HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 626, March 28, 1921., ., •rrt r •.,.:••� , r ;�.'��'�". 's.' X1;1. �: �?`�•"�'r wrt�.t x., f� �•�! . � - �� � �' •T•3? • +f a :w^y � r`:•,.rvn •.'. .-a .. ,' . f'.. -1' . p .. In:P :� ,..�7:� s.��. ;..-�•:-».��,f �•.:i 7 � r u� ..,;..Nfir rti Trra; �,.�.t.r.tii.J.v. r- . N0.5 r Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah Marsh 28th 192 ' Ata Regular Meeting. of the .Board of Oommiesionere, held in the Commissioners! Chamber in the City hall, Paducah; Kentuoky, on ilaroh 28th., 1921. Upon oall'of the roll the following. answered to their name e: Commissioners Eaton, Eakor,.Tully. Williams 4 and Mayor.Katterjohn,-ti. ! On motion of.Commiseiorier Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were It ado ted as read on oall of the roll ti the follosin vote: Yeas Eaton Eaker. Tully. pted Y' g .' Williama and Katterjohn,=6. Mayor Katterjohn offerod the:following motion: I movo that a resolution entitle "A RE00LUTIO11 PROVID WG FOR TRE'00II6TRUCTI011 OF 00IlCRi Tr SIDE7AL;iS. CURBS AILD GUTTERS, Sidewalks Ori. MID 11 11ECr^,SSAiIY 1•N1IH07E3,. INTAKES, 3E;T03 AILD CATCH BASIIIS`OH BOTH SIDES ,OF 11.0RTH ti. '9th St. 1IIIITII STREET, FROLI'Tlll: GUTTER LIIT.OH 77HE 110iITir SIDS,OF LiADIS02I,STRF.ET TO THE PROPi�1TY Madison to Cloy . Trimble. cind Clay t0 LINE OF Ti G, 80UTH SIDE OF CLAY. STREET; AIID ALX ON THE ',7Ez;T SIDE OF, IIORTH IlIN71I STREET, FROM THE H0RV. PROPERTY LIVE OF CLAY STREET. T0: TRE GUTV. LIl:Er ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF TRIM1lI•E STRP;ET, IN TILE; OITY OF PAXCAII; ItInUCI:Y,. AT '1"..IE COST' OF TIz' ABUTTIIiG.r^.ROPr.iTY OWNEIR5, All 11:bVIDIBG THAT SA1.2 1:J.Y BE PAID.P)R 011 TIIE .T,1i.Yr.AR PAlO.'F11T.FI�l1I," be i'. adoptod. :Adoptod upon pall of 'the rol.l.by the following voio:'Yeas, Eaton; Eakor; Tully, Williams and Kattorlohn,,-6. Oommieelonor Eaton offered the following motions I.movo that a rosol,ition '. on - "A i1E60]RAtitled,A'OT ADD NOUS FOiI. TIT ; PURCIIASE. ; Puro}iase of:. OF A TYPE TEII TRIPLE COMB.IIIATIOH PULiPIHG ChLXICAL LIlGI 11T AiD'ICSn 1?OTOR ,CAB 17 11.11 ',,HE ` Piro Trunk. Amorlodn-LaALIERIOAI7-LaFRAI7OP 'FIRE ':17QII+r.-coltrAIIY, III .A000RDAIICE WIT)I PROPOSAL SUBMITT,"M BY SAID - Frnnoe Firer',I;G.[I:E OOIi1`1.1!Y,". bo'.ndoptod. Adopted upon odll of the.roll.by the following .vote: Engine Co.;:• Yoao,,EatonEalcor, Tully,.Williama and Y.attorjohn',-6: r Oommloolonor Eatan offered the following motion: .1 movo. that the letter rr6jj'' Ky.:'Aotuarial Bureau addrosaod,to. J. i;. Slaurhtor;.Firo Chief; be reooived and fi]ed:'.•i l:y. Aatuarin.I ted Biu+oau oommuni- Ado P upon nail of tho roll by tho following voto: Yeao, Eaton;:Edl;ar, Tully, ,Willinme . option rolativo to Fire Pumper. and Kattorjohn,-6.. . Oommioolonor Williams offorod thofollowing motioni•I: movo that a.roeolution onti tlod, "i: RESO' 11'P I011 IF.OVIDT IiG FOR THE OOIIS'i'RUCT'I01I Ot' 0011C ETi; :CUBA ; .,V1D GUTTP39, A11D.:,.12 14BOi::SSARY LLUINOI1i8,I11TA);ES, S):.7Ei1:1 A]i2) CATCH BASINS'011 T}.' VIEST SID; OF BROAD I ... Sidowttlks; our bo{' &0: W. Si do Brood STR!',T, FROV Til:; INTEi?SEOTIO)1 OP'.FOURTH AND BROAD 69FET, IIICIADIl!G TI?i TIiT;'.Ra1:CTION AT St. to Pottor proporty; and FOLVTH' All)) BROAD STRI-*'ET, TO Ti G: UVID iI1G 1.I1;i. II:s'['ilsr1! T)II PROrZRTY OF CIIARLOTTr. RUFF E. 'a Broad A11D : 16 PROr!!MTY OP' BARBARA'PP;TTl-2 ,AIiD lJ.SO PROVIDTI{G r^OR THE COIISTRUCTI027 OP�COI;C?i?TF. � St. to I7: ciu•b sine of Bridge SID,WAi%S, CUl1BS /�17D i.UTTrRS, A17D ALL 17ECEa9ARY 1,i1dHOLi;S,:INTAYES,: SE':JiIRS ADD CATCH BA'1113 011. This• EA„T SIDE, -OV BROAD STREET,' FROM Til],, IIITisR8*1;CTI0I7 OF FOURTH AIID BROi.D STdF}:T ;Q;{NIi XQRTH CURB LILT•. OF BRIDGE St ET, E7.CLfiTII:G ALL 0011CRI•;T)s SID17i,;1:5; CURB) jU:ID GOTTIiR6 11011 COlIS1 iUCTLD. Ti1P4F011..: Ih THP: OPTY' OP PAD1:dAH,Y.E1fTl1CKY, AT T1Gs CO,iT OF THE, ABUTTIlLG 1'ROPi"iIr! '0';lli_;RS, AIM PI OVID!110 THAT S1.LG; -UY BF. VAID FOR UPO11 THE, TEIJ YEAR �. P.Y111s11T PIA U." 'bo introduood and la;,,ov.or. Adopted upon oa,ll.of, the. roll by the follow- ing veto:.Yana, Eaton, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6.. j Oommiosionor Williams offorod the..following.mot ion: I move that the oontrnot 0qritraot for botwoon tho City of Paducah, Kontuoky,'by. P. VI. `Y.attorjohri,_Eayor; and W. 'E. Gore, dated 1�16eroido HObpitalLarch 20th, ,Addition botn. 1921, for the oons,truotion of an addition to. Riverside Hospital, be r000ived� " " Oitylof Paducah filed. 6000ptod and approvod and reoordod.' Adopted upon apll oY,tho roll by the ,ars ;7.E.Gores.'.. ol.lowing veto: Yeas; Eaton, Eakor;,Tully, /illiamo and Katterjohn,=b. G✓ - I �: iY1Y.�r+r; Jwry-'�.?I.�iid;2u,:CL:u.' - ti ...�.� ' •w:::� '..:t.,,., ,1%a' >,.t-",.. i � 4 ' nap. s,•f. _�, pm S,- �ry�`t,^arl � �� 7y;•i' ±'yhPw✓� 4't`�. _ Yto- Z, t �11:rT >�y., •ar: .n�Y"hl rV a-+ _,� � t ..y �•,. � . a Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah March 28th 19231, 4 . a,..��.�...� T p Coruniscionor 'Williams offered the following motion; I move that the transfer Oemetery Transfer 11.V;Cherry to V.D. from ll. V. Cherry to the East portion of lot A37 in Section 0, Oak. Grove Oomotor to. y, Ilor. V. D. Ilor, be ratified. Adopted upon oall'oY the roll by the -following vote: Yeas,= Eaton, liakor, Tully. Williams and Ynttorjohn,-5,. Commissioner Baker offgrod the following motion: I move thrt a resolution entitled, "A 32Ei3.OLUi'I011-'OVIL'•:I11G FOR TIIi: COhST3JCtIOI1 OF 00110RETE 9IIl`•11'/A7Y.9, CURBS 1 Sidenalke ko.. AND OUTTEH3, A11D AIL IlE0i1)1:V..RY LW11'HOLFS, IHTAY . SE:SER9 AI1D CATCH Bh9I113 Olt BOTH' SIDES i Fourth Street from 1 Broad to Elizabeth.' OF FOURTH :iT3::^:T I'ROI1 THE I!03TH FZO? TY LII'9: 0? BROAD STR'',F.T TO 9*l'"' SOUTH OUTTi•.t LIRE ' 4' OF. FLIZAD TH J9°1,3c:T, I11 Tlf,: CITY. Ob` P,LL`UOAH, Y.FIITCCYY, AT TUI COST OF TIM AB1,'TTTIIG e PROP �'TY 0'.11;-,20, A11D P1307IDIIIG .THAT &!' ? MAY BE PAID FOR UPON. TH.'. TI 11 YEAR PAY"7I1T FLAIL" bu adopted. Adoptod upon call of the roll: by the folloninv, Yono,. Eaton, veto: 2 Eakor, Tully, 17113iams and Katterjohn,-5.' Mayor Kattorjohn offored the following motion: I move that an ordinance an- I tltlod,."Ali ORDIIIA110E PROVIDIIIG FOR WE 00115'FRUCT.IOU 111D RRO0)NJTRUCTION OF 79.0; DRIVR- y z WAYS 13IT11111 T!k: !111T.:;-PIiIS 11I1.lIT8, I1I071.112IVE OF TNF SVR '71:T:3 BO?;D, .1110 TH1711::011, TO-l7IT: CONSTRUCT I011 OR Inner -FIRE limito OIL 17AS11INGTOII STRL?T.FR('.V THE C7?;ST 7,IIIF: OF THIRD STREET TO THE ::AST LI1lE OF Pil, H r Driveways. T3r :T, Al1ii Oli. 1`OUR79i 9Ti:i:T i'RCT.I T1IE SOUTU LII1E OF 1:Sih'PUCY.Y AVIi1NE TO -711P NOHTH'LINH . OF 1.74:IIIP.IGT9N ' STR 'aT, AND Olt 11011:•1,0_:ITR!:ET PROM THE WEE LI11.3 OF SEOOIID 3THEET TO 'ITE . WE LI III-,* 08 FIFTH STREET, AIID 011 THIRD STRFNT FROI.', TllL 110!iTH I.II1E OF JFyy17iS0It '-T- i.X 1,0, THE JOUTH LINE OF 1.101210E STREET, AI1D 011 FOURTH JTRFST FROM TIIE NORTH, 1,111B OF JTRI'"T TO '1,l : iiOUTH 1.I11E OF 1101111,0"1 "TlIrzT, A11D O11 }'IFTII 8Tsr'»3'P I'R !,! T11E UO?tTll •' F '� 7. �1:2 y 1, r 1 illi.. Oc J.SF'b.:.l"Ull STitli:'T PO THE' JOUTH LIIl::.O'F 1.!OIhtOR STREET. pl '1911? CITY. OF PA'UUOAII,. ' . XMITUCYY, AT THE COST OF TILE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0711I1 -3S, AND P'.IOVII)11!C THAT SALIN VAX DE t CO STRUCT AILD RE00113THUOTED UI'Olt T)!!: T}:I1 YEAR PAYN!:11T PLA11';" be introduced and 'lay. Cover. Adopted upor: callof.tho.roll. by the following vote: Yono, Raton, Tully'williams and Eat tor John, -.4;..11aycFaker,-1. µµ 1 Payor Yatterjohn offered the following motion; I move that nn ordinnnoe !.Lentitled, "Al! ORDIVANCL° FROVIDT110 FOR rIP COIIt;TRUCTI011 OF 00110HETR SIDL'.7ALY.S, OURBS r Sl.de'.zn1S'o, &0, on A1fD GLITTERS, ARD Ail. L'FOIiSJARY I:,LIHOLES' I11Thn�')i, 3E1-11ERS A13) CATCH BASI119 011 110TH SIDES Seventh ou Joe to .;�: •, to Jonas, Jo. OF SEV::IITH ::'TREET. FIR 01.1 'PH:: :SOUTH CURB LIDS OF JAC1:9011 STR! b:T TO TI!E 'PO3TR OURB-LIIIE ` OF ioil .s S19?i:::T. Ill T 2 01-IY OF. PADUCAH, Y_`:IITUCI:Y, AND P!IOVI'UI11G THAT SAL'.E MAY D5 PAID - AID'FOR.UPOII 1`011. UPOIITHJi T111 YEAR ?1,X1E11T PLA11," be introduood and lay over. Adoptod upon call of 11, tho..roll. by•tho folloa'Inr vote: Yoae, Eaton,. Eakor, Tully, 19illiams and Y.atterjohn,-5: On motion the Board adjourned upon ou1.1 of the roll. by 6 yeas. 'L ;x '.' 1\4AYUR• APRIL 2nd, 1921.' At a called meoting.of the Board of Copinionionoro, hold in the Commla.lonore' +' Chamber in tho. City Hall, Faducah, Yontuol:y, on April 2nd,.1921; at 30 o'clock A. 11. Upon call of ,the -roll tho followina.annworod to t):eir namoo: Commionionorc Eaton, f=..'F•;'" Eal:er,. Tully, 1717.1inmu and Mayor YnttorJohn, -5: i Myor Ynttorjohn stated roacono for on]]. to -`.zit: To allow bills and such M1 other buoinocs that mi;rht cono.bol'oro the Board, _ Coimniocibnor Tully offered the following,:notion:, I move that tho.a000unte. f Report.Com'r. of Y Finance of aceounte ', for l.ew Construction 'cork amounting to $1044.89, *an per the .roport.of the Co:nmicoloner for no:z oor.atruo- �..r tion zork. of Public Finanoo, filed horewith bo al.loczod and ordnrod.paid.and the money npnro- h 1 p'iated from'the Gonoral Fund to pay nano. Adoptod upon call of the by the t, .roll follow!ng veto: Yons, ''aton, Eakor, Tully, 1.7illlamnand r:nttorjohn,-5.'