HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 535, May 10, 1920;'• •,� � fi 4,: • l .t ; �r �5 t A"� ��„?{ � �.W "-�'`��, v.-t�,l �,�y �i?`"y,,+� fs :tt� 1 r z r•••, � r i r h rs•e�,; 5 '?F `w:vq,, i NO. h'3S - Commissioner's Proceedings, City. of Paducah J9J_ MAY 10th. 1920. At 8 Regular Meeting of the Hoard of Commisaionere,'held in the Oommieeloaera' „•:` Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 10th, 19eO.. Upon 0811 of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,Gilbert,.Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-B. On motion of Commissioner. Eaton the minutes.og the Regular Meeting of May 3rd .'.7. ,� 1920 and the Call Meeting of May 6th, 1920, at 11 o'olook, and.the Oall Meeting of May 7th, 1920, at 11 o'clock were adopted as read upon call of the roll by B yeas. ;tt Mayo Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication from the .Paducah Electric Company, accepting the ordinance creating a franchise to furnish :• x �.' French"s,aooept- eleotrioity, eto.. be received and filed.and spread npoa the minutes. Adopted upon anoe of Paducah {� y Electric Co. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams. and. - R.Kayterjohn,-6. J. Said communication follower { "Boston, Maas'., April'24, 1920:,'' ,• To the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners.of the city of Paducah: i I Paducah Electric Company, having purchased on April 19, 1920 for the sum of $6,000, n certain franchise o. privilege to furnish eleotrioity for light power heat and any other purposes for whioh electricity ie used in Aooeptanoe of I: the.01ty of iaduoah Kentucky, said franchise having bean created pursuant Franchise by to the provisione of an ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of �. Paducah Eleotrio said City of Paducah on March 29 1920, - Co.' !i NOW, THEREYORE, in a000raanoe with the provisions of Section 6 of u' II said ordinance creating the said franchise, Paducah Electric Company hereby ! ` accepts the provisions of the said ordinanoe above mentioned creating said franchise and under which said franchise was sold as aforesaid. i! PADUCAH .ELECTRIC COMPANY, . ,^ N ATTEST: By H. T. EDGAR, President." EDWARD T. CLARK, �. Secretary. Commissioner Tully offered the folldwing motion: That the petition of property �_•' Protest egainet 5 N. 9th Street im- ;:owners on tlorth.Ninth Street protesting against the sidewalk improvement be received provement. j and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tilly, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. i E.R.Hill appoint-^ Commissioner Eaton offered the following.motion: I cave that Ernest R. Hill be ed patrojan. I v „ appointed's patrolman. Adopted upon call of the mil by the following vote: Yea's, i rte j! y; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Kstterjohn,-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that John P, Wilkerson, John P. Wilkerson.;! James Walker b James Walker and Lelia Sullivant be appointed as firemen in the City Fire Department. _• Lalib Sullivant, tt appointed fireman.'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, :. "'r> kWilliams and Katterjohn.-6. Commissioner. Eaton offered the following Motion: I move that tho'ltjpsolution en - Resolution extend -I; titled, 11?tE90LUTION EXTENDING THE TIME WITHIN WHICH THE -PADUCAH m ILLINOIS RAILROAD, Ing P. & I. R.R. �.' extension of time. ;: COMPANY IS TO BcGI11 IN GOOD FAITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTA IN- DEPOTS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, )MITUCKY," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votst I" ,Yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Matterjbhn,-B. Mayor Kattsrjohn offered the following motiont I move thnt an ordinance entitled,.' l ' "AN 010I1MIOh HEOULATIUU 7114 SOLICITING OY ALMS. WITHIN THE CITY 01' PALUOAH AND PRE.' OrdinRnoe regulate' r Ing the soliciting SORIBINO PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THERk0P," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll of Alms. 1, :i by the following vote.: Yeae Eaton. Gilbert, Tully, Williams and KAtterjohn,-6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance an-.. .' Reconstruction of'� titled, "AN ORDINAIICE PROVIDING FOR THE RECCIISTRUCTION OF THS DRIVEWAY ON NORTH FOURTHI h.- 4th St.. from Jefferson to Clay. 4, SSTREET, FROM'PRE NORTA.PROPERTY LINE OL+ JEFFERSON STREET TO THri..SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLAY STREET, IN THE CITY. OF PADUCAH, K> MI CKY," be placed on its paseage. Adopted upon - . _ - `� ear..:. �.; � •rw . F ap . !h r i i !me xxrnn' L n (rk�cVYf . ern ( r a "dos r Yif �' k..','r i ^.', -t' - r 7" a,. - ..,o- _, :,•T'1'+W'av' t"�1", f 1'a '`+�rw� ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ l cal of .the roll.by the following vote:.Yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully �;. •� ly and Williams, -4; icd. naya, Kattorjohn,-l.' !. E �::•_' 4':. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- Reoonatruotion ! titled, "AN ORDIIIANCE'PROVIDING,FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON JEFFERSON of Driveway on 4'Jeffereon, from h TREbT, FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF'SEVENTBENTH STREET, (OR FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO THE x. r..17th to P5th. i a WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TWENTY-FIFTH STREET MIN G APPROXIMATELY 3810 LINEAR FBBT, IN THB ' � CITYOF.PADUCAH , K$NTUCKY;" be placed on its passage. Adopted upon Dell of .the roll by k the" vote: Yeas, Baton,.Gilbert, Tully and W1111ams,-4;.nays, Katterjohn,-1. P 0 Oommleeionex„Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that as ordinance ea titled',"AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON.BROADWAY I' Reconstruction of ,}• • driveway on ... ; , K Broadway from FROM,THE -BAST PROPERTY. LINE OF'SBVENTBBNTH.STREET ( OR FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO THE wt rc " j17th to hath. PROPERTY LINE OF TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, BEING APPROXIMATELY 3810 LINEAR FEET, IN THE {r CITY. OF PADUCAH.,. KENTUCKY,” be-pla'oed on* its'passage. Ado ted upon call of the roll bye the following vote: Yeas Eaton, Gilbert. Tully, and Willi' ams. -4; KatterJohn, -1.,�.. yf Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion:.I move that anordinaioe en I 1� titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROC$: Sidewalks on ! ASPHALT SIDEWALKS CURBS GUTTERS TOGETHER ',7ITH ALL NECESSARY MAIIHOLES' INTAY.ES y•.N.//th 8t., from •. • � , � �... TrimblJeffer�a to r SEWERS -AND CATCH BASINS, ON i3OTH.SIDES. OF NORTH'ELEV'iNTli. STREET, FROM THE NORTH PROPER71 i} ; • TY LINE''•OF.' JEFFERSON STHEET TO THS.SOUTH PROPERTY, LINE OF TRDABLE STREET, IN THE CITY I OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY," be'placed 'on its passage. Adopted .upon 'call of .the roll by the ,Mellowing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Oilbort,. Tully and William6,-4; Paye; Katterjohn,=1. 'f Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe sn titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CCHSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR :KENTUCKY ROCK }� 81Qewalke`ASPHALT SIDEWALKS ' CURBS. AND GUTTERS TOGETHER WITH ALNECESSARY MANHOLES,. INTAKES, ! ,,;,; 13th 9t. ,' • , L ' from Broadway SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDBS OF NORTH THIRTFROM THE.NORTH PRO- ~S'• ;i. .to Trimble: :. • HENTH.STREET ' I PERTY LINE OF BROADWAY STREET TO THE SOUTH ':PROPERTY LINE OF T13IMBLE STREET,. IN THE CITY, '• ` OF PADUCAH- M TUOKY,".be placed on its passage. Adopted upon callof.the roll by the j L� d following vote:' Yeas, Eaton,.Oilbert, Tally and Willlame,4; Naye, Batterjohn,-1. Commissioner Gilbert offered tfie following motion: I move tbat, an.ordinance en= Sidewalks on1#�L'. .' N. 9th'from titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR .THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KEIITUCKY ROCK. Monroe to. Trim F Y . t+ }ASPHALT. SIDEWALKS,, CURBS, GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL-NBCESSARY..MANHOLES, INTAKES; 9BrBR8 Trim— ble 4 !, y. t; ',AND CATCH BASINS, ON 'BOTH SIDES OF NORTH NINTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF j ' •MONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRD.iBLE STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH: . :. i 1 WiTUCKY," be plaoed on its passage,', Adopted upon call of the roll by,the'following . C F voter Yeae, Eaton, 011bert,.Tuliy and Williams, -4; Says,. Katterjohn,-I.�i CCommissioner Gilbert offered the .following motion' I move that an ordinanoa en-. f '� 8ldewalke on He . titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COIBTRUOTION OF CCINCRETE OR .KENTUCKY HOC 8th from Monroe t0 Trimbl9: ASPHALT SIDEWALKS,' CURBS, G01'TERS., TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, J !SEWERS AND CATCH'BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH fiIGHTH 9TREBT, FROM THS NORTH. PROPERTY i [',^ , LINE OF MONROS:STRKET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE'OF TRD,[BLE STREET, IN THE CITY .OF6. 7V a et, l PADUOAH, KENTUCKY," be placed on its passage.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the k yfollowing vote: Yeas., Baton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, -4; Naye, Katterj.ohn,-1. f ' �'•' Commieeioner Gilbert offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en= titled "AN n=titled"AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CCNSTRUCTION OF CONCRSTN.OR KENTUCKY ROCK i '' ASPHALT SIDEWALKS CURBS GUTTERS TOGETHER WITH ALL.NECB99AHY MANHOLES, INTAKES !� �idewalke'oa .� ,. . . �• N. Tth from Madison to 'SAWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH $IDES; OF NORTH SEVENTH STREET, FROM.THB,BORTH PROPERTY! Trimble .i • . �. LINE OF MADISONET . STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREWIN THE C2TY.0P 1 ' T 3 ` PADUCAH; KENTUCKY," be plaoed' on. its passage. Adopted- qpm call of the tall by the I ,' { following vote; Use, Baton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams,-4;:Naye, 103tterjohn;-1..' .i .,"�•%„»� � ice` tea..••-;.a..r •a 4- _@ "•''.,y`;-z"S!'K•nk'!"?'•�r a.,�' +i', . a� r,t YR „Wy,.•^It M!.f yr z . tir!'q,\ . • .w+<:1::..i�.+`+-.✓ �..v"L..-_•l�nLllr �.ti-�•.�f+'•J.c_.-:yi V.�!` ...w��' '.1 . 1.1 ..._" _ - ? No. rr r i Commissioner's Proceedirigs, Ci of • Paducah • h'.,. 191-' Commieeloner.Gilbort offered the following motion; I move.that an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDr1G-FCR THE CONSTRUCTION Oil, OONORETE.OR.•KENTQCKY ROOK' Sidewalks on i ASPHALT SIDEWALKS OQRBS 'GUTTERS TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY.MANHOLE9' INTAKES ^r N. 6th St. from . r . ., Fi Madison to Trimble.' SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON, BOTH SIDES OF NORTH9I%TH STREET FROM.THE•NORTH PROPERTY :! .. •': " . j• LING', OF MADISON STREET TO THE -SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET, IS THE CITY OB ' i. PADUCAH, K1.0TU0KY," be placed on its passage. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert. Tully and Williams, -4; Nays, Katterjohn,-1. .`1 r commissionerGilbert offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance,: entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUOKY ROCK Sidewalks on S. 7th from Jackson to St. Jones 9L. ASPHALT SIDEWALKS. CURBS, GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES INTAKES � , . - '•• SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH SEVENTH STREET. FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY ''•i LINE'OF JACKSON STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JONES STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADA+ CAH. KENTUCKY," be placed on its passage. Adopted upon call of the roll by the -follow- Ing vote: Yana. Eaton. Gilbert. Tully and Wiiiiamo.-:; Nays. Katterjohn,-. On motion the Board adjourned, yeas S. I Ad of G ell -FGAtNA�nrt. { !i I ? May 14th. 3920. _ c At a Call Meeting of. the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commieeioner`s' t Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Friday May 14th, 1920 at '.8 O'olooR.'. I z• G.P. M.. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners i 'Eaton. Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Kattorjohn,-6. . ,Z t� Mayor.Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit: For .the ,purooBs]of hearing' r n chargee which have been preferred against patrolman Janice W. Clark; and for the trane- action of euoh,other business as may, come before the Board of Commissioners. fi On motion of Commissioner Eaton the chargee preferred against' patrolman 'James .± Chargee preferred against patrolman, �.W. Clark, together with notice to James Yl. Clark, were reoeived and filed py the ; James W.'Clark , :n received 4 filed. following.vote: Yeae Eaton, Gilbert. Tully, Williams and.Katt'arjohn.-6.ng motion: I move that the Board o! Commissioner Eaton offered the follows ..ti! a a+ .• ;�, i. Commissionors now proceed 'to tho consideration of chargee that have boon' preferred against patrolman James W. Clark and that said trial roceed forthwith and that all 3. James W. Clark, I p „} consideration o! i; questions of -procedure and tho regulation and admission of evidence be decided by the chargee. 1. Board of Commissioners. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton. Gilbert. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. w, On motion .tho Board adjourned to meet at 10:80 A..M. on Saturday, May ;15th, S 1920, by 6 yeas. MAY 167H. 1920. x Y '' , I • :} „ At an adjourned meeting of: the Board of Commissioners, hold in 1h a commis- sioners, Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduosh, Kentucky; on Saturday, May 16th, 1920,, st ;f 10480 O'clook.A. M, -'.Upon call of tho roll the following answered to their namoa: Commissioners Eaton. Gilbert. Tully, Williams and Mayor Kattor3ohn,-6.' ' James W.Olark Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the ohirges. ohnrgea preferred.l preferred against patrolman James W. Clark be sustained, and that he be dismissed and removed from his employment as a patrolman, and that said diemissal.ehall Lake effaot' ��