HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 582, November 8, 1920•` .. 4' 4 4. . 'f :M rt' - t ;,J.tifge: x.f� i4a }`M ' 'l�.iv�. � fl ,�_�.,_�a...... ......�.•�..a. C_. L. .. _.. ._. .�_. _... _..ua- __ u ....�_. �i._.•+..:.:' It ..5'i _ .. Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the action of the z Extra Clerk. Commissioner of Finance in employing.an.extra Clerk to assist in the Tax Collection aasiet.in Tax Collection during.tha, month of.0otober, at the expense of $75.00, be approved., Adopted upon call .. of the roll by the following dote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully: Williams and Katterjohn,0 } Commissioner Tully offered the following motioni.That the accounts for the lash Report Oom'r• half of the month of October 1920, amounting to $63,512.10, ae.per the report o! the Finanoe of accounts for '10ommissioner of Pinanoo filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid, and the money .' last half Oot•� 1920. :appropriated from the 0eneral Fund to pay same. Adopped upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Eatoa, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Imtterjohn,-5.. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the report of the Commie- Report Com!r•_ &loner of Finance for the month of.0otober 1920•be reoeived.and filed, and .ordered { Finance for month of Oct. published in the Official Newepaperi Adopted upon call of the roll by the following . . 1920.. .vote: Yeas, Eaton' Braker, Tully, Williams and ,Katterjohn;-B. ' 'r Commissioner Baker offered the.following motiont.I move that the Commissioner of Broad Street Public Werke be instructed to repair the .Broad Street Bridge over Cross Creek as same Bridge over �• Cross Creek., ,. is In -need of repairs and same can be repaired for approximately $1260.. for new lumber' . and.$250. for labor= cost of repairing same to be ohsrged:to account of streets. Adopted upop`•oali•,of the roll by the following,vote: Yeae, Eaton, Balder, Tully, , Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the.following motions I move that the report of the . l' Report Uhie! ...bChief of Police for the month, of October be received and filed. Adopted upon oall of of Polido for i' 0o tober I9P.0 '' the roll by.the.following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Baker, Tully, Willisms and Kat.LerJohn ,-6.. . Commissioner Eaton ,offered the following motiont I move that the report of } Report Ohio! Ohiof of the .Fire Department for the month'of Ootober be received and tiled. (' r. Fero Dept. for. October 1920• • Adopted upon oall.of the'roll by the 'following votet_Yeae, Baton, Baker, Tully;. ;. ' Williams and Katterjohn,•i: On motion of Commissioner Tully the Board adjourned upon call ,of' the roll by . . the following votet Yeas, Baton, Bakei,'Tully, Williams and KaLterjohn,-5..'', AJ: + CGi '. `• I1 I t �.�ril.`V'. • •.i rif Ji: i.�11,,: CiYCI.:Y H November 8th; 1920. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Costmiiesioners! " 'Ohamber in the 01ty Rall, Padnoah, Kentucky, on November 8th, 1920. ,IIpoo call of the... r.. troll the following answered.to the ir..names:.Commissioners Baker, Tully, Williams and ' Mayor Katterjohn,-4. �+ On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the minutes 'of. the previous meetings were, r " - ;adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote-.Yess, Baker, Tully.. Willie me and Katterjohn.-4. u - Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I,move that the employment of I Connell L. Connell L. Dabney, as Inspector on the Second Street work at $6.00 per day, be ratifiedi Dabney, In- specter 2nd' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Baker, Tully,,Williame and �... . Y St. work. . Katter john,=4. Comniseidnor Williams offered the following motions That the communication. y� Park Board allowed of the Park.Board be'reoelved and filed and the Commissioner of Finance be instructed .• $300.00:. Is } to pay over the sum of $300.00 as„requested. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following,votot Yeae, Baker., Tully' Willisms'and Katterjohn',-4. r�J -. '!� r� J '.`'4: a ;•�K C �(, . V.bi._ 1. � .<..ZS. / Atm l.r.Yyi• 1' _ v ,� _ A 1 • r ::9:cai :ra;.3:41 :Vti,G+s::�ay' .v:, -;• rwc.,. .. r:.�y % ` , ' Y1"Xu�'lAac•-xfC.i'C.�•�.• `. '}±�'1^2t t `ti.+ iTY,l"' f{f`. ,:w. Y f�•..+r+V�.'- n - wa } tr � {. .1. }S''.v+.� _ :.:+::..r•�..•�+..'.:....:..i.+-+i�eu•— d-....`....1. •+'-.v..:L.I........w., _ .ae .:_:,.t,;�.r..�.::+1...- :_;La' ; , ' ._ .` � � •�F:�;^"�M:gsw '++v^,efi«Kr.,,.�,•5�.ry s�C�. AK;•.._`+,K.',7!:>�•.,i:'471, � i. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ,: Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: That the oommunioation of Padnoab Bleotrio ;,Paduoah Eleotrio Company relative to the inetallation o! maohinery at the power plant Co. oommunication c in re; installation be reoeived and filed.. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, of Maohinery at power plant on End Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. j: Mayor Kattorjohn.offered the following motions I move that the Street Improve- ' G.W.Katterjohn & 'ment.Contraot and the Construotion Bond between the Oity of Paduoah and 0. W. Katter Son oontraot & bond i P A hn S ., , jo •& an for the reoonstruotion of the driveway on North 8eoond Street between Betn, Jefferson & 1 Monroe Ste. 'Jefferson and Monroe .Street. be reoeived, filed and.app*ro:vad. Adopted upon oall of the, "roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-4. 1 " Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner of ..'' Yanoe & Johneon uPinanoe be instruo.ted.to pay over to Yanoey & Johneon the sum of $600.43, boing the paid500.43 ool- leotion on improve-'.00lleotion on the improvomont on South 7th Street, Engineer's estimate #24,.$367.87, mont on S. 7th 8t. I ; 9 on property of and Engineer'e estimate #30, $142.76, on the property of John and Dora Bryant. Adopted John & Cora Bryant., , upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoae,.Baker, Tully;' Williams and ratter-. john, -4. . p. On motion the Board adjourned, upon oall of the roll -by 4 yeas. ' Ad:Z iv(A1TCiF1•. k NOVEMBER 167H. 1920. At a Regular Meeting o!'the Board o! Commiesionere, held in tho Commissionora' Chambor in .the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on November.lbth; 1920. Upon oall'of the ( roll the following answered to their names Commissioners..Eaton, Baker., Tully,.,. t' 'Williams and Katterjohn,-6. ,{ On motion of Commiestoner Williams the minutes o! the previous meeting were adopted as read upon -call of tbe'roll by the following votes Yeae,'Eaton, Eaker, !� ,,... Tully,.Williams and Katterjohn,-Bs t f' !I Mayor Ketterjohn offered the following motions That the new gravel etreet.on j Fourteenth Street r,Fourteenth street, from the North property line of Monroe Street to the South property , work aooepted. ' line of Clay Street, in the City of Paduoah, Kentuoky, having been oompleted and tip-,'' iehod by Yanoey & Johneon, oontraotore, a000rding to the Lorma and oonditione of their {I oontraot, and nn ordinanoe passed rotative Lo thio improvement, i nope movo.thnt same I'be aooepted, and that the Enginoorle estimate of the oost of said oone,truotio.n be oon4 1j:'.• 5' '!firmed, ani -that said estimate be turned over to.tho Oommieeionor o!•Finn mo for col- {' �!lootion, and that`the•oity 8611ottor be..instruotod,to prepare an ordinanoe aasoesing 1.the property, as shown by the Engineor'e estimate, said work having been inapeoted on i 1; November 3rd, 1990. Adopted.upon oall of the, roll by the follpwing'votel Yoae, Eaton,; fEaker,.Tully, Williams and, KatterJohn, -6. .. .• .' 1 Mayor Kat.terjohn offered the following motion: I,move .thnt an ordinanoe entitled,, pY " Aeeeaament Ordinanoe "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OR BOTH SIDES OF FOURTEE11TH STREET, PROM ( ..Fourteenth Street �.rr improvement.. THE NORTH•PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY. LINE OF CLAY STREET, IN •` THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF 740 PER ABUTTIIIG FOOT FOR. THE CONSTRUCTION'•;';, I OF SAID. STREET BY GRADING AND GRAVELING, AND PROVIDIIIG THAT THE C09T OF C0143TRUCTION i;OF SAID PROPERTY BE CHARGEABLE TO,AND ASSES919D AOAINST,THE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE " BENEFIT OF SASE, A9 SHOWN BY THE ENGINEER'8 ESTIL+ATE, A111) ON FILE IN HIS OFFICE, -AND "+ !j PROVIDING THYT SAID ASSESSIWT RkY BE PAID INTEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, BBI11G 014E EACH ry YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS," be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by.,Lho:.- • : i:• X5'1•(: lfollowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker.,Tully,,Williame and Kattorjohn,-6s �\•