HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 364, June 3, 1918. .•til • i.:.�',�'^.}lel�'1U L�'CT4Drl��M W ,' ' •:�;cd o �i.�i`m'- .c.n1t-'� �•1.rfR'C.'edC`••�:'la.�,F�'`•.et?J'N"l-'Y ;Gt'i'�rl:'rMr �T* � �'�Y:..�•14�ig� rf 1+ ��Z�,. + i t't- _ r.^s t:`-.._s.ia'- ieStr4a t + r e,r, i.,,,. ,{�r..+y3-d 4 r <a tt. �+fUr;�."i to ..-iTc .Cr.�. :u's,L v '-�1'!,j• . �..+--'r..r i .. • Ly t "•w.atia.c.• 'ik' r ��..-:.�L....,.L�y< ^1,t ,•+� _ice. ��..., 1 Commissioner's L,%`.."'t..'I'?•'''••''i�,.".QLtMM1•IT=¢Peryi $^F4...f.,y:•'7.�., ` . 'No -J4 t redinds, Citv of Paducahy E7t1± 191 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomre' Chamber' of the City Hall, Paduoah' ISy., on May 27, 1918 upon call of the roll the following • answered their names: Burne, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- B. On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of May 20th, 21st and 22d were adopted as read upon call of the roll by fi yeas. On - I� motion of.Mayor Horns, the rules.requiring 3 days service of oopiee of ' ordinanoes and resolutions before meeting, wore tomporarily suspended upon oall.of the roll by 6 yeas. Storm Water On motion of the above,that the recommendation of Com'r Gardner to award Sewer Tenn. St.I contract to build the storm water sewer from 8th 6 Jones -to Tenn. St. to the River, s to J. Bell Gardner, be reoeivad, filed, and oonourred in- same carried upon oall of r jthe fall by the following voter Yess, Burne, Gardner, Haaelip, and Wooldridge- 4. ' Nay, Tally- 1. Resolution On motion of Member Gardner. a Resolution awards the contract z i . awarding t to J. Bell • . } awarding Jona tract to J. Bell 1' Gardner to oonstrdot sewers from 8th & Jones to Tenn., . themwn e doTenn. -St. to the ' .h Gardner to con- struot sewer. river.,.and-instruatind the Mayor to enter into oontract with said Gardner for the ' 1 oonetruotion of said sewer in a000rdanoe with plans au"peoifioatione, was given its .passage upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Go rdner,.ead r Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Haselip'and Tully- 2. , On motion of Member Tullythe I�•' payment of the Street DopE..pay roll for the wk d ens May 1918 amounting . � � M 26 . � B t o x191.03, was npprovod upon call of the roll 'by 6 YOU ih<ohange hype On motion oY Mayor Dtsrns, that the Oom'r of 9nfety be nuthorlaed to exoheago an writer at b'ire• A Station 41. ..Oliver typewriter at Fire Station #1, with Frank Moore, for a Royal maohine, and pay the difference of 'y30 for said Royal - oarried upon pall of -the roll b ' t 9a P y fi Yens. ` �_�,• , s. P. & Igranted On motion of the above, A RESOLUTION GRA11TI11G THE PADUCAH &ILLINOIS RAILROAD j ti�nsion on of COMPANY AN EXTEIISION OF TIU TO BEGIN IN GOOD FAITH THE 00113TRUCTIOH OP CERTAIN DETOTSI IH THE CITY OF PADUCAH, was givon its pa seaga upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. ' On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of tho roll by.the following votes Yoas, Burns, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and WooldridUo- 6. ED Adopted June 3. 1918. �• At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiseionere held in the Comrs Chamber. of the City Hall, Paduooh,.Ky. on June 3, 1818, upon cell of the roti the following answered their names Burne , Gardner, Haaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- On motion of Member Wooldridge,' the minutes of the regular mooting.held on •� May 27th 1918 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 1 Williams' oervioes On motion of Member Haaelip, that.the services of Mr. Williams in taking, care 4 1 dispensed with h Joe Ylllliasme of the City Hall elevator be dispensed with, and that Joe Williams. be required to services and nal ary inoroaaod. j perform said services, and in consideration of same that he be given a raise of five dbllare per month- oarried-upon call of the rol]:•by 6 yeas. *•;payment of the ..'''...-• •:. . On motion of Member Tully, the/ Street Department pay roll for the week an i _ May 31, 1918, amounting to $198.36, was approved upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. j... Kre.0.W.Lewis I On motion of the above, that deed be exeoutod to Mrs. C. W. Lewis for lot 177 Cemetery deed. in Block 1 Oak Grove Demeter said lot bei . . y, ng on Ford 8t., north sida,.Detween Stewart m Baker streets, she having paid therefor into the treasury the sem of $40.OoO as evidenced by reoeipt herewith- carried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. Ji uw.:c �:. .. a. t sle.- x. .-..........0 +r:.u�...'n:.n cy.:rsNc,�•:,a.,-+s:, % f;A:.d •C'ti � �:+;- Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Juna ad John Hessian On motion of Member Wooldridge, the oommmniontion from Patrolman John Heseleai " I' :and L. A. Graham was received and filed. and Mr. Hessian allowed hie salary;for.9} ! days in April that he was off duty on account of an injury sustainedwhile.I the I performance of his duty as a polioe.offiosr, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.' '' Day Captain On motion of the above; that until further orders of this Board, that the Da r charge of ". Police Dept.. Captain of Polios; Henry Bailey, have charge and control of the Police Dept. under the ..Oom'r of Safety, at a.salary of $116 per month; effective J1use let, 1918- oarried upon: call of the roll by 6 yeas. ! Resolution On motion of Mayor Borne, a`Resolution with reopoot to the. building of the Pad. " in. rs. . ^ P. I. '�'• b Ill. R. R. Co. terminals in ,this oity, urging.eaoh.of the interested aarriere'ths + 4•; Serminalsi- necessityof'be inns work at an earl date, and le g ng y p Aging She support. and co-operation _ n of.the Board in any manner that same can he need profitably- was adopted upon call of. the roll by.B yeas. Oa motion of the above; AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE NASIIVILLB, CEATTANOOGA A ST. -spur tr6ok• !: LOUIS RAILWAY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT A.SPUR TRAO11 ACROSS SOUTH NINTH STREET IN .THE I ; CITY OP PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, was given its paseege upon call of the roll by B yeas. Settlement '. On motion of Member. Haselip. that $60 per month beginning June let, 1918 and Hopes' ending Deoember 31et, be paid from the Charity fund to the Settlement House charity- Mayor Burns offered the"following'motion.by way:"of gm6ndments That -the re4uset for donativn•to'the- Womane.Club for the`Settl.ement House be referred to the Com'r'of. p' Pin'nO,"for report -ami to the fund, if. any, out of which a donation can be made-. said amendment lossupon dell of the roll Dy the following .votes ^n Yeee, Burns and. 8. iS ' Nay; Gardner, Haselip, and Wooldridge, 3. Upon call of the roll the original motion as Wired by Member Hasslip.oarried by the following votes Yeas, Gardner, Haselip, and Wooldridge,•.3. Hay, Burns and Tolly. S. + Momber Haselip was.ezousod from the meeting. . Oity Coal On motion of Member Wooldridge; that the 0om1r.of Safety be authorised to -rent d• a coal yard and purchase coal and get same in operation by the time the eide.traok is pat down on the I. 0. R. R. near Olay; ry..;,where the City of,Paduoah has .an option on . �t a coal mins- oarriea upoa.call of the roll by .the.followi� votes. Yeas.Borns, tlardner.. ` Tully,.and Wooldridge- 4.' i On motion the Board adjourned upoa.oall of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burney Gardner, Tally; and Wooldridge 4. . Ade led L- / ' C 191„ i �•'�:PROVS7D r. —w�� 'I ncATpR I Ji uw.:c �:. .. a. t sle.- x. .-..........0 +r:.u�...'n:.n cy.:rsNc,�•:,a.,-+s:, % f;A:.d •C'ti � �:+;-