HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 422, March 24, 1919ev �ra�}�re ,�yetiv ri"1 ftr W �v.sysf4 r it; rr ri 7.n r jtJ. -0Y yn> .� : ; .i s ,wr;•, 1&7 A7.! h . ...... ��'• � `M1"-t�..a�r:"''•�•�+���.+.•L..0 Jam_[. 1 -`µ y'__-! 1� , 1 WNW II t �I Re eointion for ll Burns, Nazelip, Tully. and Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. On motion of Mayor Burns, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE.001I3TRU0TI0N OF THE DRIVE- ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah March 24th 1913_ . WAYS ON BOTH SIDES OF TENTH STREET (OR !.'URRELL BOULEVARDI FROM THE SOUTH 'PROPERTY LINE; . At a regular meeting of the Board of commission are hold in the oomref Chamber I' well, thence to OF BROADWAY TO TFIE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CALDWELL STREET, THENCE FROM THE EAST PROPERTYy';.= 1 N I of the City Hell, Paducah, Xentuoky, on March 840 1919, upon cell of the -roll the t; 'i lfr N.C. right -of - jj way. t 'a j; .. II following answered their names .I Burne, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- b. II On motion of Member Haselip, that the Resolution adopted on March 17th, 1919 ' !I' emend RSoointion relating to ferry rights granted to Vickers Perry Oct, be amended by adding to the y "-•ti praivvtileges°toy jI. lset paragraph thereof the following worded "The dock to be built and used by said OALDWELL AVEIIUE, THENCE SOUTHWARDLY ON WHAT IS YdI01771 AS OALD'i/ELL Vickers Ferry 4 Co. Vickers Ferry Co. not to take up, of the fifty (60) feet width of Elisabeth street, AVER'IUE FRaA THE IPITEYt more than Lwanty=five (28) feet; that is to say, that such dock.shall not'use more sN I; I than twenty-five (26) foot of Elisabeth street extended to the welter-" carried upon- i e call of the roll by B yeas. �. II On motion of the above, the minutes g o17th, 1919 as of the meeting March amended wore adopted upon call of the roll by b yeas. ti. i` Storm water. .1� On motion of Member Gardner, that the petition of property owners on Harahan Bv,overfl' HHarahhaanBvn ! bet. Jefferson d Trimble Ste., for relief from the storm water overflow,' be received, ..; I� i' tiled and referred to the City Engineer- carried upon call of the roll b b y yeas. Request for St,' On motion of Member Harelip ."the petition of property oveners on Trimble street improvement an !I Trimble 9t., I'. asking for the permanent. improvement of said street, was received, filed and 'referred {II G to the Hoard Yor.immediste action upon call of the roll by b yeae. :'. j; Cemetery trans-il. On motion of the above, that the deed of Fred English and wife Hattle Eagifsh, ti,'; j f} for Fred English oto. to Free ak conveying to J. W, Prakee and Mrs. Marie Williams the southeast ane -fourth of lot 404 :. Y. do tlilliaMs. i'. . i in section 28 in Oak Grove. Cemetery, be ratified as per request of parties of the II' u first part, and that said transfer be recorded in the cemetery register. .oarrled upon G call' of the roll by 6 yeae. 4, �i On motion of Member Tully, that the accounts for the first half of March 19190 amounting to ;)5176.47, as per report of ComIr of Finance, bo allowed and payment at 11 sane approved- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas, II i On motion of the above, the payment of the Stroot Dopt..pey roll for the week' ending March 22, 1919, amounting to 0264,71, was approved upon call of the roll b b y yam.,;'" Cemetery beef to On motion of the above, that.deed be exonuted to.Jim Porter for lot #31 in block, ` Y: Jim Porter 11 #3, on the north eide.of Miller St, bet. Ford b Hannan Ste., in Oak Grove Cemetery, the Ij i eum Of $40 having been paid therefor into the treasury as ovideno°d by receipt hers- Y with filed- carried upon call of the roll•by 6 yeae. , J ' !: Cemeterydead to 'John & Eddie-,, . On motion of the above, that deed be exeouted to John and Eddie McNichols for MOITIohole r II loy #60 in block #4 on the north aide of Ford street between Chamblin 82 Hank streets, ' " ` '• Ii in ,Oak Grove Cemetery,. they having paid therefor into the treasury the sum of $SO as .M, Q evidenced by reoeipt herewith filed. carried upon call of the .roll by b yeas. :J I' Resolution for 9 �,`'-,I• On motion' of Member Wooldridge, w , dge, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING POR,THE bO11ST1IU0TI0N 0. H J! y t: <} street imp. on I� " 7th St, fr DRIVINAY3'ON NORTH SEVENTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LIRE OF JEFFERSON yTREET TO ;y Jefferson to Trimble, . thence ;, THE NORTH PROPERTY LIME OF TRIMBLE STREET, THENCE ON-TRIMBLE STREET FROM THE EAST f' to Cemetery. 1 N PROPERTY LINE OF SEV-4nTH STREET TO THE 11AIN ENTRANCE GATE OF THE QAIC GROVE Cry.+.ETERY, BEI1I0 APPROYD:IAThZY 6340 LIIiEAR BEET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, YEPTUOKY, AT THE COST OF II !!. THE ABUTTI11C PROPERTY O':QIERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAI!E SIIALL DE 0WISTRUCTED. UPOIl THE TED ' .' ;;. •t II YEAR PAY:DJIT PLAIT, nae adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, �I Re eointion for ll Burns, Nazelip, Tully. and Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. On motion of Mayor Burns, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE.001I3TRU0TI0N OF THE DRIVE- ' street imp. ! 10th St, from Bdvay to Cold- . WAYS ON BOTH SIDES OF TENTH STREET (OR !.'URRELL BOULEVARDI FROM THE SOUTH 'PROPERTY LINE; . well, thence to OF BROADWAY TO TFIE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CALDWELL STREET, THENCE FROM THE EAST PROPERTYy';.= 1 t; 'i lfr N.C. right -of - jj way. t LINE OF TENTH STREET OR MURRELL BOULEVARD) ON CALDWELL STREET 'WESTWARDLY TO WHERE 9AI.B', . ' I IPTERSECTS WITH CALDWELL AVIIIUE, INCLUDING THE INTERSECTION OF CALDWELL STREET AND:' "-•ti OALDWELL AVEIIUE, THENCE SOUTHWARDLY ON WHAT IS YdI01771 AS OALD'i/ELL AVER'IUE FRaA THE IPITEYt .n�,.+�ri: k-� F*[ - � ��,� Y _ ..,1.��,�.ny�,,. "T'•r.1,7r.''"�t�i�.'C�"-. t r"?Cty d ��„r„4t•� V i ,'!tri. 'r, •�� ' i No • Commissioner's Proceedings, Cityoi•PaducahlSareh 24th !91 g 5 SECTION OF CALDWELL AVENUE AND CALDWELL STREET TO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE N.O. db ST. n i' L.R.R. NEAR THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD OOMPANY DEPOT; APPROIIEIATELY SIB THOUSAND z`•' 1 NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (8960) LINEAR FEET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUOKY, AT THE 008T r Y M OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 010ERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAY11ENT,PLAN, was adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Y ” a Bons, Hazelip, Tally and,Wooldridge- 4. Hay, Gardner- 1. I e On motion of Member Tully, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE. y •RESOLUTION , for street improve DRIVEWAYS ON BROADWAY STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SEVENTr:,.ITH STREET (OR r } ? � !' E menta .Bdway FOUNTAIN AVENUE), OR THE END OF THE PRESEIIT BITULITHIO STREET II.iPR0Vh1,tENT, TO THE VIEST� 17th to 26th } ' PROPERTY LIRE.OF TVIEIITY-FIFTH STREET, APPROXIMATELY 3210 LIIIEAR FEET, IN THE. Orn OF PADUCAH, XHUTUOKY,.AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OVBIERS, AiID PROVIDING THAT SAI.tB r ' SHALL RE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN. YEAR PAYISEHT PLAN -.was adopted upon call of the roll: by the following vote: Yens; Burns, Hazolip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4.' Nay, Gardner- 1. On motion of Member Hezelip, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR:THE CONSTRUCTION' OF TH8 +, Resolution n i for street a DRIVEWAYS 011 JEFFERSON STR'E'ET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY -LINE OF SEVEIITEENTH STREET (OR improvement 9 JefferooFOUNTAIN.AVENUE) TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TWE14TY-FIFTH STREET, BEING APPROID ATELY� 26th .17th to 25th � y V l3210 LINEAR FEET,IN THE'. OP.PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN -.4 ,,) was adopted upon call of the roll by the following.votss Yeas. Barns. Bazelip; Tally and ° Wooldridgq- 4. .Nay, Gardner- 1. .' � • ' Resolution for On motion of the above, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE.00NSTRUCTIOR OF.THB DRI B- J t street imp.' WAYS ON FIFTH STREET 'FROIA THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY' AVENUh TO, THE, NORTH PROPERTY t 6th St. Ky. Ave. to Norton LINE OF NORTON STREET,'.IN.THE CITY OF PADUCAH.' KENTUCKY. AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING 4 ' PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SA113 SHALL BE CO118TRUCTED.UPON 'THE TEN YEAR PAYIiBN!' r - .. } FLAN- was adopted upon call of the roll by the follovdng vote: Yeas, Burns,,Haselip,. 6 a t Tully and Wooldridge- 4. Hay, Gardner- 1. c ' •" On'motion .the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following voter �} Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Hazelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. I' a 04 �� : , -•+Y dor 9.P i' �� At a called meeting of the board of Commissioners hold in the 00=0 Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on March 28, 1819, upon oall.of the roll the following r answered their namess.Burne Gardner Hazeli Tally and,wooldri p. Y dge- 6; II j z, communication_; On motion of Member Tally, a communication dated.Maroh 24, 1919 from the Paducah yi of. Paducah .., r (Yater Co. Water Co.,.regarding the city's option to purohaee the water worke.plent, was received.' r a and filed upon call of the, roll by 6 yeas.r` !(( r On motion of Member Haselip, that the City.Solioltor be instructed to prepare I ' " Notice to the 1 Paducah Water'' legally notice, and the Mayor be directed to have same served upon the Paducah Water L it ;• company, apFarieIng them that the City will require appraisement of its plant looking to rho exercise of its option to parohase.said plant- carried upon call of the roll.'! t h; by 6 .yeas. On motion of Mayor Barns, that the City Solicitorprepare an agreement to be.e:.eonted,� ) Agreement bet., ` city and Pad,by,the'Oity of Paducah and the.Pnduoah water co..etipnlsting that.any award,or report i water co, hereafter made by appraisers to.be.appointad by.the City and the Water Co. may be hela up and not filed until July 1, 1920, and that such report oz award. shall. be filed an .saidfi j .Date, tolritt July 1, 1920- carried upon call of the -roll by -6 yeas. + {j } i On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the fol lowin :votet Yeas g .. Burne, Gardner, Ease ly and Wooldridge. -g-_ ' 1611 y i • a