HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 636, April 18, 1921r•"' :•._ «.,,: - ! - �+�,�.. cd. _;r:'Yr Al y, a� .y tc.• s •!. tf ;irr: .�•i„%,. ..�,•;•... ,.ti • r .. _ ^,�lymr.•;y:,rsn: a: r `•t."Tr':.s,-'t4T .•efan.'+; cr.�r: V.1.,'+r.d r�c,�em. ' '�f '''• •i.. .. K' r A .'�'q?M,fSi�2:'C:. vYrir•I:gK`+.w 4Y4- Zys�t..,••1;, fvj56 ..}q • �.L�•r-,i•-.- - -`;.�.....i..v....-,.�.»..s.:W:«.:,a...+...v«.a ..� �'.a•+a>:,::..::........�e..,.•,,,,,_ .;.,y„fs b�.::.L.:rL. r' =x' .. .. Na_(tsll� Commissionersgs,.. ty Proceedin Ci of Paducah ' 192:: APRIL 18th, 1921. 11t a Rogular.Mooting of,tho.Board of Commisaionore, hold in 'the Commission ere'. +,:+ -, .. Chamber `in tho..City !1a 11, Paducah, lantuoky, on April 10th; .197.1. Upon call 04 the rel' p' ' tho'folloaing anc�rorod to 'their names:'Co:runiosioners Ent on, Ea;:or;.Tully, 17illiama and ldayor. Y_attcr john'. -6• On motion of Comminaionor Eaton tho miruteo of the provious meetings nerd adopt-,. ' •3 ad aa' road upon on71 of the roll,by the folloaing,voto: .Yeas, Eaton, Ea::or, Tully, Uilliams.nnd,Katterjohn,-6. .. - . r.• :,: . 0ommiesionor'Eaton offorod. the fallagintT potion:, -I, movo that the eommiinioation 11 on or t, itos6oe mood, City ` fron Roc000 Rood-, Oity'Soliaitor,•ro.rardint, ratoo of rental of fire hydrants to the !' i;o)Soitor In ro:Fico Hydran Pa,tuaah f9ator Oompany, be r000ivod and filed. and tho _t aoti'on thoroor, bo deferred: � to Rental Paduoah 17ntar, ,adopted upon :oall.'of tho roll. by the Polls ring votoi .Yonc, Eaton; Bak -or. Tul.ly�' cr: ? ``•' •:'` 00: : lSllinmc and Y nt'tor john, -6. „'. Mayor Kattorjohn offorod the following motion: I mono that. the oommunoation fro roiitoholl Litoholl, City Enrinoor, ddtod April 18th, 1921; rolativo•,to estimato of�tirk City Enrinoer roport.in re done and porformod.by.Yancy & Johnson,'.0ontraotorc, on. Broadway. end on Fifth Street be ' :a Lrondrrn7 and rofilodndP1'ooivod,.aa trovod;, Ado tod a y. P Pan call. of roll b the. Bellowing vote; 4 ' ,r^^ifth'St:..;..,�,i Work, ,• ., ,. Yoao,-Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williama. and Y.attorjohn,-R. Mayor Kat.torjohn offorod tho fol.loainr_, motion: The Mayor having pttrahacod n lord Furd'Ohaocio',; 'Ohanoio from John 'Doyle for the cwn of''400:00, ,I'.move.that the.0ommicsionor of Public +. , ,. -. purchaooi of John Doyle rinanoo.bo inctructod to pay. John. Doyle tho otim'of ,^-,400.00 for said Pord Chaccia,, and ” . " _Don 0onotruo- tion E:. Unginoo . :oamo to bo. ohargod 'to tho' nocoimt of* ilo',r Conbtriiotion. nrKt cn(rinoorint?, and"that said ' finF Dopt. r• pta•ohnco be approvod.. Adopted upon oall of the roll by tho fol7.owin,. veto:.Yoao;Eaton'. . i Eal:or, Till ' Williams and 1attorjohn,-6. Commieulonor .William' off rod the. fo19.o.rinr. motion: .I mono that 'ahs. inoncinl. a .. .Y,,.t.. Rirorcido.', ,.. Iloc;vital' ... Statomnnt of the alverslad Iioupital'f.or l.ltirch 1921 be r000itod'and piled. Adopted upon .,` f �. 5taanodal Stntomnnt, call of',tho roll b:;. tho following voto: Yoas, Eaton,. and .. .. . 'K6tterjohn,-6. a. • , Oommioaionor Willin(itc offorod the follo:•ring motion; 'I no that the Iationto' Iationtc its- part:aivorcldo iloport .of the ilivoraido lignpital. for Farch 1921 'bo r000ivod nrd fil.od'..'.Ado ted si an. .' P P Ito(;pital.?'. cnllof Ilia roll b:; 'tho follociinr, tote:. Yens; F.aton, ;;nl:or, ittll.y,: ;7illiama and • �,� i.U't taT john, -5. . .' _ • .., • Commioaionor Eahor offorod tho "following•!motion: I novo.that.the proposition'Pro, 'd. D.1lannan i:d'; ll.. l[arntan to 7.ay '455. fast. of 12 inch cower pipe ern Broadway, bot•.00r irrority=third }�+ropocal to ln-: c;cr:er PiPo� wi,l T';ronty-fourth-Stroo.t:;, .bo r000ivod and filed; •and that. cai(1-o•,ocnl. to. f;lrni,ch - t P= ; .. .. _' on isrondt a labor ; dig tho tronoh nncl lay tho 1^ 'inch .ec:inr i;o: and' to hncic- 17.1 'tile P 1 24th a000`ptod• ecmo, . ;aid . ` 'L ' ;cork to;bo Joao tailor tho 11roo"tion of the .So:;6r'.In,pootor, at $150.00 for. ;aid ontiro job,. tho Citt."to fua'nich the War ips• an:al,alc,)000cry;for la+iinr' t id pipe, bo n000ptod; ar.d that Ache Oo:mniaaionor,of p4bli3 iortrs'bo in truot:o,l to om Ploy. Do 'D. Hannan to, lay.oaid co'.'ror pipo; all. tho ooatdand axponcoo inaidont to. j r A. cnrooy.bo''oharCgdjo'tho,Spooinl'So er'ritnd., ,and thattho,0ommiorionor of'i'nhlio :inano'o '. hoirlbo truotod top'for all swid-:ratoric.7c',rr"':)k har-oo•ny.nr �. Uoidont thoroto;'and to drnw a7.1 wntrnnt;l and 'oho okr, n0000car;; in .pa-,7.ant: 'tbgrnof u'ga Incti'.cuIcl Spnotal ',,error .r'unt1... ; ;,doptod`; upon gall 'of 'the ro? ]. h<-. tho fo. }sarin:>.... 'vote; Yonc, Eaton,-Eaho•,•Tully; i7illinina and Y,aitorjolin;-h.. •..�..1..:we,�-v+.»'�.-.,-,a.,...:..�.. ...:, •- .:.x.. _ .ya:,.rr .: tit «r.a'=.•: •x: -. ...r. .. .t ,AAAA „�•„ _ .r, .. . • la4 nt'w'4Arr •.if' ,!AWYJ• -%A.- ::u( r.. c.r. a::.s...,f... d... '.:•.U.'^; t;'-.r."�1R._.rc'` };viii' ..r .c re + r t ,y T'r " �. t t .Y:Tj v ^'•T. a cr, •.i�r �l• t .�'�S a 1�a7. ' 3 n . 1 .....v.. - �.+X^��� 'G�'4* Tr�t'�°lY. 5t�a'^� f'1'T•r er, X�».rrN^r `+.n ��y�%,` ;y `YY�n-; d.. lk •n r , � r�` IY. e>.In+�r. k L `a 1 �e No 487 i Commissioners' Proceedings, CA'y'oi'Padllea Owamics-ionor Eaton offgrod thefolios lr.? rlotior.: The 1,uiyo_• l:avir.r reported to.. ` tl:o Board of Comrrlaolonors•thet-he has orlployoJ. :;, Bra(1s)lul'r, Jr, to work tempora-' A " ~ ' Z.:?.Brad ohal7, Jr. and O.C.Duval.l. ✓ .• �' nil in t).0 ,n .inoo'rlr.r Dorartmont at t:ho rate- of.' -'A 1 aril 0, C. Rwttll 1 v-0.00 nor lroel: :k nmh'loyed tempora- rily. I ns non?oLor of Conutruotlln on tioot•rrnl aido'.,al'•:s :7orY. tomporurily,At the rate of ; { y30.00 per ;fool:, 1rhSlo a0rl:in I ::novo t.)ult uaid tcu^.POrary omrlOSmnnto, Or. said tbrm; bo-ratifiod by the-lloard of Commiur:lorc•:. Adopto;i upon call of the rol]..,hy t}o, . 1 follorrin3 veto:Yoau, r.tOn,Eal:oi:,'iully,"717.liamo and Kattorj'ohri�-G,' r 1 Mayor,Eattorj.ohn offered t,,*.o,.fol.lo:•rinl* 1::0tion: I.-MrO, thl-tt `.ho 00mmlraionor'of J •`i . ; Improvement 17nr- Yubli'o _•.inaroo. be at:thorizod and inutrnotod'to ir,;uo n ovompn :rImprt ;a'rrant to Lanoyt.7 . rent ipouod to ' Yrnoy �' Johnson., Johnuori' Contractors; for work done and norformod on i f t h 'trrot; wider contract dotal _ LL Contrnotor's for' 2705.34', 65"i+ Mar„ n r } n rch l. -t, 1021, .or tiro wino of Y2705.34, boinr, Gu;, of the agric, as yor .the report of cr0 ;: dor:o on r :lith t. i the Envinuor '110(lof 1,1:1" dp ate, Adopted upon -oall of the r 0)1.1)", tyro. follorrtil veto - 'Loas, :at'on, Eakor, Tully, Ullliamo and I rittol jolur,-5, ; May or Kattorjohn offered the fo,ll:o.:in.3 motion: I'move that the Commiouionor'of- ' Public `irwnpo bo authorized and,inctructed to isuuo'Un Improvom.ant ':1arrAnt.•to Ynnay Impreve rant Jar- ;;r rnnt 1 od to . Jprarsorl' ContraotorLi, for rorL cr. 1 d.o and lcrformoon Broadrv,^.;; un(tor contrnot dated . d Yancy L Jo1:ncOn, Contr::otora for uarch 1st 1021 for the 'sura of '''' 1253.01, being 65'' of rho .:rorL,. ac per the report. of ' ' Y 1253.Cr1, e on ' :.��r: of donne t o _.niinbor filed .of thi: data, Adoptod upb :folloyin vote . upon cell' of tl:o roll Y , rho );' Braad:rc:y• loau,,iiaton ,, : rr, Tully. C11111arru And 11.t';tor jour. -5. .4ayor Eattorjohn offered the follo':rin?'rrotion: I 'movo that a tauolution,an= t titled', "A RESOLUT1011- PiOVIW1IG FOR. Tfir.' COH314IUC12IOII 01, CO1fC'r? 'Ci;.,SID::!'%dl_:i, CL3A5 rll1D � 'i GUT Tr:?5, tll;D ALL 1TLCi35Uii Y LlU11TOIE!i, Il•"PA;1$, . Si:i7Eilli AIM 'OATMI P.ASIPS 011 ROTI! r S. n 3t, SOUTH VINTE 3T2'LT, PROL THE SOUTH GUTTER LINE OF HUSBA1:D3 STiIr:.iT TO-TIIL' NORT;1'P:?01.1-M_ ?1 Prom )Iuobando'St. ; to. Eil aheth F TLLI .. W. ::LIZABEVT ST. tI-:T, 1P;;T°:HLiiDA11D 0;1 T&:� :iOU'rH 'IDs O� IIUMUIDS STljFRT. ar:d o r. 2 fro:• 7th t. to Z20 .1!. .7EST PROI1HTY r Il^',C_ S1:Va:1 -191 STREET TO :TL:T IIO'r.. Y LE' ,'" IP L 02,41VIT1I 0th .::A3 .' 3IM2T, Ill 212 CITY. OF '1'ADUCAH L'IC!TUCKY-, AT 'i]r: COST OF IH: ABU1TII'C PROPEIITY, 0:7101-15, rcadLng. AVD Pi?fiVIDING i11„i: ,i.1:7i E:.Y BE,7:IID.UOi2 UkOi, '1}!r; T41! Y:A2 I'AY ''[IT PL,l1I,". be Sntroduoed .. cnd lay over. Adopted upon cal] of, the roll by the f611oYifiig vote; Yoac Raton,Faker,, , } ry Tully..171lliamu and I''atterjohn,-5. s- Layer xattorjohn offered the folJOWI11E motion: 1 move that n roOoluEign en-, F titled "n .aE, 01.UT!')I! 1-'tI0111DI1:G 50!I Tll' CO_l..TRUOTIOi! OF 001,:01?1:T!: SIDs3l,31:3,Ut,:BS .01) S Sdd,a of Clay Gr l::tt; 1.!:)) ,::L I^Cs 3;c?'L 1rAL'L'O1,lS, I11TA;�"s, S°: r. 1'1S Olf.'il!i: iJ11T11_ 3 r 1!D CATCH BAS ' 3t., fro: '1.T).s.Tl[ lino 0 17th:3t. JID C'- CL•'.Y , ;:I= ..,.1"IO!,: 'C!IE Y7tOT ;%TY LL OL"Tl'L .,r.Si'•oI0_; 0'.a 3I:V'I, ," T!1:F:T TO c of let}. It.. iC: GU'1T.s :.Ili 0:.1 ;'t > SID:; OF 111111fi: :1!'i91 5i'.i !:T, Il Tl!L'.CITY.OF 1AD'u0A11, L•FH- IaaJ]11': tCon rut't. ,;ou1111(7, anoky, AT TW; =,T Oi I'll: .'.1,U1'T1lW P;1011:'ITY, 0,1u1i!1'.i, i111U. 1';i0'llB111U TiNjT.'3irJ,^' Ir'AY 111. . U1','1! 11.. ,i:i. Y1ir1a 1dY1;1SII9' l'hritl," ho ild,,ptotl. 411010, (i ullorr otill, of 010 roll by the follo"r1nr, vote: Yortu, 3utwi,,.'i'u7.1;:, 'i71111ar1u and 1:attorjphn,-!f. ' Oommiooionor Tully offered tho follo:rinn, motion: I' move that a r000l.irtion on-� _y 1 titled, "A � R.;O1.UT1O11. IHOVIDIIIG FOR This COV3119IUCTIOH OF, COI'O.i7:17, ID1:^7ALYY, W -111S AIM :.15th St from, GUTTr:RS ;ll!D ALL !{ECr.,3ARY 1.SUIH01r:3, I1;Ti.1'.1:Id, 31:"1! RS AVD CATCH TA`.iIJ{3 n!i •P,0`!9( Jeff�raon to TrImbI0 3t. OF 1 OIiTH SI 11T11 'i ::;ST !"d0t! '17I;? 11^RTII �Uliii!1 T.I1G: 0.' T::FbnTIL'011 S9^,I.,,}i TO T''1: 2OUTIf .. tDom' GUTMR LIL''' 0' i I "' 3T?.::::T, IN Sir: CI'!'Y Or1'iADVO0 Y1':}!TIiC}:Y, AT.!;9P: CO3T OF TI: ~ Adopte(l. ALUTTLIG P10)ERTY 0'/: ?I3, AIM P::OVIDE!G-VAT Si;L : 1.aY Iii: i.1% fl) P('1' UT011 TRE Tie! YEAR .lY._:11T I'12111," be adopted. Adoptod.upon cal]. of the roll'by the following vote; Yoao.' JpJ Baton. Ea;:or, Tully, ',lilliams iutd ;:ntterJohn, -5. " r ' d Commiucionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that a r000lution .on- Jeiforuon St., 1. t from 17th. 3t. to 'titled, "A.RESOLUTI01: i ROV'IDII:G FOR T11'C0I13MUCTION OF TIM !k"II'r :?AY -0I1 J"Fr^r:13011' 25th t ?Os � ter. u o- 3T3 'L'T. F110i: '<' sr.,3i I ?011 IR TY LI!!:. OP SXVr. , :-2-llTH S'l:REET, OR f GU.:'YAIH A r.:NU-. TO 'Ta c•rnd.Iow:inE. ydOptOr', E`•'1 T''W2, TY LINE' OF V17--I!TY-Fifth' otroet, B'I;!{; .l"?O3II';.Ji:i:f 3110 LTHYrIR ?E'L , Ill ' f ��-ty-6t,rlft ••s7x {i� ±js'lyi.e,.artn -;*� t"�'t" x x �{ ?i 1 "��+v.•,ta,.' 1^rc��,'Wn sx� ar -'C �'•o.r �S'� s: � r ,. - t .5. _ -_,wn...: J. ..,...c..1x�..�..sw.;,:�.., •_.;a;;;.'r~, y _., �:; ...�.�.,,:yi^�,Y.:..::.,,<:taxr3t fi'�' T Na g Y ; . 192 Commissioners . Proceedin a Cit of Paducah; THE CITY 'OF PADUCAH, 'XLIJ'iUOaY, AT i'Iir: COST OF TUE ABUTTING P�OYZRTY 0u11d?8, AILD IRO ^ VIDIIIO'. TWAT (ilyLE. 11AY BE CO1tuTRUCTED UFOIt ,THE TE.li YuAR T1AY1- 1 T Fir'cII," be adopted. `n Adoyted up on .pall. of the roll by tho•followiag veto: Yoaa,.Eaton, Esker Tull Williams t ` . . Y.' r . and Y.attor j.ohn;-•6. s Mayor %attorjohn offered the follovring motion: I move that an ordinnnoe en- - j t Y " titlod, "Alt ORDI1Git03 PROVIDING PCF?JT' CONSTRUCTION OF 0OItm, TE 31D,+7A1i:S, .CIL?IIS All - r CUTTERS, AIID ALI, Mx;01:J3SARY L{A1.1IOLZ3, IIITA1.ZS, SUPT -RS AIT15 CATCH BASIIiS Olt. Will SIDES OF NORTH UINT11 5TR 'T, PROId THE GUTTER LIIII: Olt TINY. i!0'PH SIDE 01 LII.DFS01! STt:,^,T TO T}^1 I FrajF;[ ?H Oth St., from 'A art ltndicon to 0laq P;.1orz;Ti LINE, Olt ' I!E SOUTH SIDr. Qi' •C]�AY ST;i T,. UID ALSO 011 111::' ,..,ST SIDE OF' 1TmTIi and Clay to Trimble.''•. tlIIlTH•S'I9j,- T, l•RC.! THL'It0}2T� F10P'r,Rlf'LIIIIF OF C;AY °Tii i`1 ;TO.T}[F. G ^xiR LIA3 Olt Th'E'' i m" Ordiranoe Adopt- y 1 ed '• SOUTH'BIDc OP'. .TR ll.SIE S12LiIT, II! iii. CITY '0- PAD CAR, Y2111UCYY, Al nG; COST OP T1jTr.'- its, ` ABUTTIVG PiOPERTY 07111FRS -AVD PROVI'DIliG Tl!AT SAI._ U1 BE C. iID ii. ' ri. PIA11," be n,(loptod.' Adopted upon oall, of tho roll by,tho. followinv voto:' Yoao, Eaton', Eakor,'Tully, Williams and Xattorjohn;-6. c} t - 0ommioeionor Nill omo-offerod'.the folloeiln' motion: I.mono that an ordlnnnao �1 1+ entitled, "All OiiDIItAlICI: r1.?OVIDIItO 20;? 5i'E COIMT.,: TION 'O�, COI: i':: Cc :BS Al")GL'T? :aS,: J ADD 0.1, IIECE'33ARY LL11:!IOiiS, . IIl1'i,;:' 3' u: ' 3S 11M CATCH B+ ,Iii' 01l .:M; t ; A . IDr: O • IIROAD i } 1i Broad Street. S1R;P:T, 1'10111 :CII:, CL` POU1+T1 ..!,'t) BRIO A7) 3i H? 1 i', 10;11DTITI :rr_: hi ?Si:CTIOil ! from ri4th & Broad {�y t0 Bdge Jt. .1T ,'4U121]! 6.i1� D:WAD'3'CR?! T,. TO Ti DIVII)ING .:;Ihs .B T.?�:i':Ii 1 r, I'30ri•titT•i OY CHAR1.0" ii 9' I Firut Roading ,r of Ordinanoo, RUFF: AUD TH' z PROI1 rs '' 'r:RW 017 L:: B AR... P :Ty •H•� A11D 1.31,10TS'OVIDi11G PO:? A!L. C^jiSTRUCTTOit 0:' 1.. Coj:0:U:'C ,;Tlli:7. i:S, O,UgBtl .1111) GUT7,1115 1t.0 iillD it JJ. T7 �an:?'!"1.U.:lHOLI•::i, Iiili.f .S, S'; l.a?S. t 1✓ AI'1D CATCH B;i'.illiS 0:1 'I';u. 1.A5;� SII) ; 0.' I1:?OBD S'f3r:!:Ty L ?��T iC Il`;1:�5 .CTI^j1 C'r` L'{?LS2Ti1 I�:D nr 4h f BROAD.;i43,.i:T TO 'f`°? 110iiL''Clr'.II LI!:E. C':7.IIti[Dt.;i. Ti?s_.C, x:3C;1TIHG ALL.CONCRETE SIDE= t di�i GUTl._c2',!:D'.! CO;;31':?UU C ] i;t ,.: h, Ii! T',h CITY OF PAUL CAH, 11E UC :Y, AT i TU. 00:;1 01F "iiSs jl Ul'TII:GI4i011ERTY O:r,!ERS, AI'D 1i?OVIDLlG 2tLC'P 4i1y1.� 1lJAY' 3t1'.FnID E03 bTOIi t ' { '4 Thin Ulf Y;;di r4Yl,.,t.' i'L'11,"-bo',tntrod'.00d and lay over. Adopted upon or 11 of.tho roll.X11 °. by the f011071ing veto :.Yoao,._:aton, Eal:or, Tully; Ililllam ar,p ;:atterjohn,=6. Oommioeioner Eakor.offorod the follocrinr motion:. I novo that :an ordinnnoo' - A - ontit.lod, "All QADIIIAIiC, 7yOVIDII;G'FOR TIE:001JSTRUOTION OF CONC12I.TZ, 9W-,I.1ALi:S' LI �`•': Four ti' St. , i AND GUPi'.^;?3,', AlI ALL 1IIX SU&I.Y LWllliOl-ES, I1JTIU703, 817TRS, AIID CATCH BA311TS Oil' BOTIi SIDES '!�1 from Broad ' TIC -; 1 p ,,,,from i;]azaboth . ' OL 'F'OUit r. ,�{°l ..1 PRO; TIC-;-NORTIi P:bP-.'.?TY LF 2 OF Bro."D ST -,i .Y;T TO TIi:; SOUTH GUTi I?. :1. 1111 .Or.dinareo Adopted. 0}' ELILAB "'I'll :i P'?c�., Iii Tim OIxY Oi'' IADI;OAH, Kr:11.TU0}:Y, AT -TO..CO iT CF TIU3, ADL; TIiG 1 rl+r, OPi?TYOltr:S iD ,1OYHI11315111G 11A'C , AI:u LLAY Bi PA ID :'OR UI'Qli' Tiii, W:V YEAR I'A G.zii^ PLAIT'', t , ,bo -odoptoll. Adop1os' upon oall 'of'tho roll by• iho following vote; Yonu, ratan',-Ealtor, r! Tully, Ciilliama and Yattorjohn;-6. t , , On motion the lloard ad fotirned'upon oaJl of. the roll h;! 6 ; oas Ado�lei 19i�.. APP7:'vOVAD' ., . -. .: .. 111 ,.•£, _ , 1. jr: Nm {. A ; t r 'twLl:rw,stvu. r , .l4i'V .�, � - .•... b