HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 508, March 4, 1920�, y t r '-it" • :.f:t (1 ':!Y'.n J"�Y..' +.^*T T3_��\e -•. J°'G vrt + !smeA�'r:.N`7%-,`3 • •l"fiya... :7'xt.t•a.�•5;+?'+»an-, 1,•' �„ 9 � y. ., � ti7rt `QST -Y, � y+. yr,e•v ,r'an�. c'tr'.�„ '•'�ti ir,a, n .r �-ti• n n ••... • ITI NO Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ { said City Notional Bank. Said resolution viae seconded by Dr. Steinfeld, and on roll. e call was unanimously adopted.•'yj �. We, tho undersigned, J. T..Reddiok, President of the Board of Education, and. Marguerite Redd, Secretary, do duly-certify that the'foregoing resolutione,were adopted s . by the Board of Education of .the Cit of Paducah at a meatin of said Board hold is tbd. Y , g (said City of Paducah, on the twelfth day of February, 1920,and is certified to the City-National Bank of said City.' This thirteenth day of Febtuary, 1920. ATTEST ' J. T. REDDICK President oar of Muoatlon o pMarguerite Redd the City of Paducah, Kentmoky: -Beare: S. M. Smith: q ,' On motion of Mayor Kstterjohn communications from 9. M. Smith in regard . communication I In re: YeeL to the ally, Peet Houee were received and filed. Yeas 6. J_ House. On motion of •Commiseioner Beton the City Milk, Meat. and Live Stook In- - City Milk;. Meal and tepeotor was instruoted to enforce an ordinance in regard to tuberouloeis,cows was Live Stook,. �adoptdd upon oall.of tho roll ., Inspector, in- p ,yens Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 6. re: Tnborou-.. On motion L'h6 Board adjourned"yeae 6. loafs Code. :: ' J Adople 19 y0 ` ' Y sem• �'t'�e� =w ��" •.MAXOitt ( ... MARCH 4th" 1920. fs At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieeionore! Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah; Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.V*., March 4th, 1920.. �.:IIpoa call of "the' roll: t5e following answered to their named' 1C01Hn19ei6riere $bton."" W-IX and Williams, and Mayor Katterjohn, 4: The Mayor statod reasons for call,'to-wit: To allow ealariee and accounts for . ;F 'the month of February, 1920, and to take up any other business that my come before. the Board of Commissioners. t, Commiesioner•Tully offered the.following motion: That .the report of.Commiesioner( old 1 Typowritor.',A of Finanoo regarding sale of the old Underwood typewritor of the City of Paducah. to �< the Paducah Labor News be. reooivod and ailed. Yeee 4, .` '• Roport Coin' r. Oormmie8ioner. Tp],ly offered the following motions That the aaoounte for the last r, Finance for I Fab.'1920 �', half of February, 1920, as .per report of the Commissioner of Finance filed herewith- A000unte. ° ' be'aTlowed and ordered paid,. and that the money'be.appropriated from the general fund =� a to pay same." Adopted yeas Eaton, 'Tully and Williams, 3. Nays,. Katterjohn 1. Report .0om'ri':g Comniesionor Tully offered the following motions That the report of the.Cosmnis- t '. Finanoe for j y' ;- Feb. 1920. ', t eloper of Finance for the month of February 1920 be received and filed and ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted yose.4. r., Commiesioner-'Gilbert entered the d1eeting. y .' Comm is at over Eaton offIored tho following motions I move that the Chief of.the Fire" Alarm t' t, Box, G; Fire Department be authorised to order on"behalf of the City one Peerless lion. Anter Sector Fire Alarm Box,., Model M-26 at $120.00." Adopted yeae Eaton, Gilbert,: Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,.8: . On motion the Board adjourned yeae 6.. Ado IVP h'119 �i I Citi' claktf _ . . s XOR 1 Y .i.r _ -.1 .tat .i. ,• 4 ' 4. ! .r' .