HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 651, May 9, 1921t A ..'` ,'T TF %� mwA _79� k +?n•�4P +.,ry+.- "a`��% If LSt. t ,. r„•:-• 1n. .'➢ f�1':� h �tii,r••„ .. ,. • -. ) ..L h.. ,:..•ter>.t..-.a,:_ _ t , _ J ,_ _ . r Na Commissioners' Proceedings'. City o4 Paducah ' r On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. i MAY 7TH. 1991. + At a Galled Westing of the Board of Oommieeionere, held in'tbe Oommleeionere' ;} Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 7th, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. M. r r� Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton; ! `.." Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. '�y! a }•• i' Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit; For the purpose of allowing pay rolls for the week ending 11ay 7th, 1921, and any other buelreee that may come before the Board. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that,the'pay rolls ' r' for the week ending May 7th, amounting to Y262.70 for, the following departments.... i Weekly payrolls Riverside Hospital................. 4 97.36 Riverside Hoe- New Construction, Union Station Route: 163.74 t .1 pital and [ New Construction� Hen Construction Engineering.......:. 11.60, be allowed r Cand 'ordered paid and the money a ; pproprlated from the General Fund to pay same.. .Adopt ed upori,oall of the roll by the folloging vote; Yeae, Eaton. Tully, Williams and Kat ter j ohn , -4. Oorm:issioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the account of Blackmer &.I•oat Blaokrer & lost Fips Co., amounting to 0309.68 for oar.of eawar pipe be allowed and `.p lips Oo. $309.68 Sewer I•ips. ordered paid and a check drawn against the Special Sewer Fund on the City National Bank to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:: Yens, Eaton, Tully, Ullliams and Katterjohn,-4. ? On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yens. s Adopted, 19 L PF�OVLID t, MAY 9th. 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Cot:m:issionere, held in the Oommiselonere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 9th, 1921: Upon call of the roll p the following answered to their names; Commissionors Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and iiayor Kattorjohn,-6. On.motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt- !'. ed as read upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yana. Eaton, Baker, Tully, L. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Ydtterjohn offered the following motion; I move. that the communication f Immanual Baptist �... Church Communion- from the Immanual Baptist Church be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll tion. i by the following vota:.Yeas, Eaton. Faker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. f Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that protect of citizens a ' Carnivals at 6th against holding carnivals at 6th & Husbands Street be received and fi & Huebande Street led. Adopted•. Protest, upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams and fi Katterjohn,-6. % Commissioner Futon offered the following motion: I move that.Odd Fellows petition ;✓;"t/j Odd Fellows' Pe- g .' titton for li-, for license to hold carnival on South 3rd St. be received and filed. Adopted upon cal]! sense to hold ° carnival on S. of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas, Eaton,'-ar,Tully-6. ,Williame and Katterlohn, a, 3rd St. Protest against Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that protest against carnivals on S.• . holding carnival on So. 3rd St. be received and filed'Adopted 3rd street. p upon call of the i 1 mx­ -.-rx -----;-sem I � .. ; •' � r A 4 ..: .' ",�-�• ^,"gym, � ;,®f a+";'% re cs••s r , )t....: .1 '' W7 f, 'rf. t,;�a'�'.',J �; , 'Sf , (1'/:�'1'. t' f Y2.•`�f r ' .. t ("1' :.' + � ••fir• 'tt . Y7'.�.r., ti.±wc'1'rbTh'j+r; �y . Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_- the following roll by ng vote:.Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,.Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6.. ; Cm®iesioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move thatthe report of the. w Report Ohief of 'Chief of Police for the. month of April-1921 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call i S Police for Apri,1.1921. of the roil by the following vote:.Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. .,. Commissioner Baton offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of Chief .of the Fire Department for the month of Apri1'1991 be reoeived and filed. 'Adopted Fire Department April 192,1. upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, ,Baker, Tully, Williams end Katterjohn,-8.. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improvement Street* Improve- Contract entered into by and between the Cityof Paducah and Yano A Johnson dated' y f mont Oontraot, Oonstruotion'. . April 28th, 1921, for the construction of the drivewa within the Inner -Fire Limits �:J=''.• ' i , - BondPower r� of Atty., in re Yan oy Johnson and the.Conetruotion Bond for the performance of said work, executed and .delivered by .k for Inner-Fire Limits.. Yanoy & Johnson with the National Surety Company, as , surety,and the Power-y of-Attorne 4J�. � .. ' `. ,• ,,.� r,... eseoute�d'to A. M.. Foreman be reoeived filed a � • sooe t ' P .ed approved and recorded. Adopt- ed upon call of the roll.bq the following vote: Yeae 'Baton Baker Tully. y. WilliamsAilliame and Kat'terjohn,-6..;,; commissioner. Tully offered the following motion:.I move that a resolution on- n titled. titled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOIi OF CONCRETE SIDBWAIKS, CURBS AND Bernheim Ave.', • From N. 12th GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES,. INTAKES, BE 7ERS AIMOATOH.BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF .; ... to Burnett. iERMIU AVENUE, FROM THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH T7ELPTH STREET TO THE EAST SIDE OF,THI - TEENTH STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF BURNETT STREET, INCLUDING' ALL INTERSEOTIOIIS, IN • THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'r9IiER3, AND PROVID= ns'w• 'ING T$AT .SAME MAY BE PAID FOR UrON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT. PLAN," be adopted. Adopted. upon oall of .the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully. Williams and �� .. Kat ter john;-6. " f • Mayor Katterjohn.offered the following motion: 1 move that an Ordinsnoe'en- '` " titled•;, AN ORDINAIIOB PROVIDING FOR THE OMSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE 3IDBWALK9 CURBS AIM !,F• � GUTTERS, AND ALL NEOESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS Alit. OATOH BASINS ON THE SOUTH SIDE ?r Oiay Street• on . Side from OF QLAY STREET, FROM THE PROPERTY LINE Off THE WEST SID;: OF SEVEI(TEEIi TH STREET. TO THE i 17th to-19th GUTTER LIKE OR THE EAST 3IDB OF NINETEENTH STREET, 'IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH,.KENTUOKY, AT ,;^.. $i°y•, THE COST OF THE ABUTTIUG PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT.SAME HAY BE PAID FOR UPON € THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLANlw be adopted. 'Adopted upon cell of the roll D the following y g .. �votet Yeas,' Eaton,' Baker, Tully,' Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Ke►tterjohn offered the following motion: I novo that an ordinance en- on- titled, 'All ORDINAIIOE.PR.0 ING FOR THE CCUSTRUCTION OF 0011CRETE SIIEWALK9 OURBS AND '. I GUTTERS, AND ALL IlEOZ38ARY MANHOLES INTAKES 'SE',7r'11S I AND CATCH BASINS ON. BOTH SIDES OF �. S. 9th Street"'' from HuebanAa SOUTH NINTH STREET, FRDM THE BOUT H GUTTER LIKE OF HUSBANDS STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY r, to Elisabeth-'': Street. '. LINE OF ELIZABETH STREET-, IF EXTEIMU. AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE. OF HUSBANDS STREET, FROM. PEST'PIiOPEBTY LINE OF SEVENTH STREET TO THE EL'ST PROPERTY LIRE OF NINTH STRUT;.IN t'' 1THE THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KEIiTUOKY, AT ME COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 07NERS, AND PROVID. Vf� 4 ,INC THAT SAME.),AY BE PAID FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," De introdnoed'and.lay. ' i.• iii over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote. yeas. Eaton, Esker, Tally, Yr.r c.,• .:� 'Williams and Katterjohn,-B. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an orAinnnoe en- titled,."AN ORDINAIiOE 'PROVIDING FOR THE OOIiSTRUCTIOIi OF.COIiCRE73 SIDE17 S. CURBS AND i i :. OUTTERS,'AIiD All- NECESSARY MAIiHOi 3, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF:#, 1r' • . N. 18th Street , from Joftereon NORTH SIXTEENTH STRr^.ET, FROM THE NORTH' GUTTER LIKE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO. TER. SOUTH �•.F ��. to Trimble St•r ; GUTTER. LINE OF TRIICiLB 9TREIs'T, � IN TH$ 'CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THS ABUTTING PROTERTY OWNERS, AND.PROVIDING THAT SAME my Ha PAID FOR UPON To. TEN YSAB 4 Jct}, PAYMENT PLAN. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: <R �, Yeas, Baton,Eaker, . � 1�."Mt 4'Wt1•r��4's$.+ku� C'Y+. �.a hi'7rw, f�i wr'20 fw: r2Y 2'<i Yii `C 3•-'.t t,Z.,bM�.l. '•y r.t jeA� ,n .,�^.� .. Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City -of,Paducaii I' ' 192__ Tully, Williams and Yatterjohn,-8. s Commissioner Tully offered the following•motion; That AN ORDIBANOS ASOULATING THE LIOFN3IVG OF, CARNIVALS AND -STREET FAIRS, PROVIDING A LIOENSE THEREFOR; AND PRS- Ordinance raga- ; lating Carnivals SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIO11 THEREOF be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Raton,Snker,Tully,Wi111ame snd %atterjohn,-8,;. Oommiseioner Villiams,offered the following motion:.I move that the City Sngi. i S neer be,authorized to purchase 350 tone of crushed rook, this amount being neaeeeary. for. completion of the oonattuotion of the street on Caldwell Street .and Caldwell Avenue }' Olt y Engineer ., authorized to from.12th Street to Union Station. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. purchase 380. y' ' tone addition- 'vote: Yeoe, Eaton. Baker, Tully, Williams and.Eatterjohn,-8. al 'Crush Rook Union Station Oommisoioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance on - Road.'. .'; titled, "AllI ORDII{Al(CE IROVIDING FOR THE COUSTRUOTION AND RECONSTRUCTIO11 OF THE 1RIVE- { WAY 011 JEFFFR3011 STREET, FRON 1q, WEST PROPFRTY LIIIE OF SEVEtITEMITH STREET, OR FOUN- ;. TAIN,ATz!.rUE, TO THE. YIE3T LIIIE OF T-YEITTY-FIFTH. STREET, .BEIIiG APPROXISlt_TELY 3110 LINEAR s Jeffereon St., from 17th t0 P 121 TAE CITY OF P.1DUCi,fi, REV TUCL-i, AT TIIE COST OF THE ABUTTING TROPERTY 0" 11ERS, 28th 9t. A11D PHOVID.:'L'C THAT .3;,11: 144Y BE COIISTRUCTED UPON TIIF T 11 YEAR PAYIL--NT PLA11," be now, it introduced and be oonaidorod in lieu of an orQinanoe of the an ma title, which was ,f introduced at the laot Regular. Meeting of the Board of Commissioners on May 2nd', 1921, ' .. r4. and that acid ordfnanoe lay over ono week• t! V On motion the Board adjourned . � upon call of the roll by. yens.. , }� Aa.r1. y May 18. 1921. :. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommissionere, hold in the OommI atop=. .:.. t ere' Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoah, Kentucky, on May 13th, 1921, at '10 o'olook . A: M. Upon can of the roll the following, answered to their names; Oommissionere Eaton, Baker, .Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-8. :Sx Mayor Y.atterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit; For the purpose of ,t . 'y accepting the driveway on South Fifth Street, oonstruoted by Yanoy & Johnson, Con- traotoro, and any other business that might come before the Board. 1 ; !' Mayor Latterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Engineer's ' ,t Report City " Engineer of works Report of work done on Fifth Street by Yanoy & Johnoon be received and filed. Adopt- on*S.,Fifth 3t._ } :by Yanoy & ed upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yona, Eaton,.Eaker, Tully, Williams •; ,.` y'r c.• �`• and Natterjohn,-8. Mayor Katterjohn offered the. following motion; The new concrete drivec�ny a+f r ' ' on Fifth Street, from the South property line of Kentucky Avenue to the North pro v i "{ party line of Clark Street, in the City of Paducah. Y.entucky, having been completed f and finished by Yanoy & Johnsen, Oontraotors, a000rdinP to. the terme.and oonditlone• { Aooeptanoe of of their_oontraot and an ordinance paused relativo to this improvement, and no S. 5th Street,. t aR.00nAtruoted protest having been made by any of the property owners, - Dy Yanoy & John - eon. I now move that same be accepted, and that the.Engineer's estimates of the ..r: coat of said construction be confirmed, and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection, and that the Oity Solicitor be in <f struoted to prepare an ordinance asaesetng eaid,proporty, ea shown by the EnRineer's festimates. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton,.Enker, ` Tully, "Williams ane Natterjohn,-8. A .S