HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 403, December 16, 1918nfi� a_ ' Y� , M,. 1 Fp 1 ��`'"� Irir►: a 4? .. .Y ` 3 y ,' ' .Y .. •i w:.A•i �}•�'--1.�., +..,,.:.,-•i\ .2rC•.�: � . ,. - "r.� •- ..,.:...-:.at.'t^ t. :r-1.•.`.. `? tL"",.As .. _ f" • ' �' � _ _:�a..:::.+....`:.J .A:r::i:.:.L.c- . iµ....1:. 'i: �_:.:.,.:+i . ---.•i... ..........as t , i Commissioners Proceedings, City. of Paducah Macomber ,A 1918: .• �. i At a r egnlar.meeting of the Board of Oommissionere heli in the Comte' chamber of ' the C1 Hall, Paducah,. .. • p ' City lip on Dec.Deo. 18 1918 upon Dell of the roll the followhg 3r. answered their names Burns, Gardner. Haselip. Tally and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of. Member Haaelip; the minutes of the meetings held on December 9th ~ •1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. r, Oompany B, On motion of Member Gardner, that the. State Guards, Company "B", be allowed the a state Guards'.`r N use city muse of city teams free of oharge. to deliver charity coal in ten bushel iota to worthy` ..C;, teams 'a p . _0` { deliver obarit persons. in need of-same- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. �•,. coal. On motion of the above, o. B. ardcontractor. ner. conracor. for work on that the bill JBO ibill for work Tenneeeee street sewer, be referred to the Com'r of Public Works and.City Solicitor gg on Tenn. St. Eati;c newer. for report at the next meeting- said bill being for the amount of $664.60- carried upon call of the roll by.6 yeas. �. Z. On motion of Member Tully, that the accounts for the last half of November. 1918„ }.+�E•, . rtSrr\ti amounting to $38.608.82, be allowed and payment of same approved,•and that the.repor0 vo thereof of Com'r of Finance be received and file6 carried upon can of the roll by 6 yeas. f I. On motion of the above, the report of.Comtr of Finance of .receipts and disbareeme6ke ir,4. 4 a for November 1918 was received, filed and ordered published in the official newepapsr,l + upon call of the roll by 6.yeae.j On motion of the above, the payment of Street Deptp pay roll for repairs on Driokl r� streets, for week ending Dec. T. 1918, amounting to $87..46, was approved upon call �s • . ; t• the roll by 6 yeas.. On motion of the above, the payment of Street Dept. pay roll for woek ending, r Dec. 7, 1918, amounting to $213.66, was approved upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. f On motion of the stove. the payment of Street Dept. payroll for week ending 11e0.1 a 14, 1918. amounting to $216.42, was approved upon call of the roll by 6 yeas., t x' On motion of the above, the payment of street Dept. pay roll for repairs on r trick streets for week ending Dec.* 14, 1918, amounting to $22..23, was approved upon '. { r y 6 yeas. call of the roll b tY+" k On motion of the above. the payment o f, pay roll `for work done in Patrol house for ... %U;ip, weak ending Dec.. 14, 1918, amounting to $16.94, was approved neon call of the roll by. y e r . , 8 yoga. fV i; F;o� Delinquent On motion of the above. the report of Com'r of Finance of sale of property for tax sale.ti . delinquent taxes was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ' In. re, alleged Member Gardner read a report of.findings in the investigation of.alleged irrsgu e irregularities Street De t. f� P_ � laritiee of the Street Department and.moved that same be tiled se the judgment of the ,..,• Board in eaid matter- said motion lost, not reosiving a second. St. Dept. On motion of Member Haselip. that it ie'the 'sense of the Board that groes mia- i ASI: alleged management of the affairs of the Street Dept. bas been.developed under the motion of+ irregularities. §i,• Oom'r Tully to investigate same; and that the aharges.'againat B. W. Mooney,.street >'`-' 1 yl. � - + Inspeotor,-as to irregularities in the issual and cashing of oheoks of Carl Priddy. Oed. Meadows and T:'J. sanders. together with the .sending of city employees to work far ,• private individuals, and the removal of city property tram the city, be sustained '` eame.lost upon call of the roll by the following voted Yeas, Haselip and Tally, S. . s Nay..Burne, Gardner and Wooldridge. 3. � eefWg6duccaen °f On.motioa of Member Gardner, igpa that the restiotfpt P. W,.Mooney; Street a8oepted. Y Inspector' be accepted- carried upon call of the =011 by the followd vote: Yeas Burne P . °P ng . Gardner. Tully and Wooldridge.. 4. Hay, Harelip, 1. i c ,.��.. On motion the Boar¢adjourned upon call of the roll by the following .vote:.Yeas. \B ,Gardner,, Haselip, Tully and Wooidridgem 6. - 3 WAYOXr .. :. ri �%. j1.. , .i ,. ^ ..• . .. ,..;A,Fu., , ° t. u •;C .:.. _.: .. , J' . J A,_ _ ,:r.: ;'. t