HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 620, March 15, 1921a.4� ;pc t:e - — V-,�. :,,� ,y Fez. }..� .::F�:r. 'z .X ray.. '1'{[t' .A" 'h.' ;-.t•.- n• .. I � • a '� :.+; fir.• ^ti a.ar« ce+ r c. r,+•l.gp 4 �y'�•t}�'� � � ;f NoAV- Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah March lath 1921 . 'Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vot9:.Yeae, Eaton; Baker, Tully,,willimmsi' and Kattorjohn,4. Commiseioner- Williame offered the following motion: I move that en ordinanoe Ordinance'for entitled, "At1 ORDIIU.i10E PROVIDIITG FOR TfiE E.RP:CTIO11 AND C(2,TIXTIOif OF AN F.XT8r11SICI1 AND creation and ' oomplotion of ADDITION TO RIVERSIDE' HOSPITAL, AND, APPROPRIATIIIO MO1fEY TFLItEFOR:, AND ! :rl'II)P.I7.IDG TRE extoneion addition.to MAYOR TO SIGN ALI. 0011TRACTS NECESSARY IN Pit CC URING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID EXTEIISION Riverside Hospital. -' r• AND ADDITIOII," be adopted. Adopted upon call of tho.* toll by the'following vote: Yoao; j• Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn;-6. �- ".' On-motion the Board adjourned to moot Tuesday Mar bb 16th', 1921,,at 2 a' clock ' P. M., upon call of, the roll by 6 yeao. Adopted �gRL BPPROVF7D G4 CM l Vf lR. MARCH lbth, 1921: At an' Adjournod.Ideeting of the Board of Corr issionore., held in the Co=1 aBID& l ere' Ohambor in the City Hal l,. Paducah; Kentuoky,'on Maro}i 16th, 1921, at 2 O'olook, .' P. M. Upon call of.the roll the following answored to their name a:'Commission era Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Kat terJohn. 3'0 -6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that. the cotmrunteation Paducah Slater CO. Communion- of the Paducah Water Co mPaflV. dated February 16th; 1921,, relative to.rental of fire,- ' tion In ref Fire Hy hgdrants;,bo received and filed. Adopted upon.'call of the roll by the. following vote: . 4 Yeao,, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams, and Y.attorjohn;-ti. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following rgotion: I mobs that tho.00mrounioation. Brown Street from rosi'dente on Brown Street, requoot.inQ elttenolon of wator'maine, be received. and. Water imine extension. filed, and the City Soli oltor be instruotod tb bring in a; resolution far. such p»rposo. as;providod.in Section 4.-of iho rranohise Ordinance of tho-Water Company. Adopted upon call of tho roll by the following Voto: Yeas; Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams and Kattor john,-5. It+il ... Oommisoionor Tully 0fforad-tho'following motion: I move ti' the oomrounication� 2` Bocrd of Eduan- .� dated Feb. 3d, 1923, from the -Board of Education.of the City of,Paduoah, Kq. be reoeivedi:' . tion Cocanuni- option. and adopted. and made part..of tho r000rds. Adopted'upon oall.of ,tile roll by the follow-' ' ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Willinme and Katterjohn.-6. Said Communication being'as follows, to-qit: F.17.I:attor john, Liayor;' and "Paducah, .Ky. ;. Feb. 3, 1921.. Board of Commissioners of Paducah,. Paducah.- .Y.y., Gentlomon: A re6olution was adopted at a meeting-of the. Board'of ' . Education of Fnduonh,.hold in said City on February 2, 7.921; levy-, ' ir"g a tax of sixty five canny on the Ono Hundrod Dollar val.untion. . of property ir. City k. oaid of' Paducah for tho yecr 1921, pUreuanL to the authority givon by the Stattito,Low of Y.ontuoiy Board of Educe- in such. oaneo made and provided, caro boing nococeary, in the opinion ' of said Bonril., to produce for tho year 1921.the estidiatbd tion 00mmttnioati sum to n " be raicod to.0upport.and maintain tho Publio.Sohools'of the Oity, los0.the estimated stun which will be recoivod from the Oommon School Fund of tho State, and oaid resolution, certified by said. Board as regnlrod by law, is horsto attached. l You are respootfully requ6 nted f.o add to same and include cure in the roRilar, tax bil.le of the Ci.ty', oontainirg. the ordinary l.ovy, and have same oolleotod as the law directs. Respectfully submittod, Attest: J; T. RFDDICK. . Pros.-Board of Ednoation$Paduoah; Ky.. I11A HOUSTON Secretary.. . At a mooting of the Board of Education, of the City' of Paduonh; Kentuoky, held in the Administration Building, �-+a n..r .it. it. ]. .��. .. r. , +V '.... -1l•fi �....-4t..• .r r -... ....rr •.... .. t.. ..f_ �. -'"'!'ti.•Cikrd.4±�t•:;".id',S:dti+m�:!i:�F:we,.Cx'a�: u: .. :.0-.:-.' a x'. _ � '. - .. - N Nm-h,V--- Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ Board of Education. Tenth and Clark Stroots, in Ieduoah, 1'y., on February End, 1921, the following members were present: Dr. J. T. Reddick, Miss Dow Husbands, Ere. Anne Sanders, Dr. 1 Steinfeld, and Er. J.L.9anner. It was roved by Lice Husbands that the following - resolution oe adopted: - "BE IT RE301VED• By the Board of Education of Faduoah, Y-ontuoky, that thuro be and is now ingoaed and loviod an ad valorem tax upon the real and personal property In the City of Paducah, Kentucky, 'subject to taxation for the year 1921, of sizty-five .soots (65�) on the One hundred Dollar ($160.00) valuation of said property, the came being necessary, in the opinion of said Board of Education, to produce for said year of 1921 the total eatlratod sum necessary to be raised to support and maintain the Public Schools of said City of Iaduoah, Kontuoky lase the estimated Ban. to be received from the t'tate Common Aahool Fund." This motion ma aeaondod by Dr. Stoinfeld, and upon roll call, ocoh mombor voted "You", and the motion wan carried. "BE IT Ra::OLV!':D; By the Board at yduontion of padnoah, Y.ontuoky, that thorn be aril to now ircponed rnA Iovlod rn ad valorem tax upon the real and personal proport7, in the pity of Faduonh, Kentucky subject to taxation for the year.1921, of Sixty five Cents (6k.1 on the Ona llundrod Dollar ($100.00) velurtion of raid property, the same being necessary, in the opinion of said Board of sduoation, to produce for said -ear of 1921 the total estimated snm nooeusary to be raised to support and maintain the Public Sohoole of Raid City of padaoch, Eortuoky, lace the eativatod aim to be rell oeived from the State Common School Fund." ye, the rnderoi good, J. T. Reddiak, rreoident of the Board Of Education, and Ina Rollstor.. Searotary, do duly certify that the.fore- Boirs rocohltion wan adopted by the Board of 9dumtlon oil the City of Faduoch at a rognlar meeting held in Bald City 01' Paducah on February End, 1021, and is oortiflod to the Board of Commisolonere of said City for tho attention of auoh Coourlsaioneru, as the las directs. This 3rd day of February, 7921. J. 11 RMDDICl', ATTEST: President Bonrd of Educe ti on, Paducah, Ky. IBS ROLISTOII, Secretary. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;, I moos tl:at the aommuni. 1l Board of ]iduoa- oation datod 1.7arbh Bth, 1991, from the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, Ky. tion Communiaationbe received and adopted and rade part of the records. Adopted upon call of the roll by -. Bourd of Eduoa- tion Communioa- .r tion. ' r ) i L the following following vote: Yeas, Eston, Maker, Tully, "Williams and Yatterjohn,.b. Said Commnrlcation being as followe, to -wit: "Faduoah, Ky., March 0,'1927.. Ron, F. W. Yatter john, Mayor, and Board of Commineiornro of tho City Of Paducah, Kentucky. Centlomen:- I am handing you herewith copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Education at their ro;*itl�­ :.ioa Ying on March 2, 1921, whorob;- a tax of not exoeoding twenty costo per one hundred dollars valuation is levied upon the ronl end personal property of the City Of Faduoah, Yontnoiy for 1921, for the purpose of Croating a sinklnc fund for the payment oi' the school bonds. Also for the Pmlpom of paying the interest on came. You are respectfully requested to add this tax to and Include it in the regular tax bills of tho City, oontoinlnn the ordinary levy, aTd have Baan colleated as directed by law. Respectfully, J. T. hkDOICK, President Based of EAuoatlon of Paducah, Kentucky RE3.^.LL'TI011. BE IT iMSOL'12D by the Board of Education of Faduoah, Kentaoky, that there be and is no's imposed and loviod an ad- valorom tax upon all real end personal property in the City of Fadnoah, Kostaoky subject to taxatlan for the year 1921, of not exceeding fifteen conte (W) on the $100.00 vnluatian of avid proporty, the -sax ce being neeeary to aaeato a ainkir.a fund for the pa;; ment of the bonds of the City of Paducah. Yentuaky, issued for school purposes. anA dated January 15, 1920, and for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds when and an duo, No. 6?� Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 192 -- APPOiTIOIi- =11' ORDI- VAACY FOR 1921. levy or Rate Taxatian Ordi name for 1921. Library extension• for colored people. ReFort Con'r. ?inanae of Accounts for first half of Larch 1921. Street Im- provemnnt Bon and Coupons in OitK Vat'l Bank, 60.E6 or4ored paid. We, the undoratmod, J. T. Reddiak, President of the Board of Education, and Ina Rolloton, 3corotary, do hereby certify that the forogotng Reaolution can duly adopted by the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, Yontuoky, at a meeting of paid Board hold in said City of Paducah on the second day of Yaroh, 1921, and same is hereby certified to the Board of Commissioners of Baia City for the attention of euoh Commieaionors, as the law dlreots. This March 6, 1921. J. T. REDDIC4, Prooi4ent Board of Education of ATTL'::T: the City of Paduonh, Y.ontuoky. IDA ROLLGTOI7, Secretary." Commisnlonar Tully offered the following motion: I move that All ORDIIiA110E FIXIIIG TIL APPORTIOI1HRUT OF TRE PUBLIC P0113 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR Till,, YEAR 1921 be adopted. Adopted upon call df the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully. Williams and Yatterjohn,-6. Coomioclonor Tully offered the following, motions I move that NI ORDDIAHOB FIKIIio TRY. LEVY OR RATE OF TAXATIOli Oil FROriwy III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KF+ITUOKY, FOR TIL YEAR 1921, AILD TIM RATS OF THE TOLL TAX, WITH TIM PURCOSE3 OF SAID LEVY THEREUUMM DBFIIIYD, be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vots: Yoao, Eaton. Baker, Tully, Williams and Yatterjohn,-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that a 000munication from certain citizens regarding extension of Library privileges &o., be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, caker,Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-6. - On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 Yoao. .. ,/led �It'i.eL 3L IffL �t��'rtiovwP � Nn�•nn MARCS[ 19th, 1921, At a Called Mooting of the Board of Oommissiorors, held in the Coumissionnrs' Chamber In the City Hall, Fadumb, Yontuoky, on Ilaruh 19th, 1921, at 30 o'clock A, E. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, iaker.� Tully. Williams and Ilayor Yatterjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To Allow lay Roll for the i first half of L%roh, and any other baoinese that may came before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aocounta for the first half of the month of Harah, om ounting to $6197.47, as per the report of the . CommissionerofFinance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appro-I' pr iatod frim t%» Gennral Fund to pay same.- Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow) ing vote: Yoao,Bcton, Bator. Tully, Williama and Y.atterjohn,-6. 1i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the commissioner of Plasma be authorised and instructed to pay off, take up and annual street improve- d bonds and coupons, amounting to $60.26 in the City Rational Bark. Adopted upon on71 of I the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. On motion the Board adjourned,upon call of the roll by 6 yme. Adepled`yl'.�'[[b��''�''//'���1(((9,,7pppL APPRp41i]D MAYOR 641