HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 41, April 5, 19151 1 I ! L'+"y'C rt'tr,.. F-4•.. +,-t I C '.y Y l^' y , No: f Commissioner's Proceedings, City. of'Padaaeh' ®aril 6th 191 ` ! At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommleeionere. held in the Oouncii. j Chamber. of the City Hall. Paducah. Hentucky, on April 6th. upon Gall of the roll ' i the following answered their names s Burns, Basally. Wallace. Marton and • I Washington 6. i! On motion by Member Marton the minutes of the called meeting of April B. 1915. in regard to Claude Riley'e.gnast liquor lioenee, notion wae^resG4satsdwd upon same upon call of the roll by the.following vote : Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Marton Wallace and Washington - 6 On motion by the above. the minutes for meetings of March 89th, March BAtII and Slat were adopted as read' upon call of the roll by thi following vota: Yeas, y 2 Burne, Basally, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. p On motion by the above, the petition in regard to granting quart liquor license to Claude Riley on Bridge street was received and filed upon Gall of tbs. roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Baselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington -S ` P On motion by Member Wallace, that the petition dpd remonstrance in regard t` to quart.liquor aioenee of Claude Riley, .was referred to the Com. of Public Safety 1;' to investigate the signers of the petition in regard to their location and. ! . attitude pertaining to this matter, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas: Baselip, Marton and Wallace - S. Heye, Burns and Washington -8. a !I On motion.by Member Burne, the monthly report of the Chief of Polioe was received and filed, upon call of'the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Basally. Marton. Wallaoe and Washington - 6. ;4. On motion by the above. the monthly report of the Fire Chief was reoslvpd I• and filed, upon Gell of the Boll by the following veto: Yeas; Burns, Haselip, , Marton. Wallace and Washington.- 6. On motion by Mayor Haselip, the transfer of saloon license was granted „ from R. Call'sel. 1736 Meyera street, to 0. E. Miller at 301 Washington street, and bond aooe ed a on:call of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas, Burne, Hasellp.,Marton, Wallace, and Washington - 6. t Mr Wallace was eYoused for the balanoe of the meeting. ' On motion'by Member Marton, the monthly report of collections end disburse- menta by the auditor and treasurer was received and filed upon call of.the roll by the following vote:. Yens. Burne, Basally. Marton and Washington • 4. !'�►-+-^ �-•� On motion by the above. the financial allowance for ealarlea. etc., amounting to $16.671.16, was allowed, upon call of the roll by the following r s;! vote: Yeas. Burns. Haselip. Marton and Washington - 4. On motion by, the above. $3100. was allowed the Paducah Nater Co. ee per contract with the City of Paducah for this year, rental on 496 fire hydrants at the rote of $E6. per plug, was allowed upon Gall of the'roll by the following vote i Yeas. Burns, Basally, Marton and Washington - 4. On motion by the, above, Wm..Harnee .b Son was allowed $846.00, balenoe dw i per m ntraot, for improvements on Lhs Musket House, upon Goll of the roll by the following'vote: Yeas, Burne, Hasollp, Marton and Washington - 4. On motion by.the above, the City Clerk was empowered to appoint an aeolatant ' at the rate of $60. per month, to assist 1n making out the tat bills; upon o►11 c��ry A.' of the roll by the following votes Yess, Burns, Marton and Washington - 3, Bays Mayor baselip - 1. f r'y On motion by the above, that the Board of.Bupervleore be called in session Tuesday. April 20th. 1916, for one day only, carried upon Doll of the roll by ! '' .; . •,.;. J. ! the followingp t•.,:,';r, votes Yeae HPrns, Haseli and Marton •.S. Say.'Washington* 5 " i^ L�f t` - - ''yy 't�. �,-., 7^0: M+-+'-+q(.45: ,' }� +�°r ��� `� .4 a' r^ i".' rr �6h . a^•«-yq^�{��s . . 1 i. �4^ 2. wi' 4...J�_ FN, 4 A r��, J.: ♦iC /. ..lr. `0'41.:: ,1.>�, .. r}. <i,. t'a�� -�'": I. No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April 5 191-5 ,i%`" ; n_ On motion by Mayor Haselip, the communication from Mr. D. H. Hughes, relative to an alley between John Dean's ` Gt , B . Y properly and 8t. Mary's Academy �• r fi s`•' was received and filet upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae; Bnrno;. Haselip, Marton and Washington - 4. i.7','•; rr On motion by the above. a communication from W. T. 6ravee, Oity V K+. J Physician; in regard.to a bill amounting to41b.00 of Cora. Jones was received and ; f filed upon oall of the roll. by the following vote: Yeae. Burne. Haselip, Marton Y 'i - - and Washington - 4.c�3.,'"/ On motion b '.' y Member Washington, the bill from the Street Dept.;] for payroll week ending Apriltd,.not covered by ordinanoe and Paid by oeeh order. �,�..- • amounting to 4141.80, was received and filed,-upon call of the roll by the follow-.* i' ing votes Yeas, Burne, Haselip, Marton and Washington - 4. On motion by the above, a petition from Loeb-Bloom estate is; ` regard to hollow lands between 15th and 16th and Kentucky Ave. and Washington Sts.; i was referred to the Board of Supervisors, upon call of the roll by the following voter ,Yeae. Burne, Hoselip. Marton and Washington - 4.'c -- _ On motion by Mayor Haselip, that the Health officer, Linn;e salary be raised to $75.00 per month for the balanoe of this year, and that balance. r of salary not apportioned be drawn from the general contingent fund, carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Burne. Haselip, Marton and Washington-. `���fi- • r, !� On motion by Member Burne; the Mayor was instructed to e=eouts;. '•` contracts with the Marine Service, in regard to eiok and disabled seamen. carried`= peon call of the roll Ey the followigg votes Yeae. Burne, Haselip. Marton and Washington - 4. 4: On motion b the above the matter of repairing Y . p ag gasoline stations •-:: at 108 Broadway was referred to the Com. of Public Works for oamsideration upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Barns. Heaslip. Marton and f` •,.,,. Washington -'4. Y ,e.,•.,,,f, I On motion by Mayor Haselip, that Borth Piist street be strioken no from the motion referring to improvements of all streets in business district with) s < oonowete and removing brick therefrom, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Haselip; Marton and Washington - 4. On motion the Board adjourned.upon.oall of the roll by the r following vote:. Yeas. Barns; Haselip, Marton and Washington - 4. 1. BPPR VED city Uler� I