HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 568, September 13, 1920� t' , ' , s • 6 i „�y.t.� h. �,.t 1•ia -•` }'� 1��"'¢��'y#M.f1'ly,�.t'PI��'"a' JS -4 _ I. f• . a r n -v , >. w a .4, h ,' r ^"`�t'ydY >,gtYw-..•n ,r ' '�� .��p.:•...ss../ iw .�...r.-.'' J...a: ,.:E..0 .,.�..J...�s!t_.�-`1.:...:�r .. �.+�>. - -. I ,,.I. .ate •.�y, �...t:... 3..J a.si..s 0. Corhinissioner's Proceedings,' City of Paducah d SEPTEMBER 8th. 1920. 1 At a Call Meeting of the Board of.Commissionere, hold in the Commiesi'onera' Chamber 'in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Wednesday. September 8th, 1920, at.$ r` o'clock P. M. Upon call of the roll the.followi answered. to their names: Commia- sionere Eaton, Baker•,Tull'y and Williams, with W. V. Eaton.. Mayor -Pro tem presiding. -4. Mayor Pro tom Eaton stated reasons for call towit- To give passage to a rase-' -' Rose'. Deploring Bfiort to over-. throw Oommieeion. Tntioa entitled, "A RESOLUTION DBPLORIlIQ'THE h?PORT HOW BBIRG MADE TO BMBARRA3S,.ANd07 ' Form ol.Oovern- AND TO OVERTHROW THE PRESENT 017Y GOVBRNMBNT." 1, Ment: at ;4r Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I. move that a resolution en-.' titled;"A RBSOLUtION DEPLORING THE EFFORT NOW BEING MADE TO EMBARRASS, ARHOY AND TO ie rw OVERTHROW THE,PRESENT CITY GOVERNMENT", be now adopted, and: that the Cossmissioner'of, Pablib Pinanoe be instructed to cause the same to be published in the news f papers 0! t , the city in type.not.leee than that ueed.in publishing general news. Adopted upon.vall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Baker, Tally and Williamsl,=4.' Un motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas:. - }� T 'AYFaT-L0v'i%17 SEPTEMBER lath. 1920. ' At a Regular Mobting of the Board of OoMmiseionere;.hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City'Hall, Paducah,. Kentucky. on September 13th, 1920. Upon oall.of 1 ?• '° the roll tho following answered to their names: Cosmnissioner@ Beton..Esker, Tully,' •Williams and Mayor Satter john, -6.. On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the minutes of the previous meetinge_were.adopted so read upon call of the roll by the following votes.Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tally, I, l Williams and X%tter john, -6. , Mayor.Katterjohn offered the following motions I move that the communication {� • Hy. Fire Ohisle � • Asee. W.Veraton I �1 P, from G. H. Parker and J. Al Steltenkamp,ba.reoeived and filed, and that W. V. Baton, Ao J.M.SlaughtsT i dslegetss. osmsissioner�of P♦sXio Safety, and John M. Slaughter. Chief of the; Fire Department, : 1• be seat as ddlegatee to the Kentucky Fire Chiefs' Association to be held in Louisville t` a.on September 16th and 17th, the expenses of each dolegstes to be 'charged to the Fire '..,:.'• i,, Department. Adopted upon call of the roll "by'the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the communication from Paducah Fair ' b Racing Aeeo. the Paduoah Fair and Racing Association be received and filed. Adopted upon call of ' '.gg ..,� ` r the roll by tho.following vote: Yese. Eaton. Baker, Tully, Williams and Khttorjohn,-6. •. Commissioner Eston.offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation. u from. W. Reeb and others regarding 1 O.W.Reeb & g nR the lighting ng of the bridge over Island Creek bs others oommunt- referred to the Commissioner of Public Worts with Instructions to invest ate and i cation regard- 18. bri lighting p p -lighting said bridge. Adopted upon oall.of the roll D the %' 'bridge over're ort on plane for re-lT Ht dg y Island Creek. "• following vote: Yeae, Eaton. Baker. Tully, Williams and Katter3ohn,-8... Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the pay roll for the ' Z. Payroll of Street Dept. Street Department for tho week ending Sept. 10th..1920,'amounting'to $234.34 be week ending ' Sept.10, 1420, allowed and ordered paid and the money eppropriated'from the General Fund to pay earns..`.] niloaed. Adopted upon oall of,the roll bfollowing I ' D y the follows ng votes Yeas, Baton, Baker,. Tally, Williams • end Hhtter john, -6. - .. � '.' � ' �.• 4rx �a .� as ,�:, r .ti: h � _.a- 1 I •for-,, _ .7 .'I.,,t. i F � ' t • a�l•vr-'.+-�•L::.l•.t.•.>.:r. _i. u: Fi�S..:..... .. , _ .... .. .. �'.�K t (• J. 1 i . Lp`;i -.v x :..,d•.�. 't* - t •w .� 7z.1'.. .'rw -+.-F. c a t ti' :1,"i, a.. No. &A? •i �, Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah ]g)_ Commissioner Baker offered the.followi •. i. ng motion; I move that the salary of Olyda .I •�. Clyde Bell salary ` Bell, an employee of the Department of Public works, be increased from $186.00 to increased. $160.00 per month as of September let, 1980. Adopted upon gall of the.roll by., the f ! following votes Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Xatterjohn,-5.' I t Mayor Sater ohn offered the follow n8 � following motions I move that an ordinance creating Ordinance creating F the position of City Engineer. and prescribing the duties, fixing the compensation position of City Engineer.'thereof, and repealing certain ordinances in conflict therewith; be now adoptod. (!+ Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tally, �.f f Williams and KatterJohn.-5.. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that McClain MitohoU be appointed-City Engineer, and that hie services commence on the 16th day of ISeptember. } MoOlain Mitchell, `. .,p f appointed Oity 1980, and that hie pay be charged to the Engineering Department of Public Works dur- Engineer. f It ing the balance of the year 1980, because of the fact that the appropriation to cover i'enoh engineering I,. g n8 services was made and apportioned to the Department of Public Works. • Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following vote; Yoao, 1Saton, Bakor, Tully, Williamo and Kattorjohn,-O. yCommissioner Tully offered the following motions That an ordinanoe entitled, "AN aRDIHANCE TO ISSUE REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, IN THE SUM OF Refunding Ordinance" P.Te".R.R.Co. ( SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND ($65,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING BONDS OF-LIKE Bonds.' AMOUNT ISSUED TO THE PADUCAH, TENNESSEE AND ALABAMA RAILROAD COMPANY ON OCTOBER let, D % 1890," be introduced and lay over until the next regular meeting. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katter.,john,I5.;. .; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that 0. W. 'Morrison be "-. " {' allowed the sum of $40.00 in full settlement of claim for damage, to buggy and'horee,' O.w.Morrieion tr Mre.C.W.Morrision 4 and in full for .personal injury to himself when accident happened at 6th d, Nortoa_Sto claim allowed. 'sr and that $10.00 be allowed 1". C. W. Morrison for personal injury received by her at L' the same time and place in full settlement. Adopted upon call of the roll by the'. follows vote. :.Yeas Eaton Baker Tully,Williams and Katter hn 5.. T On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. �,'• SEPTEMBER 17TH. 1980. !, . At a Call Meeting 'of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ;Chamber .in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 17th, 1980, at 8 P. M. r !Upon call of the roll tho following answered to.their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. P c ,Mayor Satterjoha stated reasons for Dell to-suit: For the purpose of .presenting i'an ordinance to buy a nurses' home, and passing an ordinance amending the Function i 'r Or&inassoe. • it Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move thad an ordinance. } j;entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING, DIRECTING AND EMPOYlERING F. W. KATTERJOHN, 11A R r linty Ella Wahl 'OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY OF MARY ELLA WAHL ON NORTH'''`t? Property to be purchased for ;FOURTH STREET BETVMEII HARRISON AND CLAY STREETS POR A NURSES' HOME, AND THE AMOUNT TO,, b Nurses' Home. y jBE PAID THEREFOR," be introduced..and.lay ovor for one week in its presont completed. 4form. Adopted Upon call of the roll by tho following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Baker, iWilliams and Katterjohn,-4.