HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 489, January 19, 1920t`; �' �`� ` ,..ry��y.M+r1� 1 tirr c«o {a., i �:. f." L 4 p�V'a. f m Ji�•� ..'!tom 4•v r �? t w � r. .. . .. � � .. ,' � ,• � .� •� �� � :y,'ir•!�!v.,�- ?apv-rox'cn•ew:q.a.+;r-RC1 nl�+,",•Y,•r'�r. :^t�^q+;"yX f �. No. i Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January 19th. i98o, 191 4 JANUARY 19th, 1980 (continued) _ .:• � : • : i; Oommieelonor Gilbert -offered the following motions That the .Oommleoloner'.of. 1 Contraot with Austin Publlo Works be instruotad to olose oontraot with the Tustin eastern Road Naobinery''` ' Teatern Road liaohinery Oo >, 'r for road roller. Oompanr,for trial order, for one Auetion Road Roller wI th Soarifiar attoobment at a h pride of 86,600.00,. Adopted upon oall of the roll, ysss;' Eaton, 0i.lbert,. Tully, �.� Williams and Katterjohn. 6, '.�. On motion the Board adjourned, yeaa 6. s li MPP MAYOR- I. ` �City CfVb r i II. JANUARY 19th, 1920. AC n regular meetinp'of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commie. ' ;: • sionera' Chamber in the city Hall, January 19th, 1980. Those present were Commission. are Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, t'illiame and Uuyor Katter4ohn. 6, r .: g On motion the minutes of previous meetings were adopted as read,_ yoaa 6. r, ttk� On motion of Commiesioner Eaton the ooamunioation from. the Plumbers Plumbers 6 Steamfitters ,.Union f184 Communioation',. N Steamfittere Union, No. 184, in regard to the Sewer Inspeotor was reosived'and filed, j r �4 and referred to the Commissioner of Publio Eorke.Yeas 6. 4..' ' On motion of Commissioner Eaton the oomnuniostion from Mre. Georgia :`.•,1. Hrs.' Oeorria Beyer Beyer, in repara to the City.Staoia., was referred to the Commissioner of Fublio 3' oommunioation. ". Property. Yeae 6. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the oommunivation from Chief Slaughter ., Chief Slaughter communlos. a ' tion. p In regard to the puroha.e of a oar was reoelved ane filed, .Yeae b, ti On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the oommunloation from property owners r coma:unioation property . owners 19th do Harrison St, !n rag to a street light at 19th k Harrison Streets wus'referred to the Supt: of the Li?ht Plant, Yeae 6. I commiseioner Tully offered the folloranP motion: That e. V. Eaton,, }, Commissioner of yublio Safety, De authorised co confer with tns representative of the other asoona ol.sa oitiea of the Stute,of Kentuoky, and to attend aonferenoea W. V. Baton authorised .to .E I .,',"f`• attend General Assembly. ? with the representatives of .nig ostias at auoh pluoe or plaaea as .uoh oonferanoee of Kentudky and other son >' •� "' I•,, faranoea. ;i may be arranged, ana for the purpose of oonsiderinp needed and pending legislation',' . affecting the welfare of gala oitiaa, ana that he be authorized to.appear before the C General Assembly of Kentuoky, or any committee or member thereof, as representative of the City of paduoab, for the purpose of proouring oonslaeration of needed legie- r h latlon and for opposinir harmful legislation that might be presented to the -General. Assembly of Kenivaky. Adoptea upon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, ! Villi... and Kntteraohn. 6. I Commissioner Tully offer -in the followinp motion: That the report of 1 Comnunloation T. N. Resellp City Atty.. In re: J. Bell C Thomas N. Hazolip, City Attorney, regarding the suit of J. Bell Gordnor vs. City of j4 rdner ve' City of Faduoah.l ? Paducah, be received and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll, yeas, Eaton, Oilbert u Tully and Williams. d. Nays. Katterjohn. 1. 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the a000unte for �•,. a Allowonoe ao.00unta first r the first half of the month of January 1920 us per report of the Commieoioner of half January 1920. ° :} Pinanoe filed harewith, amountinir to 28694.60, be allowed and ordered.puid, and that., �'•"'`-''' q.. the money be uppropriuted from the general fund to pay game. Adopted upon dull of j the roll, yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katter4obn.. 6. I ;h commissioner Eaton offered tho following motion: That the City 'Health Oity .Health ofi'loera, etc. assigned dept, pnblio.pro_N Offloers, City Phyaioians, Neat. ana ]Silk Inapeotora; Sanitary Inepeotore and all 'i party. • o;' .r'°...: -:;u:.... �r'.'•iSkl.:. r_`i:kwy t_� 4-s::re.�t,• _ �^': ..:tik�t"/l:-4�. ,:.Ariv,ellC'•i2�{�'"_ .. �,,.wwgx':'.'r1 ...I.f ..4 ._ .-.�. w�.,_ �.A. ., _,�-.� --T . f. "YS•'L'•'.�'-'-La+ �.. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January 19th. 1920./91_. ; other employees not expressly heretofore aesipned to any partioular department of they 1 }City'Goverment be now hereby assigned to the Department of Publio Property.. Adopted ( •- - r upon gall of the roll, yeas, Eaton,. Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6.. I i Commlesioner Tally read an ordinanoe entitles,"AH ORDINANCE REGULATING �m•Ordi'nunoe rogu THE TINE OF PAYING aLL.AP,POINTIVE CITY.41PLOYE33 OF PADUCAH" On motion said ordi- •latinR..time of ,� payment appoin-'1 nanoe was given its passage upon oall of the roll,. yeas, Eaton, Gilbert„ Tully, tive City Em- ployese. Williams and Katterjohn. 6,, _ Commissioner, Eaton. Rosa an oidinanoe entitled`, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING Ordinanoe pro- : For ^aH°: PAYLf::NT OF PRENIU113, ON OFFICIAL BONDS OF ALL PUBLIC OFFICBRS'AND EUPLOYEW vidYng payment 'r .prominme Offiol OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, WHEN TH3'SURETI13 IN SUCH BONDS ARE INCORPORATED SUBS, IT OR 1 , :al Bonds, oto.• BOND COMPANIES." On motion said ordinance was adopted upon oall of the roll yeas ; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, T,illiams and Kat torjohn. .6. Commissioner Eaton read an ordinanoe.entitled, ".AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO Ordinanoe relating Polloe Powers; I THE GRANTING AND W..ROIS3 OF POLICE POWERS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH." .On motion said. ordinmoe was given'ite passage upon gall of the roll, yeas. Eaton, Oilbert,,Tully, �. ;-Williams and. Katterjohn. 6, C On motion the Board adjourned.7eae 6. �� � t., s a � Act:•,tc L� 1?� ®.PPRA • ' , s JANUARY 218t; 1920. At a oalled meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held January Plot. 1920 ' !cr at 3 O'olook P. M. in the Commissioners' Chambers, those present were Commissioners 3 e _,Gilbert. Tally, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn. 4. {lr� The Mayor read roasone for oall, to -wit: ^Pursuant to the.requeet re- oei.ned from the Central Labor Union,. asking. for a meeting of the, City,Commieeionere Mayor's reaoon6 ;:for gall. ` at 3 'o'olook this afternoon, for the purpose of protesting against the illegal die- � A6. " oharge or demotion of aity employees, eta., you are hereby oalled into speoiel session t at S o'alook p. V. January Elet, 1920, .for ins purpose of oonsidaring the protest and - ) other, matters presented by the representatives of said Central Labor Union." On mo- tioh•of.Hayoi Katterjohn the request of the Central Labor Union was reasived and filed.1 ?i. ';; _•� 7eae S. Commissioner Tully entered the meeting, Oommualoatioh Commiseloner Tully offered the following motion: That the oommuniastion. ! Central Labor. Union reoeived of the Central Labor Union be rooeived and filed and aotion an same deferred to await A filed. �... return of Commissioner Eaton... Adopted yeas 4. On motion the boaid adjourned. Yeas 4. ! . fAd o a v41.4 YUN 1 F 1..'.''•4L4 �k I`.fL,`!�{lR�S' tl 4r y _t .',.. i•�t1 rS� 'L .�.S 1_ i ' i .1� 1 ui.6' :.iRl «mom I. A.n •. .A_ .r - - • .. s.... „� - . . -. �, , i{Z:4�'4fsr.&4`.1 1 ` ' V,� '�;.'n. ' z - - .. .t?' w, .s`:..'w..•.cw. � �.o•. wa4.-.:st.:.a,.,Cs,i.r .q G.•�_}:.y it.. • .