HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 568, September 8, 1920�" '"nC„ � 'S'`t- w~�:. t 'tm"2>,, s;,,�T.�'?'�",,.'1,'sr�—�F;"�c�'y�'�aAtrY:i+.',r k yr �*�:r',�r��i�;��",'�.,;, s,i ;"•`"-e St. 41 '�:.... .;...:..ram:: ate. 1=:a ..:......0 , :,_,..� e�./h:•'..:_ r•-1..1 n-u.s .�... `Y 1 r ,ozhinissioner's Proceedings, `City of Paducah SEPTEMBER Sth. 1920. moi` At a Gall Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commisoionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, an Wednesday. September M, 1920, at,A ' { o'clock P.'M.' Upon callof the roll the following answered -to their names: Commis- nBEaton,. i stoners Eaton, sk6r;,TullB y an& Williams, with W, V. aton . Ma { '\ � • Por• Pro tem' .presiding. -4 ` Reso. Deploring Mayor Pro. Baton stated reasons for call towit- To give passage to a reso-' ; `r .• Bffort to over- lotion entitled, "A RESOLUTION DBPLORINO THE EFFORT NOW BEING MADB TO EMBARRASS..ARr07 throw Commission Form of.0overn- AND TO OVERTHROW THE PRESENT CITY GOVERNMENT." menta Oommieaioner Tally offered :the following motion: I. move that a rseolntion en-. :r •c +� titled;"A RESOLUTION DEPLORING THE EFFORT NOW BRING MADE To EMBARRASS. ANNOY AND TO � 'mfr !•. r OVERTHROW THE _PRESENT CITY GOVERNMENT", be now adopted, and that the Commissioner of r:.. Public Finance be instructed to cause the same to be published in the newspapers of �:the City in type,not.lees than that used .in publishing general news. Adopted npon..oall of the roll by the following vote:Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tully and Williams, 4's { E On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas:4. _ s r si /3 fold eY�>r�ov��q M• — � a SEPTEMBER 13th. 1920. ' At a Regular Mooting of the Board of Oommisaioners, held in the Commissioners' !t Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah,. Kentucky, on September 13th, 1920. Upon call of + f the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Baton. Baker, Tully, r ,Williams and Mayor Satter john; -6. On motion of Mayo Matterjohn the minutes of the previous.meetings,were adopted,.'r- as read upon call of the roll by the following,vote:.Yeaa,.Baton; Baker, Tally, r 7 t Williams and Khtter john,,6. Ky. Fire Ohiofe' Mayor.Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication ,'- Agee. W.V.1Satonf Ao J.M.Slaughtetr P from 0. H. Parker and J. Al Steltenkamp,be.reoeived and filed. and that W. V. Eaton, delegate$. C ommissioner of io Safety, and John M. Slaughter, Chief of the. Fire Department;. �• be seat ae d91egates to the Kentucky Fire Chiefs' Association to be held in houieville d.on September 16th and 17th, the expenses of.suob delegates to be charged to the Fire rt S* 'Department. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the following vote: Yeas. Baton. Esker, , }` Tully, Williame'and Katterjohn,-6. / Oommieeioner. Tully offered the following motion: That the communication from Paducah Fo. ` the Poduoah.Pair and Racing Association be received and filed. Adopted upon call of �• ,Racing Aeon. . ..� �.. ` the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Sattorjohn,-6. Commissioner Eston.offered the following motion: I move that the oommrnioat_on, 5.: O.W.Reeb & from. 0. W. Reeb and others regarding the lighting of the bridge over ,Island Creek be s others n regard_regard_- Dation referred to the Commissioner of Public Works with instructions to investigate and t' ing lighting 4 'bridgo over 'report on plane for re -lighting said bridge. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the Island Creeke following vote:. Yeas. Baton. Baker. Tally, Williams and Satter john. -6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the pay roll for the '= 'Payroll of Street Dept. Street Department .for the week ending Sept. 10th.,1920, amounting•to $234.34 be ; '.week ending � money SspL.10. 1920, allowed and.ordered id and the a propriated from the Oeneral Fund to pay same.. r� Y D allowed.t Adopted upon oall of.the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Baton. Baker,,Tully, Williams' and Katterjohn.-6,.