HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 545, June 19, 1920ga.nm Y{°9'���`i•S.. .V "� Vin. .i' r!"if%""rt .?S _t.•,Y 1*' �.r�.hµ�J :. .; s4. -.. r.n ,�� .� e-. _..`...�1is.•� rte'• G:.:.,f,.,..,.L �..:+i_.`..' _5....,.:i•..:v.a�.,� .._._..,:z,�.:i_.__._.,��i+.! _�.a._.—. u_.._si9 � ! >.-. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lgl_ On motion of Commissioner Tally the board ie&jpurne& until Priday morning, June j � 18th, ,1920 at 10 O'olook A. M., by 4 yeas. Ad•p t 191E APPROVED City cru M'AtOLL i JUNH 16th. 1920. At s 0511e& Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the,0omaieaionesel y Chamber in the City gall, Padnoah. Kantuoky, on Jane '16th, 1920, at 10 ofolook 'A. M, " �• Mayor Pro tem Katon presiding. Upon sell of the roll the following anewered to their t. y .namees Commissioners Eaton, Tally and William 4. 4 Co®ieelonor Eaton stated reasons for Gall to -alta To give passage to an ordicanoe appropriating $2,000.00 to the City gall AGO onnL In the Department of i. Publio Property, aa& any other business that may oome before tho Board. Ordinance appro- N Commissioner Tully offered the following motions I move that an ordinanoe , tag $2000.00 CityH.4 entitled "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING TWO THOUSAND 1$2000. City . 00) DOLLARS TO THE CITY' .I all ®oconnL f.. 1i in Dept. Pablio Property.: � e now inroand adopted. Ij BALL ACCOUNT IN THE DEPARTIWT OP PUBLIC PROPERTY," be i { Adopted upon Gall of the roll by the following votea'Yeas Eaton, Tully and,Williame,-S. ,. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motions I move that Bennis Lofton be'.I .fit I, " ? Bennie. Lefton ° employed to have ®barge and oars of the City Fly Traps at a salary of 076.00 par , ? charge of Ply. a Traps.. month, oommonoing with the First day of June 1920, and to oontinue said asrvioae at' , �t ' 1: the pleasure of the Commissioner of Pablio Safety, and that sat& ampleyee be ander - I'the dirootion of the Chief of Polios, and hie oompensation oharged to the Polios j tl. Department. Adopted upon Gall of the roll by the following votes Yeae Eaton, Tully .^' and Williams, -8. �. G i! On motion the Board adjourned by S yeas. ted .Z/ 190 API?:LLGV ct„aa�' - A�wiVrt.. •, II JUHE 18TH. 19201 - •I k� 4 At an Adjourns& Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Caamissim - f*� 4 dere$ chamber in the Cit Hall Paduodh Kentno�y on Pride Juno.l6th 192o,at 10' IN ,i y . . . y. , , . y, b'olook A. M. Upon Gall of the roll the following -answered to their names: 0ommie. 1 sionem Eaton', Tally, Williams and Mayor Satterjohn,-4. k As there was no business to oome before the Board, on motion of Commissioner , h "Eaton the Board adjourned upon Gall of the roll by 4 yeas.. y. � Ad•ffed '19��� AP ROV�]D 1 JUNE 19TH. 1920. �. At a Call Meeting of the Board of Oommlasionere, hold In the Commissioners' ('Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoitiy. on Baturday.'June 19th, 192D.'at 11 ololoo a w' A. M. Upon call of the roll the following 'answered to their nameea'Commlesioners. . :t ! Eato.a.. Tully, Williams and 11np't.Sattorjohn,-4. ! F {i Mayor Satterjohn stated reasons for"oell to-witi To allow nocounts and.salarlool. ! ffor the first ball of June 1920 and a , any other business that might oome before the , I id Bosr&. 11 Commissioner Tully offered the following motions I.move that the s000unts for c the first half of. June se per the report of the Commissioner of Pinaoos file& herewith +Gr4 �� ry'F k"r; T"y i• p: t� 1, p.. V i H IyCi «P�H..� � iM1 '•LA.7.. LN•i, f'- �T.tVjAb 'Qi.S."4 w•I'lM1 ,. zn, • . r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_; ' '�be allowed and ordered id and that the mons baa !� h_ P� y' ppropriatod lsam the General Fnnd.to 'votes ;u pay same; Adopted upon call of the roll by the following Yeas, Baton, Tally, 4 Williams and I0%tterjohn,-4. < < ck x On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by .4 yeas. Al 1 of 1940 ati L i .r�t JVI� 21st. 1980. � � At a Regular Heating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiesioners'I •' It yohamber. in the,City Hall; Paducah, Kentucky, on Jane 21st. 1920.: Upon call of the roll ;ti G ;r .the following anewered.to their namee:.Commiselonere Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and.,Mayor r a. ,• tKatterjohn.-4: 1 ^k Commissioner Gilbert was excused from the meeting. '4 y+ Y On motion of -Commissioner Eaton the minutes of.tha. ng were Gs previous meetings _ adopted as read; upon cell of the roll by the following vote:,Yeas, Eaton, Williams.andl of ��, + Katterjobsi,-3. '•�c� '. Commiaoloner Gilbert re-entered the meeting. '• r';!•}`'",';" On motion of Mayor Ketterjohn the agreement between the City of Paducah, >` Agreement beta. " .r �throsgh its �yor and Board of Commieelone:e. and D. Barry Jaeson, regarding the ffi ;.. City of Paduoah; . and D.Harry •Rnrees' Home of the Riverside Hoepital, dated June 16th, 1920, was received and filed; T' Jamieson regard -mi ;c Ing !lures:' upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton. Gilbert. Williams and Satter - 3 Homs. I N john. -4. • c . l I` On motion of Mayor ratterjohn, the report of F. W. Katterjohn. Mayor, regard -A. ' � ing the appointment of Mro. John J. Dorian as a member of the Carnegie Library Board Appointment Mrs. John J. ;was received and,f.iled upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yess.Eaton. Gilbert!. ' F; Dorian, member Library Board. `Williams and Katterjohn,-4. at h �c Commiesioner Haton offerod.the following motion: I move that the appointment rof Mrs. John. J. Dorian by the Mayor, as a member of the Carnegie Library Board be ad:e. John J. DoriAn. •ratified by the Board of Commissioners.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following `vote= Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and 10atterjohn.-4. On'motion of Mayor. Katterjohn,the report of Helen Donaldson was received Helen Donaldeon I and 3�.. Report. filed,' upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yese; Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and C103tterjohn,-4. �.. I. On motion of Commissionor.Gilbert the petition of property owners and citizens sof the Southern part of the Cit in regard to o Y B opening up to the nee of. the Opening of public Caldwell 8t. .;;: Caldwell Street from South Fifth to South Eighth Streets was received and filed upon 'from v' 6th to"=;` •r• call of the roll b the follows y, ng vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Williams and Katterj0hn,4--! �• y Commissioner Gilbert. offered the following motion:.That.John R. Ellie be re- �•, John R: &lila funded $9.60 on the $18.00 cinder bill paid by him to the Thompson Tranefer Co. for - Refund of ;. `L. �Y hauling etc.. and that the Com. Pub. Pinanoe oharge this amount to the Street Department' 'j funds. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, and.. ! , 'Ipilliame,-8a Baye, Katterjohn,-1.. : :!�"• , f f4tr Commissioner Gilbert offered the following,motions I move that all bids for g Bide rejected ,.:grading and graveling, 14th Street be rejected; Adopted upon cell of the roll by the 14th Street .; grading A.•'. following votes.Ysae. Eaton, Gilbert,.Williame.an& Kstterjohn,-4. Y graveling e i Oommiesioner Tully entered the meeting, and Com lesloner Williame was excused. s 1 1 t '� i 1 ' �'.. 4f ,' ry ♦ 8./- Mat A :tf' S. rr:+l '.-),/� P U j� rvr � S' 1 .,- _.# �I.