HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 384, September 20, 1918' _ Y•�+� ilk - ' H) nt �-a r se+r v i- cw � FBF-',!7xfl"a�. •rr x , ,'� :;r+,. t ,, �r r i. � }7 �/..., �r� .�. a... .. I - -- - • i�xtL«K"'iTY�i"��= �� r=�'r+"ih' a 7 n' f 1 , { t i '�+�- ^r ^�.h ,eW f.Sa+�.e; ,4r ,N,Y T• rlro .1 N II Commissioner's Proceedings, 2!�r of Paducah Saptembor 16th iyie it a regular mooting of the Board of'Oommiaelonera field in the Oomra' Ohubar 's of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on September 16, 1916, upon,oall of the roll the following answeredtheir names; Burne, Gardner, Haaelip, and Wooldridge- 4. ' Onmotion of Uember Wooldridge. the minutes of the meeting held on September 9, 1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 4 yoga, On motion of the above. the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in an ordL j � parking n li nanaa prohibiting automobiles or vehicles. of any character stopping or pariirg on is i. prohibited.. either. side of Broadway from First to.9lzth street but' m villin that p g persona may y Stop in said boundary for temporary purposes, not ezoeedirg ten minuted; and provid- a Ing a fine of not lose than five nor more than twenty dollars for each ofiease- upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion of the above that the Oily Solialtor's opinion rith reapso to,pgyim Pad. Water Co. " i' Dill for water �� of bill of Pad. Water Co. for $96.66, for water furnished cont reotor in the can - construction in ' construction of atruotion of the Tennessee Street sower, be received and filed, and that in pursuance Tenn.. at. 9e*er.,; �(i of said opinion, the Paducah Water Co. be allowed said snm of 396.66, eoc!e ID to .pa 7d , I from the special aewer.fund- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote] i G Burns, ns, ardner, and iooldrid e - ,F + g 3. Hay, Hnzelip, 1., Insurance rates -I; On motion of Uayor Burne, the communioations of Ky. Actuarial Bureau and Insuranoe Dept. of KY.. Batting forth requiromente as to nes rates, aere.reoeived end filed upon call of the roll D 4 n Y yoga. ( Pad. Cooperage i' On motion of the above, a resolution holding unohanged by any noting of the. Co.. fence,' �! Board of Commissioners the status of the title.of certain property on Ueyere street .. l where the Paducah Oooperage Co, has erected a fenoe- woe Riven its paee.ege on cell,' •l .+' of the roll by 4 yeas. .0 . n motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the rolli)y the following voter ,p !'Yeae. Burne, Gardner, Hazel 1p. and Wooldridge- 4. cy �,uy -MAYl1E: September 20, 1418. INN Ata called meeting of the Board of Gommiesionere held in the Oomra! 0hamber uf l the City hall, Paducah. Ky.. at 11;30 A. li.. on Sept. 20,.1918, upon call of the roll . the following answered their names; Burne, Gardner; Haaellp, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6 On motion of i(amber Tully, the report of Com'r of Finance for the first half.of 8 S September was received and filed, and said aocounte, amounting to 45,464.66, allowed :.. and ordered paid upon call of the roll by 6 yoga. Purchase On motion of the.above, the action of Oom'r of Finance In purohoSing Street " Street bond. Improvement Bond 199, rue approved upon oull of the roll by 6 yeoe. Oametory deed II On motion of the above, that deed be executed to R. T. Dallas for lot 97 1n R. T. Dallas i block 2, on the south Bide of Uillor street between Ford and Hannan etreete, In Oak Grove Cemetery, he having paid therefor. into the treasury the sum of o40, as evidenced by.reooipt hereto attached- ceirried upon call of the roll by b yoga. =, cemetery dead ^i On motion of the above, that deed ba executed to J. W. Uadden for lot ;4 ,GO In J.U.Uadden : •. G block 2, on the south side of Utllor etroeY bat. Ford and Hannan streets, in'Qui 'Grove Cemetery, in aauordanoe with Treueuros's receipt. -for Thirty dollars hereto' :'• I; , �. attached- oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Additional On.motion of Uayor. Burne, that the County Court Clerk, Gus G. Singleton. Registration. nR, b! I,w Instructed to hold the regular additional regletrutlon on the thirdneed �V'''''•, T ay in October as, required by ordlnaaoe, carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. :; = l � 77 j • ,., '� .'J-•-- .. ;"f*.:SC{v�'Sg2tjZ},P,1S,'jj3-,.;:;t .............. ...a s.'::lc�..-,av�.�:vr-sir.-rtir.m.: ,�..._, �, ,,•.�v�y t. Pk-.;;� ,:iicS•!.i:.»-ds"l'.fi.'v'7c�zs lr-•F.,. -.X t.,Cy.� '-. _ t -� �,,. , i.-•. .. [; r,av� �. .. �'1.-.i....-a.... .....e1.L ..r" -..v ... ...+-:.�1_. .-.L��. - .....♦ ...,..... ....,[.J.f. �_��. t '.211 - ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Sept. EOth 191—i continued `. I Oommittee .,on motion of.Momber Wooldridge,that Mayor Burne and Fire Chief Glynn be appointed to go to 1 Lonieville- committee to go, to Louisville with the oommittea from the Board of :rade to confer with to adjust insurance the Insurance Board in regard to adjusting insurance rates in Paducah; their expenses to " rates..: be charged to the contingent fund- carried upon call of the roll by 6. yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following yeast Burne,' Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6.Adc `. - 4.- cut ci.i 9LYTFIBER 23. 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comret Chamber of the 0ity Hall, Paduoah,'Ky., on:Sopt. 23, 1918; upon oall.of the roll ;the iollowipg - :.•,,,• aneworod.thoir name: Burne, Gardner, Tully,: anr Wooldridge- 4.: On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings .of Septeober.'16,'1918 and Both, vioro adoptod ae road 11pon call of tho roll by.4 yoac. ; On motion of Momber Tully; the payment of the Street Department pay roll for the ,r weok ending Sept. 21, 1910, amounting to X177.71, time approvod upon call of the.roll .- by 4.yeas. r, On.motion of.Member Wooldridge, AN ORDINAHOB PROHIBITING VI•,1•IICLES OF ANY CHARAO Parking of atitomobiloe FROM PARKING -ON EITHER SIDE OF BROAD,'IAY WT.41'LN FIRST AND SIXTH STREETS. U. THIS CITY d. vehicles prohibibed OF PADl10AH, KENTUOKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF SANE viae given'its.paeeage. on Bdway s upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following voter Yeas Burne Gardner Tull and:1'looldri . y. Wooldridge- 4. a` SEPTEMHER S0, 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber of. I.. . the Oity Hall, Paducah, Ky. on Sept. 30, 1918, upon call of the roll the following p answered their namees Burne, Gardner, Tally, and Wooldridge- 4: �. On motion of Member Tully, the minutes of the meeting of September 23, 1918 were "� %`• adopted upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. f. Tenn'. St. On motion of Member Gardner. That.the'report of pity engineer of final settlement q. Bower. on Tennesees street sower bereceived and Sited, and that the, -eum of 484O.40 be. allowed and paid the contractor J. B. Gardner, in, acoordanoe with said report and reoomm®dation, said amount to be charged to. the.speofal sewer fund carried upon Dell of the roll by 'the following votot Yeae, Burns, Gardner, and Wooliridge- 3. Say, -Tally -.1 On motion of.Member Tully, the payment of the Street Department pay roll,Yor the.wesk is ending Sept. 28, 1918, amounting to $204.23, wag approved upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.'•' On motion the Board adjourned upon call -of the roll b 'the following votes Yeas • ( ', 4 .. Burns, Gardner, Tally, and Wooldlidge- 4`. era a�f� :z.:..►,%� - ,,, ,t<saxoa.