HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 618, March 14, 1921! ".��.t yt: f~ � 1 -.5 �,','i��w. �!'• "T;Y(+.+i-rjliu'.i.'•'fri• ,hr J�r �,��:'�'�{• ,�•._l�'� A '' .T !,.„.'•:.M::'.+•'�`•}V�?y..wrr •J, r•l:'•`/^• M..�.t'-..++5�. :M.:.t •: KT t :}• r'S Y:�',:`InNw; Y.1 ��q� - , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191- .. : • ' . ' '' MARCH 14TH, 1921.. Ill At a Regular Meeting of. the Board of Commissioners., held in the Cormieeionere` Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Marah 14th, 1921. Upon call. of the. . roll.the following answered to their names: Oommiesionere Eaton.- Eaker, Tully, Williams � ir• r . and 'Meyor Katterjohn,-6.. On motion of Commleeioner Eaton the minutes of.the previous meetings were '''' I.•..' adopted no read upon. call of the r.oll by'the .following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Eaker,Tully,. Willieme and Katterjohn;-6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the.following motion: I move that the report on'Unioh ,> I 'Report of Engi- j3tatlon.D6pot Streets of Engineer Mitchell be received and filed. Adopted Upon-oall.of neer Mitchell on , `Union Station the roll by the following'vote:.Yeas, Eaton, Eaker', Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B': Depot Streets. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; .I move that the.potition irotoet of pro- from the property om.ers on Forth Third, .North' Four th.and lforth'Fifth also on Monroe r arty owners'on 143rd; H.4th,.Street, requeating postponement of the proposed. improvement of said streets be re- F.6th and Monroe;. Streets aRainot 1'oeived and filed. Adopted Upon call* of, the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Eaton,.".; stroet improve- mont.'. Eakor; Tully, Williams and Katierjohn,.-B. Oommieal. over'Williame offered the following motion. .1 move that the' Financial L.,. Financial. State- mont.Rivereide Statement of the Riverside Hospital for the,month of February 1921 be received and " Hospi tal for Feb., 1921. .; filed. Adopted p upon call of the. roll by. the following vote: .Yeae., -Eat on. Eakor-Tully; ;•,:' .::: Williams and Kattorjohn.-.6. , V Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move 'that the Patient's ` •. Tatient'e Re- ...:.:.;;.: -;. port,of River- Report of the Riverside 'Hospital:far the month of February 1981 be, received and filed.' aide Hoapi'.tal for Feb.1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by the :following vote: 'Yeas, Eaton, Ecker, Tully.... i ,.. ;,'.' .. ,•: Williams and Y.atterjohn,-6.J. ' ' .. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move .that -the Street Improve •4pgmeni Contraot and Oonetruotion Bond, for the oonetruation and reconstruction of Fifth ,Stroet Improve- B' r ment Oontraot rStreot.. from the South property line of Kentucky Avenue.to -the Forth property line of and Construction bond for 6thOlark Street, betweon the City of Paducah; Kentucky,. and Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors,. Street ' received and filed. dated Varah.lot. 1921, and also that the Power=of-Attorney authorizing J. Morton ltorrie Yanoy & Johnson hof Louisville, Kentucky,.to sign.the name of the 1ational Surety Company ; ae surety, on oartiled chock of nod. 00 re. Cseid Oons d. truotion'Bond, be.reoeived, filed, .approved, and recorded.: And that the Com'r:. 4� •ttu•no !!of Publio Finance be Authorized to..return to.Yanoy & Johnson their oertifiod.oheok of': p0200.00. .Adop'tod. upon call of tho .roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Esker. �"Tu11y; Williams.and Katterjohn,-6...' • 'Stroot Improve- Mayor. Katterjohn offered the following.motion: I move .that the Street�Improve mont Contract and. Construotion:ment Bond; for the construction and.reoonstiuction of'Broadway,'from 17th Sree.to Bond for .Broad- tt way, from 17th .26th'Streets,.between the City of Paduoah,. Kentnoky,'and Yanoy & Johnson. Contraotore to 26th Ste , received and ;;:;dated Marbh lot, 1921• and also that the PO.-mr-of-Attorney a•";thorIzing, J..Yorton.ldarrla,'. filed.. fof Louleville, Kentucky, to sign the name of the Rational ur SatY Co �. as earetY.... Ynnoy & Johnson c . mPpa oertii'lod check Yon said Construction Bond, be reoeived,',i'iled; approved and recorded, and .that the . of ;200.00 d.' returned. YOom'r. of PnDlio Finance' be*authorized to'return to Yanoy & Johnson their certified tiohook o4 $E00.00. Adopted upon can. of the .roll by the. following vote: Yeas. Eaton. g gZaker,'Tully williams and Kett orjohn,-6.' Mayor Katterjohn offered.the following motion: I move th Underwood Type- '' r3 at the. action of ,. .:.�� '.r'.. i:: .. ., writor purohnsedPthe Mayor in purohasing now-Underwood Typewriter, at tn•ezpenso of $77.60. - by Mayor.:. as per eta �ment hore-aith.-be approved and allowed, and that ,the Commieaionor of Public Finaaoe be Authorized to pay the same. Adoptod1.,upon call of the roll by the following vote:-Yeas; Eaton, Ecker; Tully, Williams and' Katterjohn;-6.'. Aotion againot a' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the City Solioitar persona in ad- voroe poseoaoi.nw.e instructed to immediately institute action againet'all in person's the adve r of Boyd,BurnotL.:''• :' rue poseee., -� . and Flournoy at .Y.Sf ::Jp:.v:}!.,:,j.:y �' •'kl:t4.Y a•�aiJ'{t +ir •. l' a.w:kw�•tii•4da 'iw•i... W. MbG. '.Vt..YVY. :ir, :r•.v:.C•Nj;,,i I�`1..(b1Y�.�•. 1 . 11 -'• % I • ~ \ .. I ..� ;d,•: jr �? fi ny ,rs ,. ..:a ,{ { gar i%. r �..: y. 4 - -a• -t,,+. . T� >2R n-�};s,-':-1cr,•vy!p..u...•,• r .. t••.*rr••zr+r:s• ♦ ..su ' •) ft Commissioners' Proceedings; _City of Taducah 'W',, h 14th 192.1: cion of Boyd,.Burnett and Flournot Streets, east of Sixth Street, to recover the . 'East as Sixth Street. Poeeesalon of .said streets on behalf.of the City of Paducah, and to oust said per eons so in the adverse':poosession thereof. Adopted upon call:, of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, .Tully, Williams and Y.attorjohn,-b. . Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: whereas Speed & Kearney, eon- L•. 'i Speed k Kearney aulting engineers of Vemphie. Tenn. have heretofore deposited crith the Oommieeiore.r of .) refunded $60.00 Public Finance the sum of 650 00 as h 1 deposit as guar, v guarantee of t.e sato returnof the serer plans for. antoe of safe j• :,...j, return. of sower sewer distr-lot r3 and said plane having been returned to the Deportment of Public works Plano istriotr.$3. in good order. I move that the Commissioner of Finance authorized and instructed to +, return'.to Speed k Yearnoy the above mentioned deposit of $60.00. Adoptod.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams and Katter john, -6. ' Oommiesionor Eaker offorod the following motion: I movo,that tho Monthly 1,o - Monthly Report ' •, ' � of Street Dept. Port of the Street Department for February 1921 be r'000ivod and filed. Adopted upon for Feb. 1921. ¢ call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eakor, Tully,williame and Katter- Y john. -6. ' Mayor'Katterjohn offered tho following motion: I move that a resolution an- titled, n titled, "A RESOLUTICII FROVIDIL'G FOR THE 0011STRUCTIOL' AND RECONsTRL'CTIOII Ob' DRIVE71AYS` ~ Revolution pro- ,z ' "' I•;; a lITI,,III Tl:. I111014IRE LIVIT3, 001USIVE OF ^11! STR HTS BORDFRIHG THIMBON, TO-1TIT: ON viding for yy oonatruotion ofp driveaayv in tt� WASHIYGT,'II STRhI'T. FROM T!U'I `MST LIVE: OF THIRD. STREET TO TH21% EAST LIVE OF FIFTH STRUT. Innmt-Fire 6 AND ON FOURTH STREXT FROM TID,' SOUTH LINE 0'' I'S!,PIC}y AVEI!U): TO THE NORTH LINE OF FI ' Limits. S000nd 8 I` Readinu -'do'ted'' g 1' WASHIVGTOII ST'lEET, AND ON '.:OHROE STRE.S.T F'10' TICS ','0-,T, LINE OF SECOND STRUT T0. THS " 7ESa^ LIIf . OF Fl: TH SnR T. AILD ON THIRD STREET FROM THE 10. T!1 LI1tE OF JEPFFRSOII 3TRE.ET TO TIL': ;OUTI1 LIli�' OF 1,101G?OP•.'STREET, END 011 FOURTH sT?i!T FROId TH.-` HORTH.LINE OF JEFFM SOIL 9T!Ri T TO TID 50UTR'LI11E OF MONROE STR::ET,.AHD 011 FIFTH S'1^.RERT FROV, THE NORTH LINE OF J!PPERSON 373r^.5'T TO T!I:: SOUTH LINE OF MONROE 5T.9_.'RT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH..1211- ' TUCYY,' AT THE.'CO3T OF =,, ABUTTIIIG PROIENTY 07117?n3; AND PROVIDIIIG THAT SM -7, l.!AY BE CONSTRUCT?•:D AND RECO118TRUCTED UPOU TH-F TEN YEAR PAY -:!-A PLAII," be adopted.. Adopted '. F upon call of the,roll by the following vote: Yoao, EATON, Eakor, Tully, Williams and. Katterjohn -6. 4 Mayor Katterjohn offored the following'motion: I move that'a resolution en- Resolution titled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDIIIG FOR, THE CONSTRUCTION 0£ 001!C:?'3T : SIDlilTAl}:5,:'OUljil:R, AND i providing for sidewalke,.etc. � ' GUTT'R3, AIM ALL NECESSARY !.7111110LES,.I21TA}:F,S, S::TF�i:; AND CATCH BjSIVS Off BOTH: SIDES OF �'rj, j' on 7th Strout from Jackson . 31: IITH STR?:i:T. FROM THE SOUTH CURB LI1'!L' OF JAOX3011 STR!:SIT TO Tlr1. IIORTH CURB 1LTHR OP'."', . to Jonc o. Second 'lending_ ,' JUlIE9 T.?::ET, III TIt�' CITY OF PADL'OAII, Rr?ITLICYY, AND PROVIVII1G THAT SUj,-' MAY BE PAID , `• +.fix. Adopted. FOR. UPOlt THE T21f YEAR PAY1,7:NT PIAN." be acbpted. Adopted upon call of the roll -by.-the folloning.vote: Yean, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Y.attorjohn,-b. ''!` !>•,`{� sCommissioner Tully offered the following motion;' I move that a roaolutionr'• r enti.tlod, "n :RESOLUTION. PROVID (HG FOR' 71.12 COII9TRUCTION OF 0O1:ORF.TE' OURBB', ALIT' 0�1TTERS,'' 4 Reoplation pro- i siding for ' :!D ALL N!0r:;:fit?Y VAIIHO1:S, .IIITA�T':3, 3 '.•??s AIM CATCH BA21113 ON DOTH SID OF..TEtITHoon aoroto guttera curbs and STREET, .THIRTLE21TH STR=-.T AND F^0T.^::7fTH 1;T?:.::T, FROM TM_s.11ORTY 1•ROFFRTY LINE OF on 10th St.. 13th St. and BRO:.D',7:.Y- TO lHL SOUTH PROF'.RTY Ll1IE OF JEFF'}:RSC}l. 3Ti?FWT, III THR CITY OF PADUCAH, 14th .Strout. First 'loading. .YFlR. TUC}y. AND PROVIPIIIG TF4T SAM1.'l,Y BE PLID FOR UI'OI1 TIE7 TEII YE?R PAYMENT PIJ.N," be k , I r/ introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas', Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williomo and Yatterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following.motion: I move that n revolution Resolutionro- p viding for '''' ant it led, -A RESOLUTION IROVIDIIIG FOR TH'? CONSTRUCT o ';^ y - IOIf OF TII_, DRIv}. AY3 Olt T;?LITH,,• ';ii•:.,' .. construction offELE,r11TH. driveways on T71EMPTH, THIRTEEIITH, FOURT:FIITH AND STYTE:liTH STR:'_':TS, 'FR01d TIE 110RTH PRO-'' � loth, 11th,1Eth '13th, 14th and. PI:RTY LIIIE OF BROAD.. -AY TO TILE SOUTH PR OTFRTy 1.I1fE OF JFIFPFI?5011 -STREET, Ill TP. E' O1 TY OF s 16th 9treotc. f First Roading. � PADUCAH, YialTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THP. ABUTT3 IG PROP RTY O'.71fER3, AND, PROVIDING' THAT ' G'. `•"� •?�< " ' 3AL1I MAY BE COL'STRUOTED Ur011 TI R T121 Y' AR Pi:Y15:IIT PLAtI,° be SntroAuoed and lay over. TR'i'R,rr>,'iF'Tl'.'..n`r..:;'•.or+•,• .. ;c No Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 'March lath' 1921 Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vot0:.Yoss., Eaton; Eaker, Tully, Williams :.• and Katterjohn,=6. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that an 'ordinance Orainonoa for entitled, "Alt ORDINAZICE PROVIDING FOR Ti.E E.4,?CTI011 AHA O0lz1 :TIOli OF All EXTEIISICII AND erection and ; completion of ADDITION Ill RIVERSIDE' HOSPITAL, AILD. APPROPRIATING MONEY.TTMEFOR,, AND AUTHORI7.I1IG THE extension A " a9dIti'on-.to MAYOR TO SIGN Ail. 0011TRACTS NECESSARY Ill PROCURING THE CONSTRUOTIOII OF SAID EXTEIISION ' Riverside Hospital. r• AND ADDITION," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the. roll by the following vote: Yoas; Eaton, Eaksr, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn;-6. "• On motion the Beare adjourned to meet Tuesday March 16th, 1921,. at 2 o'clock P. M:, upon 'call of, the roll by'5 yeoe: A441ed 190L APPROPSID : -=4e, 221 1Lun 16th, 1921. At an'Adjourned.Meeting of the Board of C.onmioeionors.,'held in the Commiea.oa- ' ere! .Ohambor in the Oity HELI 1,,Paducah ,Kentucky. on March ltith 1921 at' E o'clock. P. M. Upon Dell of.the roll the following answers& to their name's: Commiaelonere Eaton, Eaker, Tully, will iame and Linr.Latter ohn -6. Yo j Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that. the comirunication Paducah hater CO." of the Paducah 7ator Company, Hated Febrnry 16th; - 't . o .rental of fire- ' tion In rei Fire Hydrant.. hydrshts,,be r000ivod and filed. Adopted upon,'oall' of the roll by .L ho following vote: . . Yeae;.Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williame.and Y.attor.john;-6. r ' Mayor Knttorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the ..00minunication . �' - - � • Brown Street from rosidente on Brown Stroot; requootina eAtenoion of orator mains, be received, and Water swine' extension; filed, and the City Solicitor be inatruatod to bring in a rosulution for. erten ptirposo; f as:proviQod .in 9e6tion 4.. of the Franchise Ordinhnoe of the Rater 0ompany. Adopted upon a call of the r.oll by tho following Voto: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and .. •� ? .. .. Kattotjohn,-s. . Oommiscionor Tully offor.od tho following motion: I move that the communication� 1 Boof Eduaa- dated Fob. 3d, 1923, from the. Board of rduootion,of the City oP,Padnoah,•crd Ky. be received( tion Oomnuni- ontfon. and adoptod, and mado part..of the r000rdo+ Adopted upon call.of ,t ho roll by tho.follo, Ing vote: Yoao, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Willinma and Katter john, -6. Said Communication beine'as follows, to-riit: F.1'i. i atter john. Liayor; and "Paducah, . Ky. ;, Feb. 3, 1921.. Board of Commissioners of Paducah,, " Paducah.- Ky., . . Gentlemen: A resolution was adopted at amoeting the. Board of .' of Education of Paduoah,,hold in said City on February 2 1921 levy. irg a tax of sixtyfivo sent'] on the O liundrod ' no o Dollar va].untion. of pro'perty.ir, said City of Paducah for tho year 1921, pursuant to the authority rtivon by the Stat uEo icor Of Kontuoly in such canon made and'providod, same boir,g n000ccary, in tho opinion ' Board of Eduoa- tion 0ommnnf ..of said Board., to produce for tho year 1921 .the 6stimat6d sum to . " bo raiced to and sat i n .support maintain tho Publio.Schools of the city, 1000 the ostimatod Gran which will be r000ivod from the Common School Fund of tl:o State, and said resolution, certified by said. ' Board as required by law, is horeto attached. You aro respectfully reque nted to add same to and . include Game. in the rofatlnr tax bills of the city, oontainirg.the ordinary levy, and have.samo oolleotod as the lacy direct.. a Respectfully submittod, J. T. RF.DDIOK, Attest: ?roe.-Boardof Eaneatlon,Pnduoah; Ky.. I11A ROLhSTON, Secretary.. ' a At a mooting of the Board of Eduoation, oY the City 1 of Paduoah; Kentucky, held in the Administration Building, . f f:1,iCG7.R4; i:2.':,:',16+viiL%rj:%:14✓ •. :ww:X,:l' .I, :.:d -..:V a .l'... .w 'w .ul...�i.. .W:.'J T.vy, �?>::i;ii l'�a,:,.�+V%4—:r... j:" "