HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 491, January 26, 1920: c i .px"11 LE ?s J'F r .�+* "eu:l •'S, '. t `s'. a....'a• �, •a t ,a ,•'d� I. y .y,- . r n r� the roll, yeae,- Eaton, Gilbert, Cilliame and gattorjonn.= 4. Naye,Tully..-l.. I, i Commiseloner Gilbert offered the'following motion; The t.the Supt; of the Street light 19th doCity Lipnt plant be instructed .to place a. light at th0 intersection of 19th and fir. Harrison Ste. i K.•.c' ;._ v 4 1� 14 .i .. vt`^.a7 !,carr. rrnyr� S-'�T.r✓n �'."+r� c• ; � nr R Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah JANWXY 26th ;1920 'n JANUARY 26th. 1920 (,r At a regular meeting of the Board ofCommissionors held in the Commieeionere •''. { �! Chamber in the City.Hall January 26th, 1920.. Those present were Commissioners Eaton, ,a F Gilbert, Tully, tilliame and liayor Katterjohn. 6. Oommieelonor Tully offered,the follWheree, t ie neaeeear. blow _Typewriter to be I; for. the purpose of making out the tax bills. that a nowmaohlne.be purchased, I. move �./ purchased by Com -r. - i of Flname, i, that the Commiesion,ir of Plnanoe be authorized to buy a new typewriter or to Oxahanize . one of the old machines for a new one,.wlohevor 1n his judgment is the desirable Y' most. jfor the City, adopted upon call of the.rall yeas, Suton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6. ' Commissioner Tully.offered the following motion; That sum of one dollar, Lie W. D. Roark,dupli-. I required by ordinunae, having been pule into.the Treasury Lie evldenoed.by reo'cipt l oato.0emetery Deed. herewith filed, I move that a duplicate of the deed executed on February 10, 1886 to jiLot 43.1a block "Co. in Oak Grove Cemetery, be issued to W. D. Roark, the original .7.+ deod'having boon destroyed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll yeae-, daton..L Gilbert, ji 5. Tully, tilliams and Katterjohn. 6. r� II Cobnmiseloner Eaton offered the following motion; That the Commissioner ..Purchase. of nev auto- ;hof Public Safety be authorized to Immediately obtain blas on Suitable automobile "•• L mobile for Chief -of Pira .a Department. for use of the Chief of the Fire Department; said bide to include the cost of a' . .. nor oar and the prioe that could be allowed b the dealer for the `I Y present ger now In use by the Fire Chief, to be taken in as a payment on the purchase priae of a new ' y oar; said bids to be reported to %no Board of Commissioners as soon Lie aonvenlant. ?.] . Upon.oall of the roll yeas.- Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. d s vfi '.Adopted " Commission;ir Eaton offered the following motion: That the Commieeioner.of •.p , :• 13mp1oymenY Botor 11e0hanlo for 1920. rFubllo Safety be suthorlsed to employe competent motor mechanic to take charge of ti�innd 4 superintend and 'perform all of the work neoeasary in malntaininp motor repair A Shope for all motor vehiules belonginp Lo the City; said motor mechanic to be under.;;' �` •' -F the Chief of the Fire Department, at a salary not to exceed 4150.00 per'inonth " Hefrootive as of the 16th day of.Junuury 1920. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeae,_' 'Eaton Gilbert, Tully, Williame and Katterjohn. 6. as,,;' Commissioner Eaton offered the.folloring motion: That the following offi.: i 1ppointment C. M. rcare and employees or the Polios Depurtmunt hereto.furo doeignutoa by the Commissioner '�•�' , Dorris and .g. ]'r. Ste-'; wart as patrolmen, end of Public Safety be nog appointod by the Board of Commissioners, to -wit: G.'1t. Dorrle, � Henry Hale us night patrol driver. puna 9. 1:. Stewart as patrolmen, and Henry Hale us night patrol driver. Adopted ;upon call of the roll, yoae,- 3uton, Cilbort, Tully Lino P.Ylliums,- 4. Nays,- Kutter,- WP .. j ohn. 1. p j Commiaaiodor Eaton offered' the following motion: That John M. Slaughter 3' Appointment John If. !be elected as Chiof of the Piro De partment, and tnet P.'. F. McCormick.k, V. F. ltaehmeyer.l ;,. Slaughter us Chief of, Fire Dept; and T. F. ;anA Ed Merritt be elected as fireman.' Adopted 'upon cell of the roll yeae,- Eaton,. 1ioCormiok, V..F. ;. 4 1;behme er and Ed y iGiltiort, Tully and Williams. 4. Buys, Katterjohn 1: ' $erritt ae firemon. �I. Commissioner tilliams offered the .follow1nF,, motion: That the Commiaslone r pof Finance be instructed to pay the judement in favor of J. Bell Gardner Lieainst the IWO Payment judgonontINt=t•- J.Boll Gardner •o City of Paducah, topother'uith the bill of L'arahall Jones for traneoribina plaintiff's ;•i,,: *City of Paducah. !' _,•, y tovoth6r w1th bill of ieviasnos.in.the above styled suit, judgment to be oharped to the 3peoial.3ower Fund. i;orshal l Jones. 15..+ e, ; land the coats, together with bill of ilarshall Jones to be ahurgea to Coate and 'Suits h t i;and the money appropriated from those accounts to pay Same. Adopted upon dell of. f.•: . L 1.,.;J•.',,. { the roll, yeae,- Eaton, Gilbert, Cilliame and gattorjonn.= 4. Naye,Tully..-l.. I, i Commiseloner Gilbert offered the'following motion; The t.the Supt; of the Street light 19th doCity Lipnt plant be instructed .to place a. light at th0 intersection of 19th and fir. Harrison Ste. i K.•.c' ;._ v 4 1� 14 .i .. �*a'ia�3-:Yti6 i.•.:,^t;xn t"_Y•rnn,..- vow--..0-h�-'-�'hli�,2L:Y,�A!1r.��i-n-•b'�i1Yw�-l. .i•�`i•�+'•_a �' )t _. .i -'al.., '•,h:^ �"�{T' .t � 4 tit 'Yr �I.W�;I+l(a+: ^r... r r � c r" a.-- .. -SIF+" ",� •rre ( da r r r - +.i ,P :.: +r�•a'+1-%V•:er wr t t', n� v v, .rqr•: ro� :. ,ei re'.rs*fvA r,. -y'"•.- r._ .:.:ate. ...:.C..a::ca,:...r:..r`.,._ .c..ar.i.� v.. :w:.J- «..:v.+ -- ":t,.. :w«'.a-rJa..+;..' ! ' �. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah -Harrison Streets. Adopted upon oall.of the roll yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tally and !' aillieme...4. Hays, Kntterjoha, 1..' , r [ 5' On motion the Board adjourned, yeas 6:., a Aa FEBRUARY 20D.'1920. s r At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiesionere:hold in the Commissioners r Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Xentucky,.Fobruary 2nd; 1920;.those present wore.. t Commissioners .Eaton, .Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn:'6. ; On motion of .Commissioner Eaton the minutos of the previous mooting were adopt- ed as. read; ees-6. West Ky. Indue•'. Commissioner Eaton .offored.the.following motion; That the aormminication from trial College, communication the West Kentucky Industrial Colloge be reoeived.and filed and referred to the Mayor:•.. e for attention. Yeso 6. ommunication . Commissioner Eaton offered the.folloving motion; That the.communioatioa from County Judge _;James M. Lang. ,:County Judge James M. Lang relation to the County Sanitorium bo rooeivod and filed. l 'Concrete side.-.' ' On motion.of'.Commissioner Gilbert the petition ,from Iroperty owners and rest= walks, oto.. - North 12th St, dente in regard to the ,concrete :sidowalks and gattero with granite -curb across -old ' 1 &.Cairo Road. -A ' ,Cairo Road on North 12th S"troot was received and filed. Yoas 6r f ' r Oommiseionor fully offered the following motion;'.Tho sum of ;y30.00 having l l R,. -W. hitoholl 4 boon paid into the troaoury,,an evidenced by the receipt filed horvaith, I move that Oemebery deod aqI1 y, N, .0,6 o.& be executed to R..VI.- Uitohol-1 for Lot. J'91 ,in Blook V8 on the north aide of. Baker i .. � ), ?r Stroot botvioon Ford C, 1Iannan utr.00ts., ,in Oat: Grove Oomotory. :Adoptod.upon call of the! it i roll yoas,'Baton, Gilbert,'i''ully, Williams and Kattorjohn. 6.. s ; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: VIRbtAS, on the. 23rdday, of R..Sohooni to lot.,14 in; Sootion.2 'on the eastr Dec. 1918 a deod: orae granted to'.A. ng 2, :'on � •• �-., :; :Cemetery deed side of. Miller street between Ford & Hannan streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery, when the 'corrected. deod.ehouid have boon to lot #16 in,Seotion 2,' on the. oast side of.Millor Street w d between Ford &Hannan streets, I. move that the correction to this effect be made in . tho records of Oak Grove Cemetery,: and that the deed _issued to A. H. Sohoening be oorrooted.. Aaoptod upon, call of.tho roll yeas; Eaton; Gilbert., Tully; Williams. and . t�Kattorjohn. 6. . Commissioner Tully.offered-the following motion; .It appearing that L. C. is ,L..0 Ualk Walker, of.tho Terrell Apartments.. paid'two poli taxes for the year 1918, one. on`,po11,I ^poll tax $1.60 s�.. refunded. tax receipt ' 11 and ono on poll taX receipt f63_1 move that the sum' of 01.60 be re- rW. fundod to him:' Adopted upon oall of .t'ho roll yoasi Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams. and dattorjohn.:6. iti k a Commis8ionor Tully offered the.folloviing••motion; That tho doed. 'of Young Taylor Transfer of r Young Taylor to �. to Tno. E: Grief of this date,, conveying the rear half, 16 x. 16 ft.., . of -lot ;279 in '. John E. Griot :of Oemotory lot: block "18" in Oak Gro.co 0emotery, be.'ratifiod'ae per written. request of. Mr. 'Taylor; tand that said tronsfor be recorded in the oenetory deed book.. Adopted, upon call of #�tthe roll yeasms , Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, William and Katterjohn. B. 2 r.1i 4. � 71 • - P ' 1 • ,L:3rl :.�ks?:.t r',-,L:e4:yC-ern :Ss'-"�L$� a..:.. S:eYw.ixi•• - .m.w fuer, i. .�:tt•.w:aLy:'. s.tr:.h _. Y� 9.:."•.�? .r ;