HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 513, March 19, 1920I • r - <'�'Tr. a.,�h,..• rt,. �•"°"�1`� c r✓'. 4-L.E.M. '••:wr t .. .. .. - Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah - 191 4' Said receipt and duplicate certificate of deposit and, report being as follow; ) "Paducah, Kentucky, Marah'18" 1920. Honorable Mayor & Board of Commissioners, City of Paducah; , Y 'Kentucky, r Gentlomen; Herowith we present the receipt from J. T. Reddiok, president of the Boer d I' Report of Wyan ' of Education for five hundred (600) CITY 0P PADUCAH 6% SCHOOL IMPROV'c":Z11T BONDS. Tully, school 'numbers one fl) to five hundred (600), inclusive for five hundred ($600) dollars each. Im ar'ovement Bonds. Wo.also wish to report the r000ipt of ;1160, being the premiiuo on the issue of $860,000 School Improvemont bonds;_e_eo the r000ipt of.......... ;;1960., being the accrued intorest from January 16th to Maroh 12th, and we have deposited th000 amounts, $8100, as per duplicate certificate of deposit filed herowith, to the credit of the School Improvement Bonds Sinking Pund.with the Citizono Savings Bank of the City. Respectfully submitted WYVNk TULLY, 60mmissioner of.Pub. Binanoe� WT.TB Paducah, Kentucky, March 11" 1980. y, Received of Mil TULLY Commissioner of Finanoo, five hundred (600) City of Receipt Board of Padupah 5% School Improvemont bone numbors one to five hundred (1-600) both inolusive - Education, School for five hundred WOO) dollars each. 'I . ' Improvement Bonds. j J. T. REDDICK, Pres. jt----- oo----- i. Citizens Savings Bank,-Inoorporated, Deposited by School Improvement Bonds rL ;Sinking Fund.- Paducah, kir., March 18",.1980. I Premium Bonds....................160.00 Duplicate Deposit! Accrued interest...............19�b6 Ticket, School 4 . Improvement Bonds .(Duplicate Deposit Ticket) r, .t ------coo-------_ ,y Irp On motion the Board adjourned, yeas 3. 't MARCH 19th. 1920. fAt a Call Meeting of the. Board of Commissionoro hold in the Commisaio nere p .. °�. ('Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on March 19th; 1980, at 3 o'olook P.:M. ;Those present were Commissioners Jsaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor )tatter john. :. Mayor stated reasons for call to -writ; To give. paseage to the Apportionment f Ordinance, and allow pay roll, and an other business that ma t'.. Y y .come before the Commie- ionere. . ';, n Commissioner Tully offered the follows „b „ ng motion; That the oommunioation from ? communication the Board of Education be received, filed and.00nourred in, ant that same be spread of Board of Bduoation, in re,upon the r000rds. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams. I Ta: levy o! lld Katter john. 6. Said Communication being as follows; ."At a -meeting of the Board of Education of the City of Padyoah, ,Kentucky held in Dr. Roddiek's office in said City on the oiRhtoonth day of March. li2O, there being present the following members, to -wit - Dr. J,. T. Roddiok�, r, Mies Dovi Husbands, Mrs. Lillard Saridors, + Dr. M. Steinfeld. The said Board having boon duly called toordor,-and the purpose of :the meeting stated, the following resolution was introduced and unanimously adopiod. >, 'Tho Board of Education being advised by Oommiesionor of Vinanoo, . Wynn Tully, that a tax rate of eleven conte par hundred will be sufficient to ..pay the interoat'on the School Improvomont Bonds for 1920 and create a oinking ' rev "fund, for the retirement of said bonds, it is.horeby ordered by the Board of }} ;Fducation'in a.moeting called for this purnoee this eighteenth day of March, k.fik '1980, that the resolution adopted the thirtieth dny of January, 1920, be ,.. 1 M1. . ir« NV Commissioner's � a.+a" �fr(t!.}'�tr+^f'�i. 7CC•lp'ji T' 'r�7q ..� kxTk' P..-ta '`.. t•. r yrµ.• 'Afi?�''.+ . r. roceedings, City of Paducah 191_ reconsidered and the following reeplution be now adopted in conformity with the re= y quest and advioo or the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Paducah. BE IT RESOLVED: -'By the Board of Education of the City of Paduoah, Kentuoky, that there be and is now.imncoed and levied an ad valorem tax upon all the. real and personal property in the City of Paducah subject to taxation for the year 1920 of �el'evon oonts on the 4100 valuation of said property, the same being necessary to y oroato a oinking fund for the payment of bonds of the City of Paducah issued for school purposes dated January 16th, 1920, and for the purpose of paying the interest. on said r'•i , 'bonds .when and Fie due.' `I We, the undersigned; J. T. Reddiok, Preeident of the Board of Education and >'.r. Marguerite Rodd, Soorotnry, do duly certify that the foregoing resolution was a&opted k.by the Board. of Education of the City of Paducah, at a mooting of said Board hold in .,aid City of: Pnduoah, oil the eighteenth day.of March; 1920, and is certified to.the' YBoard of Commissioner,, of ,aid City for the attention diroote: of Such Commissioners, as the ]aw This. eighteenth day. of March, 1920. J. T. REDDICK President of Board of Education,. FATTEST- City of Paducah. Kentucky. Marguerite'Refld;, ` Secretary.." ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion That the accounts for Fthe firet.half.of:March, so per report.of Com'r of Finance herewith filed, be allowed Accounts �.. , first half (and �. March, 1920. E paid and Lho money appropriated iroro the general fund to pay same. Adopted upon �oall of the roll, yeas Eaton, (Silbert, Tally, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. � Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motions That the Commissioner.. of Public Works be inotruoted to die.poeo of all delapidated wsgoue. useless material:, Disposition of`C delapidated and other paraphernalia in the Dept. of Public 'ilorks. Adopted upon cell of. the roll wagons, oto. in Dept. ofyoae; Eaton, Gilbert, Dully, Williams and Kattor.john,- 6. Public Works: �.' Oommiesionor'Tully offered the following motion:. That the ordinanoo fix - Tax Levy Orth- ing the Tax Levy for the year 1920 be placed on passage. Adopted npon call of .the ro11J nanoe, 1920. '.tyba, Eaton, Gilbort;,'Tully, Williams and Matterjohn,.6. Commissioner Tully offered the followin motion: That the ordinance " .. 8. fix r.Appoitionment']"ing the apportionment of -the. publio funds of the City of Paducah for the year 1920 be ` Ordinance, 1920. ipleoed on'paeeage. 'Adopted upon call .of the roll. yeas Eaton, Gilbert. Tally.. Williams. ' and Fitterjohn" 6. Commissioner Eton offored.the.following motion I desire to introduoe and ','ordinance entitled:, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING A FRICHISE'OR* PRIVILEGE TO FURNISH BLECTRI r7ranchies fCITY FOR LIGHT, POWER, HEAT AND ANY OTHER PURPOSES FOR WHICH ELECTRICITY IS USEDIN"THB I Ordinance,.. y s: to furnish 4ITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, Alit PROVIDING FOR THL SALE OF. SAID FRAFiCHIS8.OR.PH1VILEGE." 1`-' eleotrioity; ?Rto.., And I move that 'said ordinance lie over for consideration for. .ten day,. Adopted upon f a I. call of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tally. Williams and Kstter john, 6. • On motion the Board adjourned yeae.6. Aar1a/ Chi Circ V- "-. � •--- ' MARCH 22ND 1920.. . Sq'r At a regular meeting of -the Board of.Oommie,ionere held in.the Commiesionere' Ohember in tho City. Hall,.Paduoah,' Kentuoky. on Maroh 22nd,,1920� Those present were. `.`s._;.•.',. '.', Comroissionere Eaton, Gilbert,. Tully, Williams and Mayor. Katter john.-: 6.. On motion of Oo'Jesionor Eaton the minutes of the Previous moetinge'wore >. adopted'ae read, yea, 6. ' Commissioner Gilbert, offered the following motion:.That the potation for now Street light .street light at 9th &,Sanders Ave. be roferred to the Commis,ionor of Public' 9th .& Sanders.... :.: Avenue.L . with powor to set. Adopted upon call .of the roll'.yose Eaton, Gilbert. Tally, Willis .and ?%ttorjohn,.'8, f 1 1 2 {:W�i. i•q''� � r�'i�, .4 ..�fy Jt ?l. i .•4 .'4.,• 4.. t... -�'4 ,l-._ 'l. F - �- 'll . ��.}rl ..1:1 %.. v+4.. rr, _.. .i4: in. J. .,.: �. _.... .}.. _ ♦ .....- �. . .1 Jam.. a. .. ..r. ,.. -,}:.-,