HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 632, April 9, 1921T•�' fix^ W �; • � ,may +•o .7'nw �..� Tc+�g•7•ah• � _ ti•t a �'+ "yds z..' r. '7'�''t•,:.: a..> ?"5.a`�,F ., u. r. i !,1 r;'M 7 ' f _•+.Y n r Y' ,{';'mak... N`i� �` Y v->,. M. ^•+try ..7 Y h. ..:�ti Yit ^. ane�.y„ .,,:y`a.,�a('!�'.; :� . •<- '...:-....._�.......,..:..�.a...�:..�..:...5.....�-.tom....: : �-_�.........-...+..5....c_;._..�.:w.._•w...1+.-w..,:a:i.s'uL ` _ .. �i,• .., �v�Rfi•.T 'Pts"y`ti°.(*+.q'pR19�•"tS^Y .w, Na Commissioners' Proceedings;. City. of Paducah "' ' 192__" " Commissioner Williams offorod tho.following motion: I move thatthe report `• +. ''. Roport Prod of Prod Enrlioh, Sexton Oak Grove'Cemetory, of intormonto-for the month of 1Sarch.1921' 'nhlich- '•.. Oak Grove be received and filed. Adopted upon oall of-the roll by the folloainrr vote: Yeas, Comotor'y.• Eaton; Eakor, Tully, Williame and Katterjohn,-6: Corrmiei;ionor Williams offered the fo110wing.motion. I move .that the transfer :. Cemetery ", ,' from Mxs.. Catharine Roberts* to lot'§17'Block Y on East aide of 1?a olio Avenue botwoon gn transfer 11ra. , Catherine `; ISyYtlo. Stroot and Aland Street, Oak"Grobe"Cemetery; to A. F. Evans be ratified. Adopts" Roberto to A.F.Evans.., upon-oall of the roll by the folloning voto: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker; Tully, Williams and c: Katter john,-5. ' On motion-tho Board adjourned upon.oall,of the roll by 6 yeas. ' Ai�'te 74 . APP OVFill� .. at? a.. APRIL 9th. 1921. At a Called Mooting. of the Board of Commiocionore, hold it the Commiscionerb' Chamber in .the City Hall' -Paducah, Kentucky; on April 9th; 1921, at 11. o'clock A: Upon doll of the roll tho following andworod to their names: Commissionors Eaton, Tully and Williama,-3. Mayor. Pro tom -W. V. Eaton; providing. Mayor'Pro 'tom 71. V. Eaton stated reasons for call,.to-crit:. To allow Pay Roll. "..! for the llow Oonctrnotion work for, tho'erook onding April ©th; 1921. Commissionor Tully offorod the following motion:,I movd that Pay Roll for the Now Construo- Ilew Oonstruotion work.for the week onding April 0th; amounting! to )335.16 be allowed." " tion Work Tayy "oamo. Roll for ,look and ordered .paid;' and the money appropria.tod frau tho.Gonoral Fund to pay ending April`8, :1921:.. Adopted upon call of. tho roll. by. the"followine.voto:',.Yoac, Eaton, Tully and 'lilliams,-3. .On.mo.tion the Board`pdjourned upon oa11 of tho roll by 3 yeas. �v " t of _e> 1 DQAA [OR• Ai:ZIL'llth..19^l. 1 At o: Regular Mooting'"Of' the Board of Oonnitisianor,c,'hold.in'"tho.Commioo,ionors'I".:_ Ohambor in the City 116 11, Paducah, Yontuoly;,on April 192 Upon gall of:,tho. . roll the following anu<rorod.to. their mmmoo;'Commiasionora Eaton., Eakor.," Tully,7111iamo F " and I.tayor ltottor john,-P:' On.rrotion of Qo.,4niocloncr .Eaton"the minutes. of the previous mootings crera. ddoptod"as road upon :Call of the roll by. the following voto- 'Yoaa;.Eaton; ak.or,Tully,.t " William i and Kattor 1ny. Stroot'firo-' Mayor Kattorjohn 011forod.tho.following motion:. I me vo that the potition ;of arty ovinnro rotndtinrr nr.!rin_ property _o0noru "on Cloy Strout bo. r000ivod anilill:o d; and. a' copy of, chid b0.. at of „potJ.tion arbaolaz'd Uttnrbao; vldvor- oont to" UttorbaoY AddortiCiri Oom�an Gdo tbd upon call of. tho'',roll bq tho"following g 1 Y• P . P . voto:`Yoas; isaton,."Eakor. Tull, Williams and ::attorjohn,-6:.' . : Mayor Kotterj'ohn offered the following motion: I movo that the report of the Report 1.foCrnok•. McCracken County iubl.to Hoa7th Sor.vioo-be r000ived and,filod; .Adopted .upon aal.l of'tho on .00. Fubl is Health :;orvioo roll by the fol.l.o-: ins v 4 . ✓ oto:. Yoaa, Eaton, sr_kcr,.Tully, illi.amc an(I Yattorjohn,-5.': •. Oommi'paionor Tully offorod the followinrr, motion: 7hoairy of $25.00 having . . boon, raid' into the Trodsury; as ovidonood :by the reoo;.pt filed horowith t.o!zethor with Bovoraa ;rainoo .rrntod'Hardin do application for malt or ooronl.bovorn o lioonoo dill signal as required by urdinanoo, G Y 1 CuurleC t107. It. 4th St; I movo'the lioonao.'to cell. or .Coroal.bovoragoe or .p , rq admixturos thoreof be granted to ilardin u.- Cuarl.00 at lfo. 107 Horth 4th Stroot;. from".lpril..lst to June 30th; 1921:. 'Adopted upon call of tho roll by 'tr,o folio-i`rig" vote: "Yoao, Eaton, F.akdr,Tully,. .u+w:s7't.:./::lis vi+:: "•`'Mie .. / .r ...I.iS:+ n "ar'n