HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 547, June 28, 1920' ,�'��'�� �7L�( i' c°f 4"`.y'3ra�y- YxYtµ •n ^tf lju+•'r /f�'F M iiv � -f£��:•Fi )s Fi L -�v ..�w�„Ns a � �{ -.4T�. . . ' Conunassionei's City of Paducah 191_ r Commissioner Tally offered the following motions That the Commissioner of Indian Refining '. h; Co. oorreotion in Finance be authorised to correct. an error in the aseseement'of the Indian Refining'' assessment. .,J Company, they being doubly assessed with the amount of $1800.00. [dopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Satterjohn,-4. Commissioner Williams re-entered the meeting. On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the City Attorney was ins,truoted to bring legal : ODonina of )lour-. prooesdings in regard to the matter of opening u:i Ylournoy. Burnett and Terrell Streets. ' noy, Burnett and,. `Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, �. �.. Terrell Sts. Williams and Xatterjohn,-8. Commissioner Williams offered the following motions I move that.tbe Deed of Cemetery transfer' Conveyance from the heirs of J. Yi. Anderson to Fred Burton, conveying the north one - " , J.N.Anderson heirsa half of the South two-thirds of Lot ¢247 Block #18, be recorded in the Cemetery Dead .� to Fred Barton.. . -Book. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully., Williams and hatterjobs,-8. 5 On.motlosi the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 8 yeas. • ; Ad%p 1cl- j' �s : a• ;' —tea v - �+� :JUNE ESRD, 1980. At s Call Meeting of the Board of Oommissloners, held in the Oommisaloners' ' Chamber in the City RallPsduoah Kentucky,on June 23rd 1920 at 3:30 P. M. 'Mayor ' Pro tam Eaton presiding. Upon call of the roll the following.onewered to their names I 2. J 'Commissioners Eaton, Tully and.williema,-i. Mayor Pro tam Eaton stated reasons for call to Twit: To take up the matter of resolving and filing the communication of Dr. J. T..Reddiok, President of the Board of g -> $duoation, regarding the appointment of the Piret National Bank ad Treasurer of the „-,-: . 'S. . x., Board of Education, and any other business that may o.ome before the. Board. '?. Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the communication of-; ' ! Commanioation J. T. Rad&iok, President of the Board of•Education, regarding the appointmont of the a J.T.Reddiok, Pres.' Board of Education First National .Bank as Treasurer of the Board of Education be received and filed. :?. regarding appoint- meat of let Natl 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully and Williams,3.�• Bank as Treasurer i. . Board -of Eduoatione Commissioner Tully offored the following motion: That the report of the Com- r • mlaeioner of Finance filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appro- !:}+ ..' .. Report Com'r. of., 'printed from the General Fund to pay same: Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow, %'- Finance. ing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully and Williams, -3. On motion. the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. Ado lees 11�,QOVED�4 t .�4m ct JUNE 28TH. 1920. r �„ -• At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiesionere, held in the Oommiesionere' in the :Chamber City Rall, Paduoah, Kan tacky. on Juno 28th, 1920. Upon call of the l ( roll the following.answered to their names.: Comniesionors Eaton, Gilbort, Williams and fi ,:Mayor E&tterjohn.-4. ... ... .. ,. ` ' P Commiseloner Gilbert wait excused. •_ . �� •. - z " On motion of Commissioner Williams the minutes of the �'. previous meetings were i 1 a adopted as rea4 upon call of•.the roll D y the following vola; Yene, Eaton, Williams and :-- f IMitterjobn,-3. �t lMts n Commissioner's Prmceedings, City of Paducah !91_ Affidavit of �" Mayor 89tterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the affidavit of. '� {; Clinton S.Bnrne 0linton S. Burne pertainingtto the Water works appraleal.be received and filed. Adopt-,. in res Water ;. Works ADpraie- ,ad upon call of "the roll bythe following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Williams and Xatterjohn,6.I 61.+r �t j"- Commissioner EmAonvoffered the* following motion% Joe Iverlett, as special ); Joe Iverlet4'' je;tra•polioomsn, being no longer in the employ of the City, I move that the National bond releasod ,Surety Company, surety in the bond of said Joe Iverlett as patrolman of the Cit of Natlonal surety y Oo. SPaduoah be released from further -liability on said bond as such surety. Adopted upon ' call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton Williams and IOitterjohn,-3: Commissioner Eaton offered the following motions It appearing that Leslie Konte ''Leslie Lonb■`.'" was furnished glasses, which were necessary in order to enable him, .as a student in the; i . glasses..., 0lty Schools, to pursue hie studies; and it.further appearing that the said Leslle G I• k XnnL■ ase nnabla to procure or for such having been fur- I pay glasses, and said glasses It nished b Dr...M. Steinfeld on request of the Paducah Health Le Y ague and with the approval`." r' C,.".lot Dr. Linn,"the Health .Oftioer, I move that the acoDant for such glasses, amounting to t v` jp3.00 is favor of Dr. M. Steinfeld be allowed and ordered paid out of the Charity Fmd•i' j ".'Adopted ' ' upon call of the.roll b the tollowi y nH vote.: Yeas, Eaton, Williams and Sgtter-, john, -3. ,� I Commissioner Gilbert re-entero.the meeting. Commissioner Williams offered the following motiont.I move that an ordinance I1 repealing � A entitled, "AN ORDINNCE REPEALING AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE POSITION OF CITY ATTORNEY �.. repealing . , � ' t ordinance 'PRESORIBING THL DUTIES AND FIXING THE COMPENSATION THEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDI- creating pool- . ( " • ;_ . § 41oa.01ty Atty. INANCBS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH," which was adopted by the Board of Commieeionere on Jana -f( (cry 6th, 1920 be now adopted. Adoptedupon call of.the'roll by the following vote% i i i �••,, cox. Use Raton, Williamsand Xatterjohn,-a; Bayre, Gilbert. -I: I "" :5• " Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that Lhe vote by tya .b i p 7 d :which the motion which was. adopted by the Board of Cc t®leeloaere on January 8th, 19X0, I . T. N. ]is sell p - . city Attywhereby Thomas N: Hazolip was appointed to the position of City Attorney, be now rea- ` dismissed:{oinded, and that the employment of said T. N. city Hazelip as snob Attorney be terminsti z 'ed from and after tno 30th day of June 1920. Adopted'upon call of the roll by.the fol -I" \ 1• )lowing vote% Yeae,.Eaton, Williams and Khtterjohn,-3p Saye, Gilbert, 1..." Commissioner. Gilbert offered the following motions I move that an ordinance ;- (providing for the 6one truotion. of concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and all noose - 8 ldgwalk con-. `eery manholes, intakes, sewers and. oatoh basins, -on the Weet.aide.of Goebel Avenue from! - etruotion on >. property line of Guthrie Avenue to a. point whore the South curb lif Wort!.::, . Gogbgi Ave.;the East propline oene i" - . .•i i , Avenue, if extended, would intersect the west property line of Goebel Avendei, and on n1 a ;the East side of Goebel Avenue.trom the North curb line of Tennessee Street to the f q;i South _ourb.line,of Wortenls Avenue, be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon can of `{t �•,; -the roll by the. follows vote: Yeae Eaton Gilbert Williams and utter ohn -4• t ^ Oommleeloner Eaton offered .the following motion: I move that the rates of. payIlk ' 'for. the',ambere of the Poll oe.Dopartment and Fire Department, commencing with anQ con- oo-tinning tinningafter the first of July; 1920,.be as followei H Chief of Police............................$160.00 Ye"r:Mon»Lh.." k ..........Increase E Sergeants 120.00 tIII+ pay for mem- :. All Patrolmen (Each) ....................... 110.00 + bore of Pollee Day Patrol Driver ....:..........:.......... 105.00 ' ght Patrol'Driver............:...... ....06.00 " ;Q 'and Mo.Dept `" N1 " \. I The Jailer. while acting as patrolmen shall I ' receive the same pay ae..patrolmen. 1 I • `,t Ohiot'of the Fire Departmenit .... "......... ..$160.00 Per Month . 4 Gaptaine (Each) ..........:............... 116.00 1!' T. .. i' 1 Assistant Mechanic a Fireman ............... 115.00 i t s 1 Hlootrioian Fireman ........ ......s.e 11Oi0n, J< All Firemen r.e larl em to d (Haoh)...... w w & t r ( 8 Operators (Hach).... ....:...........:..... 96.00 ti ".. .. " I j01 i a 1 Motor Meohania......:.'.:x..:...:.......:.160.00 ".•'. �. . r ,,11 x 1 1 r;..:�, a 7T }�a_ j N0.L n 3r. Commissioner's. Proceedhigs,' City' dtPaduaah ;.Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Williams . {and Zatterjohn,-4. ' �{ �• Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: Thst Yanoey m Jobneon be Tansey b Johnson j granted extension granted thirty days more time to complete the improvements oa South Seventh Street. of time to com- ' plot• improvements!,edopted upon ball of the roll by the following veto: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Williams on S. 4th St. Katter john, -4. On motion of Mayor ratterjohn the bids of Yanoey & Johnson, and J.. B. Gardner ?. Bide Yancey &.John. eon and J. B. Gard- :for grading, and graveling 14th Street were.reoeived and filed by 4 yeas. 4'. nor grading m Gravel-; Ing 14th St. Oommlesioner Gilbert offered the following motions That all'bide on the grading ? and graveling of Horth 14th St. be rejected. Ado ptod upon call .of the roll by the 14th St.'bide . rejected. !following vote: Yeae; Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and ratterjohn,-4. i, Commissioner Tully enters the meeting. L 1 -' Commissioner Pully offered the following motion: That the 00 r. of Finance be Hy. Actuarial 'inetruoted and authorised to correct error in assessment of 1Qr. Actuarial Bureau Bill Bureau oorreotion.i in 'tax bill. 41T59. :Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Eaton,'Gilbert. r " 'I. '.Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-5. Commissioner.Tully offered the following.motioa: That the oommcnioation from Communication R. 4. Padgitt, Mgr. IOOF Band be reoelved and filed and action deferred until.the next R.W.Padgitt.ma. ;, IOOP Band. regular meeting. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Satoh, iGilbort, Tully. Williams and ratterjohn,-B. On motion the Board adjourned by B yeas. q j Adop:ad �_1�22. A.'k 0 -V -E.1) 8 nr�..�•r�rr. ' ...,4,i..• .. it JULY Edd.' 1920.. At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'' i i, h Chamber in the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, on July End, 1920, at 11 O'olook'A. M. . a .. . . Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: CommissionersEaton, .. 4 1+ Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-B. i Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for.call, to -wit: to receive, file and approve 4. .r. plane of the Nurses'. Home, and give adoption to an ordinanoe appointing a City. . I( Solicitor and City Prosecuting Attorney, and for such other,busineee as may come be- t h fore the Board. , Ordinance appoint -N Commissioner Eston offered the following motion: I move tbit as ordinanoe Ing Solicitor' .i entitled, °AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF.A CITY SOLIOITOR AND CITY. � Cityty Proeeontingi' Attorney. !' PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, PRESCRIBING THEIR DUTIES AND FIRING THEIR COMPENSATION," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the folloning vote: Yens, Baton. Gilbert,, a I Tully. Williams and ratterjohn,-5, '} f! Commissioner Baton offered the follows �'. ng motions I move that'Roeooe Reed be Roeooe Reed, Oiftiy ' appointed City Solicitor. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following.vote:.YeaeSolicitor. , Baton. Gilbert, Tully. Williams and Katterjoho,-B. ,s Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move Ahat !William'K. Wall William K. Wall, f, City Prosecuting t'be appointed City Prosecuting Attorney. Adopted upon call of the roll',by the followie Attorney. r vote:Yeae. Eaton, Gilbert; Tully, williame.aad Katterjohn,-B..' ' Commissioner Williams offered the.following motion: I move thst:.plano of +_ Aarsea, Home the Bursae' Home, as per contract, be received, filed and approved. Adopted upon call IA Y1a�• of the roll by the following voted Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert. Tally, Williams and Matter— John.-a.