HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 459, September 22, 1919�Y.r—•'�..,.. �°'!:1.7 ....t r a r .i"`%, ^'S,!" , , � • v. v.•y .ly... :�:'f�"!...:..(r `: •: '� �` �� �a'", Y-•, rTv �y4i �. a, �Sw't„Syr� q r• ' '� '"?£t7"'�-ty'�T .a � �y'i1 d.�7�:',.�='�_�k�+4t•�.Se: �i' ��t.>_.; .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah September 13 191" On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the salaries of all employees in the Dept. of Inoreaee salaries in Bafety be increased $10 per month, same to be retroactive as of Sept. 1, 1919; the Lunde ' Safety DapL.' to cover this raise. to be taken from the contingent or general fund, or in the event there are no such funds, that the Com'r.of Pinanoe be instructed to borrow enough money,"_ " s pledging the'City's taxes therefor, -to cover this rates and the deficit created thereby ,c � pcarried n on oall of the roll by 6 yeas: •��'_ salary dnsOn motion of Mayor Burns, 'that book pay of four months at $26. per month of Mise Miss Donaldson. Helen L. Donaldson, Public Health Burse, be. advanced to Anti-Taberoulosis Society.,. same - to be refunded to Olty upon allowance from the State, being forthcoming this Pall- oarrie4•1" ' < Upon call of the roil by B yeas. Tno. J.. On motion of the above, that the resignation of John Js Dorian ase member of the ;r . Dorlau. resignation." City Board of Tax Supervisors, be aooepted-"carried upon oall of the roll by B yeas... •';,.; On motion the Board adjourned upon.oall of the roll by the following votet Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haoelip, Tully and.Wooldridge- B. A 1 1 �.� SEPTEMBER 22, 1919.. t At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Qomrs' Chamber of the r n City Hall', Paducah. Sy., On September 22, 1919, at eleven O'clock A. M., upon"oall of the roll the following anowered.thsir names: Burns, Gardner;"Tully and Wooldridge- 4. On motion of Member Tally, that the Mayor and Com'r of Pi nanoe be" authorised to Oity " borrow from.the City Hstionel Bank for the uee.and benefit of the City of Paduoahj the Borrow. 4 M09SY.'[;; enm of ten Lhoneand dollars, to be paid October 31, 1919. pledging as security the City," .:K -taxes to be collected for the ascend half of the year 1919 and due in October- carried Upon call of the roll b Y 4 yee,e.' Y R,;On motion.of Mayor Burns, that•the City Solicitor be instructed to bring in at"the Bond issue `�••;:: : meeting this afternoon, an ordinanco to submit a bond issue of $260,000 for construction ' ;:c.: • :. for,, 'and repairing of school properties acquired and -to be acquired. ae.re requested ' SCHOOL s Q . 4 by Resolution ti Of Board"of 8duoation in•its meeting of September 20" 1919 co . , copy of said Resolution having `.. purposes: . been presented to the Liayor.on Sept.'22,:1919 and which to filed herewith- carried upon * "call of the roll. by 4 yeas. �. . . ' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes Yess,, Burne, Gardner, Tally and Wooldridge- 4.. Ate �AIM40z� �Z19114L • Y, [ •::(:.41,a �.., ,�[+rs.;�; - ;:vi,L;,crf,."q ,w+••. ,� . ..:u.: .wt. ..•a+v m �:.y..;. .your. �. ' - t I No. st je 0 Commissioner's 'Proceedings, City of Paducah September ea t. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Ohs* or at Rthe City Rall, Padussh, 0, On Sept, 22, 1919, upon call of the roll the following i answered their names Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. On motion at Member Gardner; the minutes of the meetings of September 16th dad of Sept, 22d (11 o'clock A• M.) 1919 were adopted as'read upon call of the roll by 6 Yeas • onnuRCE for On motion of the above, sn OrdlnanOO providing for submission to the voters on Bond Issue for City Light love 4th, 1919 the question of issuing $100,000 in bonds for enlargement of the City Plant enlarge- a►ent. Light plant, and providing for the payment of'interest on said bonds and the oreatloa' of a sinking fund for retiring said bonds at their maturity, was given its passage upon nail of the roll by 6 Vase. Amato. allowed On motion of the above, the following accounts in the construction of the 78th 8peoisltoewer treat Sower were allowed and charged to the Special Sewer fund, to -wits J.V.Groif' fund, 16, Indspendent Ice & Coal Co. $6, Hart-Lookwood Co. $7.60, Ohio R. Sand & G. Co. $2.86, South Bend Foundry $88.20, Hank Bros. $12.66, Sherrill-Rueseil Lbr. Co, $12.76,'. Bynum & Mesohum $.40, Evens & Howard Fire Brink Co. $206.70, $234.90 and $191.11, and, Thompson Transfer Co. $60, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Hampton Ave. On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Works in regard to drainage of drainage. � ' water on Hampton Ave. was real& and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Sewer Dept. On motion of the above, that the mea working in the Sewer Dept., excluding the employes paid weekly. Inspector, be paid weekly- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. International On motion of the above, that the communication from A. F. Hurt, Jack Foreman Brotherhood of Teamsters,, etc. and Robert Glass, Committee from Local No. 668 International Brotherhool of Team- sters. Chauffeurs, Stablemen and Helpers, be received & filed- end concurred in= carrieA upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Aset. St. Inspr On motion of the above, that the Aset. Street Inspector be not required in the not required to give bond as future to exeoute bond as a patrolman- oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. patrolman. On motion of the above, the petition of property oener■ and residents for the Petition for sidewalke on improvement of Gamble Ave. from Guthrie Ave. northwardly 796 feet to the fill, was Gamble Ave. received and filed up6n call of the roll by 6 yese. Prepare plans - On motion of the above, that the City Engineer prepare plans & specifications etc. for side- walk improve- for the improvement of the west side of Gamble Ave. from the east property line of ment on Gamble Ave. Guthrie Ave. to a point :there the south curb line of Worten Ave. if extendod would Intersect the west property line of Gamble Ave., also the east side of Gamble Ave. from the north curb line of Tennessee street to the south curb line of Worten Ave., ;. *aid improvement to consist of concrete sidewalk, concrete curb and oonorete gutter, with all necessary drainpipes and intakes and driveways- carried upon call of the roll.by 6 yeas. i ORDINANCE for On motion of the above, an ORDINANCE PROVIDING for the submission to the Tatars bond issue for construction at, on Nov. 4th, 1919 the question of whether the City of Paluoah shall isew &sell ' TRUNK LINE SANITARY SEWERS. $260,000 of bonds for the construction & maintenance of trunk line sanitary sewers in Mechanicsburg, bounded by Island Crook on the north, Mill St. on the south, Tenn. Rives on the east and the city limits on the west, and in that part of the city bounded by Jones St. on the north, Island Creak on the south, Tennessee River on the east and i the city limits on the west, excepting out of amid territory that portion south of Jones St. embraced in and now taken oars of by Sewer Districts 1 & 2, and also in ' Sewer District No. S as shown on plat filed in the office of the Com'r of Public Works, and providing for the payment of interest on call bonds and to create a sinking � "'L. ., ..- YOP'4.�:Y:'A^7!Fti'^rix?}'BSSC[Y.F'*!w�.'r9,R"q.!'�,�.!f..":'°.!OY1.','1?i's`74'ix.;�v+. tm-�'r. a:4+r'a' «�•7s•.:�'a•#�?,'7�^"'_'F. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah gepl. 2Ed 191 9 fund for the payment of said bonds at maturity -m intradvoed&.]sid.win. cm *before peonage_ the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge, Be C. W. On motion of Member Haseiip, that tho matter of.tranefor of title of Lot #1006 Emery- titleo in Oak Grove Cemetory by the City to 0. We Emery -as per deed dated Sept. 16, 1919 frost timet• ry lot. A. 0. Coleman to 0. We Emery- be referred to'the City Solicitor for opinion as to the right of the City to make said transfer, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Tully, the accounts amounting to. $6,T41.67,'as per report of Com'r of ?inanos, were allowed and payment of same approved upon call of the roll by 6:yess. On motion of the above, that payment of the following accounts be approved: Department of Public Works- ?or week ending Sept. 20, 1919, Streets $294.56. Special Sewer $119.33; Department of Public ?inane- IntereetCity National Bank on note due Oct. 31, $10,000, $69.68, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. B.?.Kolb On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the proposition of H. ?. Kalb, to purchase , purchase • city some,20 feet of,ground belonging to the City at the southwest corner of Broad a Walnut ground: etrests, at $10 per front toot, be sooeptod, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare deed therefor, same to be signed by the Mayor- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Petition of On motion of Mayor Burns, the petition of practicing physicians of the city of physicians Ing roe Paducah Raking the commissioners to pass a resolution requesting the I. 0. Be Be Co. to hospital fatilitisse open the hospital recently *rooted on Broadway, and that in the event the management decides to admit other patients than employee of tho railroad, that such patients be permitted to @*loot b have their own physicians attend them, and that in the event the request to admit { other php ioians to said hospital, that the Board immediately prepare b submit to the voters an ordinance submitting the question of an appropriation to improve the city hospital in every necessary manner- was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Prise right. On motion of the above, that the principals of the proposed prise fight to be staged at the 54. Theatre on Oct. Ed be summoned before this Board at a meeting to be held bore at g 4 Pe Me Sept. 23, 1919 to show cause, if any, why same is not. in contravention of the State statutes. and any cause they may have, if any, why such content should not be prohibited- : carried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. Influenza- pneumonia On motion of the above, that the oommunioation from the State Board of Health, regarding epidemic, prevention. the taking of due precautions to prevent a recurrence of influenza -pneumonia in the near ' future,.bo referred to the Com'r of Works and Safety as to suggestions pertaining to work in S " their respective departments for necessary attention- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Nuieane Tonne at, On motion of the above, that the oommmnication from Dr. Be P. Linn, respecting abatement mover. outlet of nuisance existing at outlet of Tenn. St. sewer, be referred to the Com'r of Works for ` attention- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. Extend9L. On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Works be.authorized to extend the Tenn. StTonn. sewor to Sewer to water level it in his judgment same is necessary to abate the nuisance now existing, water level. the expense to be ohargea to special sewer fund- carried upon call of the roll by 6 less. Salary On motion.of the above, that the salary of Herman Ackerman, Sanitary Inspector. be Herman AokerMn increased to 483 1/3 per month, or $1,000.p*r year, eff*otive from Sept. 1, 1919- oarried Increased. upon call of the roil by 6 yeas. ORDINAANCE On motion of the above, an ORDINANCE providing for the submission to the voters on to submit bond isen* Nov. 4, 1919 the question of issuing and selling bonds to the extent of $260,000 for eon- for SCHOOLS. , struoting and repairing school properties acquired and to be acquired. for the schools of ,t the city of Paducah, and to prsvido for tho paysenik of interest on said bonds and to create &-.sinking fund for the payment of said bonds. -at maturity- was ittroftesd _asa laid eves e>is week fol' panags, Upon oali of the roll by 6 yeaso a' i * C `rtoyr+a..., ,,., '. J'' �lRL1 ?i6'., ,• .• ♦ M7. 7 1�. No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 1199umber 2S 191-x Repairman at Light Plant- on Asti" at Member fts*]':LP, that the 601"7 Of the Repairman at the City Light salary Plaat. W. R. N"lott, be raised $5 per mouth, effective Sept. 1, 1919_ carried upon Inoreasei. Gall of the rollby 5 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following Total Yeas, Bums. Gardner, Haselip. Tully and Wooldridge- 5. At WAY03L September 29Vh_ 1919. At a regular meeting of the Board of commissioners halt in the Comrs, Chamber of the City Roll, Paducah. Ky. an Sept.. 29'. 1919, upon call of the roll the following &"worst their name. Burns, Gardner, Raselip. Tully and Wooldridge_ 5. On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the mating of September 22, 1919 were adopted as rest upon call of the roll by 5 yea*. W. Le Payne the on motion of above, that the complaint of W. L. Payne alleging erroneous assessment, assessment on his property at 2301 Monroe street, be referred to the Comir of Pinanso for report - carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. Ordinance for On notion of L the above, an ORDINANCE providing for submission to the qualified bond is aus voters on Nov. 4. 1919 the question of issuing $250,000 of City bonds for the 0 TRUNK LINE 5=• construction of trunk line sanitary sewers, was given its passage upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. Relay On motion of the above, that the Com1r of Works be authorised to contract with guimble St. tters on Bob Hale to relay gutters on the north sift.of Triable St. bet. 15th and 16th streets, Tr at the same price as paid for similar work on the south side of said street, oarriod upon *all of the roll by 5 yeas. Bridge over On motion of the above, the Oom1r of Works was authorized to communicate with Island Creek.. bridge companies regarding price of constructing a now iron or concrete bridge on S. 6th street over Island Crook, upon call of the roll by,5 yeas. Light at On motion of Member Haselip,. the petition of oitisons for light on West Washington 14 h Wash.. at street store 14th street intersects was referred to the Com1r of Works with instruction to install BOLA light, upon call of the roll by 5 yoas. Amendment to On motion of the above. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE -EXACTING SECTIONS 16 AND 19 MARKET HOUSE OF AM ORDINANCE ENTITLED. "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AND REGULATING THE MARKET HOUSE ordinanoo. OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, PRESCRIBING THE RULES FOR THE CONDUCT THEREOF AND TIM PENALTIES THEREUNDER, AND FIXING THE PRICES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE RENT OF BENCHES AND XTALLS THEREIN." PASSED BY THE BOARD Of COIMISSIONERS DEC. 130 1916- was given its passage upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. Cem6tory On notion of the above, that the report.of J. X. Hendrick, City Solicitor, relative lot 00avOy- to transfer of lot 1005 in block 4, Oak Grove Cemetery, to C. W. Emery, be rooaivo&, Ono* to e.w. EMERY filed and oonourred in- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. On motion of Member Tully, that the payment of the pay rolls from the Dept. of PtLbllo Works for the week ending SOpte 27th be approved as followat Streets $256.77, Sewer 466, Engineering $16.40, Special Sewer $54.55- 'carried upon Gall of the roll by 6 yeas.