HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 583, November 15, 1920,. T''.'r-'tyy'-L.,-t�s.y�tt �^, Lt�1 �t`-fllr r"'•'* �r;`v•r'n"/t •M }".•nY. .�_.mil...+ti�,._...�,�.._•�,....�..-:+r,- 'J-.5.�»::a.J.:_. ..t__ �.tr,�.7-.•...�_r,.tl`ie`...c+:.i:_1,�ai•,, ' , ._ .• - , - r�!Ttnwy. s-.r,:+rn^pA�•--^•...F.r.^ry <��.w}'f yr- t: + Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: That the communication of the.-.. i Paducah Electric .Paducah Electric Company relative to the lnetallatioa of ma chinery at the Co. communication �. power plant i in re; installation be received and filed.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, of Machinery at power plant on End Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. j; Mayor Kattorjohn.offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improve- G.W.KatLerjohn & ment.Contraot and the Construction Bond between the City of Paducah and 0. W. Katter- Son contract & bond: in re: End 9L., !'john•& Son for the r000nstruotion of -the driveway on North Second Street between . Beta. Jefferson & i Monroe Ste. Jefferson and Monroe .Street, .be received, filed and approved. Adopted upon call of the. "troll by the following vote; Yose. Faker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-4. , jCommissionerTully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner ol,,.''' Yanoe & Johnson !,Finance be inetruoted.to pay over to Yancey & Johnson the eum of $600.43, boing the Paid 500.43 ool- leotion on improve-:'oolleotion on the improvement on south 7th Street' E inset's eeti:®taE4 X357.87 ' mont on 3. 7th St. ( ' on property of : end Engineer's estimate #30, 8142.76, on the property of John and 'Oore Bryant. Adopted John & Cora _Bryant. a�iupon call of the roll by the following vote; Yose,.Eaker; Tully 'Williams and Katter- Iljohn,-4. . On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the rollby 4 yeas. Ad NOVEMBER 15TH. 1920. At a Regular Meeting of'the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in ,the City Bell. Paducah, Kentucky, on November.lbth,' 1920. Upon oall of the . roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker., Tully,_ Williams and Katterjohn.-6.. On motion of Commissioner Williams the minutes of the previous meeting were 1 i adopted se read upon call of'the'roll by the followingvote= ' Yeae, Eaton, Eakor, f' ... .Williams and Katterjohn,-6, .Tully, .j Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; That the now gravel atreet.oa :1.: Fourteenth Street" 4 Fourteenth Street, from the North property line of Monroe Street to the South property :work accepted. u , b line of Clay Street; in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, having been completed and fin= 11 lehod by Yancey & Johnson, contractors, according to the torme and conditions of their if contract, and nn'ordinnnoo passed relative to this improvornent, i now movo.thnt same', be eooepted, and that the Engineer's estimate of the cost of said construction be' oon-i firmed, and.'that said estimate be turned over to. the Oommissionor of-Pinanoo for ool- , lootion, end that`tha-dity Solicitor be•.instruotod,to prepare an ordinance Assessing the property, as shown by the Engineer's estimate, said work having been inspe.otsd on I '; II November 3rd, 1920. Adopted.upon call of the roll by the follgwing vote, Yana, Fitton, Eaker,.Tully, Williams and,ratterjohn,-5. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move.thnt an ordinanoe entitled � X.: ..Assessment Ordinanoe "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTEENTH STREET FROM ' .. Fourteenth Street improvement.: h THN NORTH -PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY. LINE OF CLAY STREET, IN r j'THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF 94% PEH ABUTTIIIG FOOT FOR.THE CONSTRUCTION'i'.' OF SAID,STREET BY GRADING AND GRAVELING, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF 0014STRUCTION • ( OF SAID PROPERTY*BE CHARGEABLE TO•AND ASSES9h'D AGAINST, THE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE " BENEFIT OF SAME, AS SHOWN BY THE ENGINEER'S NSTII+LATE, ADD ON FILE IN HIS O.FFICB, AND n'1 PROVIDING THYT SAID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, B8II10 014E EACH �i .'• t YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll 'by-the`.'.`•.e,; ,.., ijfollowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Faker,,Tnlly,,Williams and Kattorjohn,-54. 14 eJI t t '?' �;+" 3°�;�.`� �. ` . ,'!'+7 '�.'�'. " :'�^ , .w�_ �''m�"t^' 4 �' '" pg•5•i>-'; "7eZ•""',�yt:'ts�2+*� 5, .,, T'+'--•..,, •, : _ ;fv `..f,+'!}F.vt•._..rr- , RSL';.- +i•t.,v-w Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah hCommissioner Tully offered the follows F ., ng motion:. L move that the sum of $E4.80i•.c_ ' - Michael. Doherty*'to Michael Doherty on account of.double assessment on property at 1130 roinnded $24:90 'on Tax Bill .$910. �Trimble'Street, assessed at $1136.00 on Tax. Bili $910,.the tax on this Tmoperty having Ealeo been paid by the owner R. C. Jenkins on Tax Bill #3676. Adopted upon call of the ..•s,''''.. K - roll by the following vot6r.-1eae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-3. •, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:.That the Commiealoner.of 1k' Yanoey & John- yVinanoe be instructed to pay over to Yanoeq.b Johnson the eum.of being the eon paid $1,669.92,being,•amcunt of oollootions'on the sidewalk improvement on Seventh and Husbands Stre9t by the i amount of col- .-• ':. leotions. On @id. {olloming partiee. t - . walks on 7th �V. Nanney' ' Engineer's a Estimate #19. $179.24 . & Husbands Ste; . • �ry Hook . 12•, 142.76 ' 'N: Mary I. Murray " " 22, 237.13 I Russell Mose " " 23 47.07 cy' Runsell Armbreoht' " " 32 143.64 A.`Metoalfe " "' 36 123.28 ;. Ed Ivorlett " " 20 162.90 p, Joel Darnell ".° 29 302.47 Aria James " " 21 124.91 Sarah B. Hoover ". ",: 6, 106.63 Adopted upon call of the.roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker,, TullTlilliaml. and Katterjohn,-6... Commissioner Eaton offered the following-motion:'I move tbat the Commissioner. �of Public Finance be authorised to go before the State. Tax Commission at Frankfort for Com'r. of "finance togo, before State ithe purpoee.of adjusting the tax question regarding the P & I Railroad and certain y _ Tax Commission franchise assessments. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, in re: P. & I. tax question.. Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williame.and Ratter,john,-6. Commissioner Faker offered the following.motion: I move that B. B. Gray, Who; ` r allowed2400,was employed by tho.City, be allowed,the sum of'$24.00 in full eettlemant.for' injury. I awed .: o i , in full settle -oto his foot while working on the Sixth Street Bridgg in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, msnq for injury to his.foot qq or about the 23rd day of October 1920, said sum to be in full settlement of all sustained whilelan working on olaime, and that,tho.City Solicitor be instructed to draw the proT*r release and same 6th St.Bridge: `r',•,> to''be oharged to the Sixth Street Bridge account. Adopted upon call.of the roll.by,the' following_ vote= -Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and'Zatterjohn,-6. . On motion the Board adjourned by 6,yeas. WL - City V., I. •' ^ ROVEI.{BER 20th, 1920. `; 11 At a.Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'.. ]:'Cbs.bar in.the City 'Hall; Paducah, Kentucky, on November EOth, 1920, at 10 O'clock A.M. Upon call of -the roll the.following answered to their Hamas:. Commissioners Eaton, -1 Enker, Tully, Williams and Mayor "tter john, -6. j =v Report Com'' : . Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow pay roll for first Finance. 1 7 " of accounts first half of November 1920', and any other- business thatmight come before the Board.'. halt Nov. ' , 4 19EO. A Commissioner .Tully offered the following motion: .I move that the accounts for ; the first half of the month of November 1920, amounting to $9,067.69;,as per the reporb o! the Com'r. af.Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and,ordored paid, and the mono . appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call -of -the roll by the {` following vote: Yose, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6. L' . "y Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the report of the Commie- ` ` 'Liberty Bonder - semi -annual sioner!of Finance regarding tho•deposit to the Sinking Fund of the eemi-annual interest . interest _ ds oe ited to p on the $E6,000.00 in Liberty Bonds be received and filed. Adopted neon call of the t 9igking Fund. y ng , , , , , , Williame and Witter John, 6. s•,•.�; roll b the lollowi voter Yeae EeLon Faker Tally, . j .- -�+"i�.a,;.•c.•..t' .,,'cr:..: ebbA,::' m ' s.ft":A:S.+..xt _ ., - s+u z,..,w.4.; r>tie s. . �_ ,Hifi p?:}_•,ts A._w,A. .. ' ! -