HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 346, April 1, 1918:1 r. rM Y". ,t .,rim r I •- a A� +/ < �. '` 4 ��tt i�•� jT,-'a'�x!'.•.lA,^ye!r+.j;.• '�!rw,i ^7?yn ;-ry,� f Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Iola ASpted a�1?2?,C3 h Yom y jj bt u e eoial meati P ngof the Board of Gammlasionere, held in the ComrO' Chiba j I of the City hull, Puduouh, 2 Ky., on 1laroh �0, 1918, upon Gull of the roll the j. f011oatlag answerod their..namoa; burns. Gurdner and Tully- 3, MMI APRIL let. 1918. Nat'l Surety Co: el released d ea from On motion of Mayor Burns, the butlonal.Suraty Co. Rue role e n ed from h the b Gad bond of Oliver 1' of Oliver Jones, upon mall of the roll by 3 yeas: Jones. of the City Ball, Paduoah, Ky.; on April 1, 1918, upon oull of the roll the -.follow-.) Bond of S. W. On motion of the above, the butional Surety Co. was' rolossed from 'the. bond of Ing answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Haaelip. Tully eud Wooldridge, 6. Stewart re-_' ! leased., B. W. Stewart us epeoiul patrolman for the ll. C. & St, L. R. R., he havirE left 1 the aerviae of that oompany, upon oall of the roll by 3 yeas. '1 Bqulpment �l li.,o On motion of the uUoVa. that the oP.grogate bill of 0240.60, forequipment f Milk Depot. h Milk Depot ikl, be allopod- the.property to remain. that of the City of Paduoah, and and of a epeolal meeting held on !torah 20th, 1910 were adopted as read upon Doll of 'I that oheoke be druwa for the rear.eotiveitems making up the total Omount- married 1 upon Gall of the roll by 3 youe. ' II On motion the Bourd udjourned upon Gull of the roll by t1* following voter i Yeua, Burns, Gardner and Tully- 3. k On motion of Member Gardner, that Thomas' Bailey, janitor.' b allowed five dollar! ' —• / 191.E ASpted a�1?2?,C3 h Yom y MMI APRIL let. 1918. J. I I;. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomrs'.Chambar ,. F of the City Ball, Paduoah, Ky.; on April 1, 1918, upon oull of the roll the -.follow-.) Ing answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Haaelip. Tully eud Wooldridge, 6. i. �. On motion of Member Gardner,the minutes of a re&ular meeting held on Maroh • and of a epeolal meeting held on !torah 20th, 1910 were adopted as read upon Doll of 'I �I! . the roll. by b yeae. Tom Balls yy $6. k On motion of Member Gardner, that Thomas' Bailey, janitor.' b allowed five dollar! ' allowed Astra+ per month.. per month extra. to pay for extra help required to keep the firet..floor of the City (-'1. r Rall Olean, oarried upon Gall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Baine, •'• Gardner k Wooldridge, 3. Hays, Hazelip and Tully, 2. ✓,l..,'• like Aokesman 4 . On motion of Mayor Burne, that Ike Aokernan be given 010 iaorease per month and salary inoreased;' . that the City 9olioitor be requested to bring Sri an amendment to the Retention ordi. nanos to that effeot-.oarried upon oall of the roll by the following trete; Yens, !' a Burne, 0ardner k Wooldridge, 3. Buys, Haaelip and Tully, 2,.. Jae.. Y On motion of Member Hazelip, the iiayor was lnstruoted to sign oontraot with oontraot. Jas., P. Allen for rent of Jookson Bill farm, whiah aontraot has been drawn up by. N the olty eolioitor, upon Gell of the roll'by 6 yene. Cemetery frena -for On motion of the above. the Hoard rarity transfer of east of lot 1731n I WalkerltoB.d a Dlook H in t7ak Grove Cemete sgnolie.St., from J. H Svit ry, on the south aide of L' ts,l Mitohell. . 1 Mamie Svitte Walker and husband C. L. Walker to Silas Mitohell, and that the alert be instruoted to make the proper transfer in the oemetery.deed book, oarried upon !' Gall of the roll by.5 yens. On motion of Member Tull the Tully. payment of the pry roll for the Street Dept. fes, the week ending liar. 30,.1918, amounting to $174.61, was approved upon gall of the roll by 6 yens. A. H. Setts h On motion of the above, the oomplaint of A. L. Seits as 't - o the oondition of the oomDlaint. alley in the .rear of his residenoe at 1036 Monroe street, was referred to the Com'r yof Works for attention, upon'oall of the roll by 6 yeas. Cemetery deed t0 W. W. h Chas. on motion of the above, that deed be exeouted to Wheeler W. and Chas. Houser to r ^J Bonsor. r Lot 7 in Blook 43. in Oak Grove Cemetery, the sum of $100 having been; paid therefor ' '! .T•',f' . 3'7;.-.�7.; JL'�•_'Ck? _'.n�.dLi7XR".%�3.'F.••.-• y! -per• i 'TL 4'•n•t4, "(.• J.., ,i ..- , r, . R+.. .`�"q • oie�^".[ `,`r•,', Al "�?' v r' `^j2'q t ' It ;-g��',q. �. p .-wf- T. .�: _ �''• . _ 1. .7 ri ►.i a . . = .. = r,. M{..,�•:'-rh r. k :.r ,i; .r r,!'• ';d.. V - h - r ! Yf YJ ( (••trk No..ig7 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April let.191AL as evidenced by the receipts herewith, Garr led upon oall.of the roll. by 6 yeas• j Cbsts in.re !; On motion of Mayor Burne, that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to -pay the 9prngQe ve ooet bill of 36.90 in the case of.Spraggs ve Irooney, oerried upon call of .thA roll by'' Mooney. . w --the following vote:. Yeas; .Burne, Gardner &•Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Haselip b Tully --2. Bond of ; on motion of Member.Wooldridge, that the bond of Walter.Oarpenter be released Wal..y ter Car- penter and his surety discharged from further. liability- carried upon cell of the roll by •: • - released.+. 6 vase. t ' r.r'ti On motion of Mayor Burns, that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring in aa'; •. i, ­i Humans offioer.•: ordinance defining and prpsoribing the duties and oreating.the office of Humane Officer, and that the. city Most b Milk Inspector be required to perform the duties of said j !, office- carried upon call of the roll by 6 gena. R On motion of the above, the rule requiring copies of ordinances, eta. to be ,furnished the commissioners three days before meeting, rue temporarily suspended upoai, ` call of the roll by 6 yeas. i On motion of Member Wooldridpe, AN ORDINANCE. TU AMEND AN ORDINANCE FZTITLED "AN` : Ord. to ORDINANCE PROVIDING POR 'AIR SALE OF A FRANCHISE AND PRIVILEGE FUR .TER PURPOSE. OF ;. sme nd: Traction ERECTING, OPERATING AND MAINTAINING AN ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY OVER CERTAIN STREETS IN Ordinance. THB CITY OF'PADUCAH, MUTUCKY, APPROVED SY.JAMES P. SUITH, MAYOR, ON THE 10th DAY OF i' MARCH 1911" was introduced. and laid over one week before being taken up for passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip, ^Tully b Wooldridge-; 4. Hay, Oardne'r, 1. j .3600 allowed` On motion of Member Haselip, that•the sum of 3600 be allowed the Board of Trade iBoard . Trade.cf for advertising Paduoah, said eum to be deducted from any sum hereafter appropriated to said Board carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. .Complaint On motion of Mayor Burne, that the petition of aiti,sene protesting against the lcow."• condition of a bow lot belo lotof H.F. referred to H. F. Magee, 141 Clements street, be refd to the , lot of ,.. Magee.,. city Most 1tt Milk Inspector, to suppress any nuisance that may exist- carried upon. oell; . ,j of the roll by 6 yeas. +: On motion .the Board adjourned upon call of. the roll P by the following votes � Yeas, Burne, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridpe- 6. i .Adopted 191 i:P.P.rs,0V$)ID cos. w+'� ildB.Y�DTt: GALLED 1.IESTIIIG nPR II. 4. 1915. : At a called meeting of the Hoard of Oommieeionere held.in the Cows.Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky.,on-April 4; 1918, upon call of the roll the following answered their names: Burne. Gardner, 11aaellp,Tully and Wooldridge- 6. On .motion of Momber Tully, the report of Oom'r of Finance of accounts and ialariee' for Maroh, amounting to 316,704.19, was received and filed; and said accounts. eta. allowed and ordered paid, upon Gall of.the roll by 6 yeae. - t. On motion of the above, the Repo..rt of Cam, r. of Finance of Collections and Disburse- tl ' aients for Maroh 1918 was received and filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Market House On motion of Member Haselip, the Market Master'waa instructed to close the. Market Houss bg close But. V [' �-, P. M.,- on Saturday, April 6th, from one to four o'clock P. M.; on a000unt ofthe Liberty Loan ' LIBERTY LOAN ; Parade. Parade- upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ;d On motion the Board adjourned .upon call of the.roll by the following voter Yeaa;' f .?: Burne, Oard�n�er;�'Haselip, 'Tully. & Wooldridge.. 6.ad I F z- i