HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 492, February 2, 1920Iw•t7 .rr.gieq^. .. , - ;rb- � ... •,:.\'-M ti,•7�,-s-.- — y 4', q. 71 S /S -4'r1' l .!f.'!ji .>••T i g. z., `.Y ..:-�L''.R f! _ t 1- fryq vY M• ..yr' -Y ' ., s5 1"! C(r �`11-1 - ' -„._�ti•,r._..-.+..:.i:.o.Lu �[a.a....Y�:'i..-u.w +uLGLi.:'' - Z..J.i.:...,..�-:«......._ _-” nc.a.:.,�J+•-n. _ 1 pe • Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah 191_ :Harrison Streets. Adopted upon oall.oY the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully and.. .� Williams..4. Says, Katterjohn, 1. on notion the Board adjourned, yeas 6.: �114C g 1..rErO�G �kl star �(A�'i!'il[ r y Y+, FFMRUARY 2RD. 1920.• t d At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiesioners .hold in tho Commissioners'. S{p i. City , y',.Fobruar 2nd 1920•.those prosont more. Chamber in the Cit Hall, Paducah Kentuok y , , S Commiesionoi•e caton,.Gilbort, Tully, valliame and I:ayor Ratterjohn: 6. On motion of .Commissioner Eaton the minutoe:of tho previous mooting ware-adopt- ere adopt -ed adas read; yeas 6. d:r West. Xy. Indus -I' Commissioner Eaton.offored.the following motion; That the communication from -trial College. communication...1 the West Kentucky Industrial Colloge be received'.and'filed and referred to the Mayor' a for attention. Yeao Be w C rr, Cohm7inication Commiesionor Eaton offorod the.Yolloving motion: That the communication Yrom County Judge ry James U. Lang, r.County Judge Jamse M. Lang relation to the County Sanitoriam bo rooeivod and filed. .. + yConarote side.-.' On On' motion,of'.Oommisaioner Gilbert the petition.from property owners and resi= walks, oto.. .... t . North 12th Sts..` donte in..rogard to the concrete:sidovalks and guttero with granite•ourb eoroee-old + do: Cairo itosd: Ca1ro Road on North 12th.Stroot visa r000ived and filed. Yoas 6:, : Oommisaionor Tully offorod tho following motion: .Tho,sum of ;30.00 Laving •P.:W,:',Mitoholl J..boon paid into-tho troaaury,.ao ovidonood by tho rooeipt filed horaaith, I move that . ,.Oemetory•.deod ; dood bo -oxoout'od to R. W.- Ilitohol-1 for Lot.'j-91 in Block p2 on the north, nide of Baker' � J1 Stroot bot•rioon Ford & Hannan utioots,, in Oak Grovo Oomotory. :Adopt'od.upon call of thol. :. H'roll yoo.e, lZton, Gilbort,''Pully, Williams and Kattorjohn. 6.. Commissioner Tully offorod the follociing motion- YIHMMAS,:on the 23rd dsy. of I IIDoo. 1910. a dood:yma granted to.A. R. Sohooning to lot'�114 in:Sootion.2, on the east:. :'Cemetery deed side of.Millor street between Ford &,Hannan streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery, whan'tho . ±corrected.. :y ,.. .'. deo&.should havo boon to lot #16 in,Seotion B, on the, oast side oY.Uillor Street ; between Ford & Hannan stre.ote; I, move that the correction to this effect be made in + 5,' the r000rds of Oak Grove Cemetery,. and that the deed .issued to A.'H. Sohoening be rel oorrooted; A&optod upon, call of.the roll yoas, Eaton; Gilbert, Tully; Williams. and torjohn.- 6. Commieeionor Tully.offored the following 'motion; .It appearing"that L. L. C. Vialker Walkor, of.tho Torrell Apartments,, paid two poll taxon for tho year 1916, ono, on poll ^poll tax ty1.60 1 refundod. tax reooipt #ll and ono on poll tax rooeipt j63, I movo that trio sum of $1.60 be to. -fundod to him: Adopted upon call of`.tho roll yeas; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, i-iilliama. . I ' ¢.and:.dattorjohn. 6. I ' .Commissioner Tully oY'fored tho'.Yollocring.•motions' That.tho Heed oY.Youn.g Tnylor. Tranefor of e Young Taylor to',,. Jno. E: Griot of this data, .00nveying the real half, 16 x.16 Yt:,'.of lot 278 in "John E. GriotJ. of Cemetery lot block "18" in Oak Groro Cemetery, be•rstitiod'ae per writton'request of Mr. Taylor; N and that said trnnsfoi bo recorded in the oanetery.deed.book. Adopted. upon call of roll yoae; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Satter john.' Be.,. 4. I 5 ss - - i .. y o !'�.:r•,• i.� 1 ...fir- .i.. _ _ / 1�a;•-. ,µul'+"«.4L'iR'.'¢•-�'n;ti:e}:.LN•%•++S=ALM � 'a"sL -il �: JsYM:�. ti.. .. , wr �Ra+• .:...lC..w:n.d.:e .,.r.::1V�d. s1 1.:...�_:,'.:k..f •'.+r r••p r� ,a -.c- r riffs; 'iP•tw'r«c�rsa+tic. n Z+i 'r''�.1>'74•h•iC�m�! tI """, yi"'�;: VIM ' P.h y MT!'•(�,} C'1: 'ti.• %•F,iM +y, "5�1 �'. :jA P'' I?MS•-S,. C••'1 .IM1 , ., ,•..'� _ +'. ,•� 777 7 77-:. 7. No.9 93 i. = Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Februarv' gnd j�p0 .:. Commissioner Gilbert, offered the following motion: Tbat t1io City Attorm y be-• Sidewalk construction inetruotod to bring in an ordinanuo for the construction of Concrete side walks, ourb 11. 8th,, Madidin to Trimble '.11. 7th " " •' ;ing, CiAttore, and drain pipes, also all nooeusary catch baaine and intakos, it needed, ..". .., 11. 8th.. Monroe " n LI. 9th Lionroe ". on the following streets; Forth Sixth, Madison to Trimble. Forth Seventh Madieon-to -" ' 11. lith Jefferson to 'Trimblo. -Moi*oei 1% 15th, ° " Forth Bight,to Trimble. Borth Rinth, Monroo,to Trimble.. Forth S. 7th Jaoks,in to Jones P.road from 5th St. Eleventh, Jetf,oraon.to Trimble. North Thirteen.'Joffd"on!,td Trimble. South Seventh i, Jeoksoin to Jones. Broad from 6th Street. Adopted ycae1 B. .=r Commissioner Gilbert.offered the following motion: That the City Attorney brir:g i. !' Jidewall: construction ;in an ordinance to continue the'ooncroto eido-walk, curb, and gutter .aoroes'th'e,old' ' } F. 12th At. -Old Cairo . i toad. ;.Cairo Road on llorth'12th St. to conform with the present typo of construction, to . �'relisva the bad drainage in the locality of 12th and Flournoy St., and 'charge the improvements to the abutting property holders. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, ,Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Villiams and Katterjohn. 5. Commissioner Gilbert offered the following motion. That the City Attornoy;bo Gravel 14th St, from ionroo to Clay. instructed to brim in an ordinance for the oonstrnotion of a graveled street on 14th~: ";• i +Street from Moproo to Olay. Adopted yeas 8. :t Commissioner Williams offorod the following -motion: That --the resolution fixing Rosolutian fixing ". prices of rooms.Ilivor- pprioos of.rooms and service at Rivorside.Hospital be adopted. Carried upon call of side Y.ospital. I; ;^ rthe roll yoas,.Eaton, Gilbort,.Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn. 8. Commissionor Eaton offored tho following .motion: That the ordinance providing Ordinanoo to purohauo- for the purchase' of an automobile for the Qhiof of the Fire Department lie ovor for } a;tto. 'Lor Firo Chief. " :,•consideration to the next regular mooting of the Hoard of OoMissionore:'.Adopted t `'yeas B. (' ' Commise ioner'Laton offered tho following motion: That the miles and regnlatione f ;governing the employment, removal, suspension and dismissal of men in the Fire Depart- } Rules `F: Ilogulatione . Civil Service, Fire imont-o! Paduoah, which have heretofore boon promulgated by the Commissioner of Public Dopartment. i f. Safety, and approved .by.him on January 28th, 1920, be now adopted by. the.Bonrd of �Commiesionore and agreed upon the record of the proceedings of the ,Board.of Commis-' "•jsionere, to have the same etfoot as an ordinance. Adopted .upon oall of the roll yeas ;Easton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and hattorjohn. B. Said Rules and Regulations are ?r :as follows, to -wit: • „ "RULES GOVERNING THE i9.1PL0 UGIT REMOVAL SUSPEIISI09 AND DISl1ISSAL OF 150 I11 THF FIRE DEPARTEAUT OF FADU- -- CAH, KElITUCKY. :+•' RULES GOVPARIFC.E12LOYI.IEIIT. " :,.♦ !1. All applicants for employment as members of the Fire Do par.tment shall Do.azaminad by the Board ofrxaminore._ Said Board of Fxaminors shall consist of the Commic- { • t sionor oY Public Safety, the Chief of the ?iro Dopartmont and one physician to be by them, selected and one firoman who shull,bo solootod by the mombors of the Fire'. J Department. `2.,. All applications shall be in writing and filed with tho Commiooionor of Public.' Safety; and the Board of Examiners shall condtwt its oxuminatione once cash month ' }N or as otton us may be necessary. 3. No applicant will ba,aocontod vAho is not of good moral character, or who in under twonty-ono years of ugo or over forty -flus yours of ago, or who is not physicallyl.'' y a; or mentally able.to porlorm the duties inoidont to his omploymont.. 4. Said Board of Examiners shall rejoot all applicants vA:o are unable to furnish . :'- •..' satisfactoryevidence of y g owe good character, or may have Snfoutlous or scuta eoue.P',..f:,:�,., (+' diseases, or who are unable to read and write the English-langtutge; or who may pbelong to any society, association or orgunization that is.disloyal to the United States, or whose principles, rules, or laws aro in conflict with the laws of this i = p . State. 6. The medical examination of each applicant shall include a complete inanoction of i his head, nook, body and extremities; his.eyes, earn -none throat; proper Leets of hie heart and lungs; chest measuromonts at expansion and contraction; mental • a and physical dovelopmont, and general condition of health. o� '•'8.:: In grading applicants a portoot grade shall be based upon the following; moral character, 33 1'/315; physical fitness. 33.1/3'1; and mental qualifications, 33 1/3°%. _ 1 The examinations and gradings of.eaoh applicant ehall.be made -by the 'Board of s examiners and must be agreed t d e d w q a, g o an igno by at Monet two mombors'ot said Board.t'r{i.},. 1. Applicants shall be.listod.for annolntmont in the order of their grades or general( '�j•,„ averages,- that is, the ones having the best grades or average gradoe shall be - eligible for appointment first. But no man shall be appointod who 18 y _ • . �.. .- .. Porsohnlly 1 � I CoM.Missioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah r. oh.loctionable to .the men of the Station where.such a .. ,, ppointeo is to serve. But in •.;, ;, 1 euoh cases the firemon.objeoting.to the appointment shall state their objootions in writing, and cause same to be delivered to the commissioner of Public SaYety. IY the Commissioner of Public Safety be of opinion that said objections are well Pound- . ed, than said applicant shall not be appointed; but if the Commissioner. of Public Safety be in doubt as to the morits of ouch objections he may cause same to be in vostigatod -by the Board of Commissioners Whose action in the matter shall be final. If said objections appear to be captious, frivolous or without merit, they will be disregarded hy.tho Commiseionor''•oY'Public Safety. r' 8. The provisions of those 'Rules Governing Employment' shall not apply to. men -now << working in the Fire Department. but shall only apply to those who may hereafter .: 9 seek. employment in the Piro Department, And should there be a -vacancy or vaoanciss ! . to be filled, and no applicant has been examined or qualified.ae herein provided;. , ' then such vacancies may be fillod by tempora.ry.employmont until qualifiedpersona t.'' ..• �:s• " have boon found to accept such positions. Butthe provisions of those Ruloe shall si •,,., also apply to.tomporary employments, so far as applicable. - i.•, ,• ' � . PART 11. RULES AND RIZULATIONS FOR THE TRIAL, REIdOVAL, DISMISSAL OR SUSPENSION ;rk OF OFFICERS,"W21MRS.ADD ELIPLOYBES.OF THE FIRE DEPART1161iT. 1. No offioor, mombor or employee of the fire Department. shall be removod,"dismiss- _ ed; or suspended until writton chargee have boon mado or proforrod against him, nor shall he be removed or dismissed until auuh Chargoa have boon examined, heard, in ; vostigatod.and .sua.taine.d by, the Board of Commissionore..:;lhon'charges have boon made ' or proferred against an officer, member or employee of the Piro Department', the Commissioner of Public Safety shall immodiately invoetigato said chargoe,,and iY it appear that tho� intorosts of. the. Fire Dop6rtmot�t require it, he shall temporarily euspond said member or omployoe. ponding a trial of said charges by the Board of Oommiseionors. But. in. such case the officer, member or employee so sueponded shall ^. bogiven an immediate trial. E: All charges against officers, members and employees ,of the Tire Department shall be filed with the Commissioner of Public Safety; and notice shall be .given the 8. officer, mombor or.omployee that said chargoe have been filed; but such notioo need u4 not state the contents or substance of the charges: Such .notioo shall be suf'fioionti ` if. it inform the officer, member or employeethat. chargee have been filed against t' A him, and advise. him .of the time and place of trial. Any officer, mem'bar. or. omploydo of the.Fire Departmont shall stand dismissed'"or removed from the service and employment who -upon hie trial is found to be guilty of t ;r drunkenness, drinking intoxicating .liquors, %Ybilo on duty, violation of any rule or . _kk } the Departmont, commission of any -offense against the law, immoral conduct, oondttot i :. unb000ming an officer or employee of the city, neglect of cbsty, disloyalty to oho ' State or United States Government, disobedienoo of orders, disrespect to superior officers, or inability to perform the duties portainirlg to the employment•, of the : @ departmont of such employee. Pernicious political activity shall be-cauee for ° missal of an officer member or employee. - d: Upon the tri.,.Ll of said charges if the Board ofCommiasionoro bo in doubt as to Whothor tho o!'Ponso Committed and proven is such -as to :warrant tho. removal or die- _'.`• missal, the Board may cuapond such officer,. member or employee for such length of ' time' as it may doom proper. . All trials by the Board of Commissioners shall be public, and the accused offi- oor, or employee shall.havo tho right to be roProsontod by counsel and td gall and introduce witnoesos in dofonso of the chargee proforrod ag^inot him; but no pleading or response to such Charges ohall.bo.roquirod. It shall rogniro.tho affirmative votoC of at.loast throo of. the Board of Commisolonore to.suetain charges against an.. x',';'.•: officer. or omployoo, when same is tried by said.Board.. 'Pernicious political, activity' .shall consist of ongagin,. in the conduct of'any..,i I political campaign,-or,taking an aotivo.part thoroin by any officer, member, or. t `• ' employee of tho.Firo Deportment, but shall not apply,to the right to,voto. y. Charges may be proforrod by any poruon having knowlodgo or information oYthe facts constituting tho mattora complained of; and they shall bo, addressed toand ;,''•'y T''" 4 filed •nith'the Commissioner of Public Safety; and all notices of hearings thereon shall be given by.said. Commissioner. The Chief of the.Fire Department may, assign offioere, members or employees to such duty in said Department as in hie Judgment will boat • "'" r., of said Department: j d8� promote the effiCienoy Approve d.:January..28th,-1920. I. W; V. EATON, Commissioner of Publio Safety."• C Commissioner Eaton offered thefollowing motions That the commanication from Communication.` the Board of Education relative to the EO Cent Levy for, interest and oinking fund be ' " Board of Eduoa- tion 20 Le `', !d. Levy* preferred to the City Attorney with request for him to report In writing on the legality; ' of..tho questions presented therein. Adopted yeas 6. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following notions That tho communication of the .-Communication'. F' Board -of Education be received and filed and spread upon the records. Adopted yeas 6. II Board of Bduoa 'tion 60i Levy Said.communioatione being se follows, to-vitt : r "January,$9, 1920. I F F. LY. Katterjohn, Mayor, and Board of Commissioners of Paducah,. 1 .' .,5; { r• ,t Paducah, Kentucky. I Gentleman: ( �. �• A resolution was adopted at n meeting of the Board of Education ,of the City S ' r of Paducah, hold in .eaid City on the thirtieth day of Januar y,, 1920, lovying. a tax .of sixty=five.oents on the $100.00 valuation. of property in said City of Paducah for the - I 5 year 1920, 'pursuant to the authority given by the Statute Law of Kontuoky-in,such ceeee' r,'{ •rr ':'t,`r�; l made and provided, same, being necessary, in the opinion of said Board, to produce for :',: •ice;=' �'.tii '• f. the year 1920, the oetimated sum .to be raised to support and maintain the Public I is Scheele of the City, lose the estimated sum which trill be received from the Common' School fund of the t t •:Y•t rr 4� sae, and euoh roaolution oartiYfad under the seal of the said. .;tom.• ,_ti-.; ,�} �, " " •� r�`., �.I� - - -' - ' _;.rexee•n':"R.�ei+)+,�. �.,::^'!-q:,eT.i'. �''':Km n•:';::,".'p "F: t ,:.jt', ;_;'✓ ;'•: _~fir .•','.. ,,• rt 1p ' .". .. .' -. .. .:'.t':rsy7,i7�"s�•.ro-xy:vrn.-w,..,;�:, .. _.-n--..r,..;,,,,,{ ` �. } ' No.-I! 93 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19 i Board, ee required by law, is hereto attached. r You are rgaps otfully is to add same to and include same in the regular tax bills of the City, containing the ordinary leby, and have eame oolleoted.ns the 3. law direote.. I . Respectfully submitted ti J. T. Reddiok Preuident, Board of Eduoa- tion of tho City of. Paducah. Kort..ky. J ATTEST: Lfarguerlte Redd, Secretary..$ j "BB IT Rs:SOLPED:- By the Board of Education of the City of Paducah Kontuoky, that there be and is now imposed and levied an ad valorom tax upon all the real and porsonal property in the City of Paducah, Kontuoky, subjoot to taxation for.tho year 4 1920, of oixtymfivo cants on the w100.00 valuation of said proporty, the "samo boirg Ijy necessary in the opinion of said Board of Education to produoo for saidI i tho total oetirL.tod sum neoouoary to be raiuod to support and maintain thoaPublic �20' Schools of.tho said City of Paducah. Kontuolcy, lees the ostimatod'sum to bo r000ivod. ff from tho Stato Common School Pand." 7 f 'ad, tho undersigned, J. T. Roddick President of the Board of.Eduoation and j+ I+larguorito Rodd, Soorotary, do duly certify that tho forogoina rosolution rraa adoptod i l by tho Board of Education of the City ofPaducahat a mooting of said Board hold in the said City of Paducah, on tho thirtieth day o>s January � 1920, and ls.aortifiod to the Iloard of Commis sionora o! said City for tho attontion of such Commiesionoru, so.. h tho law directs. G This thirtieth day of January, 1220. Yi r J..T. Roddick Presidont Board of kduoa r` ;ATTEST: tion of Tho City of Paducah, Kentucky, Marguerito Redd,.Seoretary; I r At a meeting of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah Kentucky held t'' •�' in the office of said Board o! Education in said City on. tho Thirtioth day of January, } 19200 there being present the follordng members 'to-wit; Dr. J. T. Roddiolt, Mrs. L; D..�. ,Sandors, 1r. J. L. Wannor. Tho said Board having, boon duly oallod to ordr, and tho ' purposes of. the me stat following raeolution %me int'roduood and unanimouelyl' 0 adopt ad. I BE IT RESOLVED:- By the Board of'SdFwation of the City' of Paducah Kontuoky,' that thoro bo and in now.imp000d and lovied an ad valoram tax upon all.iho ror+T and F pporuonul property in the City of P:uhFoah, Kontuolcy, uuhjout to t+ixation for the yosr y. 1920, of sixty-fivo uonts on tho 0100.00 valuation of suid pruporty, tho unmo boing } ineoosuary in the opinionof said Board of Nduostiun to produoo for said year of 1920, tho total ostimutod sum n000eoary to bo.raisod to support and maintuin tho Public' Schools of said City of Paducah, y' Kontuok lobs tl:o astimat'od'aum to be received from �tlie Stato Common School fund.' " S Aoport Chief o! Police. Commissionor Eaton offorod the following motion: That the report-of-tho " ' f I + •; ' ;l I.Chief of Police be roGoived and filed.Afloptod yens 6. y'lF " iF {' Report Chief. o! Piro Cormniselonor•Laton offered the Yollorrin^, motion; That tho report of"tho . Dapartaont. itChiof of tho Piro Dopartmont bo roceivod and filod. Adopto'.i y0as 6. Commissioner Tully offorod the follorring.motion; That the-Mayor, Commission-.I .American .Road. Builders' or of Public Works., and the Suporintondont of I'Fil+lla Improvolnonto be authorized to ?. ' +i ..'Aero. moeting,'Louis- .jattond.tho annual convontion of the American Road Buildoru' A000eiation to'bo hold in I ' f villa, ry. I ;Louisville, KY., February 9, 10, 11, 12.and 13th, the oxponse or the trip to.be borne. liby the City, 'Adopted upon call of the'roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ! . jACatterjohn. B.- On . On motion the Board adjourned, yeas 5' P 10 Y(At (ry . IRBRUARY 5th. 1920. ' !� At a called meeting of the Board of.Oommissioners. held Pe brnary 5th. 1980 } Int 10 o'clock A. M., in the Ccmmissionere' Climber; those present were Commissioners" • Gilbert. Tully. Williams and Mayor Katterjohn. 4:' •� r,'. The Mayor ataoed reasons for call. to-wit .t To allow payroll, salaries, eto.l •' •. i'' _ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That, the accounts amount- Report Oon'r of "Ping to $15.551.31, as per report of Com'r of Pinanoe herewith filed, be allowed and lirnaoe Payroll. ,4 ' ordered paid. and that the money be appropriated from the general fund to pay eame. (Adopted upon Dell of the roll yeas, Gilbert. Tully and Williams. 5. Haye-Katterjohn .11