HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 650, May 5, 1921I.. - ..s} - �R.. .'+i - ;'R'L•i'n.`0 ''.h:i.`r .„`�f, '�r..w= -:�{ �•'T'.F.?�'r" i v � Y?'���4 1 ? 1. I- .. l r '•�� tS ,lniY4.R k ;:'i .5= Afh '3i�•"i.•i :• •i� VT'.. ^�$�0/lh�iK•'T , .P Oom�+'16eicn�r Tully. -offered she following motion; I move that the •a000unte for . , . .. . . l .: aNa �� ; Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah f Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the New Construction MAY 6TH. 1921. Eaton, fiakor. Tully, Williams, -4; Mayor Kntterjohn not voting. At a Oalled.Meeting of the Board of Oommisolonere,.held'n the Commissioners'. y!,. Mayor,Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the StreetImprove- �. Ohdmbor-in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on,Lfay 6th, 1921, at 10 6'olook.A. M. t irt• ��. ment a 0ntraot Upon call. of the roll the following answered to their namee:'.Commienionere'Eaton,'Bakerl and Oonetruotionp j o 6 Bond of Oeo.W. } Katterjohn 6 SonN Son for the, oonstruotion of concrete sidewalks, curbs and guttere.-and all neoeeeary Tully, Williams, and Mayor Katterjohn,=6.'.^ �manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins on both *ides of Seventh, Street, from the Jaokeon to Mayor Katterjohn stated 'reasons for call to -wit: To allow,pay'rill for the.leet Jones. South otrb line of Jackson Street to the North curb line of Jones Street, dated -April half of April 1921 and an p y. other buoineso that may come before. the Board. 20th, 1921. be received. filed, approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll Oommiesioner Tully offered the following,motion: I move.that the L'agor and Oom- f..J 1 ° N 4'•':' city Borrow$ 20,000.00 from; miseioner. of Public Finance authorized to borrow from Ahe City National Bank, the r r t: Aooeesment Olt y National. j Bank. ' enm of $E000O..00.payable4une 26th, for the use and benefit of .the city of Paduoah; Ordinanos for pledging ae eeourity the.good faith and credit of the'Oity of Paduoah and the taxes to T}E'NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PIiOPriiTY LINE, OF LIOIfROE STREET.' JefEfend rson to Monroe .BL. ' • ' be collectedduring the month of'June. Adopted upon oa]1 of_.the roll Dy-the-followin following ' .. , . . ' {�:' vote: Yeae; Eaton, Baker, Tully; Williams and iatterjohn;-6.'t OF SAID DRIVEWAY BE CHARGEABLE TO AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE BEREF I? ; w Commissioner Tully offered the -following motion: I move that the accounts for the i tn* asr v; Roport Oom'r.. Finance of last half.of the.month of April:amounting Lo.$19267.81.'as per, the report. of the.Oommi� fo OF TEN YEARS." be adopted* Adopted oP p upon.oell of the roll by the following�Votet Yeas. accounts for lest half of '.' eioner of Public Finance tiled herewith, also the cum of $376.00 interest on a note for. r',:x:. ' April 1981. $E6,000.6O dated April 8th due City National Bnnk,`be allowed anA'ordered paid and the ,.;.• s�., money appropriated from tho Genoral.Fund to pay came. .Adopted upon call of the ro11 by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams.4; Mayor Katterjohn not voting ,r Commissioner Tull offered.the.follows Y' ng motion: I. move that the report of the �z• Report of Com' of Finance for .' Commissioner of Public Finanoe for -the month of.April be received and.filed and orderefl month of Apr11` 19210 published in the..offioial newspaper. Adopted -upon call of the: roll by the following. yY;•. ' iota: 'Yeas. Eaton, Baker, .Tully*, Williams And-Katterjohn.-B.' >>•S': ` Oommleeloner Tully offered the following motion:.I move that the account of E. 0.�.j+*�:,, �+ '( ,� B. C. Terrell Terrell amountin $ g to 337.49 for .material furnished the .street department be allowed and •"'. {',`s a oount of y}, -$337.49.ordered 1•. paid and'the money appropriated from the General 'Fund to-pay-eame.. Adopted upon••>_ ene •• i��`'' " ' rc can of the roll by the following voter'Yeas. Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams anA.Katter-..1: �: '' '. i+i'': 1 '• . �.; John, -5. j;`•. }° Accounts .P Oom�+'16eicn�r Tully. -offered she following motion; I move that the •a000unte for . , . .. . . l .: of. Oeo.W.Katter- New Construction amounting to $2882.48, as per the report of the Oommiesioner of Public John k Son, and I.O.R.R.Oo. • Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the New Construction General Fund to pay came.. 'Adopted upon 'call of the roll by the following vote: yeast Eaton, fiakor. Tully, Williams, -4; Mayor Kntterjohn not voting. Mayor,Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the StreetImprove- Street Improve- ��. ment a 0ntraot mont Contract and thoConstruction Boad between the city of Paducah and G. W. Katter ha,; and Oonetruotionp j o 6 Bond of Oeo.W. } Katterjohn 6 SonN Son for the, oonstruotion of concrete sidewalks, curbs and guttere.-and all neoeeeary 8.7th St. from ' �manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins on both *ides of Seventh, Street, from the Jaokeon to Jones. South otrb line of Jackson Street to the North curb line of Jones Street, dated -April II 20th, 1921. be received. filed, approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll Eby the following vote: Yeae,Eaton, Baker; Tully. Williams and-Katterjohn.-b. N 4'•':' :,.. Mayor-Katterjohn offered the :following motions I move that an ordinance ent.itlefl.. ;;; Aooeesment "An ORDINANOE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH SECOND STREET. FROMI1 Ordinanos for N. 9L. , from T}E'NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PIiOPriiTY LINE, OF LIOIfROE STREET.' JefEfend rson to Monroe .BL. ' • IN THE OITY 'OF, PADUOAR KENTUCKY THE SUIT OF $7.9601 PER ABUTT BIG FOOT FOR THE RECON= . , ' .. , . . 8TRUOTIOii .OF SAID 11RIVE.4AY, WITH CONCRETE. 1111) PROVIDING THAT TIM COST OF OON3T.RUOT JON {�:' OF SAID DRIVEWAY BE CHARGEABLE TO AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE BEREF I? ; w OF SAME,' A9 SHOWN BY THE ENGIREER'8 ESTIMATES. OR FILE IN AIS OFFICE. AVD PROVIDINO THAT asr v; SA ID ASSESSLMNT MAY BE 'PAID IN TEN EQULL INSTALIAMTS, BEING OUR EACH YE/,R FOR A PERIOD fo OF TEN YEARS." be adopted* Adopted oP p upon.oell of the roll by the following�Votet Yeas. Eaton' Eaker 4u11y W1111 ' n, 1.9z. w �\ a �-�•f �.i� +.� 1f �,.: _ �YJ* s •pv. 'y. +4(�..�.•.: "c'47S•`�, hC x r'S• .'.-•. ,1 `•S. + Jr .. p h h,S"a'n .. . ,. a No., Commissioners' Proceedings;. City o4 Paducah F ' 1922—" ' • '' :'' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6, yeas. i y 'YYl 9 ..Adoptee _1 Cmwc 41 AT..C>R. E �. MAY 7TH. 1921. , . •: � At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommiaeionere, held ln'tbe Oommieeionere' r Ohamber in -the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky. on May 7th, 1921, at 11 O'olook A. H. r� t .' • •, Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. Jou r Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the puuPosa of allowing -. pay rolls for the week ending Vey 7th. 1921, and any other business that may.00me !. ! before the Board. L. ' M' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay rolls for the week ending May 7th, amounting to $262.70 for. the following'Qepartmente.... i. Weekly payrolls Riverside Hoe- Riverside Roupital................. .$ '87.3G Iiew Construction. Union Station Route: pltaT and ;. 163.74 { Dow Construction Wen Conotruotion Engineering......... 11.60, be .allowed ';. i' and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General FunQ,to pay same.. i ,Adopt- ed upon. call* of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and , ,:m•• Kattorjohn,-4. 4 Oommisoioner Tully offered'the following motion; I move thnt the soon unt of : Blackmer &.1ost lips Co. $309.68 Blackmer & Ioat Pipe Co.. amounting to 0309.68 for oar.of Bawer pipe be allowed and. Sewer Iips. ordered paid and a check drawn against the 3peoial Sewer Fund on the City National Bank to same. Adopted pay upon call of the roll by the follogin,g vote:. Yana, Eaton. g P Tully, Williams and Kntterjohn,-4. On motion the.Board adjourned upon call of the 'roll by 4 yens. ` '+ Adapted 19 .L �P�PROvn , h Tom MAY 9th. 1921. ' Ata Regular Meeting of the Board of OoJrmlosionere, held in the Oommiseionera' r Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Uay 9th, 1921. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Comm Issionore Eaton, Eaker, Tully, W11.11ame aj and Mayor Kattorjohn,-6. =� O.n.motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt- •; , !, q ed ae read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yana. Eaton, Raker, Tully, , Williams and Katterjohn,-8. ,- .'. ( Immanuel Baptist Mayor YAttarjohn offered the following motion; I move. that the acmmunioation "r f i` .Church Oommunlca- tion. from the Immanuel Baptist Church be received and filed. Adopted upon on 11 of the roll Dy the following vote:.Yeae. Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Wi111amB anQ Katter�ohn,-6. Mayor Kattorjohn J offered the following motion: I move that protest of citizens Carnivals at 6th & Husbands Streetq' against holding carnivals' at 6th & Husbands Streee received and filed. Adopted . t b i Protest. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Eaker, Tully. Williams and !• Katterjohn.-6. { Odd Fellows' Pe- Oommleeioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that.Odd Fellows petitio ;r titlon for 11- oenee to hold a for .license to hold carnival on -South 3rd St. be received and filed. Adopted upon call Ybj,, s, mtcarnival on S. ' . 3rd St. of the roll by the following.vote: Yoae. Eaton, Eak'er,Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Protest against Oommlesioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that protest against ' F oarnivale on S. holding carnival on So. 3rd St. be received and filed. Jdo ted 3rd street. r; p upon call of the ..y .�•­ 77 h