HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 639, April 20, 19211 111 M�-�+�'ir'� �ya�l+h1! .rg. LY,•'..y,�... x+ I.-r..�uw't , �t Y•r ;�. _ 'i w�"` '%"+..P k^' :^' � :�'l't'�.^��.- }._ 7 �.Y,�, - , t! + .:;. ! x..+.�..•,�,..r..t_..'�=s.++._.... ...u..z z::u_!..•u su:3:.'---�"i=:Z.:� ',�t_G'..._..:....,, .��, f Na X39 Commissioners' Proceedings, Clty of Paducah. d APRIL Both. 1921. At a Called Meets .4 ng of the Board of Oommlesigners. held in the Oommiselcneral Chamber in the, City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 20th, 192,1. at 10:80 o'clock A.M. p Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: 00mmiselonero Eaton, Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. Mayor Katterjobu stated reasons for call to -wits To allow pay roll for the tlz t halt t A it 1 21 f 1 e o pr 9 and any other businees that may oome.before the Board. I. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the accounts Report 0. emof Finanoe of ao- for the first half of the month of April amounting to $9278.69, as per the report of counts for first halt of April 1921 the Commissioner of Public Finance, filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and C the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yess, Eaton, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-4. r, Commissioner Tull offered the follows y ng motion: I move that a freight bill O.B.&Q.R R.Oo. 7. due the 0. B. & C. Railroad Company in the sum of $69.68, for a oar of sewer pipe Freight B9.66 � a for oar of cower d for use in constructing the eewer on West Broadway, be allowed and ordered paid and'.% pipe for West Broadway. p the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to draw a check against the n pqp 8a Special 9 Sewer Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the following vote: Yeas, uEaton. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I more that the Oommisetoner 5. Oom'r. of Finance of Public Finance be authorised and instructed to pay off, take up and cancel etroet ~�'r7)'I k instructed to pay of and take up ands I bonds and coupons in the Olty National Bank, amounting to $486.00 and that a check be oanoel Street Bonds drawn on Special Street fund to pay same, Adopted ep upon oell,of the roll by the follow. and Coupons In . } City Nat'l Bank g436,00. Ing vote: Yeas. Eaton. Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-4. } Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that GiB.iillow has produced a check for the sum of $18.60 dated June 30th. 1916, made payable to Don P.Horton. Commissioner of Finance in payment of taxes for the year 1916, said check y G.B.W1110w taxes for 1916. having been cleared through the Olty National And Ottisens' Savings Bank on July 2nd, 1916 and it further appearing that the second half of the tax bill against G: B. Willow amounting to $6.60 remains in the tax book in the hands of Bruce M. Pbilley, delinquent tax collector and same having been q ng paid, I move that Bruce M. Philley delinquent tax collector be instructed to deliver said tax bill to G. B. Willow. s` Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, Williame and Ketterjohn,-4. s On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P. U. April 20th, 1981; upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. -APpnov. 3U GUY 0-UMATOM APRIL 20th. 1921. At an Adjourned Meeting of the Hoard of Oommieelonere. held.in the Commis- ' eionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 20th,.1921, at 2 o'oiook P. M. Upon call .of the roll the following answered to their names; Oommiselonere Eaton. Tully..Williame and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Eaton offered .the following motion; I move that a resolution Resolution author- authorising the Mayor to sign a contract between the City of Paducah and the Paducah ; !sing Mayor to sign contract Electric Company. incorporated. for furnishing electric current and maintaining and. betn.Oity of Patu• onh & Paducah keeping in operating oondition a system of muniolpal lighting upon oartain streets; Electric Co. for lighting WHITE ne shown in said contract, and designated as the White Way, be adopted. Adopted Upon WAY. call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-4. f 1 I I. 1 ' L T ,+, - } P ry �� - � e� -r pt. ' x,+ «Y,. � r 7,..,�..`..n'•� r'"".IN� ay. .. �,^, ^^r+o �..rnt , �r�'Ht �ti+'3'T'>' . � r 1 • ids.......•.--"....r 5...w:..Y •-., ..�. 1.n.:>..Z.,c��.��..-�.+,a..:..1 s^.;..-..... .�.....:-..+.tF.u�_Lti � x,11, _.• `.t 3 1 'F •lwi i�.. No- Commissioners Proceedings,. City of Paducah 192- j•. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. c aa6 K 19 �� APPROVHl77 `' ,r�• AY R.; av a.r O APRIL 23rd. 1921. i At &.Called Meeting of the Board of Commiesionere; held in the Commissioners' '- t Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 23rd,' 1921. at 9 o'olock A. M. F' t; Upon call of the roll the following answered'to.their names: Commissioners Eaton,Eelnr. en! a Tully. Williams and Mayor Fatter john,-5. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of invests-." gating the chargee against patrolman Mike Dowell; and such other business as might r '; u,• dome before .the Board. °tF' Oommiesioner Eaton offered the following motion:'I move that the Board of Investigation -of {iAj charges preferred Commissioners proceed with the investigation of the charges relating to Patrol— Mike: f '• +'"''' against patrol- , ` c .. man Mike Dowell Dowell, Adopted upon call ofthe roll bythe following vote: Yeas. Eaton. Esker. Tally, y Grand Jury., Williams and Latterjohn,-5. �' �•<i'Y; Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing to the Board of. 1 Commissioners from all the evidence of witnesses heardon the investigation of oharges, atrolaan Mika -,-against Patrolman Mike Dowell that there to absolutely no evidence to sustain any ;r Yil1 Dowell es;Lonorats charge of any misdonduot against said Dowell. and no evidence that he was ever guilty' of. any improper or immoral relations with Ethel Lear or ,, anyone alae.- I move that t said Patrolman Mike Dowell be eshonorated from any and all said chargee, and ,that it, a-t is the opinion of. the Doard.of Commissioners that the lndictment against him, which s{, Pot(.'S '.:f: tori was returned by the Grand Jury at its present term, was maliciously prooured. .Adopted sl on call of the roll b the follow! ,Tully. ' nP y ng vole: Yeas Eaton Esker Williams and. 4 c)1 Katterjohn,-6. �• Oommieeloner.Tully offered the following motion: That the payrolls for the `4f s p Payrolls of 'week ending April 23r6, amounting to $383.97 for the following departments! low Oonetruotioa nd Riverside Dep ,or sepptment of.Pnblio Affairs.-Hew Conetruotion.'..4278.76 Hospital for Department of Public Property-Riverside Hospital.. 108.2E w , week.enel TOTALag ................ dH'd'97 April ES, 1921.�� _`.., .. be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeae. Baton. Eaker. Tully; Williams and Latterjohn.-5. On motion the Board adjourned upon can of the:roll by B yeas. ; l AJeeloi � 19 J% db i s HPl'ic,0 vm:D a ,cy MAYOR. =�Ci APRIL 25th. 1921. �tf `. l . '* At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commieeionere, held in the Commissioners' �- "t`,i' r o Chamber la the.01ty Hall. Padnoah, Kentucky, on April 25th...19E1; at 11 o'clock A. Y. Upon call of the.roll the follow!`_ ' ag answered to ,their names:Commiesioners'Eaton Baker," i.. Pn11y,.Williams and Mayor Latterjohn,.5. Mayor Latterjo:m stated,reasons for•osll. to-wit: For the purpose of 'roeeiving �•; t taAtu _b1de,,on strest.00nstruotion. as advertised, and snob.other-business that might name ,`l before the Board. ,t4,�,;•:t;,•',•.liayer Katterjohn offered the following motions I acus that'the bide far the con-� ;,etrpotion and rsaoaetrnotiaa of the driveways within the.Inner-Firs Limits. wAzziItts4 cs., {1. t' r'by. the .,followia6. . bidders olya.f kms Ly' y, a.i;,'i s:': ,c,: ,•Y i { �, "in b + ,a 1.. ,