HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 570, September 18, 1920f r j i I. .n++^ ,,*��. •� r tx• %rl :» 't �` : : �� .'�+X* � SCS + r3c:1. ,r �� r : � .. r .. R �n r_ r t � .t - t -.i t_,. -.-. ., a. - � •� r••�rn t�,rc^•t l-5.. •ry 1 , NO2t70 .• ;. 91_ ` Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah 191-71- Commissioner Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe entitled, �'. .. "AN.ORDINANCE AMENDING, EXTENDING AND RB -ORDAINING SECTIONS S. and 5 OF AN ORDIIiAHCB;. ENTITLED, 'AN ORDINANOS DETERMINING 'NS FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF. PUBLIC AFFAIRSt� • ^ .. Function Ord1-� nanoe'amended.p PUBLIC FINANCE, PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING THB. ' • , . DUTIES OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY,' WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE.BOARD OF CO141LRSIONERS ON THE 5TH DAY OF'JANUARY. 1920;" be adopted. Adopted ' upon call o3 the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Williams and Matter-• t ` ;� •'. john, -4. •,;� . On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas.. ? r:. P.'. Adept i�r_�o 7 19'�v 7- 40. AS! fj pt, to ' SEPTEMBER i8th. 1920.' r At a Call Meeting of the Board of bommissionere,:.held in the Commissioners' Chamber in 'the City Hail, Paducah, Kentucky, on Saturday., September•.l8th;.1920, at ; r 11 A. M. 'Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Comm188ioner8 r ' Baker., Tally, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. i Mayor Kattorjohn stated rsasone,for call to -wit: For the purpose of adopting motion increasing the pay of laborers in the'Street Department, and any other baSinese '1 that might come botore the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following'motion: That the sum'of Thirty & Ho/ Cbie.O.Clark h100 be allowed to Chad. G- Clerk in 'full settlement of claim for injuries while in the '. j claim for. in,.uribs. �employ'of the Street Department, eame•to be charged .to Coate and Suite. Adopted upon " Call of the ,roll by tho following vote- Yeas, Esker, Tully, Williams and Xktterjohn,-4. r. K Commissioner Baker offer the.following motion: That tho pay of. the .liborors.In '' a $treat Dept: the 8treot Departmont be increased from 33-1/3 cents per hour to 40 cents per hour., laborers wages' ' :.increased.. ;effective as of September 18th, 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following " t. 'Jvote= Yeae, Baker, Tully; Williams and Wtterjohn,-4: Cj On .mo tion a Board adjourned by 4 yeas, .; ' ..�C��Y`=./_/_ice �aL(�f� .... .. .�� II ,�`• �%. .. )i) SEPTEMBER 20th. 197,0. G ` r` At'a.Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in,the Commission- " oral Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah,' Kentucky, on September 28th, 1920. Upon call `• ^; Of the roll the following answered to their named: Commissioners Eaton;Baker, Tally, !Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-B. I r A. S On motion of Commissioner Raton this minutes of the previous meetings were - +adopted Ss'read upon call of the roll by the following vote:.Yeae,'Eaton, Baker, Tully, �Williams and Katterjohn,-S: '„' Ma Or Ketter ohm ;• y j. offered the following motion:.I move that the communication Paducah Rail- ,.. •, r~� , way Co. oommu-;from the Paduoah.Railway Company -be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll ;:. nioation re- 'v garding rates. by the followitg.vote: Yene,,.Baton, Baker, Tully. Williams and ICitterjohn,-B.: 1V1. .. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I,move that the oommcnioationi. W. M. Mitchell, from W: M. Mitchell, City Engineer, be received and.filed. Adopted upon'oall of.the roll. +•' City Engr.t oommunioatl&64,by the'fpllo,�ing vote: Yeae; Baton, Baker, Tally, 'Williams and 10stterJohn, -6. r;r \ s u'N:d:”"..:J�::C.vi.?- °. . ..r,,, .. r:...+w �y.,.,ap• .Ju...eafr..:,•�.•...x.v .v.. ....-. .�. ',�- .