HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 653, May 13, 1921' . ^) �,t Oy{.ti'W��'�✓'.isif�•>?'w,�.f IrrNrre�,l ,��' w'Fhl � Yf'Y d'",-t1�fi 4� ti.. N. ) Cttf'u M✓.. ,'.` Y_,1..} �•ny ., ✓4�^!� .. , ..-y='—�f•.....,.r..J...w t_r ' -- '1�.�..J .i..r:'+!YiYy+,• '�- 'J�.�lur .f.a.J�,:.�,_t.4.l.:w .is..�y .:+.j:'^ -•-. y`� ' } N0. - 192Commissioners' Proceedings, Cit .of Paduca'= 1 ' Tully, Williams and'Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tull offered the followi y ng motioa; That AN ORDINANCE RBGUTATING ; ti s THE LIOFHSING OF.CARIJIVALS Alb-STREET PAIRS, PROVIDING A LIOFNSE THEREPOH'AND PRE- Ordinance raga- lating Carnivals SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Ysae,Eaton,Eaker,Tully,Williame and Katterjohn,-6. \� f Commissioner William offared the following motion:.I move that the City Engi.,,,,.�.,;.. neer be authorised to purchase 360 tone of crushed rook, this amount being neoeeeery. for.00mpletion of the oonatsuotion of tho street on Caldwell Straet.and Caldwiell Avenue Olt y Engineer . authorized to from 12th Street to Union Station. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following purchase 360. ' tone addition- ' vote: Yeae, Eaton; Faker, Tully, Williams and.Yatterjohn,-6. ' ,. al Crush Rook Union Station Commioaioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- . Road.. titled, "AV ORDII14110E IROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUOTIO11 AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVE- RAY 01. JBFPF293011 STREET, FROLS'THE WEST PROPFRTY LINE OF SEVEIITEFIITH STREET,- OR POUI1-.. TAIN.AVE'I(UF, TO THE -23T LIVE OF 77LIiTY-FIPTII. STR`sET, .BEIl[G AIT. OXII:1I.TELY 3110 LINEAR j Jefferson St.,' from 17th tO d K-2T 111 THE CITY OF PADUC4H. 1E11,TUCL�i, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTIIIG ^ROPERTY O"HER3. 26tb St. AND PROVID 2G THAT .3417: 1,7.Y BE C-IISTRUCTED UP011 THF Tal YEAR P4Y1LXT PLA11," be now. ,- ; introduced and be oonsiderod in lieu of an ordinance of the same title, whloh'wae y introduced at the laot Regular !.'eating of the Board of Commissionere on May 2nd. 1921,• j ;f. and that BatA ordlnanoe layover one nook. - ,: F. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.6 yeas., # Ade►le %1% �_ t�Ai01t 1• May 13. 1921. A .. '. At a Oalled Meeting of the Board of Oommissionere, held in the Oommieeion= i ere' Chamber In the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 13th, 1921, at '10 o'clock i17 A: M. Upon can of the roll the following, answered to their names: Oommi as loners . '" Eaton Baker Tull Wil and Ma .- Y, Mayor Kntterjohn 8. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for pall, to-wit: For the purpose of ;.' accepting the driveway on South Fifth Street, constructed by Yanoy & Johnson, Oon- traotoro, and any other business that might come before the Board. i Mayor Katterjohn offored the following motion: I move that the Engineer's = Report City Engineer of work, Report of work done on Fifth Street by Yanoy & Johnoon be received and filed. Adopt. # on S.,Fifth 3t. b. :by Yanoy &'. �' ed upon call of the roll .by the following vote: Yoga, Zaton,.Enker, Tully, Willinmu a Johnuon.' and.Y.atterjohn,-6. Mayor Kattarjohn offered the,following motion: The new concrete drive{wn on Fifth Street, from the South property line of Kentucky Avenue to the north pro-, • _ tih t '' party line of Clark Street. 1n the City of Paduoeh, Y.entuoky, having been completed r; and finished by Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, aocording to the terms and conditions { 'Acceptance of of their. contract and an ordinance paused relative to thio improvement, and no A,t 8. 6th Street., i ns.00netruated protect having been made by any of the property owners,. by Yanoy & John- eon. I now move that same be accepted, and that the Lngineer'e sotimatee of the . coat of said oonstruotion be confirmed, and that Bald eutimates be turned over to the ` Commissioner of Public Finanoe for collection, and that the City Solicitor be i, Btruoted to prepare an ordinance asoaoeing sald.proporty, as shown Dy the Engineer's : 3 .. eatimateo. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Entoa,.Eaker, } Tully, 11111oma and Katterjohn,-6. ' . - - - i • � -'"--_...:fes..., r`Y" 1 .. ... ... ; ..i , r ' •:J.•w•-+ .:w.. , 4V':.V': 'Y .l,�..:`.Z I f!'i'r'•t r. . - ,t ,, -� .. 1•.: r -na rr•:,.; w».�,'7r•'F',,rt. a�-,�l:w'r••- 'Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitleQ, s� "AN ORDINANCE ASSE33IIIG:THE ABUTTING rizoPERTYON BOTH RIDES OF SOUTHFIFTH STREET FROM f s THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF IWTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTH PFiOPEiTY LINE OF CLARK STREET, BEING APPROXIMATELY 769.'LINEAR FEET, IN THE 017Y OF PADUCAH,'KENTUCKY, ,THE SULf OF ) t'^ q +• �' 'u .` BButh.Flfth 84.4978 PER ABUTTING FOOT. FOR THE RECON91'?iUCTION OF SAID DRIVEWAY, WITH Co=RETE, A111) Street. `'f Assessment PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID DRIVEWAY BE CHARGEABLE TO AILD ASSESSED `• i i' Ordinanoe. F AG4IN3T THE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE UNEFIT OF 3AME, AS 3H0WN BY THE ENGINE .4'S ESTI- MATES, ON FILE IN HIS OFFICE, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID III TEN EQUAL INSTALIIINTS, BEIIiG ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD- OF TEH YEARS,". Be adopted. 4 Adopted -upon Ball of the roll by the following vote; Yeae; Eaton, Esker, Tully. William - ? and Ratter john -6. Me or Katter ohn offered the Yollowin Y g'motion: I move that the Street I mprovement Oontraot entered into by and between the City of Paduoah and Baker & Storrie, dated . " y 10th, 1921, for the oonetruotion of the driveways on Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth,,, . Street It rloc r, provemont Thirteenth. Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets, and the Oonetruotion Bond for.the perfor- Dontraot & ` Bond -of 'Eak=!manoe.of Raid work, exeouted and delivered. by Baker & Storrie with Chas. B. Whittemore.. ( .. {v.. ' or &Storrie oitp Ohae.B.and B.• D. Thurman, as surety, be reoeivod, filed, aooepted, approved and reoorded. ; .Whittemore �.Aapted & E.D.Thur- upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,; Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williemman,.suretio 10-1i-12-13-'and Katterjohn,-6. ' 14 b 16 Ste. ,. t Mayor.Katterjohn offered the following motion: I:move that the .demurrage -bill of the I. 0. R. R. Co. for month of April be allowed and paid and oharged to New Construe ;'I.O�R�g.0o. ,tion,,. amount of 860.06. Adopted upon Ball of the roll.by the following vote: Yens, :60.00 Eaton, Baker, Williams and Kattorjohn,-4; Foye, Tully, r allowed. On motion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll b 6 r q yeas,. 4 ,Z r r + ,in it r) ),. a.'' •'�Adc;+l .d _%n�1G. ._._19 7L... ':` r a v, - t;._. f�l'.t�1�rCi1%i�'•:. s. �•�`' CV# }, MAY 14TH. 1921. "^ At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommieeionere.' held; -in the Commissioners' ;r8 Chamber in the -City Hall Paduoah Kontuoky, on May 14th 1921 at 11 O'_olook A. M. Upon Bel 1.of the roll the.following answered to'their names: Commissioners Eaton; py Tully and Williams, -3.. Mayor Pro tem,'W..V.. Eaton. presiding. Mayor Pro tem, W. V. Eaton stated reasons for oall to -wit: To allow pay -rolls for k:Yoy-rolls for 'sweek ending the week ending May 14th,. 1921. May 14th, 1921.', '.. •j' ' -, 6 Riverside BOB. Oommioeionor Tully offered the following motion: .,I move that the Pay-rolle,for•the pital,and New Oonetrnotioa. week ending. May 14th,'aaourting to,$290.26 for:the following departments-- ` 'a t� .:i u Department of Publio Property, Riverside Hospital 8106.66 Department of Publio Affairs, New Conetruotion... 164.60 ,. hF �L:&,be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from.the General Fund to pay I ;5 !" some, :Adorted n on'Ball o! the roll .b the,followin votes Yeae Eaton Tally and c? 1t�'t p p. Y g. t �. r d Wi111ame,.3. ... _...'-••, ; ' •- .•.•J., .. , r } F -Y'? ..On motion the Board adjourned.. upon *all of the roll by.3 "as... z'` a ; 9 frrYi'. 1+ ,,.[, J„c''i �. r.� ., .` .. �. •'T � ,. t y � fat g `, ! •� �, )" ` ' r i r, , `•--.,•�+., ra4..wwwu\..0 Wu .. . _ ' .. .. ... ._ rt 'ib.s•vti•- .. r. .. ... — . -- .. ..- . . r \ . . •'�, r b ' �' .•i.atlwt' • . .. :Mri -. , Y .. .. . ,....i.yy yl{.'wJ.7' ..