HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 485, January 5, 1920C Y ... ., V' �.1)t wi''"..154'aQ,'L. ih S4. i^, � 4. f3' T f 7^Li� t''�'f`•1 '� yy,l�i __ -__ 'J_../ :+%'a.'L'`.y .7•.'R.^Si3"t h.'l-L'.�• .t. .j f • •' ' Y d^ t"T�`zl'ta�.YFy.'�y'rt'V" � c '`} 4n' ., '�o•k .. t� is V ji.! +f+'+) � hi313i s n ,i '. z•f ! t . 'T, s a ,� '.� +,,.. +;1,_t - ,f l . , tit ' o �t..t � i:..�si.'..cl y-_� l., ♦,..-si';. «G.... �t a..,•..0 -= zt i:.�',.... _ rwys..:t-<.=:-�1.i�.'r-+.••--• ,5._1`' yi.. ... ..�,7^'^'^4?'.K•aetY..A;")0."1Y:'F.P'SY1,w, .� fxe..rtt5,f Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah: January 5th ' X19 ABUaRY 6th. 1924 I '.:.a,;• �i AL a oalled meeting of the Board of commissioners held in the commissioners' •s Chamber in the City yell, Paduoah, Kantuuky, January 6th, 1980, upon oall of the roll':I the following answered their names; Baton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Mayor I' Katterjohn. b. Resolution fixing On motion of commissioner Eaton the resolutlon.fixing the order of buelneee ' �t .•a. f order or business. Organisation meet- far Organization iloetinR res adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote.;, ,•,;,;;;, ing. 1, Yeas; Eaton, Gilbert,.Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 6,' Resolution assign. I� On motion of Commissioner Baton the resolution assigning the Commissioners y ing Commieaionare G to the different departments was adopted as read upon oall of the roll by the to different depts. Z ! follow- ing vote; Yeae; Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. 5, z ' Oommissionei Gilbert nominated Commissioner Eaton for Mayor pro tem; and Nomination of ' the nomination was olosed, and Commissioner Eaton was eleoted Mayor pro tem upon. Commmiesioner .'c;.. U Eaton for'Ma or Dell of the roll by the following vole; Yeae; Gilbert, Tully, Williams and ", pro tam. Ii Katterjohn. 4, Commissioner Eaton not voting, On motion of Commissioner Eaton.the Mayor's addreea.was reaeid and .filed; ;i Mayor's address veI 3'' Yeas - 5. Commissioner Eaton readthe following Ordinanoe;"AH ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING z Ordinanoe pre. ; RULES FUR THE BOARD OF CULWISSIOPERS OF THE OITY OF PAD UCAH, MITUCKY; FIXING TUE eoriDlrules for TIME FOR HOLDING REGULAR MEETINGS OF SAID BOARD, AND REPEALING ALL RULES AND Board of Commie�- lon3rs, fixinrr time for holdinr reRn ORDINANCSS IN COUFLICT THEREWITH." Said Ordinanoe was adopted and Riven its �z �t lar meeti1LR3. I passage upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, �t C Williams and Katterjohn, b. 3t On motion the Board adjourned to meet at E o'olook P. M. January 5th 1920. yoga !� Ads to i7 C:w w'n MriXdilr : { JANUARY 6th. 1920. At an.adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the } • i �. r , 'Commissioners' Chamber in the City Holl, Paduash. Kentucky, at 2 o'olook P. M f January 5th, 1920;.thoee present were Commissioners Eeton,.Tully, Williams, Gilbert' r 3' I: and, Mayor-Ketterjohn. 6.. 4 On motion of Commiaeionor Tully the oalled meeting of January 6th, 1920 I at 9 A. M. was adopted and read January 6th, 1920. Teas 6, I li On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the oommunioation from 'The.Even-Lite' ..,,•. }} Even-Lite Co i Communioation Company was deferred for further inveetiPation. Yeae 5. ? i On motion of Commissioner Gilbert the oommuniaetion from the Carpentere' Carpenters'i! Union aommunioa Union was resolved and filed. Yeae.Ci, I: tion. ;. ® commissioner Gilbert offered t1,e followina motion. That the reeienotion {{{f li D. D. Atohisun !!,of D. D. Atchison as Street Inepeotor be aooepted; said motion was oarried upon.'' w f` •� Resignation• i; . ,, .,..., I I Dail of the roll, Yoga, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Yllliame and Katterjohn.. 5. On motion of Commissioner Eator the umuutunioation from. lalta r aughn r Walter Yauahn r ih're and to nix o oorn stand was reoolved and filed, r C'E oommunioation.it g P P Yeae 6... d: r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; 'That the appointment of;',_• 1 Appointment (!'.George Oahlsahlaetrer to varve on the Board of. 9uperglsore be approved; carried upon' "t t Geo. Oehle3h- *f laeger.' 0811 of the roll, Yeas, Eaton, Gilbert; Tully, Williams and Katterjohn. b. ; I: r,trY 4 i - .. . •' I' • �' . _�- ' •. `, ', .i.. - .. ..r Ff1'iisF�vtfi'�S7S�FtYI'9�3M'ti,T?o-".�.425''�sZ ='T JV0. X 0� S Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Y JV0. 0� S Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Y irdlnanoo do - armining the: Commissioner Eaton lead ori ordinance entitled AB.ORDIBANCB DETERMINING lunition of Var cue op 0. TH3 FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPARTI-IMITS -OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. PUBLIO FINANCE, PUBLIC 3AYSTLYi PUBLIG WORIL3 AND PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE COL OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY." On motloif said ordinance was adopted as read upon call of the roll. Yeae,Eaton, Gilbert. Tully and Williams. 4. Bays, Katterjohn,_ 1. Commissioner Eaton read an ordinance entitled "AN. ORDINANCE 'CRIKiTING THE Ordinance POSITION OF CITY STFNOORAPKZR. PRESCRIBING THF DUTIES AND. FIXING THE GOIJPENSATIOH. Ore tinggol- ti In of TH =OF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THRRSWITH." Said ordinance was Bteno— adopted as read upon call of the roll;. -.Yeas, Eaton; Gilbert, Tully, Williams and '• `,' Kattorjohn. 6. Ooffmilealonir Baton find an ordinance entitled "AN' ORDINANCE CREATING THE 'AVID Ordinance iosim.N OF SUPS ZRINT&NDEIIT OF PUBLIC IMPROV_%T3j4TS,-PRE90RIBIIJG :HE DUTIES FIXING Creating pool - tion of Supt. THE.COMPZNSATIOB THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINAUCES IN CONFLICT 7113R. -WITH." on ,j'Publio Improve t menta. motion said ordinance was adopted as read upon Gall of the.r6il. Teas. Eaton. Gilbert Tully, Williams and Xatterjohn. 6. Commissioner Tully road an ordinance entitled PAN ORDIIIaCA CREATING THE ORDI NAN CS PRESCRIBING THE DUTI33 AIID FIXING- T 3 Tio , 1, POSI.TIOIV OF CITY ATTORI13Y, HE COUPES A 11 THERE - Creating pool tion of City OF. -.AND REPEALING ALL ORDIRAN*CAS IN CONFLICT Tk1ERZViITIi." on motion said ordinance was adopted as read upon call of the roll. Yeas. Eaton, Gilbert; Tully and Wi Ilium. 4. Bays, Kat.terjohn,- 1. X Commissioner Eaton read an ordinance entitled "AH ORDINAIIC3 PROVIDING FOR THE APPOIIITir-,IIT' OF. CERTAIN. OFF! (ORS EVrLOYK33 THECITY a Ordinanoe AGENTS, AND OFOF PADUCAH. 7. providing for certain offi AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES, AND FIXING. THE CO1U?EN3ATION THERZOF. AND REPBALIN6-ALL core.. sto o :ORDINANOES 'City of P�duaah., IN CONFLICT THEREWITH."On motion said ordinanoo.waa adopted as read on call of the roll, Yeae, Eaton, Gilbert, Tully, Williams and Ketterjoh . h.- B. That Mrs., Mattis Commissioner Baton offered the following motion. Herndon' Appointment be and Is hereby appointed City Stenographer; oairiod:ujion call, of the roll. Yeae," lire. Mattie ,.Herndon. City" Eaton. Gilbert. Tully, Williams and.Ratterjohn. 5. Stenographer. Commissioner Baton offered. the following motion.: That Henley Franklin be. 'Appointment and Is horeby.appointed Ohlof of Police;. oarried.upon 11. Yeas, Eaton. P call: Of -the roll, Henley Franklin .Chief of Police:. Tully.: Gilbert, and Williams. 4. Bays,' Katterjohn.-I. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That T.. U. Hazolip be r Appointment T. U. Hazolip appointed to the position of City Attorney. Mayor.Ratterjonn doolared.said motion Oity Atty. out -of order. Oommleeioner Tully, with the power invested in him, and the motion being, duly seconded, ordered the Clerk to call the roll.' Said motion was carried upon call of the roll. Yeia, Baton, Gilbert. Tully and -Williams,- 4. Kattorj-ohn not voting. T Gommlosionor Gilbert offered the following motion: That MoOlain Mitchell '`Appointment.. McGloin Mltoh6ll'., be and is hereby appointed superintendent. of Public Improvements; carried upo . n call Supt. Public improvements. of the roll. Yeas, Raton; Gilbert.' Tully. Williams and Katterjohn. 6. On motion. the Board.adjourned. Yeae 8. A 'A 4j A71 =R07 V 7 q a 0� r 4UA