HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 592, December 20, 1920,� %. • ,, .J i ..i",r"'Ir.C,7,�.-,•"'r'� ,; .r'7'' r .'p _ .. .. 'a;'4y.rrZ'a;: 'i { y..y=•.,:.r"TyA�.K'f�' S"t ry"t_'.iTt}'r rtx•�<..-,•..,-..-...r r�<-�•ti„y7. yn cr+.�7!�,... ' zrm Commissioner's Proceedings,* City of Paducah 191' DECIIABER 14th, 1920: N At a Called ]fleeting of. the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' - dhambor in tho..City Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on December 14th, 197.0, at 10 o'clock A.M. Upon call of tho roll the following answered to'their names:. Commissioners Baton. Eaker, 'Tully, Ylilliame and 'Mayor Katterjohn,-6. ' Mayor Katter john stated reasons for call,. to -wit: To accept the work on. ' ' Cedar 9troet and Lincoln Avenue, and further for 'the 'purrosa of adopting assessment 1� 1 ordinance. .. .. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: 'The now gravel street on. Cedar Street and Lincoln Avenue, from the East proporty:lino'of the Mayfield Road to. � the East property line of Lincoln Avenue on Cedar street from the North Curb Line of Codar Street to the Soutli property line of Coxeys.3treot,.having been completod and Cedar ft. and, Lincoln Avo. finished by Richard Doll, contractor, according to the terms and oonditions of his o6h-� work a000-pted.. tract, and an'ordinanoo passed relative to said improvomont, and same havib, bnen-in- . i r` y q opootod b the Mayor and Commies'ionore on the 7th'da of Deoombor. .1920, I now 'move y ?” '•'-'' 'that same be accepted, and,tho Engineor's eetimato of tho-cost of said oonetrnotion'be confirmed,, and that .es id estimates ho turnod overto the Commissionor of Finance ;for A oolloation: ..And that the City Solicitor .bo inetruotod.to t�ronaro an ordinance assess- " :. Ing said propor•gy as ehovm hy.the Brig inoerIa EetiniRto,.. Adoptod.npon dell -,of the roll b tho following'vote:.Yeas ,'Baton, Eakor, Tully, Williams. and Kattorjohn,-6., ; Mayor Katterjohn'offerod the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled. "AN ORDIHANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 61I.CEDAR STREET AND LINCOLN " ',• � -• • AVENUE, FROM TILL EAST .PROP1iiTX LINi9 OF THIS I.LIYFIEID ROAD. 20 Tl{B EAST. PRO )LRTY LIlfB OF LI11COL14 AVENUE 011 CEDAR STREET FROM .THE NORTH CURB LINE. OF CHDAR STRB2;T'.TO THE SOUTH Assessment Ord1Hansa PROPERTY LINE OF OOXEYS STREET; IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUr.I OF $1.16 Y)sR Lincoln eve -' .and Cedar St. ABUTTIJJG FOOT FOR..THh C0113T1tUCT101J OF SAID STI:EET BY GRADING At1D (7LYVELIIiG; A11D PRO- . VIDING THAT THE COST OF COCSTRUCTION OF SAID PROP -RTP BE CHARGEABLE 'TO AND ASSESSED h t'AGAINST THE PROPERTY REC9IVI110 THE 1110 BIT OF SAI.id, AS'3I10'111- BY' TH? k110I11BERIS 1STIMATE, + I. AND .ON FILE IN HIS OFFICE, AHD 1'ROVIDIJiG THAT SAID AS9nS$ltilfi \Y BE PAID IN TBII EQUAL 1 ' INSTALLY121TS, BEId1G OHr/ aCll Yr:AR FOR A PMiIOD OI' TEN YEARS," be adoptod. Adoptod upon' call of.tho roll by tho iollovring votoi Yoas, Eaton, Baker. Tally; Williams end.,Knttor-I fjohn, -6.. ' •`?': 11 .. On motion tho Doard adjourned by 6'yeas. .6 k ^^ Adopiod o' �1'Y'f�O�T$li7 DECDZER 20. 1920. ;' • At a Qalled Lasting of the Bonrd of Cormissioners, held in the Commissioners'. , P:Chnmber in the City Hail, Ysducah, Kentucky, on December 10th. 1920; at 10 o'clock A y •A.'ll. Upon call o:f the roll the foilowing'anewered to Abeir.names: Commiasaonere .. # i Eaton, yoker;'TuIlY,.Willisms and, MAyor Kntterjohn,-5. ;.Mayor. Katterjohn atsted ressons -for call , to -wit To. allow paq roll -and such N othP..husineso the may come before the:7oard.. - Report, Cpm'_• Fintinoo of Corrmieaionor .'ully.offored'tho following motion: :Ent the acoounte for the .. first hnlf of tho month. of December 1920, nmountln� to V.056.87. ae pe:r'tho' report of l a000.unta for first hnlf of ..the Oommisuioner of ?irnnoa, filed herewith, be:nl]owod and ordered paid; f ! ' 'l .� i•.s-�e*�rv..`�s•-v�e:, �•-,. d; ,�r f• ,r., t. �•,;+�. t-�a, +� ,, :;sP - t.. ;�,� , � + +,� ' ._.•-...,._.c...=....:11+.-'.: �....��1-:e..:. r..--7,:- ,..:5 ..:i�:. .rc. •.d�:�+..u._.:. i_...1 r�:_ c .,-„.rte-nt•_i .n.-••;�>,�.,m•..�.i i ,•� . v1y: �-� �; •�, � F I ho].dere on imerove.?i Vim:1.Hoftr:nn " 8 122.10 ment' on It.l:4th St. y:-' Aub, - Denkor po 122..10 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. the examination and inspeotion of all eleotrioal wiring in the City. ot.Paduoah,'and : •`" No. u i� i 411,343,10, being the amotuit oolleoted from property holders for the street improvement 1 bn North Fourteenth Street, from the l:orth aide of the property line of Monroe Street' ' .. Adoptad, upon oall of the roll by the fo]lowine vote: Yens, F.aton, Enl:or, TuUly, I to the South Bide of the property 11r:e of Clay Street, an follows: Yeae. Eaton',' Tully. Williams and Satterjohn.-4. On motion the '?oard ndjourned by 5 Yeas. J' Yanoy Johnson. Den Vieille Estimate3 4 22.57 r. r oontraotors, paid.p Z. -,Tate 71111 Hornbuokle ” P4 }5 99•Si 7" -122.1.0 $1343.10 oolleot-:�� Ions from property, Lre. Ireno Gardner F...{; & Carrie Robertson " } 122.30 122.10 ho].dere on imerove.?i Vim:1.Hoftr:nn " 8 122.10 ment' on It.l:4th St. y:-' Aub, - Denkor po 122..10 the examination and inspeotion of all eleotrioal wiring in the City. ot.Paduoah,'and : •`" tf .010 122.10 ' h L.A.'Wnsh ington . n ] 2 33PIP i024r.............. .yy Inapeotor;'end that hie pay for l.'." .. Adoptad, upon oall of the roll by the fo]lowine vote: Yens, F.aton, Enl:or, TuUly, euoh eervioea be $95.00 per month. Adopted upon oall of the roll. by, the following.votet 7111Iiams and Kntteijol^n,-5. Yeae. Eaton',' Tully. Williams and Satterjohn.-4. On motion the '?oard ndjourned by 5 Yeas. 19 DECEMBER 20, 1920. !! At Regular Meeting of the. Board of Commissioners, held in the Oo®leelonere'' ! I.Ohamber in the Oity Hall. Peduoah. Yentnoky, on Deoember 20th. 1920. Upon onll of the f. t joll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Satoa.,Tully,'Williemg and. ji Mayor Satterjohn.-4. . ! On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previona meetings were adopted, as read, upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,, Eaton, Tn11y,.Williame and '• 'Ketterjohn.-4. iL Oommieeloner Tully offered the following.motion: That the proposition of the Paducah Asohiteot :•t 6 Engineering Map �Paduoah Arohiteot k Engineering Co. for the sale of Map to the Olt y of Padnoah be re- of Paduoah rejected. ;jeoted: Carried upon oall of the roll by the. following.vote: Yeae.'Eaton, sully ,. Williams and Xetterjo.hn.-4. c Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioatioa ' Yedoro Cigar Co. .' oommunioatIon in re. from the Midoro Cigar Company be received, and that same be•referred to the Cit soli- ' exemptions. y ! oltor for hie opinionas to whether or not said Cigar Company is a manufaoturer and } entitled to exemption from taxation, as requested. Adopted upon oall•of the roll. by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-4. i Elks, Club allowed Mayor gat ter john offered the following motion: I move that the Elks, Olub bs ! $25.00 for.adver- .. ;t..t• t` tieing Charity allowed 625.00 for advertising the Charity Minstrel. Adopted upon call of the rel} by Minetrel. the follow lig= vote: Yeae. Eaton,' Tully, Williams and Satterjohn.-4. ' - lar Commissioner .Tully offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of Pinanos Extra Clark in be authorised to employ an extra Clerk for the balanoe of the monthof Deoember, at an Dept. of Pinance. .?;r;4 y,:1,w4 ' for balanoe of expense of not ezoeeding $40.00. Adopted upon oall of the roll by Lhe following vote:';, Deoember. -.'d?•'; . 1. Yeas. Eaton, -^ally, Williams and Katterjohn.-4. ' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that William Roger be William Roger . 4c`•";1 Assistant Building appointed as Assistant Building Inspeoior, to work under the direotion and in oonAs.at- .``"' Inspeotor. Ion with the Building Ina pastor. and perform euoh duties as be requlig'd of him in the examination and inspeotion of all eleotrioal wiring in the City. ot.Paduoah,'and : •`" `i, 'Y, ' a euoh other duties as may be required by the Building Inapeotor;'end that hie pay for l.'." t euoh eervioea be $95.00 per month. Adopted upon oall of the roll. by, the following.votet .' Yeae. Eaton',' Tully. Williams and Satterjohn.-4. ! I rya. .. �. ? �, �• . J { .. .... � - _ . • +r•Y,: i i Cry,ea. 1 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191— Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that Charles Sweater be appoint - Charles Swentpr i Operator lire ed as Operator of the Fire Department; and that Jos Iverlett be employed as an extra Dept. Joe Iverlett Fireman. to be paid only for the time he Is on duty. Adopted upon call of the roll by 1 extra fireman. i the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-4- f Oommissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I more that Guy T. looney j Guy T.Looney I Walter England be employed as a patrolman; and I also mare that Walter England and Charles Block be j A Charles Block appointed ps- employed as extra Patrolmen. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ' ' trolsen. E Yeas. Eaton, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-4. 1. . j Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be i t f Ivey ve Olty autborised and instructed to appeal and further prosecute the Ivey ease vs. City of of Paduosh appealed. Paducah. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-4. On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. i Adr^led 17 19&.01 1 t't=' Ci Cc) V"_E]D DECEMBER 216t. 1920. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommissioners, held in the Commissioners' i Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on December 219t. 1920. at 11:30 A. M. Upon call of the -roll the following answered to !heir names: Commissioners Estot, fully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4 Mayor Ketterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit: To adopt an ordinance establishing a Board of Equalisation. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That an ordinance entitled. Ordinance "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHINO A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR TRE PURPOSE OF EQUALIZING TRE establishing Board of Equal, ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY FOR TAXATION IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, IR TUO Kr, PROVIDING FOR isation. THE OWIPENSATION OF SAID BOARD, OFPIOE HOURS, AND PLACE 00 MEETING." be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tally. Williams and Katter4ohn,-4. On motion the board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yese, Eaton, Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-4- OF c:.•r cu.r C..._-__. PYA?UR , t DEOEIIBER 24th, 1920._ At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommlesioners, held in the Commission- ers'Ohsmber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on December 24th. 1920. at 11:30 A.M., Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names, Commissioners Exton. Tally, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4- Mayor Ketterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To receive the report bf the Oom'r of Pinanoe regarding the account with Yancey A Johnson, and to authorise the Oommissioner of Finance to turn over the Bonds to Yanoy & Johnson. Report Com'r. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of Finance regard- the commissioner of Finance regardning the account with Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, Ing account with Yanoy Johnson s e construction osidewalks on between In re sidewalk for the sidlkthe South side of Husbands Street betwSixth construction' 7tb A Rusbands and Seventh, and both sides of Seventh Street from Husbands etrset to s point 100 feet Sts. and deliv- ery of 10 year South of Murray Ave:mei be received and filed. and that the Oom'r of Finance be fin - plan bands' straoted to turn over to Oontractors Yanoy & Johnson the bonds on the Ten Year Plano as followse a