HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 611, February 19, 1921.. rF+ M`b h iar+'L". ? `�5" .�,(-wr-. •y"' \tH }. 1^fbt b ln T�'f ifAy ^r4ri' N �•4r 4"K r,'ij'j � .� { �� ,�j�-T ��+i•�.�� �j^'�'. 1 ''� r �)y, .ts..:t:..e.+ .s�.:2:•:. - -'.,.-:b:...2.:u;.�..y�.:..,as.:....i.,-..�.:.=. ;C_-.1 ._z•.�:+:�'...-, ., .. .. Commissioner.'s:Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ! I'i13iUA-iY 19th,. 1921. I! tit a Called Mooting of tho 1loard of Connie cionoru., hold in thu Commissioners' '• Chamhor,•.in the City Hall, Paducah, Keni:u.cky; on 'Yehruary 19th,'1921,.at 10;30 o'clock I, A. 11.. Upon call of the roll-tho follovitng answorod to thoir narnoo; Commiesionors 5' ` j Luton, Enkor, Tully; Williams and ::attorJohn,-5. ' jjLisyor.laittorjohn stated reasons for call to -crit; To elloii pay rollfor,tho a first half of Fobruary', 1921, and any othor businoss that may come before the 'Board. '- f Commissionor'Tully offorod tho following motion;, That the accounts for the Report C.om'r. . Finance of PayFI first half of tho month of Fohruary amounting to $6146.10 as por the roport'of the ' i Roll for first {I half of Feb.1921..1! Comnissionor of -Finance filed horo:•ri.th'bo allowod and ordorod paid and the monoy I.appropriatod from the gonoral fund to pay came. Adopted upon pall of tho roll by the „1 following vote; Ynas. Laton, ;;alcor, Tully,•fiilliams and 1(attorjohn,-6. ' Commisalonor Tully offorod the follo•,ri.ng motion; That tho Limo of.ultting of ' `Time of • •i, . . di ! - of Lquuliaat•ion the Board of i:qualizution bo oxtondod for one weok from this dato. Adoptod upon call �. Board extended one wock, of tho .roll by tho follo7rllit; vote; Yoa&' baton, ral:or, 'fully,. Piilliamu and. Kattor- `' r john, -6. On :notion tho 1:oard adjourned upon call of tho roll by tho.follocrin9 veto; Yoao, ii :_,'aeon, 1i0.1coa, Tully, Williams and Yattorjohn,-b. FEBRUARY Blat, 1981. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioner@, held in the commissioner@' ;chamber in the City Rall. Paducah Sentuoky, on February BLt, 1981, at B o'clock P.M. � :•.�,:V.. i rY Upon ball of the roll the following answered to.their namesi..Commi@sionere Eaton, ;t.' ;Enke:, Tully, Williams and Mayor Utterjohn,-6. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were t• adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eakor. Tully, " .,Williams'and Eatterjohn.-c. Re@lanation of Mayor Xhttorjohn offered the following motion; I move that ths'resignation of '` Dr.O.B.Harkey I City Physician Pro C. E. Harkey, as City Physiolan, be accepted, effective February BSth. 1981.. :r'•, accepted. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton. Baker, Tully.William@ a , and Eatter.lohn.-B. Br.BdworA Adams b Mayor Katterjohn.offered the following motion; I move that Dr. Edward Adams be ., appointed City ;. Physician. 'appointed City Physician. effective ae of March 1. 1981, to serve at the pleasure of ,the Board of Commissioners. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, i Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Matterjohn,-6. .•`;a K L Mayor fttterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Report of the40 ? Eepo;t McCracken County Health ;Health Board for January_1921 be received and filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll by, Board tdr Jan..:. 19210 the following votae Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tully, Williams and Matterjohn.-6. :<a a ~.i •'i .. Commissioner Tal g Tully offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of Com'r. Finance Finance be instructed and authorised to pay off. take up and cancel street Improvement instructed to pay ' off, take up and coupon@ amounting.to =60.24 in City National Bank._ Adopted upon call of the roll by t }=f ' canal Street Improvement the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Baker. Tully. Williams and Batteriohn.-6. coupon@. On motion the Board adjourned by b yeas. �' 192E r,F D Alepled=-z4 5.0 t