HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 439, June 2, 1919- t, No - ' .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June 2d 191-9 .� �'. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chacber of ommoners 'y rye. the City gall, Paducah, Hy., on June. 2, 1919" upon oall of .the roll the following ansire rod' " r ` their. Burns, Gardner. Haselip, Tully end Wooldridge -.6.; to •; 4 rrc f On motion of -Member Gardner, the minutes of the mostinge of May 26th, : riL•. 1919 were adopted as read upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas.. Dirt removed' Member Gardner offered the follow! S ng motion: that the Com'r of Works De ®Lhor from gutters placed on ised to have the dirt which ie removed from gutters; laced on rivets property nearby-' P P P P y Y Prlyate •,-' r property. I when requested by the owner and when the dirt.wonld otherwise have to be hauled s aonL z . {' siderable distance at great expense- Member Haselip offered the following motion: that the motion of Com'r Gardner., . be amended by permitting him to. sell .dirt placed on property of private individuals- -(75 said motion carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 'f1 Upon call of the roll the motion of Member Gardner as amended by Member Haselip La. carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Street On motion of Member Gardner, that the Board of Comre favor a'charge in the laws • �, OoneLrnotlon. so that all permanent construction of streets shall be dons at one half doet.of property p. J.;. . holders and one half at cost of the city as heretofore built- same .lost for lack of a; } •f. second. z St. Light On motion of Member Haselip, that the Oom'r of Works be instructed to place a 1'b Ohio. r, street ligbt at 7th and Ohio streets, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. u .. On motion of Member Tully, that payment of the pay rolls for the Department of Public Bork@ for the week enting May 31'. 1919, as follows: Streets =336.42, Special *. r Sewer $64.70, be approved- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ; . ' Jno. MoGuire On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the g application of Jno. MoGuire for the ^ appointod ,r 0It Jailor position of Jailor be reo'd b filed, and that he be appointed as City Jailor - to fill The ";• vsoanoy osused.by the death of Jas.' Collins- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge. 4. Member Haselip being ,•," exoueed from voting. a Minnie Hendsrecd�' On motion of Mayor Burns, the proposition submitted by Minnie Henderson with City . dumpy ' proposition. respeot to the city dump, Mae reo!d b filed upon oall-of the roll by 6 yeas.. e On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll � P by the following vote= Teae,. ' Burns. Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge., 6. •' .� ^• � s •! X9'9- a1PPR0'P�1D, tt. WATORL , t Y.:`Iiil�.Yi.Yr`-%�'2r.IJ�if.iY.VT•i:"v-1 :+K 1.•ii�>~:t:.:; " r to •; 4 - . , : riL•. p. Y.:`Iiil�.Yi.Yr`-%�'2r.IJ�if.iY.VT•i:"v-1 :+K 1.•ii�>~:t:.:;