HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 546, June 21, 1920II ............... b:. t �,...�•• �'f'f1r -A. F,,,' r Z �"-, 7" -'t d+� .r •. � • t'+t: ar «<«t ti - ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ' r p"be allowed and ordered paid end that the money be appropriated from the General Fund to pay game. Adopted neon pall of the roll by the folloaing'votet Yeae, Benton, Tally, "•• Williams and xlstber john, -4. Re' ' On motion the Board adjourned,upon call of the roll by.4 yeas. Ad lea Qgq��� 19ye as 6PPROVZ]D c , t a:, a ­k _ 11AYOR, r _ JM £lot. 1920• f'. 3 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the commissioners' f Chamber in the City Hall; Paducah, Kentucky, on. June 21st, 1920.. Upon call of the roll + . the following answered.. to their names: Commissioners Baton, Gilbert; Williams and. Mayor CP' Mitterjohn.-4. 1 p Commissioner Gilbert was excused from the meeting. sf % On motion of,Commiseloner Eaton the minutes of.the. previous meetings were Yr -. ,,adopted as read; upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Williams an dl Katter j obn, -3. 1 A ! Commissioner Gilbert re-entered the meeting. " On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the agreement between the City of Paducah, Agreement beta.v j through its .syor and Board of Commissioners, and D. Harry Jamieson, regarding the City of Paducah ' and D.Harry Nurooe' Home of the Riverside Hospital, dated June 16th, 1920, was received and filed,, ' - Jamieson regard= I ing *-arses' upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeea Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and Katter- �i Home. 1 t, 1 john. -4. On motion of Mayor Katterjohn, the report of F. W: Katterjohn, Mayor, regard= s' ing the appointment of Mrs. John J. Dorian as a member of the Carnegie Library Board Appointment xr Mrs. John J. `•;was received and .filed upon call of the roll by the following rote: Yeae.Baton, Gilbert l• Dorian, member as ,,. ' Library Board.. "Williams and ffitterjohn,4. hf .� „ Commissioner Eaton offerod the following motion: I move that the appointment Yrs. John J. .,of Mrs. John J. Dorian by the Mayor; as a memberof the Carnegie Library Board be DoriAn. 4ratified by the Board of Commissioners.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following r (vote: Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert,. Williams affi ffitterjohn.-4. On motion of Mayor. Katterjohn the report of Helen Donaldson was reoeiveA and Helen Donaldson ( ', ,.• r Report. " riled,' upon call of the roll by tho following vote: Yeae, Baton, Gilbert, Williams and 'r 1atterjohn, i r... 1' On motion of commissioner ._Gilbert the petition oa property owners and ottlions OO pening of _ 'of the Southern Partof the City in regard to opening up to the use of the public Caldwell St.' og p ' from 6th to'°; De1Qwe11 Street frm South Fifth to South Eighth Stroete was received filed upon 1 call of the roll by .the following vote: Yeae, baton, Gilbert,Williams and ratterjohn,4i i •, •. ! Commissioner Gilbert.offered the following motion:.That.John R. Ellie be re— !. .. . 7• ` ' John R. Bilis. funded $9.60 on the $16.00 cinder bill paid by him to the Thompson Transfer Co. for i ,' Refund of - 1. 0•60 hauling eta., and that the Com. Pub. Finance charge this amount to the Street Departments. �.. {' iun.do. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, and.. i Williams, -31 Bays ; Katterjohn,-l... i } Commissioner Gilbert offered the following.motiont I move that all bide for �_• Bide rejected grading and graveling. 14th Street be rejected. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ,14th Street r}radsng A j' graveling. following votet.Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert,,. Williams. an& DMerjohn,-4. ,. {.. ,• „ commissioner Tally entered the meeting, and Commissioner Williams Mae excused. uf... r � t :.r � �.. ''�.' •' � •Cn. ,.! � .. ^< .. :.: f ..is a;.,r �,::F.c ... ...+" :>.-. r- .f. .-�' _ _ i � he�rf q.„`?(i'F t' � f.'°.•�`4.,a�$ +�'�'t''e i r5 }`St f �r 7Ci"� '°'�nz�`fF �++rN.)vFf �+rlw' W� /J VyliV �)x'h.t tip et til'.V*t'!K .. No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah z Indian Relining commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the Commissioner of ?+ Co. correction in 'Finance be authorised to correct. an error in the assessment of the Indian Refining.' ri assessment.„r( , a. Company, they being doubly assessed with the amount of J1500.00. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Satterjohn,-d. Commissioner Williams re-entered the meeting. On motion of Mayor Katterjohn the City Attorney was ine,truoted to bring legal f: Opening of Plour-. prooeedinge in regard to the matter of opening u;r Ylournoy, Burnett and Terrell Streets: . •. noy, Burnett and. Terrell Sts. `Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, l'.'.. Williams and Katterjohn,-S. F'•'� Commissioner Williams offered the following motions I move that.the Deed of Cemetery transfer Conveyance from the heirs of J. 0. Anderson to Fred Burton, conveying the north one - i'. J.N.Anderson heirs halt of the South two-thirds Lot ¢247 Block #ib be recorded in the Cemetery Deed y to Fred Barton... .of 4 Book. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully; Williams and Katterjobn,-6. On.motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeae. tli ^IANT) IR. ' JOBB ESRD, 1980. s At a Dail Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Oommioeionersl. chamber in the Gi ty Rail Paduoah Kentucky,on Juno 23rd 1980 at S:SO P. M. 'Ma os it Pro tem Eaton presiding. Upon call of the roll the following.enswered to their names I ,. Commissioners Eaton, Tully and.Williame,-a. Mayor Pro tem Eaton stated reasons for call torwit: To .taka np.the matter of Traosiving and filing the oommualoatioa of Dr. J. T..Roddiok, President of ,the Board of Education, regarding the appointment of the First National Bank ad Treasurer of the �•, ;Board of Education, and any other business that may come before the. Board.. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the communication of ' Communication J. T. Reddiok, Prea,ident of the Board of.Eduoation, regarding the appolntmont of the "•'v J.T.Raddiok. Proe. Board of Education Pirst Hational.Baak as Treasurer of the Board: of Education be received and filed. ;fY regarding appoint- 'Yeas. ment o! let Hatl 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Eaton, Tully and Williame,8.!:' Bank as Treasurer : 41 Board .of Bduostion. Commissioner Tully offored the following motion: That the report of the Ocm- miesioner.of Finance filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid,.and the money appro- Ir Report Com'r. of, -priated from .the General Fund to pay eame: Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow. e' Finance. lag u.. r vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully and Williams, -S. ,rrt ! Onnmotion .the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by S yese. •u; .;, Ade lel OVIDD a Ij JUNE 28TH. 1920. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of 'Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' in :Chamber the City Hall. Padnoah. Kentucky, on June.28th, 1920. Upon call of the roll the follows ng,anewered to their rimes; Oommieelonore Eaton, Gilbort,WillLama and Mayor 2$tter john. -4. ... i k Commiseloner.Gilbert was.ezoueed. On motion of Commissioner Williams the minutes of the previous meotinge were k adapted as rea4 upon call of, the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Baton, Williams sad Ebtterjohn,-S. ..... ( :� j :.. i' 'V. 7 .... ... �. .. .. ... ...... .. .. `