HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 557, July 26, 1920i; .• 4 SH 'r[Y'' L`YR' F•'Y ]�^ GfN ICY. MN' tlM1F•,TC, thhl J. y .1• � h, . M1[1bM ✓J in !'[ -4' .'.,;[ r.. 4 ,r l _ . .. ', ,"'�:..J.:.f r .ir-.i __a �' Jl ..r•�_.r.J,...i.:.c:..t.�:.i:.1...[.:i..._.�L:a�• � � ! ,. [��i No. S S 7 [ Commissioner's Proceedihgs, `City of Paducah 191_ .I i. JULY 23rd 1920.. j At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners.held in the Commissioners r' .. ;Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Friday July 23rd. 1926; at 11 O'clock , !A. M. Upon call of. the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners'` Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Mayor Ketterjohn,-4: Mayor. Katterjohn.stated reasons for call to -wit; To adopt a motion authorizing ;+ ;the Commissioner of Publio.Pinanos to r pay to the Wadsworth Improvement Company the `amount { of a note executed by the Board of Park Commissioners of Paducah as purchase. Mayor'a reasons for call. ;'prise of certain real estate to be used for park purposes, with the understanding that j said Wadsworth Improvement Company will execute ite,deed to said property covered by said note to the City of Paducah, Rich note, with the accrued interest note amounts '%r;... 'to $3427.06, and any other business that may come before the Board of Oommissionors. b' ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;•I move that the Commiesionor ` "of Public Finance be authorized to pay to the 17adeworth Improvement Company the emonnt, .• . of a note executed by the Board of Park Commissioners of.Poducah for Twenty -Five Hun- Com'r. Pinanoa authorized to pay ;fired ($2600.00) Dollars, as purchase price of certain real estate to be used for park note with accrued Interest executed :purposes, with the understanding that said Wadsworth Improvement Company will execute by Board of Park i' Com'r. to Yfadewor-;its deed to said property covered by said note to the City of Paducah which note with ?; th Improvement Co.i' ' ' . . for property for !the accrued interest, now amounts to Thirty -Four Hundred Twenty -Seven & 06/100 Park purposes. ;Yr ($°i.427.05) Dollars, same to be charged to Park Account. Adopted upon call of the roll !,by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Katterjohn,-4.. On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yese. a a'& 0 d PT—:E;LOVR L` .1` � Al�elel 11� •�•: - aft !Ji,I ' JMY 26TH. 1920. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission= II a 1; arse Chamber in tho City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on July 26th, 1920. Upon cell of t =;g r: the roll the following answered to their names; Commieeionore Eaton, Gilbert; Tully, ! Williams and Mayor ya Kattarjohn,-6. • motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were '} adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yese. " . Mayor,Katterjohn offored.tho following motion:'I move'. that the.'iriitton* opinion of the Oity Solioitor.regnr.dinR the right of the 01ty to issue bonts to the''' Paduoah Water Itimowib of 0909,4$9.00 for.tho purp000 Of ►+urohnning bho the ' nro,portioi4f- Pnduonh: Works.. . (Slater"Company be received and filed, and spread on the minutes. Adopted upon call of q ' " fthe roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ketterjohn,-6 -'`• Said opinion is as follows; "July Pa. 1920. To the Mayor and,Commisaloners of ' '" _4y �•, The City of Paduoah; Kentucky. • Gentlemen:- I have investigated carefully the law relative -to the City of Paducah buying the property beloaginR to the Paducah Water Company and from my I :i. •. investigation I beg to report I find that under Section 166 of our Consti- ' a•=<" tuion, cities of the second class are not permitted to incur an indebted- te` 00oo11pp vv nese, including existing indebtedness, exceeding in the aggregate 10% of sOlioitoriin rs; the assessment next before the last assessment provious.to incurring the Paducah. Plater �'.. 'The V. indebtedness. City of Paduoah. is a city of the o600nd class and 'its • Works. assessment 'on all taxable property for the y year 1919 amounted to ;y14,043.966.00, • ,->. } no is shown from the records in the office of the Commissioner of Finance. This being true, then under our Constitution regulating indebtedness of cities of the seoond class, the maximum indebtedness that could be incurred by the City of Paducahwould be $1,404,396.60.V. !•; �: It is shown from the records in the office of the Commissioner of Finance that the indebtedness and authorized indebtedness of the City at this time t"n; �- amounts to tho' sun Of.$930,500.00; this amount of course includes sewer bonds ! amounting to -Ok+' $260,000.00, whioh bonds were voted upon in the November elooti0a, .•, ;�..; f 4e _:,m,vi,.,.:.sit r�s;;r __3.i�tLi'''e^a--5, :%'-F -. -_, :irI �'-•+ .' nr -'"', ,''' P's1�i; �.�,'„i'y�di'�n/stir•:.. .. No: v Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 191_ i� 1919, and said sewer bond issue carried. The bonds have not been issued, p r` but being votefl upon and carried constitutes a contingent indebtedness of ++ �! the city. �. There. is at this time,as ie shown from the records in the office Of th'a Commissioner.of Finance, a oinking fund amounting to the awn of $82,463:96, to be deducted Fr{� 1 �k however from the above indebtedness.of. $930,600:00, 1 u which leaves an indebtedness. of $878,046.04. A The property belonging to the Paduash ,later Company has boon appraised i �r y by three appraisers appointed for that purpose, in the sum of $969 430.00. t4, This amount added to the present indebtedness of .$878,046.04, would create an thy; .. I debtednoss amounting to the sum .of :1,847,476.04, or ':;443,079,44 in excess a Of the limit of indebtedness allowed cities of the second class by Sao.. 168 ! $• . of our Constitution, which .is as follows:_ 'The respective cities, towns, oounties, taxing districts 't1 and municipalities shall not be authorized or permitted. to indebtedness ' r incur to an amount, including existing indebtedness in the � , ggrogato exceeding the following ;' l namod maximum per oontnges on tho value 03 the taxable C+4.. property thoroin,.to be estimated by the assessment' next. x before the last aseesemont nrevious to the incurring of 'viz: P i ^" v', the indebtodneos Cities of the first and second the, h' classes, and of third class having a population ex- �ct oeeding fifteen thousand, ton per oentum;, oities of the 3< �`.Opinion Oltq third class having a population of lose than fifteen y�+ solicitor in to thousend, and citiesand towns of the fourth class, five Paduaah Waterper centum• cities and towns of the fifth and sixth :•, "; .Worke.'. alas eei threo par oontum• and oo,nnties, taxing die- V a h! J. _,•-. triate and other municipalities, tvro por.aentum;, Provided, Any town, 6 city, county, taxing district or other municipal ity may contract an indebtedness in excess of euch.lim= 4 itatione When the same has been authorized under laws in w force prior to the adoption of this Constitution, or when nooessary'for the completion of and payment for a public improvement undertaken and not completed and for at paid the time of the adoption of this Constitution; And provided,_ Yurthor', If, at the time of the ndoption of this Consti- tution, the aggregate'indebtednese, bonded or floating, �• Of any city, town, county, taxing district or othor munici- pp }' pslity, including .that which it has boon or may be authorized {t ° , to contract as herein.provided,,shall exceed the limit heroin r presoribod, ' then no such city or tolvn shall be authorized orpermitted to increase its indebtoflnose in.an amount exceeding:'. two + - par a:entum and nosuch county, taxing; district or other In r; f' municipality, an amount exceeding one par.oentum; in -the. J aggregate upon the value of the taxablo.proporty thoroin, to be yiti' jl.ascertained as herein prodidod, until.tho aggroeato of it K indebtedness shall have been reduced below the limit heroin i �':.: fixed, and thoreaftor it shall.not exceed the limit, unless in w( (!' ::},^n'°'.' �,•„ '( case of emergency, the public health or safety should so require. b`"•' ri.'1;•;'.'t ',' ,;y Nothin heroin shall prevent the issue of ronowal bondo, or bonds ' to fund the floating indebtedness' of any city;'town, county,, i rj taxing district or other municipality.' This Section has boon oonstruod.by.tho Court of.Appeals of Kentucky in the fir, } Ti pYi case of Board ve City, of Hopkinsville, 24 S.a.,'672, Wilkerson ve City of " t Lexington, 188 Ky. page 381, and numerous other decisions at the Court of ' r ' Appeals holding that the indebtedness of oitios of the second class could not exoeed 10% of the assoesment next before.the last assessment previous to in - cutting the Indebtedness. For the reasons stated above and after a'oareful examination of tho'law, p I beg to report that in my opinion the oity'a:indebtedness cannot exceed ten per sent oY the value .of its tatable pronarty assessed for the year 1919 u� : •iz."`•;Y. and thorofore cannot legally authorize the issue of bonds for the purpose of F buying the property belonging to the Paducah !(later Company.. Respectfully submitted,. " rw Roscoe Reed, City Sollait.or." Mayor. Katterjohn offered. the following motion: I move that the bond and.oen- 'Bond d, ContraoL 'Ynnoey,& trait -of Yancey A Johnson, for the.00nstruotion of Fourteenth Stroet, be reoeived, sd 2. John- a:r4eon for eon- filed, and Commissioner of Finance be instruoted to return check Yor �b0.00 deposited F.;.' etructioo. of.:.. �i14ih 90: tt=-:,' with bid. Adopted .upon call:of the roll by.tho`following vote: Yoae, Eaton, Oilbort, 7 Tully, Williame and Katterjohn,-8..; i. Mayor Katterjohn offored.tho following motion: I.move that the plane and 'r J apecifioationa for the finlshi r models ng, 9 ng t nd extension .of the [ruses! Home of ' n A.• Riverside 'HOspital,.ae prepared by . raw Architect D.Harry Jamieson, inoluding all`d- Plana. & Speoi-, •20 w. -..,, fications of _ ings attsahed thar,eto,,. viith the exception of Articles and 21 on.page .4. of the t, 3�"t: . 3. Nurses'.Home ._• of Riverside printed epeoifiaations,' be adopted, same to become a part of'eny:oantraot to be en - ! •, Hospital adopt- i ed. toted into for the construction of said.Nurees' Home,,subjeot, however, to the to �{ r of any.ordinanaee that may be adopted, providing for the, construction of said'Nurses' 01 Home, but said Articles 20 and 21 aforesaid. are hereby be` i. rejected and,are not to 'n ; 'considered as a part of'eaid.conditloos of specifiontionem, Adopted upon of the " , �t5= roll by.the following vote= Yeae-,.Baton•, aliberti, Tully,•"Williams and 'Katterjohn,-6. ? ` rf ) � „ l,^ 4 � }3 t i ro.�• •y+yj t d , t; 5� .' .. !. ,. t• ` .. .v` ', idA+.U4 Y 'rJ;,: 'J' i1.L+:N.'..':•,t•%JF -'S.' N. .�1ui. 1.-...ro.y,. - .. .:.::a...M..:--:.:....r✓...�...:�''.1,.�s: Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci ofPaduosh -, t On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the oommuniostion from employees'.of the `. • Oomaunioatioa CSLy;01ty ' L1gAt Plant relative to increase in salaries was received and filed upon call of Light Plant em- 4r ployees regarding !; , increase in able-, the Toll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn;b. _ rise. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Mise Helen Diiaaldeon' Helen Donaldson j' Public Health Nurse, be granted a vacation two n} vpoetion. of weeks with. pay. Adopted anon call of _. ;the roll by the following votet Yeae Eaton Gilbert Tull _� , , , y, wililams and Katte.rjohn,6 '• Commissioner Williams offered the following motions I mov.o that an ordinance' entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NURSES' HOME FOR RIVERSIDE ti Ordinance pro- ,HOSPITAL viding for con- j IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND. PROVIDING FOR THE LETTING -OF A CONTRACT s struotion of ":� Ii FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF SAID WaiK AND PROVIDING YOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF," be adopted.' ' r '' :'• Nurses' Home of Riverside Hoepit-,"Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Ea' ton,. Tully,ale t "•'4'`f , =Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that the deed from 7` Cemetery transfer .C. %i from C'. J. Holcomb to Mrs. 11 H. 14oClure, conveying Cho South half of Lot 98.in Section #6 �`u•'1' J.Holoomb ,.y • to Mrs. M.H. 'Oak Grove Cemetery, be placed on record upon the cemetery register. Adopted upon call ioP the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter- . 141 john, -6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance -:r' Construction of. 'entitled, "AN CRDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON ELEVENTH :• driveway on 11th ,{ 9t. from Leech ;STREET. FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF LEECH AVENUE TO THE SOU'T'H PROPERTY LINE OF • 1' - Ave, to Burnett ;ter St. BURNETT STRESS be introduced and la over. Adopted upon call of,the the roll .b the " y p y. following vote: Yeae, Eaton, -Gilbert, Tully; Williams 'and,Katterjohn,=6.. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance -:� Construction of 'entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF. THE DRIVEWAY ON-LEE6H AVENUE, driveway on Leeoh Avenue from Tenth FROM THE YIE9T PROPERTY LINE OF TENTH STREET.TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF ELEVENTH STREET," St, to 11th St. introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following'voto::,. �'be Yoae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williame anfl Kntterjohn,-6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the follows motion; That the report of the Oom. Report Com1r. of - Public INorke for. of Pub. ;Yorke for the first six .months of 19PO for the Sewer Department,. Engr. Depart - Sewer Dept. Rngr.. Dept., rity Light `ment,.City Light Plant and the Street Department be received and filed: Adopted upon Plant and Street. „ Dept. for first ' call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert,. Tully, 'Ailliams and six month of 19PO. Katterjohn.-6. +,. :On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas.Ad =` C C(.wq r AUGUST PND, 19P.O. ? ,f 4� .`, At a Hogulnr. mooting, of the Hoard of Commipoionorn, held in tho Commioaionardt �i0hambor r s,tt`i"` ' in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky on August End, 19P.9,, Upon onll of the roll kf the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert; Tully, Williams ' ;and )Wqr Kattorjohn, 'j On motion of.Mayor Katterjohn the minutes of. the previous meeting were adopted n, as read, upon .call of. the roll by the following vote;. Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,.': �! Rs `'r� ,Williams and Katterjohn,-6.- Mayor Katterjohn offered tha following motion:' I move that the bill,of Burne & 'j• Burne 1'MoDonnell, Consulting Engineers, for services in connection with appraisal. of water ,&MoDonnell bill in re: 'Dater' '.+ ',lorke Appraisal. works, ea per contract dated October 13th, 1919, amounting to. % ,7P,4.1S be allowed paid, r., and charged to Water 'cork Appraisal account, Adopted upon call 04 the roll by the fol ' lowing veto; Yoaa. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn, 6. �'