Payrolls for DBPARTIMNT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS week endi New Oonstruotion .............$187.20 t+. tn1gg � . May 28,1981 i ` New Construe- IBPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY . tion, Ho and', L Riverside Hospital. 87.17 ;•4 i. Riverside e- �.'.� z' i, pitaL' a'a be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the general fund to pay x Nsame. Adopted upon call of :he.roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tully, n and Williame,d; +x On motion the Board adjourned ti ri- , j aeon Dell of the roll by, 4 yeas. F•' `� s fo »8L� Alepte4 6PP V i� MAY 80TH, 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the Board. of Oommissioners, held in the Commissioners' Ohastor in the Cit Hall Paducah' gentuo i • y ky, on May 80th, 1921. upon dell of the roll?. ,;. 1• the following answered to their names: 0ommiseloners Eaton, Baker ,and Williams,4: Mayor Pro .tem W.7.Eaton presiding. �1 Oommisaioner Williams offered,the following motion: I move that the Regular' 'f , r Meeting of the Board of Commieeionere adjourn ;111 10 o'ologk A. M. on Tuesday May, $let 1921.: Ado ted. f p upon call of the roll by the. following voter Yeae. Eaton, Esker `` and Williams,•8. '. Ai•}Ie4GCiH�. ., APpRO }- �, r - ,� v.:¢i:'µ�rtl:"-u'.uu1�R+t,-?ttNY r-dtiut' s w. :e.v amu• �.*a�;a. ,-,' raw2 :,. '