HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 434, May 12, 19191 r „W�' ,` �,jw( .,e 'r4rryM:ti nv nhi�"1 �s•w •,."'3�'� .r�.t ICi�. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Nay 6th Passage of i RETENTION CRD*.! i postponed. Haselip and Tully -2. ;4` taken by this Board making any changes in pay of city employees to take effect u V on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote= °i Assessment k J taxes of Jno.H: Passage of i RETENTION CRD*.! i postponed. Remove letter., Ing on city oar. ,r,;, ; Par swnth. to take effeot.from and after July 1, 1919, and the action heretofore Haselip and Tully -2. taken by this Board making any changes in pay of city employees to take effect u V on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote= °i Assessment k N taxes of Jno.H: > ,• Hendrick.. Mayor Burns offered the following motion -by way of smeodmeatt that the passage r ' of the Retention ordinance be postponed one week for further consideration. oarrled }3 .. 011 for street.. i upon 0811 of the roll by the following vote= Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and, 4 Wooldridge, 6. On motion of the above. that the 00mm0nloation of the Delinquent Tax collector, In. re. assessment and taxes of Jno. K.: Hendrick, be received filed.. carried, up on ' Secretary o! t t a Obarities. . y, salary On motion of the above. that the Com'r of Works order a quantity of. proper grade Increased. at, street oil, saga to be put on the streets upon petition of the &butting property i..' Improve u streets. Remove letter., Ing on city oar. ,r,;, ; Par swnth. to take effeot.from and after July 1, 1919, and the action heretofore Haselip and Tully -2. taken by this Board making any changes in pay of city employees to take effect u V on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote= of January 1, 1919 be rescinded ineofer as 1t affects tbe.employees of the polios sad Fire Departments- . 4 Mayor Burns offered the following motion -by way of smeodmeatt that the passage r ' of the Retention ordinance be postponed one week for further consideration. oarrled �� l upon 0811 of the roll by the following vote= Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and, 4 Wooldridge, 6. On motion of the above. that the 00mm0nloation of the Delinquent Tax collector, In. re. assessment and taxes of Jno. K.: Hendrick, be received filed.. carried, up on ' t a call of the roll by 6 yeas. ,: c 4 On motion of the above. that the Com'r of Works order a quantity of. proper grade At a regular meeting of the Board of COmmiesloaera held in the Comre' Chamber of at, street oil, saga to be put on the streets upon petition of the &butting property the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., upon aall of the roll the following answered their owners who shall pay one half of the Coat of said ,oil, the city's half to be z y charged to the contingent fund- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ` ' •�';� On motion of the above. that the Secretary of the Charity Dept., Miss IAttie '. III On mOL1oA Of Member Gardner, the minutes Of the meeting hell OA May 6� 1919 ware •.•:,-;•,;,, Smith, be paid $96 per mouth during the year 1919. carried upon call of the roll by tti '( 6 yea@.' ; On motion of Member Haselip. that tht City Engineer be instructed to prepare on motion of. the above, the report of Com'r of Works for the -month of April 1919 grade@ and epealflostlons for the improvement of the Union Station line, also for was reoeived and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yes&.' the extension of Broadway and Jefferson streets to. LM city limits, as not forth 14 ;: ,Y, Report street jI resolutions heretofore past. said motion was declared out of order. .u. ,• On motion of Mayor Burns, that the words "CITY PROPERTY" be removed from they V 999 1919 was reueived and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. side of oar used in the police and fire department and notplaced on other city. care which ahall have city taga.in front and rear on each of them. carried upon call ' of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, BURNS, Gardner and Wooldridge, 8, Hay. • On motion of the above, the petition of J. Bell Gardner and others for the: 4' Haselip and Tully -2. V on motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote= ' Yesa, Burns. Gardner. Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. •�? I AdiPtsd gpPRQ� �� l 4 t a May 12th, 1919. ,: c 4 At a regular meeting of the Board of COmmiesloaera held in the Comre' Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., upon aall of the roll the following answered their y +I names; Buse, Gardner, Haselip; Tully and Wooldridge. 6. ' •�';� '. III On mOL1oA Of Member Gardner, the minutes Of the meeting hell OA May 6� 1919 ware •.•:,-;•,;,, ?.'..:, tti '( 1� adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ; r . .,Z. 'Report Oom'r of �+ Works. on motion of. the above, the report of Com'r of Works for the -month of April 1919 was reoeived and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yes&.' Report street jI :. On motion of the above, the report of the Street Inspector for the month of April ,• V 999 1919 was reueived and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .ra Sanitary sower • On motion of the above, the petition of J. Bell Gardner and others for the: 4' Tennessee 8L. �.: . ��.extension of sanitary sewer on.Tennesese @treat . from Murrell Bv., was reasived and i', filed and referred to the Com1r.of Works for written"report and reoomm*rdation, upon` . ' :.;J.:,, call of the roll by 6 yeas. 110 rt of City On motion .of the above, the report of the City Solialfor in regard to the contract 8olialtor on ? telephone between the City of Paducah and the Homs Telephone Co. and the Cumberland Telephone 0or''' 1f�, ooatraots. ., t with respect to ratea:to subscribers, was received and filed. ,:. ;•': ,,'t' Frn'aM, , transfer ..Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah may 12th 191 O.T.Anderson .71 Cumberland On motion of Member Gardner, Whereas the City of Paducah and the Cumberland Telephone 6 Teig. half, of lot 229 In block 15. located on thevast aide of Silent Ave. bet. Myrtle & Willow Telephone Sm. Telegraph Co. Co. entered Into a contract on the 18th day of May 1916 for the sale Of s, franchise for a HAT33 telephone system in the city of Paducah, and the Cumberland Telephone & Tolograph'Co. became the purchaser thereof and in now.opersting thereunder, and Whereas, said Tolepb6ne said transfer In Oakgrove dead book, as per written request.of party of first. part- oarris Co. did on May 1. 1919 rale* Its rates to subscribers. In violation of the schedule provided roll by 6 yeas., In Section "0" of said ordinance, moved that the Cumberland Telephone &'Tologral ph C'..1 *D* of said franchise ordi 'g s under the provisions of Section nano*. be required to bring it 5 books showing Its valuation, its reaelpta and expenses of maintenance, eta. before the 4+Y-: Board of Commissioners on May 24, 1919 so that said Board can determine the reasonableness -of the rates of said Company. carried upon call of the roll by the 'following vote: Yeas. .:j Burns, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully and Wooldridge. 5. On motion of the above:; Whereas, the City of Paiwah on January 20, 1902, by ordinance, Paducah ordered the sale of a franchise for 20 years to construct and operate a telephone system In Home Tole - phone Co.. the city of Paducah., and on March 6_1902 said City of Paducah did sell said franchise at public sale to. the highest bidder at the City Hall In Paducah, Ky.: and, Whereas. Frederick' 11ilman and others became the purchaser thereof. for the sum of $500 and said Hilman and'a9al did construct said telephone eyet m; and, Whereas, in said franchise 6 1 ano so In section 3 It Is provided as follows, '!Thopurohaser of this franchise or privilege shell guarantee that the rates to be charged for telephones In the city of Paducah shall never exceed OW peranrmm for business houses and offices and $18 per annam,for residon000,w and Whereas. IVIs' alleged that the Paduo ah -Home Telephone Co.. became the owner of said franchise and opoisted', Y under It for many, years and said franchise dose not expire until January 20. 1922; and.. Whereas., the Home Telephone Co., the purchaser of said franchise, has recently raised the. rates In violation of said franchise, moved that t a he City Solicitor bring suit t onae'to test the validity of the raise in.rstes�ln contravention of said franchise agream said motion loot, receiving 120 second. t t a Interna I' nai on motion of the above,. the communication from the members of International Fire. Fire Fighters Local Union Fighters Local Union No. 168, requesting that the recommendations of Com1r.of Safety. petition. relative to Inoreades.proposed In ordinance presented by him on May 5. 1919 be ratified C: was received mind flied upon call of the, roll by 5 yeae. The amendment.offered by Member Tully to the Retention ordinance on May 5. 1919, Retention. In regard to inorOaein* 9 the pay of employees In the Police and Fire Departments from ordinance amordrant July 1, 1919, lost upon call of the roll by the following vote= Too$. Basellp and Tully -w 2.,.-. lost. Say:'Burns, Gardner and Wooldridge- 3. On motion of Member Hasellp, that the Retention Ordinance be amended by striking ordinance therefrom Subsection 11 In the Department of.Publie Safety- lost upon all. of the roll :t amendment loot. by the following Tote: Yeae, Haselip and Tully, 2. Say: Burns; Gardner and Wooldrid o..Z. RETENTION Upon call of the roll on the P888agO Of AN ORDINANCE RROViDING FOR TH3 APPOINTMENT OR. 'ORDINANCE RETENTION, BY THE BOARD OFCOMMISSIONSRS-OF THE' CITY OF rADuCAH. OF.C3RTAIN CITY OFFICBRe. i�, ,.adopted. AGENTS AND EMPLOYE 93 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. AND FIXING THEIR SALARIES, POWERS AND.DUTIBS, read and offered at the meeting of May 6. 1919- same was adopted by the following vote: Yeas, BURNS. Gardner, Hazollp, Tully. and Wooldridge. 5. RIVHRSIDS On motion of Member Hasellp.. that the City Solicitor be and he Is hereby Instructed Hospital to proceed with the collection of Riverside Hospital accounts. aggregating $776.99, by! a600Untg. suit or.othirwies In big disoration-'ourried upon call of the 'roll by 6 yoga. On mo ti on a f the above, that the deed of O. T. Anderson. husband of Rachel Anderson Cemetery. transfer (now deold) to Goo. S. Smith, conveying by 101 off the northwest corner of the Gouth O.T.Anderson .71 to Gooith• 3 half, of lot 229 In block 15. located on thevast aide of Silent Ave. bet. Myrtle & Willow Sm. Ste.. in Oak Grove Cemetery. . an be ratifiedd that the. clerk be instructed to record said transfer In Oakgrove dead book, as per written request.of party of first. part- oarris roll by 6 yeas., 4+Y-: ' o-`5 r..��ay �r..h ,�y..i,r� r +Sv f. f. r`�t--.y„''4�� R�,- ,�1'f}, �tf •* } +i6r. �. j. .�,F.-,.,ry Commissioner's Proceedings, Of P 12th /9 On motion of Mambo r.Tal IF, the payment of the pay rolls of the Dept. of Public Works for the week ending'May 10, 1919 as follows: Streets $306.68, Special Sewer T:.v?STtrT:•-w�SrR:`ET-v:2.^.r S25.E6, was approved .upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas. Burns, _ .. + r.— ...F�" .. .. x h f ,n Bond of Ohio II Valley Trust y , Co. accepted. ?.labor arae Cecil Road as sureties, for the deposit of apsolal sewer fund, be approved Nat'l Surety Co. released on bond " Ohio Valley On motion of the above. that the Notional Surety Go. be released.from the bond . Trust Co. Of the Ohio Valley Trust Co., they having filed another bond= carried upon call of'.' • li 1t •,sj rra I � Yese, Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. '. ,A PPRpV H1ID� •E May 19th. 1919. Trimble St. F At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Comra Chembe! oto nn water . aOita r. of the City Rall, Paducah, Ky. on May 19, 1919, upon call of the roll the following answered their nurse: Burne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. w� ^+ tt •'T I I Wage increase >, Street & Sewer On motion of the above, that the petition of property owners & reaiddnts on departmente. I Trimble St. bet. '10th & 12th Ste., for relief from storm water overflows, be reo'd & ' Rngineer Light Plant, salary increased. •;a,' On motion of the above, than the wage increase of 10% to the street; flusher,, gravel spreader & ahecker, grader man, stable boas and laborers in the street and Home Telephone r' sewer departments, heretofore granted by this Board on May 6, 1919, be effective from v. January, 1, 1919- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese. On motion of the above, that the salary of the engineer of the City Light . u •! engineer thio year- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .: West. By. ' Industrial books, showing receipts and expenses of operation and valuation, before the Board of College. Commissioner@ on or before June 2, 1919, eo that @aid Board can determine whether the I ,.increase in rates made on May 1, 1919 to justifiable- carried upon call of the roll Broadway from 17th to city limits. On motion of Member Harelip, that 8200 be paid to the County School Supt.. Trace. of West Kentucky Industrial College for the use and benefit of said school,' 1 �K '. 4 Cemetery deed'. A. Morrie Of P 12th /9 On motion of Mambo r.Tal IF, the payment of the pay rolls of the Dept. of Public Works for the week ending'May 10, 1919 as follows: Streets $306.68, Special Sewer T:.v?STtrT:•-w�SrR:`ET-v:2.^.r S25.E6, was approved .upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas. Burns, _ .. + r.— ...F�" .. .. Gardner, Harelip. Tully and Wooldridge. 6. On motion of the above. that the bond of the Ohio Valley Trust On with p. M. ?.labor arae Cecil Road as sureties, for the deposit of apsolal sewer fund, be approved carried•upon call, of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above. that the Notional Surety Go. be released.from the bond . Of the Ohio Valley Trust Co., they having filed another bond= carried upon call of'.' the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board Adjourned upon call of the roll bar the following vote: j Yese, Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. '. PPRpV H1ID� May 19th. 1919. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Comra Chembe! of the City Rall, Paducah, Ky. on May 19, 1919, upon call of the roll the following answered their nurse: Burne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 12, 1919 were adopted se read upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. On motion of the above, that the petition of property owners & reaiddnts on Trimble St. bet. '10th & 12th Ste., for relief from storm water overflows, be reo'd & ' filed, and that the Com'r of Yorke construct a storm water sewer from 11th &'-Trimble to the alley on 11th St. between Cloy & Trimble Ste., the expense of eamb to be charged to the Special Sewer fund- carried upon oall.of the roll by 6 yeas. •;a,' On motion of the above, than the wage increase of 10% to the street; flusher,, gravel spreader & ahecker, grader man, stable boas and laborers in the street and r' sewer departments, heretofore granted by this Board on May 6, 1919, be effective from January, 1, 1919- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese. On motion of the above, that the salary of the engineer of the City Light . Plant be.increased 810 per mo. effective from beginning of his services as such:.`;.. engineer thio year- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .: On motion of the above, that the Home Telephone Co. be required to bring its;;`; ' books, showing receipts and expenses of operation and valuation, before the Board of Commissioner@ on or before June 2, 1919, eo that @aid Board can determine whether the I ,.increase in rates made on May 1, 1919 to justifiable- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yens. On motion of Member Harelip, that 8200 be paid to the County School Supt.. Trace. of West Kentucky Industrial College for the use and benefit of said school,' Ia r; 'same .to be paid from the contingent fund- carried upon call, of the, roll by 6 yeas, . On motion of the above, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare, grades ` & epeoifioatLone for the impooeimoil oteieeoLio�ie t. from 17th St, to city. limits, ;.same to be built of tarvia and/oharged to the contingent fund- carried upon.'oall of . the roll by 6 yeae. On motion of Member Tully, that deed be executed to E. A: Morris for lot 69 ' In block 2 on north aide of Baker St. between Ford & Hannan Ste. in Oak Grote ,Cemetery he having paid therefor into the.treasury the 'sum 'of $30, as evidenced 'b reoerpt herewith.filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. CAL T:.v?STtrT:•-w�SrR:`ET-v:2.^.r T....x=::=`.�7'.L:7+- _ .. + r.— ...F�" .. ..