HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 481, December 22, 1919i?T•�"'GrY" C+,.� rry. wy. .lac., , .ri .,.rterM✓T'xv'ase.s' f i T'•'tY e.�(!"i�''t�S'x7,;" +.T •, , Sri �I .`•t' tai . {x,.l w w �: t - ✓' :1 :�X �, �{; . I for the week ending Dec. E0, 1919 be approved se followa: 8treete.$EEE.41, Sewers W.W. T - t :i - r Yy."F : tip" ♦ Ci ;,�: "t -..4x .�..... �_.tu�. �. ,. ... .,.,..a. t�:s.. ..z^.... ...., ,. . _-+..-..s.r3 "Liz. rt. .. temporarily- carried upon:oall of the roll by 4 yeas. r r No,L - Ord. amend I On motion of the above, an ordinance regulating motor vehicles, providing for ,I r Ing Ord. regu- �. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah lana A their registration and the licensing of same, adopted Jan. E7, 1919, viae amended • '11l00niing' On. motion of Member Tully, the payment of the pay rolls from the Dept. of Works autos, $to. .:'for the week: endi Dec. 131919,F ng , as.lollows1 Streets $E4S,EE, Sewers $48.EO, was ' don.motion approlsd upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.' , Homs • • f „ i,.' W, J; Bass p_: bond '. Onmotion of the above, the Aetional Surety Co. was r.® leased from the bond Of I y released; Dr,'W. J. Base ae Of May 1, 1819, upon call'ofthe roll by 4 yeas. pursuant to contract- carried upon call o! the roll by 4'yeae. , �+ E J.P.Herso ta= On motion O! the above, that $1,80 poll tax paid by J. Y. Herzog .0n tax bill N y, - Nurses. •g bll ¢1397 be refunded as he is ax saiden.t of the county and the r . not of city- oarried upon jK, rr;a. 5!_ with the request o! A. R. Meyers. President of said League, which is herewith filed - call of the roll by 4 "yeas. ' ;1'i; v carried Upon Call Of. the roll by 4s. yea Parking o! On.mOtlOn of Mayor, pro tem Wooldridge, an ordinance making it unlawful to park) • automobiles .: t eas pro- hibited. 1 automobiles or other vehicles. on the wist side o! 4th street north of Broadway for .a distanoe•0f 60 ft. from the � ` inside line -of the pavement on Broadway, or on the asst side 5 r' � .` of Third St. eouth of Bdway for a distends. of So. feet from t'he inside line of the. A, 1 1''•, v.� �. 1 lUy '� ,6,a iy5 / n u F N lC(+.^.i. -.L .!.�...-t.. ] -- . ....... -... I . . +! �. -.. .. r\ - .... .. •v' _ I , • -.. j Y. . r pavement on Bdwsy,and providing penalties for a violation thereof, was adopted upon ' .. „ Cecil Reed 4 i, Goo. Z. Allen . r call of the roll by 4 as.. On motion of Member Hrsellp, that 00611 Reed and,,be designated by: .0eoS. Allen . designated ae "` Oitq appraisers the City for appraisal of water works.propsrty-.carried n n cell o! the roll. 4 p° by yease o! weber works. On motion the Board adjourned upon call oi.ths roll by the following voter . { ' Teas. 9nrdner,Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge, 4:61 i pro Lem.. r DECEMBER EE; 1919. i. At • regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomre' Chamber of . the City Hall, Paducah. rp. On Deo- EE. 1919, upon call of the roll the following t � answered their names; Gardner Haseli p, Tally and Mayor pro tem Wooldridge- 4.. . t .,Y On motion of Member Tully; the. minutes Of the meeting of Dec. 18. 1919 were k ,adopted as road upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion of the above, the accounts amounting to $6763.96, i , 4• as per report filed j. _: J of Com'r of finance. were allowed and payment of same approved upon call of the rail by 4 yeas. 3' _ On Motion of the above, that payment Of the pay rolls from the Dept+,o! Works for the week ending Dec. E0, 1919 be approved se followa: 8treete.$EEE.41, Sewers W.W. /M carried upon.oall of the roll by 4 yeas. �. ,. 'On motion of the above that the rules requiring , g ing three days notios,.Le suspended .. rt. .. temporarily- carried upon:oall of the roll by 4 yeas. ' Ord. amend I On motion of the above, an ordinance regulating motor vehicles, providing for ,I Ing Ord. regu- �. lana A their registration and the licensing of same, adopted Jan. E7, 1919, viae amended • '11l00niing' autos, $to. Upon 0811 of the roll by 4 yeas. . ,Burges----- don.motion , Homs • • f „ o! Member Wooldridge that Sherrill -Russell Lbr+ Co.be allowed , $4,000.' allowarioe to k' ,-Sherrill-R. for work done on oonstruetion of Nurses'. Home, as per oertilioate.#8 of�W.. 8. pore, i.Lbr, Co. .architect, pursuant to contract- carried upon call o! the roll by 4'yeae. Polloo .Po*ro. On motion of the above, that the following nurses employed by the McCracken County y, - Nurses. •g Public Health Leagues M18ee8 Helen L. Donaldson, Margaret Mlnnioh. Pansy Jenkins, be. granted polios ponars, upon the execution of proper and sutficient.bond, in accordance jK, rr;a. 5!_ with the request o! A. R. Meyers. President of said League, which is herewith filed - ;1'i; v carried Upon Call Of. the roll by 4s. yea 1' ,l�fy`a .{ �tif r' � A, 1 1''•, v.� �. 1 lUy '� ,6,a iy5 / n u F N lC(+.^.i. -.L .!.�...-t.. ] -- . ....... -... I . . +! �. -.. .. r\ - .... .. •v' _ I , • -.. j 1 1 .s-•r.s Jr al, ve r�. S'n.•W,,tS ri. rn ;r 1v - *r+qN ;tib,•• T "`. s�.� ..fes Commissioner's Proeeedin& City of PaducahDecemberas )Olt Ie,oLtionOn notion of Member Wooldridge, the o0mmunioation from the State Board of ' Hospital. Health, concerning the opening of the Isolation hospital for contagious dieeseee, was j reosived and tiled upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. . Upon motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote, ;1 { Ysaa, Gardner, Haselip. Tully and Mayor pro tam Wooldridge- 4. —d, f .j au441 pro tem: ' December 23, 1919. +' 6 -i- Lt a special meeting of ths.Board of Commissioners hold in the Comrs'. Chamber of, ai• i !the City Hall Paducah ., � �.,, on Dec.Deo. ea, 1919. at 2 o'clock P.. M., upon call Ot the � a' roll the following answered their names: Harelip. Tully and Wooldridge- 3. Action resolodel:;. Onmotion of Member Tnlly, that the action of the Hoard of Oomre.oi Dec. E2,. In omoens to automobile ; 1919 regarding the passage of an ordinance emending the. License ordinance ' 1 nance ordlnanos. :•: be rescinded; and that said ordinanoo be not recorded in the.ordiaanoe Dook- oarried� upon call of the roll by a yea@. I On motion of the above. the rules requiring oopiee of ordinanose to be fum ished!• tbs'oommiseionere 3 day prior to meeting, were temporarily suspended upon oall of .•,�+. f } the roll by 3 yoga. Ordinance On motion of the above. AN �tDINAHCH PROVIDING POR THS CLASSIFICATION �ND LI - licensing automobiles. eta; 08HHIN0 OF VEHICLES PLYING THS STREETS OP THE CPPV OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY.. in PRH-' I,`• SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE was adopted upon oall o! the roll by 3 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following votes ra I' Yeae, Har®lip. Tully and Wooldridge- 3. J. ' ,/9-• pro tem. ". DECE-MER 29, 1919. At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiselonere held in the Oomrs, Ohamber of �••.;' the Oity Hall, Paducah, icy.. on Dec. 29, 1919, upon call of the roll the following +. answered their names: Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. :,. On motion of Member, Tully the minutes of the meetings of Deoember SEA and 23th were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ' 0n motion of Member Gardner, the petition.of property ownore & reeidente living �. near 6th & Monroe streets for a light at the intersection of eaid streets, was �~ street light �.. received & filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. l ;, `,•. I; On motion of the above, an aro light was ordered planed at the corner' o! 6th & 6th & Monroe . c Monroe streets ae per petition therefor- upon pall of the roll by 4 yoga. j r• On motion of the above, that the following accounts be paid & charged to the { apeolal Hewar'.., } coaounta Special Sewer acoount: Barry'& Hennebarger $63.79, J. B. Rothrook. Jr.46.03, y` `7 Sherrill-Ruseell Lbr, Co. $12.26- carried upon call of the roll, by 4 yeas. 4 L On motion of the above. that the bill of Cumberland Telephone &.Telegraph Go. o! `: :. 1 .. . . - -�. - _, ..-_..,•.�---� -•.., . ........ _........ ..._..,.--..�.......�.....—,..........'.�--�. ,..,:rte •,. a...w ..s...w - . :.aw a�;s�r.�i.w„7�+