HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 391, November 4, 1918��, y�,.,+ � ,>z+q^ P'C;:�>.ge� .n-y�'-'S"'"."n ;"'M'^y}T:,�dR!_��. y�_'rilr4..�k-ri"'�'..tF'y�,�R"n�•4-c'v�w Ajr�a``°'�Y `y'' �"K"'' �i',r�7rY-;�'tr„Y'�R,. .� r k.: ;''. � - _ 171.. „ •ta '` ._. _.. ... •' r No. J x Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November a 1918 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber of the ;,. City Bail, Paducah, Ky. on Nov, 4, 1918, upon call of the roll the follow ;. •{`' ing answered . their names: Burns. Gardner, Haselip. Tully and Wooldridge- 6. On motion of 'Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of October 28th and 29th. 1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Telephone On motion of Member Gardnar, that as the Government has taken charge & control of the i. Operators' ,. salary. telephone companies, if it is-found correct that the telephone operators are only i getting $26 to 430 a month, .that the Mayor be Instructed to write the proper authorities at Washington in an effort to.get an increase in salary for the operators- carried upon !� ' call of the roll by 6 yeas. r I I.C.R.R. On motion of the above, the t:the protest of the Illinois Central R. Re employees . employees . protest to h .against the proposed ordinance providing for a work card system in Paducah, be recoived''_'.,'`` Work Card ay Ord. 9h, and filed- carried upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas. j ry•. On motion of Member Tully, the report of Com'r of Finance of accounts for the last! . half of October was received & filed; and said accounts allowed and ordered peld. upon ' h call of the roll by 6 yeae. On motion of the. above, the report oY Com'r of Binanoe of receipts & disbureemeate i .. .-for the month of Ootober•1918 was received'& filed & or&ered published in the official ,newspaper, upon Dell of the :roll by 6 yeas. , On motion of the above, the payment of pay roll for employees of Riverside improve- tt I ` '• ' ment, amounting to $26.50. for week anding' Nov. 2, 1918. was approved upon call of the F . I ' f roll by 6 yeas. ;. ) P Mre.Anna Boz r. .,Cemetery Deed.' i ' On motion of the above, that deed be granted to Mrs. An Foz to lot 82 in block 2; south aide of Miller St. between Ford & Hannan Ste., in Oak Grove Cemetery, she having paid therefor the sum of $30 as per treasurer's receipt herewith attached- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. �'• 1 Mre.Ca'llle Alls On motion of the above that deed be granted to Mrs. '3allis Alls to lot 98 in block '�• cemetery ,deed., , A 2i on north site of Ford St. between Miller & Baker Ste., in Oak Grove Cemetery; she yhaving paid threYor the sum of 00 as per "treasurer' s receipt herewith attached- , carried upon call of.the roll by 6 yeas. I. Mrs.Nanni* On motion of the above, that deed be granted,t• Mrs. Nannie Crawford to lot 13 in Crawford- cemetery deed.` in Oak Grove Cemetery block 2 on the east side of Miller St. between Ford & Hannan streets/ she having paid ;.' therefor the gum of $25 as per treaeurer',e receipt herewith filed- carried upon call ct k the roll by 6"yeas. R. C. Wallace On motion of the above, that deed be. granted R. 0. Wallace to lot 93 in block 2. on cemetery doe&.,, in Oak Grove Cemetery north side of Ford St, between Miller.& Baker Sts,,,( he having paid therefor the Sum of; .i $30 as per treasurer's receipt herewith filed-'Xiriepon'0a11 of the roll by 6 yeas: l: ' A. F. Hart On motion of the above, that deed be granted to Ae F. Hurt to lot 6 in block 1, on I �... ' cemetery deed. South gide of Hsnnan 8t., between Stewart.& Baker at-jets. in Oak .Grove. Come tory, k he having paid therefor the sum of $40 as per treasurer's receipt herewith filed- g r carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeass r` John Smith On motion of the above, that deed be granted to John Smith to lot 31 in block 2, on .: .:cemetery deed: in'Oak Grove Cemetery south Side of Hannan Ste, between Baker & Miller Ste.,( treasurer's reoeipt for.$30 in ' payment thereof being herewith filed- oarrled upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. �! ' R.R:Osborne. ,d On motion of the above that deed be , granted to We R. Osborne to lot 99 in block 2, € `.. cemetery fleefl. on the north site of Ford Ste between Miller & Baker Ste'., in,Oak Grove Cemetery, treasurer's receipt for $40 In payment thereat being herewith file d- carried upon Dell of the roll.,by q 6 yeas. y �,•L r+��t. ,a: ''.r ^ p. ti ..i'i ,1 . , st . 't� .i, a "t k.' � � .a ;a � ��� ` i. `7x --- - ,. ' .. .,�: ..... .. , • ...,_ �k'.r. __.._ ��..., �� .., . , , .�, _. is _. �. _ f� 7' 6 tc , .ci,. `•„ V:" ... :V._ �.'�'1.4,'i:4%,,: "�,S'.. .x.a'. , i n ,.. 1.:..liy' e r ,.,;v. vs.V' .�. ,-. rr1..Y.,:e ..1v1,4:.,.4,?P,.,!.i:..7 JI: t E ' - _ n..-.._..^..tomy.r.'•it£ �r;W y +';'Fv s'�"'�.�,,�y'?'S� :''T t�.. .Y �ai� •'ri4 1 '-+ `" +r1" ,*, ; n. ' •i'.j'.':':�C. + s s,�ti `�Jt;+- r , . ,i�r"1?i� 'x[ti'y�3ii �CrT+Y�6'Rh� 7'+,�%r' i• r ' r a F. ' , t 1 Commissi6ner'8 Proceedings, City of Paducah October 29th 1919 (• At an adjourned meeting of the Board of. Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber, r f of the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky.,;on October 29, 1918 at ten o'olook A. M., upon.call " of the roll the following.answered,their names: Burne;.Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and , + R Wooldridge- 6. _ On motion.of Member Gardner, that the Reoeiver of the Paducah Traction Co. be re Fisherville �! quested to operate four oars instead of three on the south 6th and Cemetery linea, so and as to give the oitisene of Paducah lb min. servioe onsaid lines; also that the :... Cemetery oar r Reoeiver be requested to so arrange the sohedule on theee two lines -as to make oon lines nootione at 6th and Broadway with the oar going to the river- said motion Me tabled ii for want of.a s000nd. y I' On motion the Board adjourned until four o.'olook P. M. of this date, upon oall of the roll by the follordng vote: Yeas,,Burns,.Cardnor, Hazelip, Tully, & 17ooldridge�651 •'' LIE ay a;k bL,xl1LGN ' ! October 29th. 1918. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber < > j of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., October 29th, 1918,'at four o'olook P. M., upon Dell of the roll the following answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Harelip, ?ally, and I, Wooldridge- 6. On motion of ilember, Gardner, that oertain aogounte, aggregating $2602.38, for s Tenhoseee St, • �� material used in construction of the Tenn. St. sewer, be 41lowed and ordered paid, .Sewer- � .1; ,same to be charged to' the special sewer fond- carried upon call of the roll by the, accounts following vote: Yeas, Burns; Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Haselip &,Tully- 2.' allowed. � On motion of Mayor Burns, the rules requiring threeJaye service of copies of ' ij ordinances before meeting, were saspen&ed upon oail of the roll by'B yese. Ordinance : On motion of the above, AN ORDINANCE.REGUiATING THE PRESCRIBING THE MANNER AND t City Taxes. „ TIME OF COLLECTION OF CITY TABES, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION T EREOP. was given its passage Upon Call of the roll by 6 yeas. 1 Traotion Co., g On motion.of the above, AS ORDINANCE TO AL%ND AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANOa Franohise Amendment !!. PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF A FRANCHISE AND PRIVILEGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING, " ( abandoning Fieherville (+ OPERATING AND LIAINTAINING AN ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY OVER CERTAIN STREETS IN THE Line. CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF.COIINiCILLIEN ON THE 4th DAY OF MARCH,', � 1911, AND APPROVED? BY THE MAYOR Oil THE 3d DAY. OF OCTOBER, 1911, was given its presage.; upon call of the roll.by the following vote: Yeae, Burne, Harelip, Tully, and 1 p. Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. hOn motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote: f Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- b. ,. 1 Adopted c i u� -r " t p 0.A, '� '�"";^, ..r�'�Jj*T� ..•,r,`�'? .�..«.. .._ .:a..::,.c .""T . ";,*S ifi'^^-_`i'ti3'."..i" •3,•.;'."•s!v^,i"IT.0-.�,r' '..t.F'"J'S: .�'T'�'�r'c�;a Ne Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Ito saber 4th On motion of Member !ally, the payment Of Meet Depte pay roll for the week ending NOT' s, 19181 amounting to $198-70, ws approved sspon Gall Of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- S. Le Be Bagga On motion of Xember Wooldridge, ,that the saloon 1106me of L. Be Ragan be saloon license transferred to transferred to Prank Jennings, at the saw locations 118 S. 4th St., in accordance j Prank Jennings. with request of L. B. Ragan herewith filed- earried upon call of the roil by b yeas. Polis- poweri On motion of the above, that polios power be granted to P. A. Thompson as j granted P. B- special patrolmen of the I. 0. R. R. CO.. upon the erioution of the usual bond in Thompson. the amount of $1,000, hs to Got without any salary or pay from the City- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas - Labor Card Ord. On motion of Mayor Burns that the Y - proposed ordinance providing for the tabUd. issuance of labor cards, be tabled- carried upon oall•of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of'the roil by the following vote, i Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hare lip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. 11 4Y hLlXl,►:C i November 6, 1918. t It a oalled meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomrs' Chamber of i the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on November 6, 1918, upon call of the roll the following, answered their names: Burns, Gardner. Hasolip. Tully, and Wooldridge, 6. On motion of Member Tully, the Paducah Board of Trade was allowed the non of Lllownee to Board of Trade. $800 for advertising the City of Paducah, and the Com'r of Pinance was inetruoted to i pay said amount, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas - On motion of the above. the report of the Com'r of Pinanee regarding the sale of i Chle,St.L.iPad. $70,000 refunding bonds, was received and tiled- and the action of the Com'r of Produce B.R. bonds - in selling $70,000 thirty -year -6% refunding bonds for the eum of per plus $616. the rifcnding. cost of the bonds. attorney's lee, and accrued interest if the bonds are not ready for delivery Dec. 1, 1918, to the Pifth-Third National Bank of Cincinnati, 0. was approved upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns. Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. Nay. Gardner- 1. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yoas, j i Burns, Gardner, Harelip. Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. �j�D • _ _ _ dam-„-� i 1