HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 417, March 3, 191992 '�"_iL4"n Y- r _,ry Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Februa>y PAih At a regular meeting, of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomre' Chamber of the >s " ` City Hall, Peduoah, Ky. on February 24, 1919, upon call of the roll the following fir, ! answered their namest Gardner,•_Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. On motion of Member. Gardner, the minutee".of.the regular meeting held'cn February 17tb,1e19'were adopted sa read upon call of -the. roll .by 4.y6as.. '�"• 1`z On motion of Member. Heselip,.that 'the affidavit of R. A. Billingsley -stating that Cemetery Iot , i lot 86 of section A in Oak Grove Caeetery ehould have been deeded to the Billingsley Billingeley.: S II Heirs instead of to Mrs. Hattie Hogan heirs- be.reoetrad and filed, and that the not«=• -. Vii:; at tion on the cemetery record be mads in acoordanoe with said affidavit, and that said s; . affidavit ,ba'attached'to.the reoord- oarried.upon call of the roil by 4,7eas. r' er Feb. 22, On motion of MembTully, tbat the payment.of pay rolls for week ending 1919, be approved,ae follower Streets $187.97-Repaire to Brisk Streets $86.58- �1 Inoinerator $6- oarried upon.oall of the roll by 4 yeae. f� On .motion of the above, the report of Oom'r of Finanoe for,.the month of January was I,w received, filed and ordered published in the official newspaper upon oall of She roll `s by 4 yeae.. } r On motion of -the above, the accounts for the first half of_Feb. 1919,. amounting to r $3641.60, were allowed and pagm®t of`eams,approved upon -call of"the roll by 4 yeae. +; "Riverside On:motion of the above, Lha action of Oom'r of.Finanoe in purchasing Riverside jI <,• bond. • `', Hospital Bond JE ®91*.and interest was approved upon call of the roll by 4 yeae. Misting in.re a On motion of Member Wooldri d6e, the invitation from Mrs. Mary G. Palmer, Chairman r 4'ZY• CHILD WHLFARR.+. of the Woman's Com. Council Nat'l Defense, to the Board of Comrs, to attend a meetitgl i f *Y. on Sat -at three o' olook P. M. to be held in tbs. interest of ohild welfare- was I received and filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeae. B.A.WombU saloon licenser^. On motion of the above, that the saloon license of S. A. Womble at 107.8: 4tb_stree0 .transferred.¢ be transferred to 113 N.* 4th street- carried upon call. of the roll by.4 yeae. s� '? On motion .the Board adjourned upon call of the roll .by the following vote: Yeas, Gardner, Haselip,.Tully and Wooldridge -4. &PPROV Mn • MAYOR • f: J11 r MARCH 3d, 1919. At a rogu]ar rmating' of the Board of Oommieoicnere hald.in the Corms! Chnmber of the -City Hall, Padnoah, ply., on March a,. 1919, upon. call of the roll the following yJ_t r' - • answered their nomeet .Burns, Gardner,, Hasoltp,'Tully and Wooldridge- 5. On motion of Member Wooldridge that the minutes of the. regular meeting of..Peb. 240 1 1919 be. "adopted as read- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. r Report of st On motion of Member Gardner, the Re ' Report of Com r:of Wort® for the month of February. f j 1 - Comr of Wil !, ,for Beby, 1919 was. received and filed upon call of the roll by 5 yeae. i;: , Report of 84" On motion of the above, the Report of the Street Inspector for month of February ;. Ineptr. for February, 1919 was,reoeived & filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeae.. r Check. of .Satl On motion of, the above, that tbs. check of Nat'l Surety Co., surety on the bond of .. " Surety00. ,F. W. Mooney, late St. Insptr., for the sum of* $62.50# be received "by.the Oom'r oi. I' on boof F.W.Mooney.,. �. Finance and credited to the Streit Dep L., said check'_having been given for errors"or mistakes of F. W. Mooney as. followet.T.J.8andere. 1 day.time"on Oat. 12, 1910 payroll $8.501 Weo"6.Meadows..6 days time on Sept. 28, 1918 psy.roll.$16, 6 days time on Oot. 5, 1918 pay tflr roll"$15,:two days time Oot. 1918 $5. -6 on 12, pay roll Carl Priddy, days time..on Boy.r 9, 1918 pay. roll $15- total $62.60. carried upon 'call of the roll by 5 yeae. - ! ,fir f t 1 ) Y ti• t._ t I •X{ ... .6:':+.,l..r• .Y. :tXii+'a"a :•a 737,tl7,b1:J.4' ° '� l•• �•t�••` cC••. W!itAwl" .�'."ti= •y...s / I ` '. .. � a • ' NN'?'^,Y v�'ie"i .Y{!•t�'•.�}'"'F� >H' bIY f�'"'t!`: "�. -1"C. y v �Xi``..;1(' ,n �,t7f' 1: ,+, Y,y � _..�,.. + .. .:.t. �4.�.......+.L ��.a_.s_i� y v�r..t�+'.i '�S..J�uY+%i�t+y i..�L � �.}.,, :L',•..r' ,+.y_ ' ' 77.' < No. h2F Commissioner's Proceedings, City.of Paducah Maroh Bd Bill of EQ.D. On motion of Member Gardner, that the bill of Ed D. Hannan"ve. W. H. Stringer., for Hannan work in repairing sewer, be paid by the City & charged to the special ,',r ,'r < I.t.: sewer acoount. as said work was made necessary by the construction of'the Tenneasoa .; . i. Street Bower- oarried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Burne, ' 1,... Gardner; Haselip and Wooldridge, 4- Hay. Tully, 1. On motion of the above'.that the motion made by Oom'r of Works on Dec. 9' 1918, Notias t0 purchase i that the Mayor. on behalf of the City of Paducah be instructed to give notice to the "t WATER WORKS. . . :. ... Paducah Water Co. on Jan. 1, 1919 that It desired an appraisement'o! the water works ti y . ." property under the franchise granted to J. A. Jones on Sept. e9, 1SS4, be taken up.for, immediate consideration, and that said notice be given on or before March Sth, 1919;. ' i.•' said motion carried and ten o'clock A.. M. Maroh 4, 1919 eat as the time for a meeting y i of the Commissioners as a Committee of the Whole to discuss said notice, upon cell Of .41 i the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Haselip. Pully. and Wooldridge, 8 < " °. Repair Publio On motion of Member'Haselip., that the Street inspector be instructed to repair the ?? Wharf* publio wharf by placing gravel thereon and grading same, the expense of said gravel tol be charged to Public Property Improvement- carried upon call of the roll by 6.yese... On motion of the above, that 'all automobiles owned by the City -Fire equipment Letter City 'as automobiles. excepted- be lettered follows: CITY PROPERTY, with the department to which it belongs, in letters at least four inches in height- color to be other body of .than oar, carried upon 'call of the roll by 6 yeas. j On motion of Member Tully, that the sum'of $79.44 be allowed as expense of the Committee expenses _ Com'r of Fininoeannd Com'r.of Public Property, the committee appointed to appear. before ~. allowed. II tho Board of Tax 00mmineionore at:8'rankfort, iy, on March 1, 1919, regarding the rale'' ��.on city yroperty for purposes of State taxation- carried upon call of the roll by 0 gena, On motion of the above, the'payment of the pay rolls for the week ending March first 1919 :Street Department $202.60, Repairs to brick streets $40:28, was approved upon , call . of the roll b 6 y . pea.. I, " Dr. P. A. Royer�I On motion of the above, the eum of $16 was ordered refunded to Dr. P. A. Royer -he P refund. , having-paid this amount on JanSuary 6'. 1919 for vbioh license #68 was issued to him to operate`: drug store,and having decidadnot to open, a drug store- upon call of the `I 9 roll by 6 Yeae . Refund to On motion of the above, that,the sum o!'$2.69 be refunded to Lula & Eunioe White...' � 1u]s &Ennio• � , White.- they having been erroneously assessed with a lot on Madison street west of 19th street at a valuation of. $140, we having found upon investigation that this was g.. double asseseaent• as the' property is question belongs to Mrs. Washburn and the • i rhave .taxes been paid on same by her- carried upon call of the roll.by B Yana. ' On motion of the above,.that•tine Mayor !b Oommiesioner of Finance be authorised to. Barr on. mons Y. I' . borrow from. the City Hationpl Bank of this city for :the use and benefit of the Olty of, 1 Paducah the sum of $60 000 at the rate o! 6 , �d per .annum, executing therefor.a note s _ the City of Paducah due July 6. 1919, and pledging as.aeourity for the { payment of saidi . note the taxes of said City for the par.1919- carried upon cull of the roll by 6 yens, C.O.Duvall bond; On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Chicago Bonding & Insurance Co. be •" ''�' released. r released from the bond of 0. 0. Duvall. as per the request of. said 'Company-"Mr.,Duvall '., being no longer in the Oity employment- carried upon call of the roll by 6yens., , s 6 Ed Sandere i Onmotion of the above, that the Chi. Bonding,& Ina. Co, be released on the'bond ' :, •:. bond released. of. Ed Benders. patrolman, as of Feb. 19, 1919, he having executed other good.and aooeptable bond in lieu thereof-.carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. fes' -.r"`r1'. '8'''i�..+� 1. .aC• •o� . •t+,T'�+r. ". �. `C( _ • �"7r�'.?�a�uk;.M+,v+c+4•a�5 •i''. •G �.,r� �•T•� �••4sf �1 Vwl.., ,. .. d 'Cy No.60 17 Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah March ad On motion of Mayor Borne, whereas under. date of. Feb. 80, 1919 and letter dated p Board of Education. II Feb. 149 1919, a Resolution of the Board of Sduostion was handed to Oom'r of Safety on Feb. 28th, moved that said Resolution and letter of J. T. Reddiok, Preet., of date Feb. l:: $ . t 14th and 20th, be received. d filed- oarried upon call of the roll by B yeas. "1 ti Member Bass lip was excused and left the meeting. ' Allowanoeto On motion of Mayor Buns, that S, S. Rushing -formerly of the Police Dept.- be H. H. Rushing: allowed $18 for expenses in taking prisoner to Louisville, Scott Collier. being the name .., �•,'j 1.,,;.,..•., of the prisoner, carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae,.Burns*, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll , p by the following voter Yoga, t, Bum Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. +x Gi ^Y S3'PROV_ ttr Ado ed- Chl C6^ March 6th, 1919.. {, At a called meeting of the. Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, held in t' N'`�• the Oomre' Chamber of the City Hall, on March 6tb,,1919, upon call of the.roll the following answered their namess Burns, Gardner,'Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge B. City sole On motion of Member Haselip, that the opinion of Jno. K• Hendriok, Oity Solioitom, � i� opinion in. y dated March 6th, 1919, upon the, question of givire notice to purchase the Paducah Water re. purchaseE Company property, be received, filed and oonourred.in- aarried upon oali of the noir by Water Works.'; the. following voter Yoga, Burne,.Raaalip, Tully and Wooldridge, B.- Bevy, Gardner- l..- ;;:'y:;;� Member.Gardner offered the -following motions That the not Los to the Paducah - Water ? ` Company as drawn up by the City Solicitor, be received and filed- S Reoeived a t Member Haselip offered the following amendments The t' -the motion of Member.Gardner filed Noticed � , to reosive and file the Notice to the Paducah Water Oo.,.presented by,ths.City, Solicitor �y A E� ." addressed, to 9 a Jno. B. Hendrick, .be amended by tabling said notice- some loot upon call of the roll.,, JJ 4 by'the following voles Yeas,Bareli and Tully, 2. A 1. water 00. p ly, ..Bay, Burne, Gardner and Wooldridge, S. The. motion as originally offered by Member Gardner oarried.upon call of the roti} by the following votes Yeas,. Barco, Gardner and Wooldridge,, 3. Bay, Harelip and Tully, 2. { s On motion the:Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the. following votes Yeas, Bane,. Gardner, Basel ip, Tully..aad.Woolarld1ge, B. �i 4r r' •!� 411: ' Y.rib'�:si±' s::n�7.::!,;i1:�Jt.l..,aL.'.yw'.;: .Ar. :�.:M. �i . :� uw�,.�:sF.'stwa nrre:n: ... ••1:.�'