HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 625, March 22, 19211 t _ £ t-, it �� „�J 7'''�',, Y' 1 y.i •� Commissioners' Proceedings, City of. Paducah ' ldarah 21st.- ` 1922'J. Comnissior.or Tully. offered the fo7loaing.motion: I move that an ordihdnae'entit]e J "AI: 0?D!1L:iC ' 12OVIDING FOR THE' P.:' UIG 01? ILi!hYII!G OF CAS AND :`.Y1:TPIP- "1T11 11E4 :i -. SAVIT,',RY-HOTPI, S'.:',71.2UGE Air TC 11!-:4',T^!t s:;'°r'?IAGE COIRI OT- Gna and anter 101: S. ON :'OUTS FIFTI'!, ST3!iiiT, rRCL! i!{ SOUTII PROPI2?TY LI1,T1 OF ZI:IITLCr i !•.VElIL'E TO 'PI1E pipes to be re laid on 3.5th-St. I!ORTI1 PI?OPaiTY LIIEi OF.CL1RZ SV ERT, .AI'M OII BROdD'3AY, PROI! TL . MAST PROPz:?T7 Lj!!; OF and B'9ay, from. a' 17th to 25th St. SET lIlTz i.!TH TR '?T TO Vv! :?}:ST P?IOP'•?TY I.!I!E Or T-7hVTY-FIFT!! .ST-. ^.:T; IN TLIE 'C 17Y. OV . P::? UCAH, ld. ]:TUCrY, .TO BE CO]-IST34CTi1D AVD RECOIL MIUCT5D UliD 111 ,O11DB!.:I!0i:.`, P?109I?HNG FOR LAID Rn! be be adopted. Adoptod, upon call of the roll by the followlnr. vote: Yons, cnton, Eaker, Tully', Williams and Yatterjo,hn,-6. On motion the '.Board adjourned upon oal'1 of -the roll by 5 yeas. ' Appr i5LARCH 22nd. 1921. LAY .I,. At a Callod I:coting of the Board of Commioalonore; hold in the Oommiaslonore'. ? Chamber in-tho City Hall, Paduoah, Y.entuoky, on March 22nd, 1.921, at 2 oIolcok,P. li. Upon call of tho roll the follo'wing.anavorod to their names; Cc m-mlarslonors Eaton, !:akar, Tully, Uillinme and I:nttorjohn,-5. Mayor ltattorj�hn at'ntod reasons for call to -wit; To oonaldor .Whito l7ay. Oontract and such other buaiross ns may oomo boforo tho Board. " e Mayor Yattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution entitled ' a "A RESO:.UTIUi,' i:UTHORIZIIUG T1!_1 MAYOR TO SIGN A COI.T::QCT BET:?'t'll TEL CITY O' PADUVOI A1f.Tj T713 PADUCAII «]viCTi?IC CClfl'11IY,.II;COIII'OZATED, FO!? YU*1NI;:?!IIiC El:«CiT?!C CrF??E!:'P All ' 01TRACTWHI TE Y AIIITAII{!1;G iti1D lj:1]I!!0. Ill OPERAT111G CO-DI'TI01! A MISTal 0? L:UNICIP1.L LIGHTING UPON . :} C�?TaIlI ST:I :TS, AS iIIO'77 II! SAID CORTRACT, AND Di: SIG11i.TI;D AS IME"MUTE ?AY" Ih• SAID t CITY"', be introduood and lay over Sevon Days. Adopted upon call of the rel]. by the.. ;r• fol7o'.TIng vote: Yens, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams and Y.ritter,john,-6. 4 !<ayo, r l:atterjohn offered tho following motion: I move' that a roeolution on-. . tiled, "A 2230LUT1011 EQUL?IIIG ME PA^JCAI! 911,V-2 00-TAIIY TO 1:Y,Ti:I1D IT3 17ATc1R L•.AIIIS r Paducah :4ntor Co. ! t0 extend its Fl?Q,I Ci,LD:7E7;L ;iT3!i4'T TO Allll .JA!:G BR0.711 STt:•,..T TO 'A POUT, OPPOaITE' TIT, END OR C. a' s 9ntor mains from •. t:.l"' ! C C, E` l BRIDE A' DI TA!?C� CF APPROXI11� ILY £600 FMT," be adopted: Adopted upon cell all -011 Bt. to i Drown St. Lo. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, !:aton, Lal, or, Tully. 'Willtome and l:atterjohn," 5. Commissioner Willi ems Offered the folloaing.motion: I move that the proposal of l J.B.Onrdner J. B. Gnrdner.for installing a Fairbanks Torso Scale, in n000rdanoo With said proposal oropoonl to t Inst^_11 Fair- furnishing all material. labor and said scale oomplote, and to be inotal,lod oomplote banku L!orse Sbalos for City.' for $2,007.45, be r000lvod and ±'clod, and'that said propoeltionba n000pte0 by tlio. '. Board of CemmlaOlenors. Adopto.d upon call of the roll by'the, follo•ain+ vote: Yons, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, 17illiama and Yattorjohn,-5. On mot -ion tho Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the fol lowingveto: Yean, Eaton, Baker, Tully, ''Rilllnms and Yattorjohn,.5. Ad9pled 7mzirg 2� 19Z�. APPR,Q D Jim it i