HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 623, March 21, 1921. • 1 : 4 r''•. �ZS`r'a�t•••,r••�"xcreta•sir•-w.•re.,_xireax.+rwida.rr••.]YaF•vrr�Tw�'�' •tf.•.i.ca.• - r••:.• -a:r �.• ^ r: : i • � ^' �.,� -r•.q tix, ,.�t t�/4t+��+,x4�. pie, t r. - . Na' [O K 3 Commissioners'.Proceedings; City of Paducah harsh 21st• ' 192�� �1A3 C h H 215T. 1921: '. k At a Hegvlar. Vesting of the Board of Corwissionere;'.hold in the CormDieeionars' ± ii Chambor in the City. Hall. Faducah,.aX;ntueky, on I::arch 21st, 1921.: Upon 'cal]. of the roll. the following, answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Eaker, Tully. Williams and Liayor Kat ter john, -6, ' On motion. of Commioeionor Eaton the minutna of, the previous meetings ;Yore- adopted. as road upon oal.l.of'tha roll: by the follo:•rinfr vote; Yeas, Eaton..Faker•,Tull' `• .Williame'and Y.atterjohn,-5. q Commiasionor Tully offered the fol.lorrinr, motion 'Thnt the potitton''of the .hest Ky. Indus- trial Collogo... 9 West.Ky. Induutrial Cdllogo bo'r000ived'and riled. Adopted upon call. of _tho•ro]1 by ietition 9 II the following veto: Yeas, Eaton, Eahor, Tully,:7011 mo and Katt or John, -1i. + + F ' Va or Katter john offered the f 11 vin do I r thrt to t f mo . n. novo. a ropor o Report Public the Public, Health Hurse for February ].92]. be roonivod and filed. Adopted .upon oall ,of Health nurse for '•. r`obrt:d�3 1921 the roil. by'tho following vote: Yoas,.Enton Eaknr, Tully', t"ilJiams and KatterJohn. -5 i Commissioner Tully.offorod the follorir_rr motion: I move that the petition. z etition'from' from the »roporty o,mers of "Jest'Jefforson Street' regnosting 'im]irovemont of' Wast . r` '. proport,_ vanore _ .. on l'/.Jh ffor son St. Jefferson from..Fountain Avo...to City limits aith.00ma form of modern improved street fromt'buntain ' Ave. to City .,ratorial, be received and fil.od. Adopted upon.oall of, the. roll by the foll.o•ninm vote, i imita. a Yen u,Eaton, Eakor;.Tully,'Williams arid Fattarjohn 5. ' Commissioner Tully offornd the .fo11orting mot Ion, ,The. stun of Y37.50 having boon'.puid .into the Treasury, nn'ov.idonood by. the racoJpt filed hero:+ith, I`move that L.D.Childrose,' ' Conotory bood.' -dead be.asoouted,to 1,: D. Childroos for Lot i"r54 in BI cal. §4 on the Eact olds'of Chamblan St., botwoon Ford & Hannan Sto. it Oak. Grove. Cemetery'.' .Adopted upon call of the ro:l by the fol].oving vote: You. ,.atop Za1:or,Tu1]y,.7lllinms and 1:ntt .john, 5., ` '# Commianionar"Tully,offered the fol]u:Firf'Mgt ion: The'sian of, Y37.60 flavin l boon paid into the Treaciury;. os evidenced by tho receipt filed horo^rith, I'•move .that Comotorq Dead. dead be executed to -1 }.. Childress for lot #55 in Block �4 on the Eant aide of T y. ; Adopted, upon call' o y t I( Ch^mblin t. , hot:^eon, Ford arid Hannon Sts.. in.Oak Crave -Comoter ,�. tro roll by' the follo:7ing doto:Yoas' aton.Baker, Tul],y,Tilliano and I_ntterjohn 5, y � one o a 1;,50.00 Tavinrr'bae Carciisat r' Tully ffo• d .the follo�inr,.motion. Tho sum o J.rs. J D.}?otter, paid into the ,Troasitry.. as ovIdon aad. by, .fhe re aatpt' f I I a 6 h'orovrith, I mova tfiat dead s bo'o:rooutod'to lrn. J Totter for Lot x100 -in Block u2 on the ;last ii de ,of. Pord erect botr.•oon Baler L• •1d11.lor Sts: in Oak Grove Corn otery. Adopted upon` call. of the roll by the 3'0].lo:,ing vote: Yoai,Eaton, Eukor, Tul.ly,' :7117iamn and Kattarjohn;-5. u i- @ E:ayor I:atter john-offero'd the falls ring motion:: T move that the norrmuiiiootion rI+` u .1"a reckon County q from, the A:oCraol:on Oounty i'iaoul Court, dated Iiaroh l.4th,. ].921, relative to the ro- J �r pF1 coal. Court k a animunioat ion, N conntruotioil of tho'-atroota' inimodiatoly around thil Court 1louuo B,`r:rn,' be'r000lvnd;and t fi3.6d., Adoptod upon call of the r,o]]. h;, t1n iollwtinr vote; Yoali Eaton, (.alnrr 4 Tully, illlams ond.Khttcrjohn,-5. t, Commisiiioner i'Jil)iama offorod the tolloairF motion ,I movo. that tha Commis" sionor of Iublic Affair bo inatrtctod to pronged -rith the ir,protaaont of t}o drive- Union Station wcy, from the N. C.' & it. ?.: Rail,�c:y Cronnirr,e.t,.r.}:a t,nian t2ticn to the intor000tion r IlrivouaZ,' _ of 11h7olfth and Jaiarr 8trnot, ,by %•ru y oi: Culd:roII ;,vonuo,• Cr�,]d ol], atroot and Tvro].fth Ix.,nt, au-6bom in'thn report of' tho C:It! trisect (intnl locroh Oth; ]n^ir :�r(1 t):^t• 4, J ho be,., aud� ho la hilroby anther J off. ,nd orjn) or o,1', to o'rdot . nA, tine in nor IA aortntruotl 1n ( a ni,i'f'totoi'tt umorn(t,ol' or�+uhed.ntmio ltnd'oi;), at ht !soca, riot oxuandtnr thews ntntod,to t 1 tin rnj6.rt of t1:n CJ.t;� lingi.noer;` to tit; ',] 93. iror r tort fjr arrul od ..tone, liiolvdl no ' .'do2Ivor f to Iaduoali; mild .Me"por i3nll,on for mild atroot gil,.,�crd th-ut ho ern;ley nl] e s! labor;,mfchine y end, teaun iloogaaarylor nairl rorY, and,tl,xt 'uald onl?ornn6 ha oharFro h ( • - r n'^`s'r�ap'fi?C•"� , .... - '� ... ' resii�s�zcc?e5?U^;�•T�:r:�s.•cuts• +s�•�•r;:r.� a�.^^nc?;t; •'ter. ; Idoaal;_s, C•mba and Cutts: 11.9th St. from madinon to Clay Curbs & Cutters Tenth St. 13th 3t. and 14th St. B'17ay to Jefforeon. Drivownyn on loth, lith loth, 16th, 14R and 16th Cto. B'Wnyy to Jefforeon St. 'Sidewalks on 4th St. from Broad to Elizabeth St. 31dowalko on 7th St. from Jackson to Jones. .., a Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ,ware), 21at 1921.- 4 to the account of Fng•ireoring and Icprovor:nnts. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Willinma and Kattorjohn,4. . Mayor Xatterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution on- titled, n titled, "A RF30IGTI011 IROVIDPI:G FOR THE 00IISTRU07I011 OF OONCRETE SIlE?71175, CURBS AND GUTTERS, AILD AIL N2011=A1117 VAVI10. F.S. I17TA/y8, 57•.'1:;13 Al.'D OATOH BAIIIR3 ON DOTH SIDES OF NORTH NINTU STRi 2IST, FROM T1tE COTTER LIRE ON TIM IIOiIT;i SIDE OF MADISON SmE.S" TO THE � I 1 ROIRITY IILd ON VIE :;OUTH SIDE OF 011Y STREET. AND A),70 OU TILL 4I= SIDE OF 1102TH NINTH UT'ii33T, FROM TIIE NOi m IHOPiaTY 1,I11E 01, CLAY SMLST TO THE O'UTTZIt LINE ON TIV; SOUTH UID': OF TRIMBll•; STHI;ET, IN TIL; CITY OF I'ADUOAII. EXIITUOXY, AT THE OOST OF TIIE ABUTTING rROIRliT1' 071144, AND 11:10VID1N0 TINT BUMS ANY UE PAID FOR MON THE T:41I YIWI PAY2'I;T PIAI7i" be intruduood :aid lay over. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the follotting veto: Ynas,� Eaton, Eakm•, Tully, William and Xatterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that a renolntion entitled, "A -RESOLUTION IROVIDI HG FOR TL:. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS AIM GUTTF„"33. AND ALL NFCE331,11Y MAIIF10IES. INTAYE8, SE:",'aIS AIM CATCH BASINS 011 BOTH SIDES OF TRUTH STREET, T1111ITil•UITH ZVEET AND FOURTEi•:1TH STRFFT, FROM TIL NORTH rRO)'MTY 1I17L OF BROAD'JAY TO TIL: LOUTH IROPF1'1TY LINE OF JWFI:ROOH STdSuT, III T1'.E'CITY GF TADUC,111, ZEN- TUOkY, AIM PROVIDING THAT S.U•US MAY BF I,'.ID FOR UPON Tllit T.".11 -17W IAYIwSNT Pin111," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yean, Eaton, Raltor. I. Tully, Willinms and Y.atterjohn,-6, Comm}coloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that aresolution entitled, "A IiE3OIUTI01) F;IOVID111G FOR T'74 GOUSTRUOTIOF OF T131 PROWTAYO 011 T:EITY, ELEVa1111, TIILLPTH, T1113TFL•'1ITH, FOURT41,;NTH, AND. JIX'PRI:IITII 3TH2ET3. FROM TIIE NWITll IRO - T 1'TY LlllS )V D;•ROAL'J1.Y TO TIIE :,0UTN P *I'Xt'TY I,0;F OF JF'IFF111"IX UT: =T, IN TIC' CITY OF I PADUOAII, XSVTUCF:Y, AT Th ODUT OF 'TIIE ABUTTING r XI1T13'Y'0'lAf11i3, AND rawn)1116 THAT '.L.•..• WlY BE 00178T2U0=1) WON TIL' TRI YSIdt P:,)C.:IaIT PLA1," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followlne vote: Yoaa, Eaton, Eakar, Tully, Williams and Xattorjohn,-6. Ooomiantonor Eakor offered the fol]oxinz.motlon: I move that a resolution entitled, "A )RESOLUTION 130VIDIDG F02 VV CI63THIJOT10N OF 001t011FT11 SIIISIALI:S, CURBS AND OUTTT;RU, AND All liX01 C,, 11Y U VROLES, IIITAXRS, 32VIE113 AND OATCII BASINS ON DOTH SIDES OF `. FOU=1 UTRI .'ET !ROU VIE NOR'f11 p11012sITY LINE, OF BROAD 3TR4'ET T0. TIM 50UT11 CUTTFIS LINE OF ALIZ411XII S7.I41T, Ill TIL•' CITY OF PADUCAH, YEIITU=t, AT TH3 COST OF TY.E ABL'T'WO TRC^F3TY OWIU13, AND PROVIDI0 THAT BJ.:E WY BE rAID FSH lirov TL.^r. 1 Al YWR PAY:.ULT PLAII," be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Enton, Baker, Tully, Williams end Xatterjohn,-6. Mayor Xattorjohn olYneod the following motion: I more that an ordinnnoe en- titled, "All ORDO!AUGS PROVIDING FOI1 TIE: O�,!h TRUOrlol7 01•' 001108RT9; :1121i•;dAl};0. CURDC AYD GUTTA23, ARD A. l IIEOFSIJA Y VAIRi0LE3, INTAYRS. SE71•Y1U AND 0ATCH BASII7S 017 BOTH 3InISU OF i ? GZV U1TN 5T111' -'T. FRON TIU9 SOUTH CURB 1I11E OF JACY.3011 STREET TO TIG•; IIORTH CURB LI1tF OF i VHF.S O'111EET, III TRL4 CITY OF PADUCAH. Y.ENTUC}OI, AUD PROVIDING 117IAT SN. ; LAY BE P1.ID FOR III ON VIE' TFN YRlu'R TAT441IT II117 ," Do introduood and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follovIng veto: Yons, Eaton, Eakor, Tully,Williamo and Xattorjofi:,-6.' Oonvalanionm Eaton ofi'oro•1 the following motion: I move that the veto by which� the ordlnaroo to provide -for oonatruatin- sidowniko on South Seventh Stroot was intro- Sidowalkn on 7th 3to fronR ducod, be reoonoidorod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yesc, Jackson to lY� Jonas. ,: Eat;yn,""Eakori Tully, Williams and Yattorjohn,-t. '1 1 p i1.f K 1 NO. ComMisslon0s' Proceedings, City of. Paduca. 14arch 21e . t..' -1921!3. Connin6ioror Tully.offorod the fol lowing.motion: move that an ordihi n V. a ce ontltlo� "AN 02MIL'AM" 1!?OVIDII.'G FOR THE PLYING OR '11AYI110 OF G163 AND ;.TLH PIP::S . WITH VE"I R SE -2ACE CONN10T_ Gas and water IOVS ON 20UTH PIPTI! TR OUTH PP ..T, F -R 211 TH: -.011ERTY OF YI:117-61-Y AVENUE TO THE, pipes to be ro- -1eid on S. 6th St. and B'3ay. from, AORTA PROP:IETY L1121 0:1 CL2?,' STRF.111T, AIM ON BR CA WIAY. FROM TEEAST PROPM. TY L1112 OF -N 17th to 25th St. SETZMMITH '_*TR_"'T TO Vu':fr:ST PROYM.Ty LUTE OF T'.','LI!TY-FiFri1.9T35q..,T IN THE C ITY. 0 -'-UC;,H, 1:1`1MIC, TO BE CONSTRUCTID M!D 217COMITRUCTED L1!M%,'R ORDI1AN0:-_,.5 P!JOVIT)ING FOR be adopted. Ldoptod upon call of the roll by the following_ vote: Yoao, Eaton, Eaker, Tully'. Williams and Yqtterjohn,-b. On motion tho.Bonrd adjourned upon.oall of the roll by 5 Yens. Adsple.d T:.i3OVM3D WCH 22nd, 1921. At a Called I.:ooting of the Board of Commiasionorej hold in the Oommian (onorBl 4 OhaAer*in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentiooky. on Varoh 22nd. 19PI, at 2 0'olook4.,14. Upon call of the roll the followineanoworod to their namoo: Comm Innionors Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and I'atter John, -5. Mayor Lattorj.?hn stated ronoona for call to -wit: To oonoldor .."MiLo 'Nay. Contract and such othor bunirons as may come bol'oro the Board. Mayor Eattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution entttled 22SMUTIO' AUTHORIZII,'G THE LULYOR TO SICU 1, CONTRACT B T T!L CITY OF PADUC,101 AVD T!3 PADUCAII EIZ`CTRIO OC1111,11ry'. IN CO:?r11?-.AT:,: D POI? 1112PING -13-EC'M: 10 CLr.-.P—':T A111) NHI TE WAY CONTRACT. 1:4_-;iMG. IN OP3RATIITG CO -D ITION A MIST= 0:! 1.ILMICip1j, LIGHT1140" Uroll CZT,1111 -,T.RZ:,TS. As SROM, IF SAID CONTRACT, AND MSIGUATEM A`; VME'"711I IE AY". IN. SCID W . t CITY"', be introduced and Iny over Sovon Days. Adopted upon 'call of the . ro . 11 by t b o fojlo%Ing vote: 'Yens. Eaton, Eakor . Tully. Williams and Ydttor.john.-B payor Katterjohn offered the f011o%71119 motion: I me** that a resolution on- . vo 'Paducah tiled, "A RE36LUTPOII LQU IR I UG TVIE PADUCAP 91AT.2 0011TAIrY TO ITS WATER ?!,.A IN 3 "Int or Co. to extend its FI T, ITR C1JXWLL_, SVLET TO AJID AMIG B!10-311 �,%-IIT TO A POINT OPPO TIN ,RD OF 0.11033 :Yater mains from Call:. -all 'St. to E..". -BRIDGE LIsTAijq:; OF APM, OXILIATELY 2600 F:2T," be adopted. Adopted* - upon oft Brown St. Lo. of tho rol.1 by the following vote: Yeao. Eaton, Laker. Tully. Willi ams.and Katterjqhn. Cl, Oomminoioror Williams offered the following. mot ion.. I move that the proposal of. J.B.Gardner J. B. Gardner far ln,.italling a Fairbanks Morso Scale. In n600rdanoo 171th said propoonl' . propoov,1 to ini3tall Fair- furniahing all material. labor and said scale oomplotev.nd . to be i . ns tallod oo4lote banku Morris Scales for City. for yU.M.45. be received and filed, and said proposition be accepted b ho.' n Yt .5 Board of CoMmlocionors. Ado)to A upon call of the roll by the, follo*aing vo'to: Yens. Eaton, Eqkor, Tully. Williams and Katterj9hn,-5. st On notion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the fol loain Fr veto: Yoan;* Bat on. Laker, Tully, Williams and Yattorjohni, B. Adeplid YMIC-4 2e--19ZL APPRIO 77 Cft, cl" Nf AY CJ R