HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 539, May 18, 19204;p" t -r •� .,,P.' -"T7 Y.n• .•R +: w•.w-. �_:...::.,-.+.�..'--_•+:.'c � .r---";- ,c .:::�.:.a. ^:,5��,�.c �.,.ie..xv.' �1..-.�. 1� �s 1y;c.,.1 • Na -412 r; Commissioner's Proceadings,`Cify aPaducah .' the roll by the following vote; Yeas Eaton, Gilbert,'Tully, Williams and 'XAtterJohn. -6.; r Commieeloner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move 'that an ordinance ea- ' ;titled, "AN .ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR K1iNTUCKY'R.00IC . ASPHALT SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS,'AND ALL. NECESSARY MAIIHOLES,-INTAKES, SEWERS, AND t. CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF BROAD STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH STREET'AND BRIDGE STREET,- `,•I•. Broad Street, between 6th lb ;BEGINNING AT A POINT ON BROAD STREET WHERE THE PRESENT CONCRETE WALKS, ETO. STOP IN• Bridge. FRONT OP J. 0. KOLB'S RESIDEII03 ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF BROAD STREET, AND.RUNNING TO :.THE EAST CURB LINE OF'BRIDGE STREET; ALSO'ON THE 'NORTHERLY SIDE OP BROAD STREET FROM THE PRESENT 'CONCRETE INTERSECTION AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SIXTH AND BROAD STREET To A POINT YnWH THE LINE OF &ROAD STREET IF SAME WAS EXTENDED ACROSS BROAD STREET i,be placed on its passage.. Adopted upon call of the roll by 'the following votes Yeas, ,• !Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Ylilliame,-4; mays, Katterjohn,-1. " Commiseloner Gllbart offered the following•.motioni I move that an ordinanoe an titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIIG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE -OR KENTUCKY ROCK ASPHALT SIDE'WALKS,'CURB9'AHD GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MkIIHOLESt INTAKES, SEWERS AND f H. 16th Street, ! ,> a from Jefferson. !CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH SIXTEENTH STREXT FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF Ij to Trimble I, ...... J&PERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH. PROPERTY.LINE OF TRILMIX, STREET," be placed on its pose r` age. Adopted upo.d call of the roll by the following vote;. Yeas, Eaton, Oilbert,Tully, rWilliams, -4; pays, Katterjohn,-1. i;• On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow morning. (Tuesday, May 18th, 1920,)1 ;at 10 o'clock A. M. by 6 yeas,' ' MAY 18th. 1920. At an.'Adjourned Meeting of tho Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiosioa- ..i .'y. ere' Chamber in the City hall, .Paducah, Kentuolq, on May 18th, 1920, at 10 o'clock Upon .call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners f Eatom, Gilbert, Tully.. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. ' Commissionor Gilbert offered the following motion: That the Mayor.and Arohiteot}'j' + �!, 11 ., r, go into conference and thrash out all detale regarding plane and epeoificatione of " ,Nurses'.Home. oontemplatod Nurses' Home and "report 'baojc to the Board of Coumiaelonere on+LSonday May 24th. Adopted upon call of the roll by tha Yollowirig vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbort, Tully, Williams and Kaiterjohn,-6: On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. 42. 7 ! MAY 19th, 1920. At a Call Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commioelonors' ' .' Chamber in the City Hall on May.19th, 1920, at 3.oIal ook,P. M.Upon call of the roll l the following rmewered to their names; Commieeionors Eaton, Gilbert, Tul1y,.Yliliipme j and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. li Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit: To allow pay -roll for first . •+;,!� 4 halt of May 1920; and any other business that.may come before the Board'. :'•;i ; '' Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That .the e000unte for the. S Payroll of ;first half of Mny, as per the report of the Com'r of Pinanoe herewith filed, be allow• f accounts first ed and ordered id and that the mono be a a half of May 1920.D . Y pProprlated from the general fund to pay �,'`'• '. r'{ same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote. "y Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, a. .� . � .."t' . '.. •�, - .. \ ..?� .. . .c. - :ff > � y.a• ..,�:!1:7s"^.T.'C'R;SL'�1."�Z�f�T?it�: ----------- :.*