HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 361, May 20, 1918�N 'II\ �„!.,��,,.�...y •f} `r .��:w`yx' ' A� "I':: 4, '�1} i .1C`���Cl�'���^F .,: ;[-�j�._.' �S4ti�•W'\rF^� �fe.n4 J ..':4.�� f"{i�'y �Y�Y''� V v�%'K�ii.�a,r ;n . • ' _ •_ . fere-"`i?�;(^ ?i .'-.;�`ni�Zlp•.'nf..-^rr.+'" r'. , r No. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah_ may i R 191 ` Ply traps [ On motion of Mayor Barns, the Com'r of Safety was instructed to immediately f .. } employ a man t6`dietribute the fly traps, bait some and keep them 1n. service, upon n call of the roll by the following votet Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge-.4.. On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by the following votes. Yeas, Burne, Gardner,. golly, and Wooldridge- 4. � '� � ', • AFP ., ,• a+ r + itAVM r 4 _ . �..• May .�o. 191e. . . .. . At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomre Chamber of { y. -. 4 the City Hall 1 Paducah, Ky., on May 80, 1918, Upon call of the roll the following b answered their names$ Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- B. Member Gardner IDafle the following motion$ That the resolution passed by the Paducah ' Traction ? Board of Oomrs on May 13, 1918, in regard to the ordinance increasing the street oar. ' Coy.: $ faros, be rdooneidered by this Board, as the wording of said resolution did not ezpreee the understanding of this Board and the members were misled by the wording thereof, ant ' -- that the vote thereon be reconsidered- Member Tally.moved that notion on motion of Member Gardner to reoonsider.the street oar Street Oar '. Franchise., franoldse resolution be postponed. until Mayilet at two o'clock P. M.' - carried upon call • of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge, 4. Bar Car.^foree: Member Gardner offered a Resolution amending section 6 of the Resolution of May 13, ':_• F in regard to increasing the street oar,fares- same was seoonded and ordered entered on .r +. f'the minutee. Mayor Burne offered a motion that action on the resolution of Member Gardner amending "Resolution* and reoonaidering the resolution respecting the street oar. ordinance, protests, and with-..' street oar i �.drawals thereto, be postponed for notion until May 21,'1918 at two P. M.- same carried upon " 'franchise. " uu 7 doll of the roll by the following. Yeas, .F" r vote: Burne, Gardner, and �7ooldridgo-'3. Hny.,. •.' i- ` Haselip and Tully- 8. .. . i 1Sayor Burns offered the folloadng motion: that'the minutes of May 13th be approved exoept in so for as they show notion taken on the Resolution affecting the Paducah Traotion ` r,Co. franchise potition and withdrawals to said petition all of which is not approved and :}`: \ •: . is left open subject to motion to r000nsider said resolution, and subject further.to' resolution to regain& and amend said original resolution May 13, 1918- passed on carried ' upon call of the roll by.'6 yeas. Member Gardner moved that the minutes of. May 16, 1918 be 'adopted ae read, carried upon call of the roil by yeas. .6 Member Harelip move& that the rales re 3 da qu iring days G of copies of ordinaaoes and reeolutions before meeting be temporarily suspended, said motion carried .upon call of.- f. the roll by the'roll:by 6 yeoa. Member:-Ui;ellf•o'fiered for passage AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ENTITLED "AN .ORDINANCE Ordinance : ORDINAVQB•GOVERN ING.•.AND RBOVLATING BURIALS. AND THE DISINTERMENTS AND RE-INTERL'ENT OB BODIES'. amending 'Oak '' ', :". .«r.-. ;:,Grove Cemetery IN OAK GROVE CEMETERY, AND ADDITION.OR ADDITIONS THERETO,': AND ➢IlIN0.THE O1iARGE9.CR PRIOR ordinance: FOR SAME,-.APPROVID OCTOBER 23,.1909-, uFon call of the roll said ordinanoe was a&opted;by 6 yeas. T � � 9 i ..w• -r4. Ju'.� .t•L•-tir.+.t�—.r..,-+ .u.1:..LL _i'.:.�... t_-wv. _ � _-�I .'y;'�iF.�1,.�.tH:w.eo•.!,,..r.,y�•c�.:r�a...»e•s+;-; et'u':v!+•�r>r �' . I No.q L Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah *two Both lg,� ` M Member Haselip offered for passage An ORDINAHOE AMENDING AN ORDIIiANOE BUTITLED, {` Weights tb I RAN ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOIUTMEtIR OF AN OFFICER TO BE KNOMI AS IHSPEOTOR OF Measures Ord, r' amendment. ry VIEIGHTS, MEASURES AND BALANCES, An DOd CATCHER, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUOICY; AND Ii DEFINING HIS DUTIES AND'SALARY, PASSED BY. THE HOARD OP OOhuniSIOlms NOYEIa= 26, 1916 upon call of the roll said ordinance wae.adopted by the following voter Use, Burna, Gardner, Hazalip, Tully, and Wooldridge. 6, Market Master Member Haselip moved that.the Market Master be required to weer the regulation ° uniform.,blue uniform while on duty- 8814 motiou'oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yea$. ! Member Tully moved that the accounts and salaries amounting to 06269074 be allowa4 and a'derad paid, and that .the report of oom'r of Finance of said acoounte oto, be received and filed- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas, Member Tully moved that the payment of the Street Department pay roll for the wk ' ending May.16th, amounting to 0183,86, be approved- said motion carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Sinking Fund Member Tully moved that the report of Oom'r of Finance regarding deposit credit deposit. of $600, interest on Liberty Bonds purchased from'the Sinking Fund, be received and ' filed- said motion carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .i Robt, Mitchell Member Tully moved that, the bill of Robt. Mitchell Ooal Co. for a wagon destroyed Coal Co. by fire in the Hardy Buggy Co. fire, in the amount of x'66, be referred to the Oom'r of ^ Safety for investigation- said motion oarried upon call of the roll by 6 yoae. 1, Member Tully moved that the Com'r of Safety be,instruoted to move the men and j Move men 6 j Equipment from equipment now at Fire Station #4 to Fire Station #3= Fire Station 14 jl Mayor Burne offered the.following amendment to the motion to move the men and Lo Sta.8' equipment from #4 Fire Station to #3 buildings that the matter be referred to the 44- Fire Marshal for his advioes after he has conferred with the Dureau of Underwriters, L' and that action on the, original motion be postponed until advloee from the Fire Marshal are received- same lost upon call of the roll by the following veto;. Yeas, ]. `i Burne and Wooldridge, 2. Hay, Gardner, Hazelip, and Tully- 3. Y' Sts. 44 to jr� The original motion offered by Member Tully to move the men and equipment from. {j Sta,.•,p. I( Fire Station #4 to #3 lost upon call of the roll by the following votes. .Yeas, Hazelipl, II and Tullyr 2. Hay. Burne, Gardner, and.Ylooldridge- 3. ,. Elwood Noei I Mayor Durno offered the following motions That Elwood Neel be granted police ?a police powers. power as special watchman for the Peoples Warehouse, provided he execute the usual bond, and further provided he serve without pay.from tho City- carried upon, call of j the roll by 6 yeas. c Extend time to, Mayor Burne offered the following motion; that the City Solicitor be instructed q P. I. H. R, to prepare an ordinance or resolution extending the time for the P. du I. R. R. Co. to ''.',•" i construct freight and passenger depots in the pity of Paducah, as par the written request of said Paducah h Illinois Railroad Oo. by Whoeler & Hughes, Attorneys- carried, - upon call of the roll by 6 yeae.'. t' On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by the following votat Yeae, Burne, Gardner, haselip, Tully, and.Wooldridde- 6. 1 'i