HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 406, December 30, 19181 1 1 Commissioner's Proceedings, Of Paducah n-anT*-y g+• 191 t I - i. 7 No•T Q .I 1� •.1Y 4 . . At s regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Coors' Chamber �! of the City Hall, Yadunah, Sy., on Dec.. 30, 1918, upon call of the roll the following answered their names i Burns, Gardner, Haeelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. �! On motion of Member Wooldridge, tine minutes of tue meeting of December 23, 1916 . were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Cumberland Telephone Co. j On motion of Member Gardner that the Cumberland Telephone Co. be requested to raiseswires. 1! raise its wires so that the ohvroh building being moved down 13th street near Langstaff �. Ave. can pass under the same- carried upon call of tub roll by 6 yens. a �. Hampton Ave. i On. motion of the. above, tigat tun request of petitioners residing on Hampton binder walk, Ave. be received and filed, and t,;at the Oom'r of Works be authorized and iratruoted,• .. to have cinder walks placed on Hampton Ave. from 12th to 13th at., in s000rdanoe 1 IIII i! with said petition, and remedy the condition mentioned- garried upon call of the i roll by 6 yeas. If Transfer lot ; On motion of Member Hasdlip, that deed from B. R. Harris to W. J. ObAU are and H: R. Harris IF to wife M. T. Childers, conveying 12 x 18 toot off the narthwest corner of loo 336 in B.J.Childere dt` wife Lt. T. biock.21, in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratifted,.and that said transfer be recorded .in Childers. P Cemetery Dae& book, ae:per the written request of B. R. Harris herewith filed- parried upon call of the roll b ti Y Yens. Hansa & Selby f On motion of .the above, t,ist tine aommuniostioa from. Hanes & Selby, in regard communication.` to J. H. Hightower deed for lot -in Oak Grove Cemetery, be received and filed- oarried': upon bell of the roll by 6 yeas. Close Market On-motion of the above, that the petition -from butonare and beach holders on house8:00 Sat. nights. !, ttu Cit Market saki Y . ng that the market be closed at eight o'clock on Saturday nights instead of nine o'clock, during the months of January and February 1919, be f s received filed and concurred in- carried upon call of the roll b Y.b yeas..- Applications r .. On motion of the above the applications or W. 0. Houseman SlwooAfloel.and- ,., for position } St. Inspootor., Robt. Mitchell for the position of Street Inspector, were reosived,and filed upon . call of the roll by 6 yeas. T.Was Troutman On motion of Member Tully, umereas, 0. L. VanMeter was appointed.assee®r for appointment �, ratified. the year 1918 and deolined.to accept the position, and J. We a•.Troutman was appointed j, assessor in hie stead and began hie duties on Oct. 12th, at a salary of.*100 par., E month, to be charged to the contingent fun&, fust the appointment of J. Was Troup ;nr; . as assessor for the year 1918 be ratified- carried upon call of the roll by 6 7868. ` Cemetery deed On motion of too above, teat deed be ezeouted to Conner Olvene for lot 26 in former Givens block f3 on the Hast aide of Hank street between Ford & Hannan etreete, in Oak -Grow Cemetery, he having paid therefor into,the City treasury the eum of $60, as per, receipt herewith tiled- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas: ; Cemetery Deeds On motion of the above that deed be executed to J. F..L ch for lot 89 is . Ya • J.F.Lynoh. Y block $2 on the north side of Baker street, between Ford & Hannah streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery $30 having been paid therefor into the City treasury as evidonoed r by -attached rooeipt- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese. Cemetery deed,' On motion of the above, that deed be.exeouted-to We. Nellie Blue for lot Mrs. Nellie ;.. Blue. #61 in block $2 on east side of Miller St. bot. Ford & Hannan $te. in Oak Grove Cemetery, the sum of 030 having been paid therefor into the City treasury as per. p " attached rooeipt- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yese. Cemetery deed On motion of the above, that deed be executed to G. A. Radford family for - G.A.Radford family. lot ¢32 in block $2 on Millor street, east aide, bet. Ford & Hannan Ste., in Oak • Grove Cemetery, ry, ,•0,30 having boon paid therefor into the City treasury as attached: '`; ,• rooeipt- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yese. . \_., _• . ya+ A.� ♦ �(+ f - - •'' h•CGN �t "41`Yr+.•rtt^i�•�.�K• S { i.ryt .a. .! .,,;, +i' .i .:.nv"'�`?' R'"w"�t , ,rc _r,„ f-:I:'• ^, i'�•`'u '' �"`M a .nom.....; r 'rr .. �.. ^' -- r w r �a � •su,�.tti-i2r"c'�"•"'-'r .. W. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah noeamt,a= cath 191e_ { >''. Cemetery•deed On motion of Member Tully• that, deed be eseouted to W. V. Bailey for lot $33 in — W.V. Bailey block $2 on the south aido. of'Miller'Ste bet. Bard & Hannan Ste., in Oak .Grove Cemetery, i-_f`r . the Bum of $30 having been paid.into the City tresaury therefor ae per attached receipt- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. +.'•> On motion of the above, ,hat payment of the Street Dept. pay roll for the week ending- Dec. nditgDeb. 28, 1918, amounting to $140.99, be approved- oarried upon call of the roll by-6 yeas: . 1 Refund poli On motion of the above, that the sum of $1.80, poll tax paid on bill $707 of lase ' tax to Jas. 'f. Conroy, be refunded, as he. is not a resident of this city but lives in Graves County- carried upon call of the roll.Dy, 8 yeas. Refund toood.Boaal On motion o! the above thad r,a 5 ,. $4.74 be refunded .to'0.. 0. Beasley,' Lha amount �'•;. paid on tax bill #265, se he in a non-resident of this city and was at the time the Aor U., paid ' F r seseeement was given in;for him by J: W. Beagle carried upon call of the roll by-5 J.BeliOn motion of Member Gardner,:Lhat.Lhs claim of J. Bell Gardner, contractor on Tenn. ' Gardner slsini'' Btrest Sewer, be refuead. until the work is completed according to the contract and s` agreement- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board ad burned n on oall ofthe roil by the following votes Yeae '.,• Burne, Gardner, Hiselip, Tully and Wooldridge= S. R �'•r; : �'4 4 ry r January 2. 1919. t,r''• ' AL a balled meeting of the Board of Commissioners held.in the Coaire' Chamber-of s, %he City Hall ;Paduoah, Ky..'on January E, 1919, at 4"i16 P. Me, upon.oall of the roll the following answered their namees Burne, Gardner, Raselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 8. + On motion o! Member Gardner that the Com'r of Worke be instructed to eee + city purchase'• •. doh Ford oar for n H p a Ford oar for use of the Cit L ht Plant ata cost: of $643.76 lees. 100 to be Pity Light Y ig . • $ Paid'. yir, [ Plant. U ; for old oar taken in part payment, carried upon call of the roll by the following votes ff, t Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge, 4. Ray,.Raselip, ApplioatIons � On motion of the above. that .the applications of David D. Atchison, Boyce .for position ti' Borryman, W. 0. Houseman, Jno. •M. Slaughter, Harvey Be Allen, Robt. Mitchell, R. Ber+' a':.: of St. Insptr. r f, Johnson, Levi Brion, John Katterohn, F. H. Smedley and W. T. Goodman for the position of Street Inspector, be received snd`filed- carried upon can of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, that the appointment of David D. Atohieoh.ae..Street Z; David D. • :?, Atchison Inapeotor, be'approved- oarried upon call oY_tho roll by the following voter yeas'. .appointed St.`; , Burne, Gardner and Wooldridge, .3. Membersg. , Tally and Harelip not votin. Inepootor. + On motion of Member Hareli that the a ointment of Mrs. Gala Martin as Su .� Appointment of Acre. Gels of Rirereide Hospital by the Com'r of Property be ratified- oarried upon call of the Martin Supt. r £of Riverside.: roll by 6 yeas. Il�ri.'•'�" Mrs.D.Kennedy On motion of the above, that.the appointment of Mrs. D. Kennedy as night. eppointefl q supervisor at Riveraide Ho. ital at a salary of $78 per month b the Com•r of Proper Night Super g 8P . Y P • y y Rivergide be ratifiedeor at - carried upon call. of the :ell by 8 yeas.,, Hospital.. F; Dr. Ie bell On motion of Mayor Burns, that.,the appoU%laent.ofADre 4%9l1 as assistant City appointodi' . •n v ; Aset. City Physioian, be ratified- carried upon call of the+roll by.8 yeas. t Physician. ! On motion. of the above the resignation of the Sun Publishing Co. as otfieial Sun Pub.-Co. ' resignation newspaper, was accepted ll o! the roll a'• r o. & accept upon ca On motion of the' above, a RESOLUTION designating the Hews-Demoorat to the Howe-Democrat. ` aesiOnnted official newspaper o! the Oity'of Paducah, was given its passage upon call o! the roil off feisl pa _ newspaper# by the foiiowing•votet Yeae, Burne, Raseiipe'Tully & wooldridge- 4.. Member Gardner Y�r.� Sc•ti ", r+ `.i;: j, not votingi4