HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 500, February 24, 1920. rf� :� '+'7 ��+• ',s. ,r err'' \ .cy.-rx:-. y pyi.+m� t commissioner's.'Proceedings, City-ofPaducah 191_ FEERUARY 19th, 1920. 3 At a coiled meeting-of the Board of Oommiseioner's, bold in the Commission- yers' Chamber. in tbe.City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 19th, 1920, at E o'clock P. M. Those present were Commissioners Baton, 011bart, Triply, Williams and Mayor �Kstterjohn. B. ft The Mayor stated reasons for dell to-wits To allow salaries and to enter- J�:• • - 1. / tain any other business that may come up before the Board of Commissioners. y Commie sioner Tully,oftered the folloioing motiont. That the accounts for 5+. Report Com'r., the first half of February,; ae. per report of Commissioner of Finance .filed herewith, Finance for ^. r First half of.be allowed and ordered paid, and that the amount thereof be appropriated from the February �, 1920. t4oneral fund. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Baton, 0ilbert, Tully, Williams end Katterjohn,'- B. On motion the Board adjourned. 'yens B• .' Ad I 19 2Q ._Uy tole FEBRUARY 23RD, 1920.'. 1.r7 - . . ' r p At a, regular meeting of the Board of. Commissioners,. held in the Commission j� r ere' Chamber tri tho City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 23rd., 1920, at 2'0'olook y P. M.' Those present were Commissioners, Eaton, Tully; Williams and Mayor. Matter john. Commiseioner.Eston offered the following motions That the regular meeting of Ohe Board of Commissioners of 'the Oity of Paducah, Kentucky, be adjourned from 2 o'clock P. M. on Monday February 23rd, until 10 O'olook.A. M. on Tueeday,.February 84th, 1920. .Adopted yess 4: On motion Oho Board adjourned, yeas 3. Aar Ic1�17�'P i' MAYo1L FEBRUARY 24th. 1920. t At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commleeioners, hold in the Commie,. .",. . ' a:sionera' Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on February 24th; 1920, at 10 " o'clock A. M. Those preeent.were Commissioners., Seton, 0ilbert; Tully,..Williame and. Vit Mayor Katterjohn. 5... The minutes of the previous meetinge.were adopted as read. Yeae..S. { Communication Commissioner Oilbort read a communication from property owners on Cedar property.own- are on Cedar ,'Stroet and Lincoln Avenue, &eking that Cedar Street, one square Leet from Mayfield-, St. & Lincoln . Ave.Road and Lincoln Avenueone square North from Cedar Street be graded and graveled. k On motion of Oomtoleeioner Gilbert said y petition. was received and filed'. Yeas S._ { Commissioner 0ilbert offered the following motion: Whereas, the majority. r City Atty. (• instructed to' of the property holders oh Cedar St. & Lincoln Ave. desire the improvement of said, bring in resp- Fy, lotion in res- etroots, that the City Attorney be instructed to bring in resolution for the grading I Cedar St. & i :i Lincoln Ave.S and graveling of said streets', and all improvements to be charged to shutting property , e } holders..' Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams. 4. >.. Hays, ]Mtterjohn, 1. :. D. Harry .,'.e Oommiesioner Williams offered the following motion: That he, as Commission.�' .. Jamieou, } plane, etc. or of Public Property be'instruoted to have D.' Harry-Jamleon, Architect to draw Nursee'Homei w. �' ,"r •'�_ ' M. ?h:. tS�i ,' M..!-, '• y(1', }'(C• 1• r�� _'uY.. hf •6 1 .. i f wc..edi'�y',y`aa ru-t'�}3 s_a:, .. _ ,.>.. '.ai .. , . .... ._.- .. .. .. ... ... ., •.. . - ,. .:.r' ,'.�, '��'s.1 •i�Y�uwp:L3iE.tiS'i3:4ia' ., wn %+FL+. 'q w. . q: .� .-,✓.,R: � .+wY" .5..� AW{v -. i.?2i'�%:. fj�� r . l ' • '.� ,••..'�•�ti�.. -,�>•n t• vo---» Jest' h•"" Yt re i�+`•3 t c �,� 1 +..� o..•,.,. t. �� � � .. '- ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah .f complete plane and specifications for the completion and additions to the Hurees' Home.; at the Riverside Hospital, following the .tentative plane heretofore submitted. Adopted i upon call of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams 4. Hays Ifatterjohn 1.' I Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion;. That the Commissioner of vYancey &'Johnson Public Works be instructed to enter into contract with Yancey & Johnson as authorised contract for aide - calk construction by the previous. Board of Commissioners for the oonstruotion of sidewalks, curbs and. 7th &.Husbands St. and S. 7th St. gutters on Husband St. from West property.line of S. 6th Street and on both aides of. Murray Avenue. Adopted upon call of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully,' Williame.and 1 i Katterjohn, 6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion= That the City Attorney be :'%•.`` City Attorney instructed to bring in a resolution for the re-oonetruotion of North 4th St..from the a .0 instructed to bring in reeolu- "North property line of Jefferson Street to the and of North 4tb Street, if extended, ..} . tion, in re. re-oonstruotion with a hard surface; to be oonetruoted with one of the follows ' ng types of oonatruotions ' of H. 4th St. „ Tarvia; concrete; or Kentucky Rook Asphalt. Adopted upon call of the roll yeae+Eaton, 4- Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, B. hi oommieeionor Gilbert offered, the following motions That the City Attorney'be in-`�:�' • ., City..Attorney 'etruoted to bring in a resolution for the ie-oonstruotion of North 7th Street from the -• r instructed to i bring in,resolu- 'North property line of Jefferson Street to the Railroad property north of Trimble �. ton, in re; i re-oonatruotion Street, to be of a hard surface type of ono.of the following-, via; Tarvia; oonorete; ;k of N. 7th St. ' ;or Kentucky Rook Asphalt. Adopted upon pall of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjo'hn,.B. - •'. b Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion= That the City AttorneyDs in. ' City attorney etruotal to bring in a resolution for the re-construotion of south 6th Street with a instructed to bring in resolu• hard surface from South aide of Kentucky Avenue to the north property line of Norton . tion in ret �r re-oonstruotion of8treet, with one of the following types of oonstruotiont'Tarvia, concrete or Kontuoky'• 8.. 6tb St. { Rook Asphalt. Adopted upon call of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Willisma'apd Katterjohn. 'g. , ,a. ,) Commiealoner Gilbert offered the follow y' ` following motions That the City Attorney Da iD- > '! • t City Attorney, struotod to bring in a resolution for the construction of Broadway from the and of the .. S instructed to ' bring in resolu- preeent Bitulithio at 17th Street to the County.Line on Broadway; to be paved with a 4 ... tion in ref k conata•uotion B'wayhard surface with one of the following types Tarvia, "aonorota or Kentucky Rook Asphalt• 17th to 25th. Adopted upon Pall of the roll yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, William , 4. Nays, Katterjohnl z Commissioner Gilbert offered tho following motiont.That the City Attorpey be in• 1: r a City Attorney in- etruoted to bring in a resolution for the re-oonstraotion of Jefferson Street from the i. struoted to bring 1 .in resolution, in and of the prosent Bithlithio at 17th Street to the County lino on:Jefferson St, to be- ,.,►•', re; construction Joff`eraon St., •, pavod,with a hard surface with one of the followiAR typos; eto. Tarvia; concrete or =' } 17thto 26th. . Kentucky Rook Asphalt. Adopted upon call .of the roll yoas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, and Williams, 4. Raya, .KAtterjohn, 1• Coimniseloner Gilberto 0 ft red the follows mot ton That the City'Att Attorney following io a be in. Y } City Attorney in-etruoted to bring in a resolution for the re-oonstruotion of both sides of Murrell Blvd. `'!. struoted to bring .• t in resolution, from the South'property line of Broadway to the South property line of Caldwell Street in re- recon- struotion of and 'from the East side of Murrell Blvd. on Caldwell Street, west on Caldwell Street to Murrell Blvd. ' Caldwell Avenue; and thonoe on Caldwell Avenue to the right-ofyway of the N. C. & St. L. R. R. right-of-way, eto., including all intoraeotions, to be paved with a hard sur?,: 1-r• •., q; face with one of the following types, via: Tarvia, concrete or Kentucky Rook Asphalt..'!',"•.'• Adopted upon call.of the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. Hays 1 •. 4, } Katterjohn, 1. • Contract Yancey &' Commisalonor Gilbert offered the following motion: That the Oommlealonar'o! Johnson, 81de- walks.,H. 16th St.,Pablio Works be instructed to enter in contract with Yancey 81 Johnson as made by the =' iPrevious Board of oommisaionors for the construction of sidewalks, ourbe.and gutters. ' �� ea'i JY i,r f . I a . i+" '`�'�r •atm s;^'��ryiJ, ;!Vas -•f\+T sTE'�l^: �iw.�r.t+�rn, ;e,+:iy�rgt � h� .. ' 1 ...,:.. �_r ..; err •. r•. a . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah !91_ on N. 18th Street from West Bide of Broadway to East property line on Je.ffereoa. Adopt - hod upon call of the roll yeae Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams. and Katterjohn, 6. Adjournment. On motion the Board adjourned,'to meet at E o'clock P. M..February 84th, 1880, ?+'"• to moot at , E O'olook P. NI.Yeao 6. :,'•�:'• a Adjdurned meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ChamberAdourned "t ' ' Meet ng, in 01ty Hall,, Paducah, Ky. Those present were Commissioners Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, :jWilliamo and Mayor. IMtterjohn,, 6. S " Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That the City Attorney be in- Oity Attorney .etruoted to bring in a resolution for th e re-conetrnotion of North 3rd Street from the i:`" :.:`•: ' . instructed to bring in reso- North property line of Jefforeon Street to the North property line of Harrison.Street, `'lution in res • re-oonstruotim to.be.paved with a hard surface with one of the following type: Tarvia, Asphalt, con - . N. 3rd St. •, . =oto or Kentucky Rook Asphalt, oto. Adopted upon call of the roll yeae Eaton, Gilbert I ,'' •- . Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6.: Commissioner Gilbert offered.the following motion: That the City. Attorney be in- City Attorney !etruoted .to bring in a resolution for the re-construotion of North End Street from the ins truc ted . to bring. in r.eso- .North property line .of Jefferson Street to the North property line of Monroe Street, to '. lution in re; t \ re-oonstruoLion' Abe paved with a hard surface with one of the following type of construction: Tarvie, •:' N. End 8t. .: i 'Kentucky Rook Asphalt or concrete. Adopted upon call of the roll yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, I. :Tully, Williams and,KatterJohn, .5. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move thatan ordinance intro- Auoed-at the last regular meeting ng of the Board of Oommieeioners, held on February 16th, Parking'Ordi- 1920, entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO FUR'PHER REGULATE THE USE OF CERTAIN STREETS -AND PARTS -OF, nanoe.: . STREET BY AUTOMOBILE) AHD OTHER VEHICLES, AND PRESCRIBING FEIIAL 193 FOR VIOLATIONS THERE-- HERE=OF," OF,"be now taken up for oonsiderstion. Adopted yeas 6. Commieeloner Eaton_:offered.the following motion: I move the adoption.of an ordi- C: :. nanoe.entitlgd.ae follows= "AN 0RDINANCE TO FURTHER REGULATIt THE USE OF CERTAIN STREETS '. AND PARTS OF STHEETSBY AUTCMOBILES AND OTHtiR PdHICLES, AND PRESCRIBING.PEBALTIES FOR Parking.ordi- nanoe.adopted., VIOLATIONS THEREOF.", this day offered. as a substitute for an'ordinance of the same title',' Introduced at the last regular.meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held on February 16th 1980. Adopted upon call of the roll ., yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and Williams, 4. Nays; Katterjohn, 1. Commissioner Gilbert,otfered tho following motion: That an ordinance entitled; { -,"AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CUt2BS, GUTTERS, TO- ". ordinance pro=.GETHSR v4ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES,. INTAKES, SEWERS AHD CATCH HASINS; ON BOTH SIDES OF, % viding side- +' �.. walk con- SOUTH SEVENTH STREW , SROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JACKSON STREET TO THE NORTH PRO- struotiop•. !? S.':Vth'. St. .' PERTY LINE OF JONES STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH; KE1'1TUCKY', •AND PROVIDIIiG THAT THE I . SAME SHALL BE COUS'MUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN A'T THE COST .OF THE ABUTTIIIG PROPaTY OWNERS_," be introduced and lay over -for consideration for ten days. 'Adopted upon call. of.tho roll yeas; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn; 6.' Ooinmieeloner Gilbert offered the following motion: That an ordinanoe entitled, .. ' "AN ORDINANCE. PROVIDING FOR THE. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, TOGETHEH `PITH ALL NEOESSA11Y MA14.HOLES. INTA;:ES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES i i Ord inanoa pro- .i viding for OY'NORTH IZNVENIV STREIVT., FROM THE NORTH PiOPERTY LINE Ol+ 1rzP RSON STREET NO.THN SOUTH sidewalk oon- struotion N.•..`PROPSRTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT. 11th St. If ;THE. SAME, SHALL BE CONSTRUCilydD UPON THE TEN. YEAR PAYMERT PLAN AT THE COST OF TH. ABUTT -' i >_ d . h ' ING• PAOPERTY OWNERS," be .introduoed and lay over for consideration for ten days. ` i' fy ",t• Adopted upon call of the roll yeas. Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, . hfsur.:.. ,.,1;.'.:.w a.a.:,Y+Y3..1:. _r: 1— _ :.�✓•. ,-,. •, Tr •.:r. _. ..... .. ,... _...,, ,. .. -. ... ... .1. ,. .., r. -. 1fi 1::\ f.: ! �iL .J. `. �'\ , r ' Ji4Lii'd,.a:Ytt.Y,:f�•1ri1/NvS�.nE'.31.5 ,•l:f:.".+ .rl.:: .+ lY, . �Lv.tW.:.Y'tvlSr '>::.4J�.J ` 'C. J .. I 21 T uta* 5*t'it tY;{ue 'y>:Pw.b fv1 YtC m11rY h (yt} V �t�y.. �!w „r a rs.t^�C yr f•;TR• ..�.F� • .. .. .. .: .. '; ' is 'r•,. •_ } •. l ' Nb-� Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ICommissioner Gilbert offered the following.motion: That an ordinanoe entitled, ' I"AN,ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE 8IDEWALKB, CURBS, GUTTERS, Ordinanoe providing sidewalk Gone truo ti on TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES N. 8th 8t: OF NORTH NINTH' STREET,, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE.STREET TO THE SOUTH PRO. I PEBTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET IN 'PRE CITY OF PADUOA I 1 i H, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE llI DANCE OFAPP:,OI(I6 A' I SEVh11TY. LINEAL FEET, • IN ME OIPY OF PADUCAH I SAME. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR.. PAYMENT PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING ;KENTUCKY, A11D PHOVIDIIIG THAT THE SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT, y PROPERTY OWNERS," be introduoed and lay over for ooneideration for ton. days.. Adopted !PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS," be introduoed and lay over for { :upon Gall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. Nays, Katterjohn,llI 'ooneideration for ten days. Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert,, t g ' Commissioner Gilbert offered ,the following motion: That an ordimnoa, entitled .I ' "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OR KENTUCKY ROCK ASPHALT SIDEVIAMB AND COIICRETE CURBS, GUTTERS, TOGETi1ER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, IIiTAKES, Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That an ordinanoe entitled; Ordinanoe provid- ` 1 sidewalk SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDE OF NORTH THIRTEE11TH STREET, FROM THE NORTH PRO.- n6 ' . for OOnetruotion on, N., 19th 9t. ;PERTY LINE OF BROADWAY STREET TO THE SOUTH HROPLRTY LINE Ob' THIMDLL STREET, IN THE CITY! .. Y . { A ' 1OP PADUCAH, KEIITUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL BE C ONSTRUOTED 'UPON THE TEN YEAR i.` ' N. 7th St. PAYMENT PLAIT AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY.0WHERS," be intr,oduoed and lay over �. tfor'ooneideration for ten days. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, <:.• I.." Tully, Williams and Xetter.john, 5 ,, -� Commisaioner.Gi.lbert offered the following motlon:,.That an ordinanoe.entitled, •::" 1 ; +' '. i"AN ORDl1UIpCE PROVIDINGFOR THE.CONSTRUOTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS,.OURBS, GUTTERS, Ordlaanoe provid- .TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES. SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON THE NORTH ing sidewalk oon- ' struotion on H. BIDE OF BROAD STREET, FROM THE NEST PROPERTY LINE OF FOURTH -STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY '. '. aide of Broad 8t. ,LIME.OF SIXTH STREET, AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BROAD STREET,. FROM THE W]iST PROPERTY LINE OF HENRY KOLB!S PROPERTY, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. AND PROVIDING THAT THE SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLkN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPER - ;TY OWN;;RB," be introduoed and ley over for consideration for ten days. Adopted upon ' i 'call of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Xattorjohn. 5. 4` Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That an ordinanoo entitled, Ordinaaoe provid- I"All ORDINANCE PROVID1110 FOR THE COIISTRUCTION OF COICRETL SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTT4118,' 1 ing eidawalk':oon-: etruotion N. 1£th.,TOGETHEH WITH ALL NECESBARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, -SEVIERS A1ID CATCH BASINS, 011 THE, WEST d; •; �. " SIDE OF NORTH TWELFTH STREET,' BEGINNING AT THE CONCRETE SIDEI'IALK ON 'THE PROPERTY OF I .' • 4 � J. DuPERRIEU AND EXTENDIIIG TO THE CONCRETE. SIDEI'IALK ON.THE PROPERTY OF THE HENDERSON - 'BR'YIII CO11PAt1 S' " i ' 1 i llI DANCE OFAPP:,OI(I6 A' I SEVh11TY. LINEAL FEET, • IN ME OIPY OF PADUCAH ;KENTUCKY, A11D PHOVIDIIIG THAT THE SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT, !PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS," be introduoed and lay over for 'ooneideration for ten days. Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert,, t' 'Tully, Williams and Xatterjohn. 6. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion: That an ordinanoe entitled; Ordinano.e providing"AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCHRTE.SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, for oon- .sidewalk etruotion on TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES i.` N. 7th St. OF NORTH SEVENTH STREET, PROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STHEep TO THE SOUTH .5.. PROPERTY LI11L OF'TRIMBLE STREETIH THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEU'1'UCKY. AND. PROVIDING THAT ' ,, -� TIM BANE SHALL B8 OONSTRUOTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN AT THE COST OF THE ABUTT- •::" 1 +' Il10 PROPERTY OWNERS," be introduoed and lay over for ooneideration for ton days, Adopted upon sell of the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. Naye Katterjohn, 1. C� 1 i 1 .•„'a • r. ,at< v t +`•,. t.?�"r C'�.�}a!PI 1s¢R{f -rs •.ar. ,J..r�.••.r r'•'n.^ rv..+se ••aiF'—rw`i�r• 7 ... - �R,'i',.r�.. I . ;i r 'i ' Y ` No. Commissioner's . Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motions That an ordins oe anti-: Ordinance pro-i'tlo'd, "AN:ORDINAHCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOs'OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS, (;UTTERS; •vid164 sidewalk. on ucti6thoon L TOGETHER WITH ALL. NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES. SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS, OH.BOTH SIDES. OP NORTH SIXTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREBr TO THE SOUTH PRO- i �. P1,'RTY LINE OF-TRIMBLE STREET, IN THB CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE-1, SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN AT THE COST OF THE'ABUTTING P PROPERTY OWNERS," be.introduoedrand ley over for consideration for ten days. Adopted : upon cell•of..the roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. Saye,. Katterjohn. 1! Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motioni That an ordinance anti- p tled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR. THE IMPROVEMENT OP. FOURTEENTH Po- STREET, FROM THH NORTH 1. •r Ordinance s .. viding street ,PROPERTY LINE: OF MONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE.OF .CLAY STREET IN THE CITY OFi ' improvement of ' N. 34th St., p PADUCAH, KEIITUCKY', AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS. AND PROVIDING THAT SAME' SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPO14 THrJ TEkI YEAH PAYMENT PLAN, BY GRADING,AND GAVELLING SAME," �be introduced and lay over for consideration for ten days: Adopted upon call of the roll, yeae, Eaton' Gilbert, Tully and Williams, 4. Naye,Katterjohn. 1. Communication .0n motion of Mayor K9tterjohn a communication from the Paducah Evening Sun `.Paducah Evening .. z..,: Son in re: *Day-,.in regard to Daylight Saving be received and filed. Adopted yeas 6. ".light..eaving• i On motion of Mayor Kattorjohn a oommunioation.from Clinton S. Burns and John.: Commngloation, f W. Alvord was received and filed and ordered spread on the minutes. upon Call of the I. Clinton S.. Boras and John. W:.,: a roll, yeas Eaton, Gilbert. Tully, . Williame and Katter john. 6: Alvord. "February 2nd. 1920. lY • The Paducah We Company, „ f r Paducah, Kentuoky; < r .. Honorable.Mayor and Commissioners,. 7,_sF I Paducah, Kentucky. 'T r: Gentlemen:- �a We, the undersigned- Clinton S. Burne representing the City of Paducah.. Kentucky, and John W. Alvord, representing the Paducah Water Company.,have Com completed the Board of Appraisers by ..� y.:>•. p . ~ the appointment of Dean W. G. Ra t {{ ymona•oi Iowa City, Iowa, : 1 1 r Respectfully yours CLINTON S. BURNS Representing the City of RTUOWFI 1 , J011P Vi. ALVORD ft . . CW Representing the Paducah Wa orompany.^ k Commieeionor Eaton offered the followine.motioni I movo'that the report of. Report of Oom'r. Publio.Safety the Commieeionor of Public Safety on the accident to the Piro Department, Occurring on j "..;.. ;in re: accident t'Fir4 Dept. the night of Fobruary 16th, 1920, bo.roosived and filed.: Adoptei open call of the, til?� "x)y f ' . Droll,,y.oae Eaton, Gilbert,, Tully, Willicvns and Khttorjohn. 60 f r j";, On motion of Commissioner Williams the bid from Prank Walker and Charles Bid Frank and. ' Chas:. Walker Walker on lots 10, 11 and 12 in Block H. .was received and tiled and action deferred Iota.' 10-11-12 1 upon call of tho.roll,'•yeas Eaton, Gilbort, Tully,Williome'and Katter'joh n. 6 i. . On motion of Commiesioner.Gilbert.the petition from members of the SL. James Petition o! members 81: 10.M .4. Ohuroh for a street light on Eighth and Tennessee Streets was received and !ileal �. James. O.M.E. and referred to the. Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted upon call of the rollyens Church in re , St, light. +Eaton, Gilbert, Tally,. Will Isms and Natterjohn.,5. j On motion' tho Board adjourned, yens n Ad !': .. � ', c SDR• 1 I