HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 354, April 23, 1918I •. (.--s-�x� ��..,r ^� ���� 1 tF Yer.h >� ;�. ^,t- txol,': rte .r t t Y ,i v ,. �., �r ••, ,.'r; � :". *y _ . . 1 a'7 7 { Commissioner's Proceedings, C, of Paducah i1pru ane ' 191: I 'r 'At a spacial meeting of the Board of oommissian*rs.hold in the Comrs' Chamber of the City Hall. Paducah. Bsatuo • ky. at ions o'clock P. M.. on April 88,191B,I'• upon oall of the roll the following answered their names, Burns, Gardner.. Really. Tully and Wooldridge -.a. On motion of Mayor Bum. the rules requiring that copied of ordinaacee.. I eta. be served on the members of the Board three days prior to meeting, were ms- peadod Upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Reeolution for I: storm Wates lzember Gardner offered the following motions That the Resolution providing Bower 8 • Jones: for .and instructing and authorising.tbe Com1r of Works to oonetrcot storm rater sewer toJackson. to I Rivand intakes from 8th • Jones. down 8th to Jaoksca 8t.. thence down Jookson to the Ilj f, River. and providing that the coat thereof be paid for from the Speoinl Sewer Fund, i t be introduced and ley over one week befbre passage- 1 �. Member Haselip offered the following amendments That Section a of said Resolution be amended D striking ng ' ...' , I y lug out all of acid section end substituting taeretost.��I:.•':' �E •That the oast of oonstrnQtloa of. said ewer De Feld for by the y r; propert benefited ' by said e*wer.• same lost npoa Gall of the roll by the following votes. Yeas. j' I Raselip end Tully- E. Bay. .Burns. Gardner end Wooldridge- S. . . 1pp1 The original motion. 0a offered by Member Gardner carried upon call of the X. roll by the. following votes Yeae Barns I . Gardner 6 Wooldridge- S. guy. Raselip IIII ;€ f! and Tully- E. Wise Station %S li On motion of Mayor Hume, that Fire Station jH be not discontinued before Baturdgy.•pending the investigation and report. of the Board of Underwriters, ' carried upon Gall of the roll by .the following vote: Yeas. Burne. Gardner and PP Wooldridge- S. goy„ Haselip and Tully- E. Qn' motion the Board adjourned,. upon Gall of the roll by the following ii vote: Yeae. Burns. Gardner, Hasollp. Tully and Wooldridge- 6. �� .` � S1e*1e0 11111 ,�PP"1tiU� li7D ;i APRIL 29, 1818. i At a regular m, eating of the Board of Oosmaiesioners.hold in the Oomre' Chamber ofl the 0lLy Bali, Paducah, Ky., on April E9, 18180 upon call of the roll the following. answered their name: Burne, Gardner. Haselip, Tully m Wooldridge- B. g I On motion of Member Gardner. the minutee•of,the meetings of April 8Bd and BSd were adopted as read upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member. Tull ''�� `• y, payment of the 9treeL Dept, pay roll for the week. J ondigg April 87, amounting to 90188.08. was approved upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Wooldridge a communication of.L ; A. OrahChief of Polios Idlers • t • am L . loafers., in regard to the regulation of idlers and loafers in Paducah. was reoeiv.ed an• filed, '= r' • ,;.and the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in an ordinance regulating idlers in • i' Paducah as per the request of the Chief of Polio*- upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas. ' On motion of Member Gardner. that Oom'r Wooldridge go to•Clay, Ky* and further Coal mine proposition, investigate the cost of a coal mine to be purchased or leased by the city. vend also �r the cost of cool to be furnished the City by any mine owner or operator- carried upon { , oali of the. roll by.6 yoao. f Nat'l Burety Oo•' On motion of Mayor Burne. the National Surety Co. was released from further. I r releaeed oa bonds t Oliver Jones • liability on the bonds of Oliver Jones and Prank Choate, upon call of the roil by 6 ysss.,,, Prank Choate.. 'I I. .. L7 •..:'"^..�. -. - a .. i _ ..,. .�. ..g7PS'Lla�?i�SSPI^+cCJS:'.