HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 415, February 17, 1919t;.r7; km r., ?;.c. r. .A• s, -. it , �i,•• t i 22:1 P l , i �•ti., irry..oi-+ i ' ' .7� H Na. .ic }�tft+..or• .. i..�.ar.,.. .�•r rrnn++ , he" Commissionerrs Proceedings, City of Paducah February loth 1919r;Y On.motion'of Mayor Burns; that $E00 be appropriated to the Home Guards who Appropriations ?c'a have done police duty, in payment for police protection rendered, and that same be tj to Homs paid to, Howard Shelton, Treasurer, for disbursement to members of the.Home Guards Guards,, t who have performed services for the City during the year 1918- carried upon oall of .' the roll by 4 yeas., ''r`••`" :, , On motion. the Beard adjourned upon ball of the roll by ;the following votei '.;.. i J Use; Burne, Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge 4• "fir-.)=•�;OV �i'� ., f � Ad r d 191 J ery ' �,�•,�;i .a• .. ... CWC ., :v h February 1E, 1919. 6t a oalled meeting of the Board of Commiesionere held in the.Comrs Chamber of . the' City.Hall, Paducah, Ky.., on February 12, 1919, upon call .of the roll the followingf answered their named.e Burne, Gardner and Wooldridge* Richard B61 On motion of Member Gardner. that the request of Riohard'Bell for.use of the oity. ..,Y; V. . (:r> loa.04` city _grader for about a half day, he .to pay the grader man for such time, be granted- ,,: •,. 'grader.' y .carried upon call of the roll by'3 yeas. 4 .On motion the Board adjonrned.upon call of the. roll by the following votes Yeas,I +.; Burne, Gardner and Wooldridge- 3/ r Dd 1 �%nn1T1� FFFv0'V EDMANOZ �,. . FEBRUARY 17, 1919.' ; 2.F At`e regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs'.Chamber of the.City Hall, Paduoah, Ky., on February 17,1919, upon call of the roll the followin abr.r •, y an their namesi Burne,. Gardner and Tully- 3. nt4 On motion of Member. Gardner, the minutes of the meetings of February 10th.and 1Eth. 1919 were adopted as read upon cell of the rollby 3 yens. j On motion of '.QWor Burns, that the Illinois 'Oil Co. of Rook Island, Ill. be per - 111. r Ill. .011.O.o. r mitted to install oil tanks on Norton street on-vaoant-proporty adjoining said oompany!s oil tanks. in War ehouea 702-704 Morton street,,ovided it obtain usual building �. la' g permit from the ' ,•., Building Inspootor, eaid tanks to be ereoted.on property of He L. Mallory, and that. the request therefor' be received. and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeae:� i` Foreman Auto On motion of Member Gardner, that the. request of the Foreman Automobile Co. for ! N } oo. permitted ';• we of city' I'loan of city grader for one day, be granted, the said company to furnish power and men!{ grader. to operate same- carried upon call. of the .roll by 3 yeas.. ! . Cometory. doed On motion of Member Tully, that deed be executed to Fred Lowe for lob f90 in block `;' J .:: to Fred Lowe. � . JE, on the north aide of Baker street but. Ford & Hannan Ste., in Oak Grove Cemetery; he hay id therefor V, having pa a .efor into the treasury of as, evidenced by receipt r -•'i ±! herewith filed- carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeaee On motion of the above theayment of Riverside He ital'=I P sp mprovoment pay roll- amounting to $41, and of Street Dept. pay roll, -x141.42, for: the Weak ending Jan. 11, 1919; was "approved upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. a ' y On motion of the above, the payment of following .� � • ..; g pay rolls for. week ending Jana ;; •� ••`r i , i , 1919 was apYaovedt street Dept. $218.21, Repairs to Briok Streets $43:99, Riverside x� Hospital Improvement $100.62- upon call of the roll by 3 yeas: f L',i. .:v ir`!.hR �:'+�'. ,. ». Ji'• f r.,..-ry ,�.... i..'..y_ <:�_,,:.. -., ., ..,-.� j,nc L+'�' 1.: ,, a -. - .. `��� a Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah'_ Re,my lg 191. ' < it On motion of. Member Tully, the payment of the following pay toilet Street I -j II Dept. $238.90, Repairs to Brisk Streets 163.33, Riveraide Hospital Improvemant W.65. 'for the week ending Jan.' 25, 1919, was approved upon oall of the roll.by' :r+ the following votot Yeas, Burns, Gardner and Tully- 3. On motion of the above, the payment of the following pay rolls for the week ending Jan. 31, 19191 Street Dept. 0275.1P., Repairs to brink streets $67.64, was Approved upon oall of the roll by 3 yeas. On motion of the above, tba payment of the following pay roller Streets $246.33; Repairs to briok streets $65.22; Inoinerator $15, for the week ending • ` .` i Beb. 5,.1919, was approved upon oall of the roll by 3 yeas. On motion of the above, the payment' of the following pay rolls: Streets $224:41, Ralta to brisk streets $7P. op 39, Inoinerator $19.50, for the week ending Beby.16, 1919, was approved upon oall of the roll by 3 yeea. ,i:,� / ` On motion of the -above, the a000unto for the first half of January, 1919,. amounting to w7,969.09; were allowed and payment of-same.approved upon oall of the roll by.3 yeas. On motion of the above, the a000unts for the last half of January. 1919, ° ;1 amounting to $20,920.10, were allowod and payment thereof approved upon oall of the 1 roll by 3 yeas.. . Jag. M.Lang On motion of Member Tully, a oommunioation from Jae. 1.10 Lang, County JuQge, :. oommanioation.. i regarding. the enforoement of oertain ordinanoes, was reoeived and filed upon oall of the Troll by 3 yeas. fir.. Op motion of May or Burne, that the letter of the Sooty of the Interim Cs Soldiers' and _'I regarding the .ereotion of oommunity buildings as Soldiers' do Sailorel memorials; be y� Sailers', ' 'I" . 'referred to the Committee on Memorials, and .that the City Solioitor be inetruoted b, Memorial. render an opinion as to the legality of a hand issue to build a Temple of Liberty i( ,as a memorial to our soldiers and Bailors whioh would be used as a Convention Hall, yI. • gymnasium with lookers, and provided with general offioes for the different war . . r agonies, as well as olub rooms and faoilities for amusements to be used by the Hien f: of the servioo- o.arried upon oall of the roll by 3. yeas, v On motion the Beard adjourned upon oall of the roll by the follaiIng votes Yeae, Burns, Gardner and Tully- 3. 27 Al x .