HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 635, April 16, 1921.. ..,,r {wq,.�,{rl eV t.-`.+^.+t`4M _„yrr '�S,r �'�„f''�`,y�iiR•*.1' )(t JryyrrMt �rlt's`�•Wr i'�,n tr. y L 1�.! �tYnT r�� '; au '' - - ,,.. •a.a.:=:=:...11i a. 'i-rik..�:.::.�...a.i .`--r.�..,..rte:.-.aL.+:�:-4—.�w:.3ix.' `' .�:c.•..+ r .,.�:,�'.. , Na G o6 ' Commissioners' Proceedings; .City of Paducah • '192_`.+ 1 APRIL 15th'. 19£1. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Cormniasionorn, held in the Commisalonore'. ,) Ohambor in the C1't;r }tall, Paduoah, 1:ontnoky, on Aprill5th, 1921,. at 9;30 O'olook P.IA,, .'• , Upon oall of the roll the followinganuwored to tholr namoo:ComMi oalonera Lot'on, Tully, 71illiamo a>rd Payor Katter.jolm,-4. .� Mayor Kattorjohn statod roacono for oall to -wit: To adopt a motion to r000ivo and file potition of property ocmaru in the vioinity of 12th. S• Trimble Ste., protecting againut the holding of oarnlvala in that vlolnit p g y,.nnd any other busihese that may oomo. before the Board., .Mayor Kattorjohn offered tho following motion: I move that.a oommunioation t from oitizonu robldinr in tho vioinity of 12th & Trimble :itrooto, protecting apninsL. .Petition oitir the holding of carnivals in that neighborhood, be received and filed, and that the zono in vioinity 12th & Trimble Comniscionor of Publio Finance bo inotruotod to not iasuo any lioonne.to any one }. protooting again-' ,} at Carnivalo in authorizing'tho holding of a varnival-on the vaoant lots adjaoont to.l2th & Trimble that vioinity. ;. Stu. Adopted upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yoau, Eaton, Tully; " ;lilliaros and L'attorjohn,-4. Commissionor Tully offoro,d the following motion:' I'move that an ordinanoe.'..: entitled.,. "AIT ORD M. tLPINI1'C,, RLCL'lATT.11G, LIC.",11S.I11C"11:D TAY1110'TlAId:;ILIfT Al1ll : r". Transient and ITI1:LLr<IiT,L CII.1iTS :.1?D V:iI17X]$S, d11D ??iiUVIDIl:C PL'IfAJrT't FUR VIOLATIUI? THLRi.:Ob`,'.' be ' i' Itinerant 1. l.:orohants adoptod. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by tho following veto:Yoau, L•'aton, Tully. - License Ordi- - nanoo.. Clil].'Sams and Y.attor john; -4." ' On motion the Board adjoiu•ned upon oall of the roll by 4 yoaa. ,. :',:. age . • ' Adepted IOU— • �{` ' ' /`� ✓y11 � a` �: ROAD . . . , A P Cup Cb" .• NI TOTU „ AFRIL 16th, 1921. ' ? At a Callod Mooting of the Board of Cor;mt8uionor::, hold irk Aho Commiaaion=' rk. ore' Oharnher in the City Ha 11, Faduoah, Y.ontuol:y, on April. 16th, 1921,.at 17. o'olook. A. 1. Upon oall of the roll.tho following anaworod.to thoir .namoo: Corlmiopionorb' g' Baker. Tully, Will1nro and hoyor Kattorjohn,-4•' j o Ilayor Kattorjohn ptatod'roanona for aa]1 to -wit; To allow Pay Rolls of.. .., itivoruido Hoopltal and Vow Oonutruotl-.in 17ork for'.tho wonk ondinC April 100i, 19E],•. Commionioner Tully offorod the following motion'; I mevo t) -at the pay ro7.lo - for the week onding.Alre: 15th,'amounting.to ';543.93 au par the raport of the Commie'-,,'. 'Report Com'r. of eioner'of Publio'Finance .filed. horo•.iith be allowed, and ordorod Paid, and the money, h,. Firanoe of Pay ro119 Rlverulde rorpitall appropriated from tho General Fund to pay -Gam).. Adopted upon pall of the ro]l,by the' `and L'ow Conutruo- � tion for crook and Yollejlng vote: Yoau, Laker, Tully, William and i:attorjohr.,-4..' inr Apr 11.15th, 4 On.motign tho Board adjourned upon pall of tho roll by 4 yoas. . Ar-1:3nQVSdD ' I if . • .�. .wli r .. � _ � .. .+tr. +.a.tv..�.-r.�u+....h�r._ w.. ...av .- a...... _.. -- . .. .. _ ...... -.s .�._,�_. .... .. .. .. ........-. �..t ...w... .. _ . _ ..